Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination) (7 page)

BOOK: Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)
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gasped at the electric sensation—so familiar yet even more intense than before. Rising up on the tips of her sedate pumps, she clamped her thighs around his muscular leg, squeezing tightly as she rode him. She was going to come, just from doing this. How could he affect her so easily? It was like eating but never getting full. Every time he took her, she found fulfillment, yet within minutes she wanted him again, her craving even more intense.

ome on, baby. Let me help you.”

His fingers tightened pa
infully as he braced himself, moving her forcefully against the upper thrust of his hard thigh. Her clit throbbed and she sobbed his name as he pushed upward, grinding the tiny nub into his hardness. Within seconds her juices had bled through the thin layers of their clothing, wetting his skin.

moved insistently and Macy obeyed each silent command. His dick was fully engorged, aching, and the woman in his arms panted for breath. He felt as if his heart was about to explode inside his chest. He’d deliberately stayed away from her last week, sending her home, and it had been seven days of pure torment. Now, he was so aroused he knew he’d go off like a shot as soon as her smooth, tight walls closed around him.

He crushed her mou
th under his again, the force of it bending her head into his shoulder. Thank God she’d already discarded her baggy jacket and he had access to the curves covering her upper body. His steely fingers bit into the sides of her hips as he moved her skirt up and out of the way. She still wore the same unflattering suits but now he knew what lay beneath. He’d soon have her dressed in silk and satin.

“Damn it to hell, Macy.” He sucked air through his mouth as he
moved the hem of her skirt to her waist. She was wearing the black thong she’d worn in Japan. The one that had almost had him purchasing a room in the club for the rest of the night so he could put Macy through a sexual scenario she couldn’t even begin to image. Only the thought that a contract hadn’t been signed between them had kept him from acting.

He thrust her away from him, his breathing rapid. “
Bend over the desk.”

He kn
ew his voice was rough and he sounded slightly out of control. And he was. No other woman had ever made him feel so…involved. So needy. One part of him hated the feeling and wanted nothing more than to exorcise her from his system as hard and fast as he could. The other part, the part that had slowly begun to surface since he’d met Macy, wanted to hold on to every minute and see what would happen next. What could happen next.

braced herself by leaning her elbows against the wooden surface of his desk. The position thrust her ass in the air, her non-descript brown skirt pulled tight across her plump buttocks. Logan took a moment to enjoy the view before pushing the dull material up, revealing her bare ass to his hot gaze. He fumbled impatiently with his zipper, unable to get himself out of his pants fast enough. The thin strip of the thong was barely visible between the pale globes of her full behind. Pulling the thin strip of wet material to her knees, he nudged her legs far enough apart to hold the scrap of silk in place. God, there was nothing sexier than a woman bent over with her panties around her knees. He wanted to lean over and taste her, stroke his tongue up her hot center. But not yet. There was something else he needed even more.

is body was demanding satisfaction
, his cock hard with urgent need. He held her still with a hand flat against her lower spine.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Miss
Trent.” He pressed against her, letting her feel his need. He leaned over her, his soft breath tickling her ear. “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. But you will not come, do you understand? This time is for me. Only me.”

“Logan, I can’t…”

His hand landed with a loud smack against her left check. “You will obey, Miss Trent.” He rubbed the tender flesh lightly, relishing the tremble of her body under his touch.

He couldn’t wait any longer. Removing a condom from his pocket, he pushed his slacks down
. For one brief second he considered not wearing it. She was on birth control and the feel of her surrounding him with nothing between them was a tremendous temptation. One he’d never been faced with before. But the taboo aspect of unprotected sex was too ingrained in him and he made quick work of fitting the condom to his hardness.

There was no need to stroke himself to readiness. He’d been hard for a week. H
e’d jerked off again and again. He could have availed himself of some of the most beautiful women Japan had to offer—geishas trained in the art of pleasure and pain. But the thought of being with anyone but Macy had filled him with distaste. This curvy little minx had gotten under his skin in a bad way. And he could not allow that to continue. The only thing he
do was to fuck her out of his system. Which he planned to do. Starting now.

her nether lips, he found her core with his thumbs, opening her to his possession. She was wet and ready, thrusting against his hand as she panted with need. He pushed the mushroom head of his cock into the glistening slit and she whimpered as he eased inside her hot canal. Working himself into her slowly, he felt her body stretching to accommodate him. Sweat trickled from his face as he fought for a control that was precarious at best. Their time together had not accustomed her to his size. “That’s it, Macy. What a girl good you are, taking me so well.”

With a final thrust, h
e gave her his full length. A shudder racked his frame as he felt the tight walls of her pussy pulsating around him. Bending forward, he traced light kisses up her spine as he placed his hands on either side of her body, caging her in. “Are you ready, Miss Trent,” he whispered against her ear, his voice unsteady as he fought for his own control. He
going to keep his promise to fuck her hard and fast.

They both needed it. He needed to fuck away his anger and she damn well needed to learn how to obey
rather than simply giving lip service to his demands. She would pay for those moments of fear she’d given him when she’d failed to show for work on time. He rammed his hips forward, burying himself deeper still. Without giving her time to adjust, he began to move,  thrusting furiously into her slickened center, relishing her small whimpers of pain. When the force of his thrusts caused her to lose her balance, he anchored her in place with a hand on her hip, pressing her harder against the desk. Over and over again he slammed into her. He didn’t try to temper his movements. This was meant to be rough. Meant to be dominating. The wave of his release came quickly and he didn’t fight it. He let the orgasm wash over him, seizing his balls, emptying his cock. He rammed into her one last time and stilled, collapsing on top of her, his breathing harsh.

