Read Brad (Threefold #2) Online

Authors: Sotia Lazu

Brad (Threefold #2)

BOOK: Brad (Threefold #2)
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Sotia Lazu


This book is a work of fiction.


While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2015 by Sotia Lazu

All Rights Reserved


Cover Artist: Sotia Lazu

Editor: Graham R. Rooles


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


Manufactured in the United States of America

Acelette Press

Chapter One


“He wasn’t better than me?” Brad trailed his fingers along Becca’s thigh. He’d managed not to ask for almost the entire Saturday, but he had to know.

She propped herself up, and looked down at him with a sly smile. “Best post-coital line ever. Were you thinking of Colin the whole time?”

Brad enjoyed the weight of her breasts pressing into his chest. He tangled his fingers in her wild hair, and pulled her to him for a deep kiss he hoped conveyed how mind blowing sex with her was. “I can’t think of anything when I’m inside you. You know that.” He bucked his hips, to stress his point.

“Good.” She nuzzled his neck.

A few seconds ticked by, before he asked, “So, was he?”

Becca cracked up. “I knew you wouldn’t let it go.” She rolled to the side, but kept touching him, drawing circles on his skin, playing with the line of hair beneath his navel.

If he weren’t completely drained, he’d go for another round. “That’s not an answer.”

“Do you want an answer?”

He turned to face her. “I do. I want to know what he did better, so I can top him next time.” Becca arched an eyebrow, and he grinned. She always made him smile or grin or laugh. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“Okay, if it’s to get me even better sex. He was different. Seemed more sure of himself, and at the same time his touch was less confident. It was…different.”

“I can be different.” He cupped one of her breasts and grazed the nipple with the pad of his thumb.

“You don’t have to. You’re you, and Colin’s not. I like sex with both of you, which I thought was the point of what we asked him to do. Am I wrong?” Her tone had lost the playfulness it conveyed till now, and she studied him intensely. A vertical line creased her forehead. Was she worried or upset?

Brad caught her gaze and held it, while he sought the answer to her question. Yes, the point was for her to have sex she’d love with two different men. It was her fantasy he wanted to fulfill. Because it was all supposed to be about her. Not about Brad’s need to get closer to Colin, by sharing the woman he loved with him.

And how long would Brad be able to sit on that last bit of information? The words had jumped to his lips all the more often since he watched her with Colin, but he wanted saying them to be special.

“You’re not wrong.” He tucked a strand of Becca’s curly hair behind her ear. He loved her hair. Loved how she used it to caress his stomach when she went down on him. Loved tugging on it, as he took her against the window, for the world to see that she was his and his alone.

How could he be so possessive of her, yet ache to share her as much as she wanted to be shared—if not more? “I want to give you your wish for your birthday,” he said, and felt like a dirty liar.

Her expression remained serious. “I don’t want you to do this for me, if you’re not a thousand percent on board. Yes, Colin is gorgeous…” Brad narrowed his eyes, and she glared. “You know he’s stunning. You can see it. The man is an Adonis. That face belongs on the cover of a magazine, and his body—”

“Enough with singing his praise. Make your point, please.”

“My point is he’s not my boyfriend. You are. He is really good in bed, or on the floor, but if you’re not okay with it, he doesn’t have to join us. Not on my birthday, not ever.”

Brad nodded, trying to ignore the disappointment in her tone. She liked Colin more than she let on. Wanted to be with him again. But she wouldn’t, if Brad didn’t want her to.

He already offered Colin an out—gave him the option to pretend his time with Becca never happened. This was Brad’s out, his chance to draw a line between his relationship with Becca and his friendship with Colin, and keep them separate for good. To protect all three of them from the harm Colin warned him about. To keep things as safe as possible.

If he wanted to.

But he didn’t.

Colin fucking Becca had been the most erotic thing Brad had ever seen. He knew how she gave herself to her lover, but he’d never watched Colin open up like this before. The way Colin approached Becca, the way he took her in before he actually took her, had betrayed a vulnerability completely unlike him. It had turned Brad on more than he’d considered possible.

