Bound to Shadows

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Authors: Keri Arthur

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Bound to Shadows
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Praise for Keri Arthur

Nominated for the
Romantic Times
Reviewers’ Choice Award for Career Achievement
in Urban Fantasy

Winner of the
Romantic Times
2008 Reviewers’
Choice Awards for Career Achievement in Urban

“Keri Arthur’s imagination
and energy infuse everything she writes with zest.”

—Charlaine Harris

Praise for
Full Moon Rising

“Keri Arthur skillfully mixes her suspenseful plot with heady romance in her thoroughly
enjoyable alternate reality Melbourne. Sexy vampires, randy werewolves, and unabashed,
unapologetic, joyful sex—you’ve gotta love it. Smart, sexy, and well-conceived,
Full Moon Rising
left me wishing I was a dhampire.”

—Kim Harrison

“Arthur never fails to deliver, keeping the fires stoked, the cliffs high, and the emotions
dancing on a razor’s edge in this edgy, hormone-filled mystery …
Full Moon
is a shocking and sensual read, so keep the ice handy.”


“Keri Arthur is one of the best supernatural romance writers in the world.”

—Harriet Klausner

“Strong, smart and capable, Riley will remind many of Anita Blacke, Laurell K. Hamilton’s
kick-ass vampire hunter…. Fans of Anita Blake and Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse vampire
series will be rewarded.”

Publishers Weekly

“Vampires and werewolves and hybrids … oh my! With a butt-kicking heroine and some oh-so-yummy
men, Keri Arthur … has put her own unique spin on things, and the results are a sensual and
energized fantasy brimming with plenty of romance.”

Reviews Today

“Unbridled lust and kick-ass action are the hallmarks of this first novel in a brand-new
paranormal series…. “Sizzling” is the only word to describe this heated, action-filled,
suspenseful romantic drama….
Full Moon Rising
sets a high bar for
what is now a much-anticipated new series.”


“Grade A, desert island keeper … I wanted to read this book in one sitting, and was terribly
offended that the real world intruded on my reading time! … Inevitable comparisons can be made
to the Anita Blake, Kim Harrison, and Kelley Armstrong’s books, but I think Ms. Arthur has a
clear voice of her own and her characters speak for themselves…. I am hooked!”

About Romance

Praise for
Kissing Sin

Finalist for the 2008 Fantasm Award for
Best Werewolf Romance

“Strong world-building, vivid personalities and the distinctive cultures of each of the various
paranormal strains combine for a rich narrative, and Arthur’s descriptive prose adds texture
and menace.”

Publishers Weekly

“The second book in this paranormal guardian series is just as phenomenal as the first…. I am


“Riley Jensen returns with a vengeance in Keri Arthur’s
. The sex is hot and intense, but it doesn’t detract at all from this fast-paced

Reviews Today

“Arthur’s world building skills are absolutely superb and I recommend this story to any reader
who enjoys tales of the paranormal.”

Time Romance

“Arthur is a marvelously creative author, and has built a solid world for her characters to
reside in. Fast paced and filled with deliciously sexy characters, readers will find
Kissing Sin
a fantastic urban fantasy with a hot serving of romance
that continues to sizzle long after the last page is read.”


“Kissing Sin
will captivate readers from page one with its kick-ass
heroine’s struggle to do what’s right without losing herself. Riley’s sensuous nature and her
lack of inhibitions will tantalize readers and make them sympathize with her…. Keri Arthur’s
unique characters and the imaginative world she’s created will make this series one that
readers won’t want to miss.”

Romance Review

Praise for
Tempting Evil

“Riley Jenson is kick-ass … genuinely tough and strong, but still vulnerable enough to make her
interesting…. The secondary characters and creatures are rich and diverse. The plots are
involved, the action dramatic. Arthur is not derivative of early [Laurell K.] Hamilton—far from
it—but the intensity of her writing and the complexity of her heroine and her stories is

About Romance

“This paranormal romance series gets better and better with each new book…. An exciting
adventure that delivers all you need for a fabulous read—sexy shape-shifters, hot vampires,
wild uncontrollable sex and the slightest hint of a love that’s meant to be


“Tempting Evil
is an amazingly awesome book that completely blew me
away. Ms. Arthur’s world building skills are absolutely second to none…. I did not want this
stupendously superb story to end and I cannot wait to see what happens to Riley Jenson next. I
simply must have more please, as soon as humanly possible. Five cups.”

