Branded for You (6 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Branded for You
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“Damn.” Ryan glanced at Megan as he started to pull the truck to the side of the road. “I think the truck has a flat. Must have picked up a nail.”

When the truck was on the shoulder, he parked then hopped out to check the tire before he returned. “Yep,” he said. “It’s flat all right. Shouldn’t take too long to change it.”

She started to climb out and then he was there and helped her down onto the shoulder that had a bit of a drop off a couple of feet from the truck. He took off his hat and started to unbutton his shirt. She watched as he removed it and found herself disappointed that he was wearing a T-shirt beneath it. She’d been hoping for some fine naked male torso.

The flat was on the driver’s side and as she watched he removed the spare from beneath the vehicle. Black smudged his T-shirt as he brought out the tire. He grabbed a jack and tire iron out of the truck before popping off the hubcap and removing the lug nuts with the tire iron.

She eased down beside him. “Anything I can do?”

“I’ve got it.” He met her gaze. “You can just sit there looking pretty.”

A burst of heat went through her as he looked at her and then he returned to changing the tire.

When he finished, he stood and wiped down his hands with a rag he’d taken out of one of the truck’s toolboxes.

She looked up at the zillions of stars overhead. “Nice night for a flat.”

He tossed the rag into the toolbox. “It gave me more alone time with you.” He moved closer to her and when her gaze met his, he brushed her cheek with his thumb. “I don’t know how you ended up with a smudge, but you have one right there,” he murmured. “You’re even more beautiful with a little mess.”

Her lips parted as she looked into his eyes while he lowered his head and his mouth met hers. She gave a soft moan as his kiss deepened and she grasped his biceps, holding on as if she might fall. His kiss made her knees feel weak as he settled his hands on her hips.

She felt as if everything was starting to spiral out of control as their kisses grew hungrier, needier.

And then he was pulling away from her. She looked into his eyes, which glittered in the darkness.

“We’d better get to the dance,” he murmured as he gently stroked a loose strand of hair from her face. “I have to admit there are other places I’d like to take you to right now rather than dancing where I might have to share you with someone else.”

She felt herself blush and was glad for the darkness. She tried to speak lightly as she said, “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.”

“I don’t intend to let anyone cut in,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re mine for the night.”


Chapter 7

Megan and Ryan walked toward the building where the county fair’s dance was being held. The carnival rose up behind the fair buildings and lit up the darkness with its colorful blinking lights. Country-western music floated through the night.

She liked the feel of his big hand around hers, strong and callused. He smiled down at her and squeezed her hand.

They rounded a corner and stepped into the glow outside the large building’s front doors. Light spilled out of the opening onto the ground and over couples standing outside and talking. The music was loud and energetic and through the doors Megan could see dancers two-stepping to a song the band was playing.

Ryan was greeted as soon as they walked out of the shadows and he introduced her to people he knew.

The women wore tight cowgirl jeans and two of them wore western hats. Megan found herself feeling a little self-conscious with so many slender women around her. Here she was with her full curves and an incredibly good-looking man who seemed to be well known and popular wherever he went.

The two men Megan met were polite and friendly and shook her hand. One of the women Ryan knew was just as friendly but another was more reserved.

A third woman, who wore a tight little skirt, a skimpy top, and had long blonde-streaked hair, went up to Ryan, ignoring Megan. “Hi, Ryan,” she said with a flirtatious smile.

“Hi, Marnie.” Ryan said, and Megan wondered if Marnie was the same woman Ron and Dave were fighting over. One of them had said her name. Ryan started to say something else, but Marnie went on.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten together.” Marnie glanced at Megan and looked her up and down with a look that said “What are you doing with her?” Out loud, Marnie said, “Is this one of your cousins?”

“This is my date, Megan Wilder.” Ryan rested his hand at Megan’s waist and he looked at her as he nodded toward the other woman. “Megan, this is Marnie Timmons.”

“One of Ryan’s old girlfriends,” Marnie said to Megan before turning back to Ryan. “Why don’t we get together sometime?”

