Boxed Set: Innocent Immigrant (6 page)

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Authors: Jax Lusty

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Romance, #Victorian, #Multicultural, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Colonial New Zealand, #Historical

BOOK: Boxed Set: Innocent Immigrant
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I slapped her harder this time, and she tried to lift herself. I gave her some time to process the sting, but instead of settling she stayed tense.

“Don’t fight me,” I told her, “it will only hurt more.”

“Damn you,” she spat out in an astonishing act of defiance.

I’d been lulled into thinking she was accepting her punishment, but she was no more doing that than accepting our proposal of protection and marriage.

I smacked her again, just as hard. “Cursing, my dear, is vulgar and beneath you. I am no longer counting the blows, but will continue until I see fit. Ari, I think you should find your birch.”

“Not man enough to punish a woman on your own,” she challenged.

“I think you provoke me intentionally, sweetheart.”

I aimed my next blow to connect with the tender spot at the top of her left thigh. “Don’t worry,” I told her, following with an equaliser to the other side, “I’m man enough for you, and more than happy to prove it. The thin bite of Ari’s birch will make an interesting counterpoint to the broad burn and deep thud of the paddle that hangs behind the door. It will give you a small taste of what we have to offer.”

“We make quite a team. You’ll find a number of women in Auckland’s brothels will attest to that,” Ari added.

“You are nothing but colonial brutes.”

“This is for your own good, Katie. We have boundaries because we care about you, but you will submit to us if you are to stay in this house. If you still wish to leave in the morning, we will assist you with your passage back to England. But you will not run from this house to wander single around Kotuku, Auckland, or any other part of this country when you are under our protection. Do you understand?”

I punctuated the last three words with six hard blows. When I stopped, my own breathing heavy, I heard her muffled sobs. I’d taken her to a place of emotional release, but she needed more.

“Five more. Count them for me.”

“Please,” she sobbed, “I can’t.”

“You can, and you will.” I smacked her again, more gentle this time but over a well-reddened spot of her bottom that would reignite the heat that simmered there. As I waited, I felt the lift of her hips despite her tears. Her musky scent was stronger now, and I felt Ari’s eyes on me. I nodded to him.

Ari sat himself on the floor near her head. Her hair was loose, and he took it from her face and rubbed a thumb through her tears. “Count for us, dear Katie, you’re nearly there.”

Her chest was heaving, and again her hips lifted, asking for more, then settled to push deep against my hard cock. I was certain she had little idea what she was doing, but her natural instinct was close to perfection.


It was barely a whisper, more an exhalation, but it was enough. I smacked her again, and she uttered a soft moan. It was a sound of desire rather than pain. With all her provocation, I was curious as to whether she was asking for more. Wanting something deeper that some women needed, even though she likely had little idea of what her need was.

“Good girl,” I murmured, stroking her buttock before giving her another slap.

She buried her head in Ari’s lap.

“Two,” she said. The word was almost driven into his cock. Her pelvis forced against mine was torturous, and it must have been as difficult for Ari, feeling her hot breath over his hard prick. He’d wound his hand through her loose hair and held her firmly in place.

“Another one, sweetheart?” he asked her.

I saw the small movement of her head, felt the press of her against me, and Ari nodded at my raised hand.

She cried out at the next slap and her thighs parted, one foot slipping to the side. I shifted slightly right, the new view giving me a glimpse of her exposed cunny. The hair there was as red and fiery as that on her head, darkened and curled only by the moisture that glistened on her swollen lips.

Two slaps to go, and I knew exactly where to place them. It would shock her, but my instincts told me they would serve her well. Without pausing for her counting, I delivered two swift smacks between her legs over her puffy lips.

She stiffened and shuddered and let out a long groan. She hadn’t climaxed but had experienced a powerful surge of desire. I ran my fingers lightly over her lips, petting her as Ari soothed her with his words.

“Do it,” he mouthed at me.

I slipped one finger in between her slick folds and felt her jerk and settle. I ran it up to her hard nub and circled lightly.

“What are you doing?”

Her voice was breathy, without a trace of anger or fear.