Time Romance

“A lot of folks are comparing Keri Arthur’s Riley Jensen guardian novels to Laurell K.
Hamilton’s Anita Blake vampire hunter novels, with good reason. Both have a butt-kicking
heroine with tons of attitude and superpowers that combine the powers of a vampire, a werewolf,
and an affinity for the dead…. These books are definitely pure sexy action adventure…. So, if
you like your erotic scenes hot, fast, and frequent, your heroine sassy, sexy, and tough, and
your stories packed with hard-hitting action in a vividly realized fantasy world, then
Tempting Evil
and its companion novels could be just what you’re
looking for.”


“Tempting Evil
is riveting in its ability to convey its heroine’s
heartache as well as her determination to stop the evil that is threatening not only her, but
humanity…. Keri Arthur’s Riley Jenson series just keeps getting better and better and is sure
to call to fans of other authors with kick-ass heroines such as Christine Feehan and Laurell K.
Hamilton. I have become a steadfast fan of this marvelous series and I am greatly looking
forward to finding out what is next in store for this fascinating and strong

Romance Review

Praise for
Dangerous Games

Finalist for the 2008 Fantasm Award for
Best Urban Fantasy Romance

“Dangerous Games
is by far one of the best books I have ever read….
The storyline is so exciting I did not realize I was literally sitting on the edge of my chair
seat…. With this series, Ms. Arthur has a real winner on her hands. Five cups.”

Time Romance

“The depths of emotion, the tense plot, and the conflict of powerful driving forces inside the
heroine made for [an] absorbing read.”


“This series is phenomenal!
Dangerous Games
is an incredibly
original and devastatingly sexy story. It keeps you spellbound and mesmerized on every page.
Absolutely perfect!!”


Praise for
Embraced by Darkness

“There’s never a lull in the action and danger that surrounds Riley’s life…. Ms. Arthur is
positively one of the best urban fantasy authors in print today. The characters have been
well-drawn from the start and the mysteries just keep getting better. A creative, sexy and
adventure-filled world that readers will just love escaping to.”


“A great continuation of the Riley Jenson Guardian series … Each book has been thrilling,
suspenseful, and outside the box.
Embraced by Darkness
blew away my
expectations. Ms. Arthur continues to get better and better and I can’t wait to see what she
has in store for us next.”

Owl Romance

“Arthur’s storytelling is getting better and better with each book.
Embraced by Darkness
has suspense, interesting concepts, terrific main and
secondary characters, well developed story arcs, and the world-building is highly
entertaining…. I think this series is worth the time and emotional investment to

— []

“Once again, Keri Arthur has created a perfect, exciting and thrilling read with intensity that
kept me vigilantly turning each page, hoping it would never end.”


“Arthur’s fifth guardian novel is just as fabulous as the first…. Fast paced and attention
Embraced by Darkness
is a must read and a necessary
possession. Five cups.”

Time Romance

“Takes on a much more mature tone, at least when it comes to Riley and her men…. Add to that
plenty of action and intrigue, and readers will definitely want to be
Embraced by Darkness

Reviews Today

“Reminiscent of Laurell K. Hamilton back when her books had mysteries to solve, Arthur’s
characters inhabit a dark sexy world of the paranormal.”

Parkersburg News and Sentinel

“Packed with fast-paced action, paranormal intrigue and passion at every turn,
Embraced by Darkness
is a steamy addition to this thrilling series.”

— []

“I love this series.”

About Romance

Praise for
The Darkest Kiss

“The paranormal Australia that Arthur concocts works perfectly, and the plot speeds along at a
breakneck pace. Riley fans won’t be disappointed.”

Publishers Weekly



Moon Rising
Kissing Sin
Tempting Evil
Dangerous Games
Embraced by Darkness
The Darkest Kiss
Deadly Desire
Destiny Kills


I’d like to thank:
Everyone at Bantam who helped shine
this book—most especially my editor, Anne; her
assistant, David; all the line and copy editors
who make sense of my Aussie English;
and cover designer Juliana Kolesova.
I’d also like to thank my agent, Miriam, as well as
my buddies and crit partners—Robyn, Mel, Chris,
Carolyn, and Freya. You all rock, ladies.