Megan’s face heated. It was clear the woman was doing this to make Megan feel insecure.

“I’m kind of busy. I’ll see you around, Marnie,” he said politely before turning toward the dancehall’s doors with his hand still at Megan’s waist.

Megan swore she could feel Marnie’s eyes boring into her back as they walked away.

Ryan leaned down and spoke close to Megan’s ear. “I dated Marnie a couple of times in high school. She was never actually my girlfriend.”

Just as they moved toward the entrance, another couple greeted them. It was the police officer who’d stopped her before and he was with a pretty, petite woman.

“Megan, I believe you’ve met my cousin, Officer John McBride,” Ryan said. “This is his girlfriend, Sheri.” He turned to the couple. “John, Sheri, this is Megan Wilder.”

John extended his hand. “I stopped you outside of Prescott, Ms. Wilder. You have something of a lead foot.”

“Call me Megan.” She smiled at Ryan’s cousin. “I’m working on being a totally law abiding citizen in your city.”

He laughed. “I’ve got my eye on you.”

Megan took Sheri’s hand and the petite woman smiled. “Nice to meet you,” Sheri said and Megan responded in kind.

“We’ll see you inside,” Ryan said.

Ryan and Megan walked into the dancehall that was decorated with red, white, and blue streamers, banners, and balloons. Tables to the left of the dance area were loaded with two large rectangular cakes and big bowls of punch. People stood on the outskirts of the dance floor and talked while couples two-stepped to a fast paced song.

“Would you like a little punch?” Ryan asked over the music.

“Sure.” Megan smiled as he took her hand and they walked to a table with two clear punchbowls filled with the red drink.

He ladled punch into a couple of paper cups and handed one to her. “Ready for a piece of cake?”

Megan took the punch and shook her head. “Maybe later.” They moved from the table and Ryan guided her away from the crowd. After she took a drink of punch she met his gaze. “I have to make a confession.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Shoot.”

“I can’t dance worth beans.” She gave a nod toward the dance floor. “I’m afraid my feet will get tangled with yours if I try that.”

“You can step on my boots all you want,” he said with a grin as a new tune started up. “If you’re finished with your punch we can start your lesson now.”

“You asked for it,” she said as he took her empty paper cup and tossed it along with his into the closest trashcan.

A fluttery feeling went through her belly as they moved out onto the dance floor. He started by showing her how to dance a country waltz to the slower paced song that was playing.

She followed his lead and managed to step on his boots only a few times before she got into the dance. She found herself laughing as he spun her around and brought her back to him. A fast-paced tune started up and the next thing she knew he was showing her how to two-step. She caught on faster than she’d expected.

Like Ryan had predicted, two men tried to cut in but he refused to let go of her.

By the time they’d danced to four songs, she was out of breath. She was about to tell Ryan she was ready for a break when the band started playing a slow song.

Ryan drew her into his arms, his warm body close to hers. “You’re a fast learner,” he said as he smiled down at her.

She shook her head and laughed. “You’re being kind.”

“I’m serious.” He moved her around the dance floor. “You only stepped on my boots a couple dozen times.”

With a grin she said, “Are you sure that was all?”

“Do you drive as fast as you learn to dance?” he said in a teasing tone.

Her lips twisted with amusement. “I must say, I don’t move as fast as you.”

“Oh, so you think I’ve been speeding with you,” he said.

“You might have been speeding,” she said, “but there’s something about a nice exterior, pretty blue headlights and a nice rear end, moving fast.”

He burst out laughing. “So you think I have a nice bumper?”

“No doubt about it.” She was surprised at how easy it was to joke around with him.

He swung her around, catching her off guard and causing her to clutch his shoulders. She giggled as he brought her into his arms again as the song came to an end.

With a grin he said, “If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re encouraging me to move faster.”

She managed to hold back another laugh. “Well, let’s just say I would not give you a citation for that.”

A country line dance started almost immediately, the floor filling with dancers.

“Let’s skip the line dance,” she said and they moved away from the dance floor.

