Bound to the Prince (22 page)

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Authors: Deborah Court

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #adult, #fantasy, #paranormal, #lord of the rings, #sexy, #historical, #elves, #fae, #prince, #irish, #celtic, #medieval, #womens erotica, #fay, #romance adult, #romance and fantasy

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He thrust her so hard and deep he could feel
the draining feeling, weakening her like it did the first time he
had taken her fully. But he slowed down if it became too much for
her, always keeping her at the threshold of incredible lust and
total surrender - the wonderful sensation of giving up completely,
even if it meant her death. But he would not allow anything to harm
her, so he pressed his forehead to hers, giving her his strength, a
part of him to hold on whenever she began to fade away.

The feeling of completeness shook them both
while they moved against each other, making it impossible to
believe they were two separate beings, joined, as they were now in
mind as well as in body. The prince pumped into her again and
again, unable to think of anything else but the overwhelming wish
to lose himself in her body, never to come back. Up and down he
went, claiming her mouth with a fierce kiss right before he
exploded inside her in a white-hot eruption, riding the wave of
sheer ecstasy while he spilled himself into her welcoming depths.
When he called her name, ordering her to come with him, she obeyed
instantly, her shuddering relief wringing the last sweet drop of
pleasure out of his body.

Heavily breathing, Elathan touched the wooden
shackles that still held her up, commanding them wordlessly to
release her. When she was free, he took his exhausted pleasure
slave in his arms and gently lay her down on the silken pillows.
Then he sprawled beside her and pulled her into a tight embrace to
keep her warm, possessively placing one of his long legs over hers.
You are mine, human. He placed a tender kiss on her hair, assuming
she was asleep already. But she opened her lovely green eyes one
last time, smiling up at him.

“Thank you, Sire.”

Elathan chuckled. “I like it when you say





Chapter 15: A Sight to


Igraine awakened in the prince's arms,
feeling the heat of his male body surrounding her. He had her in
his iron grip so she could hardly move, but it was not
uncomfortable at all. Indeed she felt so warm and safe that she
closed her eyes, sighing. Then she fell asleep again, listening to
the sound of his deep breathing while the birds were greeting the
new day with their morning song outside.

The soft touch of dark lips on her shoulder
had coaxed her to leave the alluring world of dreams and return to
the wooden dwelling he had built for her, finding herself in his
embrace. But this time his breathing was not regular; it had become
heavy and ragged with desire as he cupped her breasts with his
large hands, his thumbs tenderly rubbing their aching peaks. She
arched her back to mold herself into his palms, wanting more. The
movement required that she pressed her rounded behind against his
lower body, where she felt his hard arousal already waiting for
her. It rubbed against her while his lips and tongue left her
shoulder and travelled higher to the base of her neck, easily
finding the right places where she longed for his touch.

When the elf started kissing his way down
along her spine with lips and tongue, she gasped, surprised by her
own reaction. She hadn’t even known how sensitive her skin was
there. Shivers of pleasure ran through her in waves, and her whole
body began to tremble violently. His hair followed his movements
while he went deeper, caressing and tickling the overly sensitized
skin of her back. Igraine lost control completely. Her soft
laughter started to alternate with deep moans of raw desire.

When she wriggled too much under his teasing
lips, he started to place tiny bites all over her back. It felt so
good she bit into her own hand to stop herself from screaming,
needing the pain to endure the sensations that threatened to
overwhelm her. The prince traced her spine all the way down to her
waist while his hands covered her buttocks and turned her on her
stomach, holding her down while he pleasured her without mercy. A
liquid heat spread in her lower body, and she rubbed herself
instinctively against the silken blankets. Her nether parts felt
moist and swollen, yearning for him to enter her most private

She winced when he reached the swell of her
bottom, his tongue tickling just the top of the cleft between her
rounded cheeks. She heard his dark laughter and screamed out when
he bit both her soft mounds with his sharp teeth, just a bit to
mark them as his property. “Mine, too,” he murmured as he stuffed a
few pillows under her belly to lift her bottom to him. Igraine’s
eyes widened when his hands slid between her inner thighs, pulling
them apart as he spread them as wide as possible. He bent back with
a very wicked smile on his regal face, enjoying the erotic sight
unfolding before him. Igraine held her breath. She was totally
exposed to his gaze now. But she was ashamed only for one moment
before she felt his eyes resting on the wet petals of her
womanhood, opened for him now like a sensual flower.