“I’m showing you the sweet side of a spanking, Katie. You really don’t deserve it, but I believe we have until morning to convince you that staying with us will be a mutually pleasing experience.”

Ari continued to stroke her hair and neck, and I noticed one hand shifting to the buttons at the top of her dress.

“Lie still, and let me do this for you.”

I knew we could both distract her and overwhelm her so that she wouldn’t find the wherewithal to protest. Hell, we’d done it to the seasoned whores in Auckland’s busiest brothels, turning their cynicism to compliance within half our bought time. I increased the pressure around her clit, and she bucked her hips, releasing a small moan. I slid a finger down to her cunt and found the evidence of her intact virginity. My cock was unbearably hard, begging to dive into her hot tunnel, but that would have to wait. I would not take her until we were wed. Giving her pleasure, however, was an entirely different matter.

I held my finger at her entrance while I flicked her hard nub with my thumb. My mouth watered at the thought of pleasuring her with my tongue, but that would certainly be too much for her to contend with at this time.

Her clit swelled, and her moans grew louder and huskier. A quick glance showed me Ari had bared her breasts, and he played with her taut nipples in the same manner I played between her legs. Impulse made her push against my finger, and I slipped it inside her a small way. Her cunny was tight, so she would have much to bear when I finally took her with my prick. I made tiny circles at a similar pace to my thumb.

“Are you okay, there, Katie?”

Her response was a mix of the guttural sound she made and her seeking hips. Ari twisted her head and sought her mouth, and although I had the sweet wet spot between her legs, I was envious. I hadn’t taken a kiss from her, and I wanted her hot wet mouth against me. My frustration made me push a finger all the way inside her, and my friend caught her whine between his lips.

Her pussy clamped onto me, and by God, it was wet and hot. I moved my finger a little, not wanting to stretch her too much because when I took her virginity as her husband, it would be with my prick. I circled her clit harder, her hips thrusting upwards to meet me in a convincing manner.

“Too easy, sweetheart,” I muttered as I slapped a hand back onto her bottom and held her pressed tight against my cock. “No moving now, you take what I want to give you.”

A louder cry escaped her as I held her fast and played her clit like a banjo. How she struggled to move, to escape and to ask for more that way women do when their climax nears.

“Good girl, give it up for us...let yourself go.”

Ari pulled off her mouth and ducked beneath her to take a nipple between his lips. Katie let out a wail, and I gently eased my finger out, then pushed carefully again through the narrow perforation at her entrance until my finger nestled deep inside her. I could barely hold her in place, and I marvelled at the strength of such a slight creature when she was overwhelmed with lust. I felt she was near to coming, so I slid my finger out of her, removed my thumb from her clit and gave her a stinging slap over her mons.

She screamed and jerked, and I slapped her again. This was what she wanted, and she thrust her hips towards me, asking for more.

“You like that, sweetheart? Your little cunny loves the sting of my hand?”


I placed my hand firmly against her cunt, pinning her to me. “Ask me properly, and I’ll give you what you need.”

“Please, help me...”

The poor girl didn’t even know the words to ask for what she wanted. What a treasure. “Ask me, Katie. Say, ‘Please, Griff, smack my wet cunt and make me come.’”

The words came out muffled, between moans as Ari pulled on her tits. It was an honest effort, and I was happy enough with her response.

I slapped her twice more in quick succession, then pushed a finger inside her just in time to feel the first contraction of her release. I circled her clit with my thumb as she finished her climax and tried to pull away. It was a short-lived orgasm, probably her first time, but I knew it was intense for her.

Katie fell limp across my thighs, and I spent the next minute playing with her wet lips, drawing the occasional jerk and spasm from her. When her breathing had returned to normal, I closed her drawers and lowered her skirt.

“Find a blanket, Ari, and settle on the sofa. She’ll need some care.”

Ari returned quickly with a light blanket, and I stood, taking Katie with me and lowering her into his lap. He drew the blanket around her and pulled her against his chest, where she curled into him. Ari rocked and soothed her, and I went to the kitchen to boil the kettle for some tea.

Book 1, Part 7


Katie was perfect, of that there was no doubt. She fit so neatly into me as she lay curled on my lap. For her, it had been an emotional evening, especially after what I would guess to have been her first experience of an orgasm. Griff and I both understood what a powerful and shocking thing that could be.