“Fine by me.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “Never could get into it.”

As they walked away from the dancers, they bumped into more people Ryan knew. He introduced Megan and they chatted for a few moments before moving on.

Just as they moved away from a couple, they stopped in front of a man who was standing and watching the dance floor with his shoulder hitched up against a wall.

Ryan introduced the man as his brother, Tate, and Megan shook hands with him. Tate was tall like Ryan, but had green eyes and harder features. He was friendly with a sexy little smile but seemed to be a little more reserved than Ryan.

“Megan is new to Prescott,” Ryan said as Tate released Megan’s hand.

“Did you move here permanently?” Tate asked in a low drawl. His eyes showed that he was genuinely interested.

She nodded. “That’s the plan.”

“What do you do?” he asked.

“I’m a graphic designer. Everything from websites, to brochures, to advertisements,” she said.

He looked interested. “Might need your number. It’s about time I set up a website for my business.”

She smiled. “I’d love to talk with you whenever you decide you’re ready.”

“I have Megan’s number,” Ryan said. “I’ll get it to you.”

When they finished talking with Tate, Ryan said, “Let’s get out of here.” He put his hand at the base of her spine and guided her toward the back of the room. He opened a door and they stepped into the near darkness not lit up by the dancehall lights. Perspiration at her nape and on the rest of her exposed skin cooled in the night air.

“All that dancing makes for a great workout,” she said as he closed the door behind them and they moved away from it.

He rested his hands at her waist, just above the flare of her hips as his gaze met hers. Heat spread from where he touched her, moving up to her breasts and down to her thighs.

She bit the inside of her lip as a rush of emotion traveled through her. What was she doing? She shouldn’t let someone in like this, not this fast. She barely knew him but she felt something about him take hold of her heart. It was crazy and far too soon.

He lowered his head, bringing his mouth toward hers. Her heart pounded faster and her breath caught in her throat. His breath was warm on her lips a moment before he kissed her.

His kiss turned from gentle to passionate, all fire and need.

Without truly being conscious of what she was doing, she slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The kiss was deeper than the one last night and when he drew away she found herself breathing heavier again, as if she’d just finished another dance.

His look was intense, almost serious, as he brushed his knuckles along her cheekbone. “Is it too soon to ask if you’d like to go camping with me next weekend?”

Her lips parted in surprise. “Alone?”

“I promise to be a gentleman.” He moved his hands to her waist again. “Two sleeping bags and two tents.”

“That’s no fun,” she said with a flirty smile. “Besides, I am afraid of being alone in the dark. And bears. I’m definitely afraid of bears.”

He laughed. “I actually have a bear-proof camper trailer that we can take. Separate bunks even.”

“Bear-proof, huh?” She tilted her head to the side as she considered it. Why not? She was certain she’d have a good time with Ryan.

“Okay,” she said. “It sounds like fun.”

“I’d like to see you this week,” he said, “But I have to go out of town until next Thursday night. How about I pick you up early Friday morning? Can you take off a Friday?”

Mild disappointment slid through her veins that she wouldn’t see him until the following Friday while at the same time excitement over the camping trip made her smile. “My schedule is my own. I can meet you at your ranch and if it’s okay with you, I can leave my car there until we get back.”

“That works.” He took both her hands in his. “Are you ready to head back inside?”

She nodded. “I could use another cup of punch.”

“You’ve got it.” He escorted her back into the building and they slipped into the crowd.

He kept his hand at her waist. It seemed a bit possessive like he wanted everyone to know she was with him. She liked that thought, that he wanted her to belong with him.

As he got them more punch, along with pieces of cake, she wondered at her thoughts. She’d known the man for two days but her heart seemed to be racing right along, speeding the same way she liked to drive.

She watched him as he ladled punch into cups. Was she crazy for going camping with him so soon after meeting him? Mentally, she shrugged. It would be a great opportunity to get to know him better and she had no doubt that he’d be a lot of fun to spend a weekend with.

And deep inside she trusted him. Something told her that he wouldn’t pressure her for more than she was willing to give.

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