She buried her face in the softness of a
pillow and closed her eyes, expecting to feel the velvet head of
his manhood there, ready to plunge deep into her welcoming heat.
His hands covered her voluptuous bottom, kneading the silken flesh,
but leaving no doubt that she was not allowed to move. But he
didn’t sheathe himself inside her. Instead she felt his hot breath
right at her naked sex, heard his hoarse laughter before he
playfully blew against her, cooling her moist flesh that shivered
at the unexpected sensation.

Igraine tried to lift herself up to give him
full access where she needed him, to do whatever he liked, if he
only touched her. But he held her down and kept her waiting, his
hardness throbbing with need while he inhaled her delicious womanly

She heard his smile in his voice when he
said, “Ask me, Igraine.”

Igraine blushed, glad that her face was
hidden in a pillow right now. She tilted her head to the side so he
could hear her answer. “My Prince … I want you to take me,” she
“Oh, I know,” he chuckled. I can smell your desire, and I know
exactly how much you want me inside you right now. But is there
anything else your master can do to reward your … eagerness to
please him, little slave?” He blew over her wetness again, the
cooling effect was torturing. She moaned with frustration.

“I need you to … “

“Yes?” the prince asked, one brow raised
“To touch me … there.”

“Only to touch you? Like this?” He ran a
finger over her, so gently she could hardly feel it. He touched
only the outside of her swollen flesh, intentionally avoiding the
sensitive parts within. She tried to change her position to rub
herself against him, but his other hand held her firmly in

“Or … would you prefer if I did this to you?”
He bowed his head, and his tongue flickered ever so slightly over
her, but stopped before she could even think of an answer.

“Y…yes,” Igraine breathed. “I want this.”

“What do you desire from me, pleasure slave?
You humans are prone to saying one thing and doing something else.
But if you want to pleasure me, you will learn to call everything
by its name, especially when it comes to the art of love. If I
utter a command in bed, I will leave no doubt about the exact
nature of my wishes.”

She started to tremble, longing for his
tongue so desperately she would have cried and begged if that had
been his order. But she wasn’t used to saying what her own body
desired, she had never dared to before. She pressed the pillow
against her hot face, suddenly ashamed to speak it out loud.

“I want you to … pleasure me with your
tongue, my Lord.” When he still didn’t move, she whispered, “Lick

All thoughts of shame were gone when he
instantly took her with his mouth, opening her moist folds with his
lips, running his tongue from her slick entrance all the way down
until he found the center of her passion. The elf kept suckling and
licking her until she felt her peak nearing, but he always knew and
paused before she came too quickly, taking away his mouth just when
she thought she couldn’t take anymore.

It felt incredibly erotic that she lay on her
belly, her private parts upside down, spread open wide for him so
his tongue plunged deep into her slick channel, giving her a taste
of what his hard manhood could do there. She felt his whole face
pressing against her nether lips, devouring her. It seemed as if he
wanted to eat her like a dessert he liked to lick right out of the
plate without using a spoon. His straight regal nose nudged at her
most secret places, teasing her. She wondered how the elf managed
to breathe, even thought she heard him say, “So sweet,” when he
took away his mouth to move down to her tender nub of flesh

It didn’t take her long when the prince
decided to go for her release. He shortly sucked her all in before
he began to stimulate her with slow, firm circles of his tongue
around her pearl, keeping his rhythm steady. Igraine took a
shuddering breath, then she came with the ferocity of a storm, her
screams muffled by the silken pillow while he continued licking,
but very tenderly now, making her explode once, twice, again. Her
whole body shook with the quakes of her aftermath before it went
limp as she relaxed, completely satisfied and exhausted. The prince
placed one last kiss on her womanhood, then he reached out for her
and pulled her to him, turning her in his arms so he could claim
her lips. Igraine moaned into his mouth as she tasted her own
sweet, musky juices on his incredibly naughty tongue, noticed her
own smell of arousal on his handsome face.