Soon Griff returned with tea and some sweet biscuits. He went to the liquor cabinet and added a small dash of brandy to Katie’s tea before I sat her up.

She couldn’t look either of us in the eye, and I was sorry for her embarrassment after such a beautiful and natural act.

“Drink up, sweetheart, it will revive you.” I took the teacup to her lips, and with her eyes still downcast, she took a sip of tea.

“Thank you. It tastes unusual.”

“That’ll be the brandy. Here, have a biscuit.” I let her finish eating before I spoke again.

“Katie, don’t be embarrassed about what happened; you were perfect. What’s more, what you experienced was an orgasm, and many women go through life without knowing such delight. Through either their own greedy desire to rush the sex act or a simple lack of knowledge, their husbands are unable to give them that sort of pleasure. It’s a gift that you should embrace.”

She met my gaze with her pretty green eyes. Her defiance had softened, and it was a sweeter side of her I saw.

“Why did that happen to me when I was being punished?” she asked.

“Because we wanted to show you we are just as concerned with your pleasure as we are with your discipline. If we had left you alone tonight after punishing you, I suspect you might have run again in the morning. Is that what you want to do?”

“I don’t know.”

Griff crouched down and cradled her face. “Do you want to stay here, be married, and live with Ari and me as our wife?”

She hesitated. “ seems so wrong, in the eyes of our Lord.”

“Not according to Pastor Mackay, who will marry us. And more importantly, not in our opinion, which is what matters most.”

“Surely our actions as Christians, following the simple guidelines set out in the Bible, are what matters most?”

“Do you think your God put you on this earth to endure a loveless marriage of hardship with an abusive drunk, as would have been your situation had you wed Sid Watson?”

She was silent, not yet convinced of the comfort in the life we offered. I certainly wished there was an easy way to turn her mind to make that decision, but for now my concern was keeping her here for the night.

“Katie, look at me.” When I had her focus, I continued. “It’s time for us all to go to bed. You can remain in your bed because the doors will be locked, and the keys removed. Don’t try to run. Do you understand?” The reason I didn’t insist she spend the night with Griff or me was that personally I knew I wouldn’t get a minute’s rest with her in my bed. Not that I would touch her, but the idea of her lying alongside me would be enough to ensure my night would be without sleep. I doubted Griff’s resolve was any stronger than my own, and I suspected he would call me to his room tonight to deal with the pressing matter in his trousers.

“Please, don’t worry. I don’t want to be out in the night alone,” she said. Outside, a morepork called, and she shivered in my arms. “What is that creature?”

“It’s a monster that pecks through the flesh of innocent young women foolish enough to wander around Kotuku on their own, and steals their souls.”

“You’re frightening me. I won’t sleep knowing that it’s outside my window.”

Griff laughed. “It’s a bird, my love, an owl known locally as a
or a morepork. The one you hear lives in our garden. If you’re lucky, Ari may be able to show it to you in the morning. You’ll see how tiny, beautiful and harmless it is.”

I shifted her to her feet. “Let’s get you off to bed.”


Griff and I settled Katie in bed, each seeking a goodnight kiss before leaving her to rest. She responded with a hesitancy that turned to tender sweetness, swelling my cock.

Griff was in the bathroom when I went through the house, snuffing the lamps and checking the doors and windows were locked. We decided not to lock Katie’s bedroom door in an attempt to show her we trusted her, which in turn might help cultivate a reciprocal confidence in us.

As I passed his bedroom door, Griff called to me. Inside his room, I drank in the sight of him sitting naked on the edge of his bed, his beautiful cock standing stiff.

I hardened fully, knowing exactly what he wanted although I waited for his instruction.

He pointed to the floor between his spread thighs. “On your knees, Ari.”

I hurriedly stripped, tossing my clothes in a pile, feeling the instant relief at having my cock freed. Kneeling between his thighs, I felt the wiry hair of his legs as he pressed them against my sides to keep me in place. The tip of his cock glistened, and I ducked my head to swipe my tongue across it, enjoying the sharp taste of his salty lubrication.

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