Chapter 1

’ve come to accept the fact that I’m a guardian. I’ll even
admit that I enjoy hunting down those rogue supernatural elements who prey on humans and
non-humans alike.
But that doesn’t mean there still aren’t times when I absolutely hate my job.
Getting a call-out at three A.M. on a bitterly cold winter night was definitely one of those
times. Especially when the call sent me to an area rapidly gaining a reputation as the “it” spot
for blood whores—which was the common term for humans hooked on the pleasures of a vampire’s
Normally I didn’t have a problem with people getting their kicks any damn way they pleased, but
for humans—and it only seemed to afflict humans, not the rest of us—becoming addicted to a
vampire’s bite was definitely one of the quicker ways to court death. They simply didn’t have the
strength, the speed, or even the willpower to battle a vampire if things went wrong. Hell, many
supernaturals didn’t, either.
And while most vampires were generally law-abiding and took only enough to give the addicted his
or her hit, there were always some abusers who pushed for longer, stronger rushes, and there were
always vampires willing to oblige.
And sometimes that meant death.
It had become such a problem in recent months that the government had set up a think tank to find
ways of curtailing the growing numbers flocking to the vampire bars. There were even calls to
outlaw the practice—though how the hell anyone was going to police
, I had no idea. It wasn’t like ordinary cops had much hope of tracking down
and arresting vamps, and there simply weren’t enough of us guardians. Not if they wanted us to do
our real job.
Personally, I think they had about as much hope of stopping this craze as they did stopping all
the designer drugs that were constantly hitting the streets. If a junkie wanted his fix, then
he’d find it no matter how difficult or how illegal the government made it. And at least all the
whores were of legal age—the vampire “pushers” were careful about that. They had to be, because
otherwise they had to deal with the Directorate. Regular drug dealers just got jail time, at
Of course, there was no proof that the murder I’d been called to tonight was yet another pleasure
seeker who’d pushed too far. Jack had simply told me to get my butt over there pronto, and the
edge in his voice had me scrambling for clothes and not taking the time for questions. But the
murder had happened in the older section of Fitzroy, in a parking lot behind Dante’s—and that
club was a prime location for blood whores and their vampire johns.
I slowed the car as I passed through the Smith Street intersection, then turned left onto Budd
Street. Several of the streetlights were out, and darkness closed in around the car. The
buildings here were mainly old factories and warehouses, their brick walls grimy and covered with
graffiti. The few houses squeezed in between the larger buildings were dark—and with the graffiti
on their walls and the filth littering their front fences, it was hard to tell whether they were
occupied or not. But I was a dhampire—part werewolf, part vampire—and had inherited many gifts
from both parts of my heritage. The vampire part of my soul could see the blood heat within those
buildings—although unlike my twin brother, I couldn’t hear the siren call of their
And I was damn glad of that, because it meant I’d also missed out on the vampire’s hunger for
blood. Rhoan hadn’t, but he
missed the fangs, and his blood
hunger rose in tandem only with the full moon.
The crime scene came into view and I pulled up behind a Directorate van. The wind’s icy fingers
slapped across the back of my neck as I climbed out, and I hastily zipped up my jacket then
pulled up the collar. It didn’t help much. I might be a werewolf, and therefore supposedly immune
to the winter, but the cold and I had never been on friendly terms.
I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked toward the parking lot. The rotating blue lights of
the squad cars washed the night and the few bystanders in a ghostly glow, but as far as I could
see or feel, there were no actual ghosts in the area. And if this
just a feeding taken too far, then there probably wouldn’t be. As far as I knew, the souls that
hung around tended to be the ones who’d met a violent end or who had something they needed to
finish before they moved on. And blood whores didn’t fit either of those categories, because
they’d gone to their deaths knowing the dangers and not caring one bit.
And that’s probably what annoyed me most. These people were knowingly flirting with death, yet
when he answered, everyone got righteously moral and wanted the vamp responsible caught and
killed. And the guardians were obliged to obey, because that was the law. But killing a blood