“Well done, Igraine,” the prince said,
pulling her close to his body. He buried his face in her hair,
breathing in her irresistible scent.

She lay her head on his alabaster shoulder
and laughed, still unable to move any limb. “But I didn’t do
anything,” she protested weakly.

“The first lesson you have to learn, woman,
is how to take pleasure. Only when you are well-trained in
surrendering yourself to your master completely, will you start to
learn what it means to give pleasure, as well. I will teach you all
this, amongst other things.” A slow, seductive smile curved his
dark lips. “But just now you have pleased your prince immensely,
sweet Igraine.”


* * * * *


“Where are you taking me?” Igraine asked
while Elathan covered her eyes with a black strip of cloth, binding
it behind her head. His hands lingered on her hair, watching the
shining brown curls glide over his pale fingers before he lifted
them and placed a tingling kiss on her neck.

She was wearing her beautiful new gown,
unfortunately without the shimmering chemise underneath. After they
had made love this morning, she had sadly picked up the shreds from
the floor of the tree house, feeling their incredible softness.
Laughing, Elathan had promised to let his fairies weave a new one
that looked exactly like the first, not understanding the female's
whining about a simple piece of clothing.

He didn’t laugh now, but she knew that he
smiled, delighted by her excitement. “I already told you that it
was a surprise, woman, so be quiet. I want to show you

Before he had obscured her vision with the
band of black silk, Elathan had stood in the middle of the clearing
and closed his eyes, while he appeared to do nothing more than
listen to the sounds of the forest. But Igraine sensed his magic
reaching out, calling for something. The air crackled with it. A
few of the golden autumn leaves on the ground began to float
through the air, whirling around though there was not even a light
breeze to lift them up. Only a few minutes later there was a loud
rustling in the undergrowth, and a huge black horse came galloping
through the bushes. Igraine recognized it as the same he had ridden
when she had entered the forest through the magic door.

The stallion snorted as he saw Elathan,
stopping right in front of him and bowing his large head for his
master’s touch. Elathan smiled, clearly devoted to the animal. He
caressed his soft nose and mane, murmuring elven words to him and
calling him by the name of Ahearn. Then he took the saddle he had
left in the clearing before he sent the horse away after the hunt,
and strapped it to the steed’s back. The prince had blindfolded
Igraine and lifted her up for the ride before she knew what
happened to her, mounting behind her with a graceful movement.

It was an exciting feeling to ride
blindfolded at breakneck speed, leaning back against her lover’s
tall body. The prince had donned his hunting habit again. He had
one strong arm safely around her waist, the other holding the reins
of his black steed. Igraine savored the elf’s warmth, comfortably
snuggling against his chest while she felt the horse moving under
her at an incredibly fast pace, perfectly synchronized with the
body of its master, whose muscled thighs steered it easily through
the dense labyrinth of the trees.

They seemed to ride on for hours. Evidently
the enchanted forest was much larger than Igraine had expected. She
couldn’t see anything, but she still had a sense of light and
shade. At first she had felt the warmth of the sun on her skin, but
it seemed to be colder now as the trees grew closer together. Even
the birds had fallen silent. Only the cry of a lone falcon was
heard, flying high above their heads. After a while, she completely
lost the feeling of time; still exhausted from the prince’s
lovemaking this morning and the night before, she allowed herself
to drift off to sleep.

They proceeded deeper and deeper into the
forest, the elf lost in his own thoughts while he held his sleeping
human tightly in his arms, placing a kiss on her hair now and then.
Igraine awakened when she noticed that the horse was going much
slower now and coming to a halt at last. Elathan’s breath grazed
her ear.

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