As if that wasn’t weird enough, there was the little matter of jealousy. Brad had expected to be jealous that another man touched Becca, but not also because Becca was lucky enough to feel Colin naked against her. Heck, why would he consider that ‘lucky’? It was so confusing, seeing them writhe together and not knowing whose place he’d rather be in.

“You don’t have to decide right now.”

Had she read his mind? No, wait. They were talking about something.

“Just know that whether we go through with it or not is completely up to you.”

“Okay.” He feathered his fingers over her hipbone, but she batted his hand away.

“No more nookie for tonight. You promised to take me dancing.”

He had, darn it. He’d much rather stay in bed with her than get up and get dressed, only to join the sea of people that thought there was something inherently wrong with spending a Saturday night at home. “Right,” he said hoping she’d catch on to his lack of enthusiasm and let him off the hook.

Becca clucked her tongue. “I don’t do sulky boys.”

“Who’s sulky? I can’t wait for a night of clubbing.” Brad jumped out of bed and rushed to the shower, Becca’s crystalline laugh trailing after him.


* * * *


Brad took another swig of his beer, and pretended to laugh at something the big lug next to him said. Brad couldn’t imagine what Becca’s best friend saw in the guy, but the two had been engaged for a while and seemed happy. Mostly. Big Lug didn’t look all that happy to be there.

Brad couldn’t blame him. He wasn’t into clubs either, but he’d do anything for Becca. Including share her with his best friend.

And he wasn’t going to think of Colin again tonight.

He’d stay in the moment.

This wasn’t so bad.

Sure, the place was packed and smelled of sweat, but Becca was on the dance floor, doing her best to make him forget about his surroundings—and succeeding. She threw her arms around Amanda’s neck, and swished her ass to the rhythm of the music. Brad knew it was for his benefit. He smiled and shook his head. “That girl is driving me crazy.”

Big Lug, also known as Mason, nodded. “I don’t know how you put up with these displays, man. If she were my woman—”

“Well, she’s not.” Brad cut him a glance that shut him up. Yeah, this engagement was a mystery to him. The petite blonde dancing with Becca was a hellion, and her fiancé was dull as a doorknob, as well as apparently stuck in the nineteen-fifties.

“I’m going to get another drink.” Mason hightailed it to the bar, and Brad sighed. The air seemed lighter without Mason’s brooding.

“He’s a breath of fresh air, huh?” A tall brunette clunked her glass against Brad’s bottle, and gave him a beaming smile.

“Yeah…” What was the etiquette here? Was she just making polite chit chat or flirting? Clubs were mating grounds, in his limited experience. Should he straight up tell her he was seeing someone? “I’m—”

“Brad. I know.” Her smile widened, and he noticed her eyes. They looked just like Amanda’s.

“You’re Amanda’s little sister,” he said as much to her as to himself.

I’ve got a name. Alice.” She tipped an imaginary hat.

Relaxed, he returned her smile and held out his free hand. “Nice to meet you, Alice.”

She closed her palm around his, and pulled him close. “You too.” Her cheerful tone never changed, as she added, “You break her heart, and I’ll end you.”

His first instinct was to assure her he wouldn’t, but he wasn’t opening his heart to a stranger. “Good to know.” And Becca had seriously cool friends.

“So how come you’re not there, dancing with our girl?” Alice asked.

“I don’t dance.” He glanced at Becca. She faced his way now, eyes closed, wisps of curly hair plastered to her cheeks. She undulated more than swayed, her every move tugging at his groin. “Actually, do you mind?” he asked.

“Go ahead.” Alice tilted her head toward the dancing crowd.

Brad strode toward Becca, taking in every detail. God, she was beautiful. Her eyes were what had first stolen his heart. She called them hazel, but there were flecks of gold in them that made them shine. Bright eyes. And her smile…those plump lips arching in a teasing curve under a perfect Cupid’s bow sent jolts of desire straight to his cock. As did the way she bunched the hem of her burgundy mini dress in her fists and lifted it above mid thigh. Two inches higher, and he’d see her bare pussy. His mouth watered at the thought.