Beneath him her back rose and fell rapidly.

He gathered her hair in his hand and turned her face to the side, seeking her mouth. He kissed her long and hard. Once he could trust himself to speak normally, he praised her. “Good girl, Macy. You didn’t come.”

He levered himself away from her and pulled out of her body
, groaning as he did. He had come, he had emptied himself inside her, but his dick was still hard. He wanted to turn her around and take her again.

But he couldn’t allow her an opportunity to thwart his last command

He took care of himself then used his
handkerchief to wipe her clean before pulling her panties back in place. He smoothed her skirt down then lifted her from the desk. Her body was limp, as pliable as a piece of spaghetti. He wanted to laugh out loud, a sensation that was becoming all too familiar when he was in Macy’s presence.

“Do you think you’ll be able to finish the day?”
She looked like she needed a nap. He on the other hand felt ready to go another two or three rounds.

She snuggled against his shoulder. It was an intimacy he shouldn’t allow, but he did. He liked the way she felt against him.

After a few moments
, Logan eased Macy away from his chest and straightened his tie. Other than the satisfied lift of his full lips, he looked perfectly composed. And controlled.

sighed. Always controlled.

Was she destined
to crave this unemotional man? To constantly allow her heart and the love she had to give be beaten down by the carnal needs of her flesh?

so or she wouldn’t have given herself so freely. Again.

She could only hope that if she played her part, they would both gain more from their time together than the simple satisfaction of a few fantastic fucks.

“What would you like me to do now, sir?”

One elegant brow rose a
t her obedient manner.

Macy bit her tongue, holding back the
smile that threatened to stretch her lips. The man had no clue what was in store for him. She could be wickedly obedient.

He picked up his
jacket where he’d dropped it and retrieved a velvet box from his pocket. For a brief moment Macy’s heart kicked up with excitement, until she realized it was too big for a ring box.

Right, Macy,
she scolded herself, like Logan Quinn would ever contemplate marriage—let alone marriage to a chubby little nobody like you. He wanted sex. With her. For now. She had to be content with that.

For now.

“In one hour I want you to go the bathroom and place these inside you.”

“Inside me?”



He leaned down and kissed her cheek, surprising her with the gesture. That was twice now. The kiss on the palm of her hand and now this. They were almost lover-like in affection. The sweetness of the moment was immediately replaced with a flame of heat when he bit her earlobe and whispered, “Wherever you want to be fucked tonight, Miss Trent. Lady’s choice.”


The car was waiting for her when she went to the garage after work. Logan had left in the early afternoon for a meeting. Even though the Osaka deal had probably earned him hundreds of thousands of dollars, he’d already moved on to his next project. Just like he’d move on to his next woman when he was through with her. Her fingers tightened on the strap of her purse. She hadn’t expected their month together to start so soon. She thought she’d have more time to prepare. Could she do this to herself again?

“Good evening, Miss.”

Macy barely prevented herself from grimacing at the chauffer’s cheery greeting. The last time she had seen the man she’d been crying. And he’d been driving her away like the fallen woman she’d become. She straightened her spine. He knew nothing about the contract between herself and Logan. As far as he was concerned, she was simply another woman in Logan’s long line of women.

Yeah, that put a better spin on things.

“Hello, Jim,” she responded quietly.

Nothing else was said on the drive to the apartment.
She wondered briefly how long she would be expected to stay tonight. The contract hadn’t stated, nor had he said anything about her moving in with him for the thirty days. Would he simply have sex with her tonight then order her to go home immediately afterward? Her world was far different from Logan’s. And Logan was a far cry from any man she’d ever known. He was handsome, successful, rich as Midas, and so in control of himself and everything in his upper-crust world. His emotions were buried deep within, covered over with layers of restraint and self-discipline.

So differe
nt from her.

Her emotions simmered all day long,
barely contained beneath the surface, ready to explode at any moment. Into joy, love, anger…desire. She shifted on the seat, enjoying the feel of the stainless steel balls inside her. She’d followed Logan’s last command.

The car arrived at Logan’s
apartment building and Jim pulled into the underground parking lot right next to the elevator that would take her to his penthouse. Macy’s pulse sped up as the force of her action hit her. When he’d dismissed her so cruelly after their weekend together, she’d been sure she would never give in to anything like this again. But she hadn’t thought Logan would want her a second time either. The realization that she loved the man had been made long ago. The question that she could not answer was how could she give herself to him without the assurance of any emotional bond in return? Did she love him so much that she would play the wanton for him as long as he wanted? Yes, because she wanted him in a way that she’d never wanted anyone else.

Was she a
fallen woman?

Not if she had anything to do about it.

“Thank you, Jim.” Macy smiled up at him as he helped her out of the car.

“My pleasure, Miss.” He tippe
d his hat then climbed back behind the wheel, turning the big car expertly. The elevator doors opened noiselessly and Macy smiled at the security guard inside. No doubt ordered to escort her to the top. He nodded politely but remained silent as he pushed the button that would whisk them to the top floor of the impressively modern building.

The apartment
appeared to be empty when he let her inside. She closed the door behind her, hearing the click of the lock as it engaged.

BOOK: Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)
8.55Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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