whore wasn’t a simple act of murder. It was consensual, and that raised a whole different set of
issues. And although I
believe the vamp involved needed to be
punished, killing him seemed a step too far. Most of the vampire community agreed.
Meaning that the worst part of the whole situation was the fact that our pursuit of these vamps
was raising a lot of bad feeling in the supernatural community. And having the city’s vampires
angry at us could only ever end badly. There were a whole lot more of them than us, and as well
trained as we guardians were, we didn’t have a hope if the vamps decided we were too much of a
Of course, the two vampires who dominated my life—Quinn, my lover, and Jack, my boss—thought I
was making too much of the situation. Jack even kept trying to reassure me with the fact that the
vampire council had a handle on it. I didn’t believe it—or them. They weren’t out on the street
dealing with the ill feeling day in and day out. They simply didn’t understand how bad it was
I did, and I didn’t mind admitting that it scared me.
The parking lot had several cars in it. The mobile light towers weren’t trained on any of them,
but rather on the corner of the lot, where it intersected with Dante’s back wall. There were
several overall-clad men there, and relief slithered through me as I caught the glint of silver
hair. Cole might be our top guy when it came to crime scene forensics, but he also hated these
early-morning call-outs as much as I did. That meant he’d be doing his best to find the clues and
get the hell home as quickly as possible.
As I ducked under the blue and white police tape lining the parking lot, one of the cops keeping
an eye on the small crowd huddled in the middle of the road took a step in my direction. I
grabbed my badge and flashed it his way, shivering a little as the wind hit my fingers and
chilled them in an instant.
The cop gave me a nod and turned back. I stepped over the gnarled roots of a small tree
struggling to survive in a little corner of bare ground then flared my nostrils, drawing in the
flavors of the night.
Blood was the strongest scent, and that surprised me. Most vampires hated wasting their food, so
maybe this murder
as straightforward as I’d been
Cole looked up as I approached, his lined face weary and dark shadows under his normally bright
blue eyes. “You took your time.”
“And you look like shit.” I stopped beside him and stared down at the victim.
He was male, probably in his mid to late forties if his worn features and gray-flecked hair were
anything to go by. There were no obvious wounds on his body, and very little in the way of blood
on the front of his clothes. His arms had been crossed over his chest, almost as if he were
asleep rather than dead. But someone had separated his head from his neck, and even a vampire
couldn’t survive that.
The blood that was missing from his clothes formed a lake around the area where his head should
have been.
“Have you bothered looking in the mirror lately?” Cole snapped off his bloody gloves and tossed
them into a nearby contamination bin.
“I’m trying to avoid them. Between working day shifts and getting call-outs at night, the bags
under my eyes feel large enough to pack a lunch in. Who’s our victim?”
“Grant Haven, a local vampire who owned a café up on Smith Street.” Cole handed me a pair of
slip-on shoe protectors. “Apparently he finished locking up at one and was heading to Dante’s for
a little top-up feeding.”
“There were no witnesses?” I slipped on the shoe protectors then stepped forward, avoiding the
thickening pool of blood as I studied the severed flesh. It wasn’t a clean wound. In fact, the
edges were all ragged, as if the killer had used some sort of serrated blade.
“No witnesses have come forward,” Cole said. “But there’s a whole club of people just waiting to
be interviewed.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.” I glanced at him. His blue eyes were filled with amusement and a
smile twitched at the corners of his lips. My long night had just stretched into an interminable
morning. “You’re a bastard.”
“Those were Jack’s orders, not mine.”
Then Jack was a bastard. God, he knew I hated interviewing these idiots. “We’ll never get
anything sensible out of them. They’ll all be high.”
Although, truth be told, the high from a vamp bite didn’t last all that long—just like the
pleasure received from sex, really. And like sex, most humans could stand only several hits
before it weakened them to the point of sleep.
I guess we were lucky nonhumans didn’t get addicted, because I very much doubted there’d be
enough vampires in Melbourne to cater to a werewolf’s hunger.
“If it helps any, there aren’t many customers. Tuesday is apparently their slow night.”