Amanda smirked and nodded to him. She said something to Becca, who didn’t stop moving, and left toward the bar.

Becca opened her eyes when Brad was a couple of feet away. She sucked her lower lip between her teeth. Her gaze was filled with a hunger matching Brad’s.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, and yanked her to him. Her large breasts flattened against his chest, and he was hard pressed not to wedge his free hand between their bodies, to feel her heat in his palm.

One corner of her lips twitched, and she stood on tiptoe. “Took you long enough,” she whispered in his ear, her lips brushing the lobe.

Thirty-six long years, to be exact. “I’m here now.”

“And what are you going to do?”

Brad moved his hips, so she could feel his erection digging into her belly. “Oh, I have an idea or two.” He wanted to walk her backward to the nearest wall, lift her legs around his waist, and fuck her to the rhythm of the music blasting from the speakers. She’d probably be up for it, but her friends were nearby, and he wasn’t yet at that level of not giving a fuck what people thought.

Still, he was working on building up his courage.

He devoured her mouth as he wanted to devour her cunt, sucking her tongue, and biting her lips. Not breaking the kiss, he drove her further into the dancing crowd, getting bolder as more bodies were added to the pulsating wall hiding them from Amanda, Mason, and Alice. He cupped Becca’s ass, and kneaded the full flesh, sliding her dress higher in the process. The tips of his fingers touched naked skin, and he growled against her mouth. He wanted to feel more of her.

Becca tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled, her other hand a clamp around his bicep.

Screw it—he
was going
to feel more of her. With his thumb, he caressed her under the hem of the dress. Becca shivered. Her nipples grazed his chest. He wanted to pop one in his mouth, but that might be too much. Not that baring her ass in the middle of the dance floor wasn’t, but he hoped nobody noticed that. Except maybe the guy behind her, who winked at him.

Brad nuzzled Becca’s cheek. “We have an audience.”

“Then let’s give them a show.”

Fuck, he loved this woman. He inched his palm between her legs, and brushed his thumb along her slit. She was so wet, he considered going with his first plan anyway, but he doubted they’d make it to the wall, all the way across the room now. He squeezed her ass, and snaked his hand lower again, this time to dip two fingers between her folds.

“More.” Her breath was hot against his chin.

The angle was all wrong. He couldn’t go as deep as he wanted to, unless he turned her with his back to him. But then her pussy would be exposed to everyone, and that was too much for him. One hand still on her ass, he slid the other one down her belly, and pushed two fingers inside her.

Becca bucked her hips. “More.”

The man behind her moved closer, but backed off when Brad scowled. Brad would share her with Colin, not with a random stranger.

“More,” she said again, and he had to obey.

He started pumping his fingers inside her, drawing out her pleasure, but not touching her clit. She liked being teased, and he liked giving her what she wanted.

She rocked against his palm, but Brad denied her the friction she was after. He used his other hand to caress her ass from side to side, occasionally slipping his middle finger between her butt cheeks.

“You’re naughty,” she said.

“You love it.” He slid his finger lower until he found her wetness, and then trailed it upward, to circle her asshole. He hadn’t been there before. Well, his fingers had, but she hadn’t asked him to fuck her ass, and he didn’t want to pressure her into anything.

Maybe this Saturday. Or maybe she’d want to be looking at him, and have Colin behind her.

Colin showed up.

Fucking Colin.

He massaged Becca’s asshole with the tip of his finger, but didn’t push in the tight ring of muscle.

She moaned and bit his earlobe. “In or out? The suspense is killing me.”

He kept fucking her with his other hand, his elbow making impact with bodies brushing past them. His pulse pounded in his ears, drowning out the thudding of the music. Her perfume filled his nostrils, and he loved how she leaned her weight on him, as if her legs no longer held her.

BOOK: Brad (Threefold #2)
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