Well, thank God for small mercies. I nodded down at the victim. “Who called it in?”
He motioned toward Dante’s. “The caller was anonymous, but we traced the line and location. The
cellphone belonged to a Mandy Jones, and the call came from inside Dante’s.”
Meaning she was likely still there. “She obviously doesn’t know a lot about Directorate practices
if she thought she could remain anonymous.”
Cole smiled. “I don’t think the Directorate actually advertises the fact they trace every single
call coming in or out.”
That was true. I’d only discovered it because I’d been horribly nosy during my time as Jack’s
assistant, and I’d often gone trawling through the computer system to see what I could find. “Do
we know who owns Dante’s?”
“Unsurprisingly enough, a vamp named Dante Starke.”
“What do we know about him?”
Cole shrugged. “He has a rep for preferring to handle his own problems. Other than that, you’ll
have to check the system.”
“Preferring to handle his own problems” probably meant he hated cops. And guardians. Great. “What
was used on the victim’s neck?”
“Rough-tooth saw. Dusty found it discarded in one of the bins behind the club. But it’s been
wiped clean of anything useful.”
I glanced around and saw the shifter in question hunkering down over what looked like an oil
stain. Cole’s other assistant, Dobbs, was nowhere in sight—but given the three of them usually
traveled together, I knew he’d be around somewhere. “Was it a new or old saw?”
“Brand-new. It still had the Bunnings price tag on it.”
“Any chance of tracking down which store it was purchased at?”
“Maybe. But even if we found the right hardware store, I don’t think they’d be much help. They
probably sell hundreds of the things each week.”
“Still, it’s worth a shot.” I frowned down at the vamp’s unmarked body. “He doesn’t appear to
have put up a fight of any kind.”
“None at all, which leads me to suspect that he’s probably been drugged. We’ll run the full
toxicology when we get him back to the lab.”
“So there’s no indication so far of who our murderer might be?”
“Well, sawing through a person’s neck takes strength, so we’re probably looking for either a
large male or a nonhuman.”
“Gee, that really narrows down the field.”
“Best I’ve got for the moment,” Cole said, snapping on a new set of gloves. “Now, if that’s all
you’ve got, I’ve really got to get back to work. I have a bed and a lover waiting.”
I raised my eyebrows. For as long as I’d known him he’d been relationship free, so the woman
who’d finally caught his interest had to be someone pretty special.
“She has to be new, because anyone familiar with our line of work wouldn’t bother waiting.” Hell,
Quinn hadn’t. He’d mumbled something about bundling up against the cold and had promptly gone
back to sleep. Anyone would think I’d worn the old vampire out. “So, is it anyone I
“No.” His smile bloomed bright. Man, he had the love bug
. “And
no, I will not share details. Now go do some work.”
“You do realize that I am now officially intrigued?”
He groaned. “Please don’t go investigating. I don’t want to scare her away.”
I grinned as I stripped off the shoe protectors and tossed them in the hazard bin.
“Riley, don’t.” He almost sounded worried.
“Don’t what?” I raised my eyebrows, pretending an innocence that probably wasn’t believable given
the grin I couldn’t quite control.
“Don’t try and play innocent. You’re as far from that as anyone could get.”
He had a point there. “I just want to protect your interests. I’d do the same for any
“Then please consider me an enemy.”
I patted his shoulder as I passed. “Sorry, I’ve got suspects to interview. We’ll continue this
discussion later. Over coffee.”
“You are such a bitch,” he muttered, but the twinkle in his eyes took the bite out of his words.
“And you’d do anything to get a free coffee, wouldn’t you?”
“Totally,” I said, and left him to it.
There were two uniforms stationed at the entrance to Dante’s, along with a dark-eyed man who
looked in serious need of a good feed. He was standing to one side of the doorway, under a blue
light, and it gave his sallow features an even sicker glow. His dark gaze was never still,
flickering from the cops to me, then onto the surrounding streets.
I showed the cops my badge and met the other man’s gaze. “Who are you?”
“Valentine Smith. I’m the bouncer here.”
He didn’t look as if he could bounce a kitten out the door let alone anyone larger. But then, if
he was a vampire—and given the rather pungent scent he was emitting, he couldn’t be anything
else—his looks would have been misleading. Even the scrawniest of vampires had more strength than
the average nonhuman. And far more than any human.

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