Bound by the Past (27 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Bound by the Past
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As they began their mating dance, she was swept away yet safe and warm locked within their embrace. As Night withdrew and Jon advanced, they slowly erased the tiny, lonely spot inside her that spent years thinking she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, interesting enough. Soon the insecure stain was gone and in its place was the knowledge that this was where she was meant to be. These men were hers.

“I love you,” she screamed as the power of her emotions combined with their motions and they pulled her once again into the sparkling abyss.

Jon followed her down first. “Everything, Carly,” he yelled as she felt the warm flood of his seed fill her.

Night soon joined them, words seemingly escaping him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and his climax burst into her tight ass.

It was several moments before she realized they’d assumed their usual after-amazing-sex positions. She was tightly spooned against Night’s chest as Jon faced her, gently caressing her face.

“So you’re staying with us?” Jon whispered.

“Of course I’m staying.”

“Always,” Night said, pulling her tighter to him.

“Always,” she promised. As she spoke the word, she realized this was the first real thing in her life. She’d found true love, not with one wonderful man but two, and their commitment to each other was strong enough to last them a lifetime.

She giggled giddily at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” Jon asked.

“I think this is the part in my romance books where the words, ‘And they all lived happily ever after’ show up.”

“Hmmm,” Night sighed thoughtfully. “I think in our case, I’d rather see this part end with ‘And they all got up and had hot monkey sex in the shower’ instead.”

She laughed. “Okay, that ending works too. Race you to the bathroom.”






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Forbidden Legacy

A Trinity Masters book



Harrison has served as leader of the Trinity Masters for a decade. He’s always placed the group above his own needs—even when it comes to the one woman who calls to him. When a dangerous threat to the secret society surfaces, Harrison sets a plan in motion that could save the organization, but it comes with a price.


Alexis turned down an invitation to join the Trinity Masters, afraid to relinquish control over her life, her future…her love. That rejection means she and Harrison are forced to ignore their desires. Her heart aching, she throws herself into her job and her difficult working relationship with her boss, Michael. He’s attractive and maddening, but Alexis has zero plans to give in to the crazy chemistry between them.


Unable to take another moment of longing for him Harrison, Alexis to a ménage relationship with him. Perhaps with a third around she’ll be able to keep her heart intact. She is completely unaware their third will be Michael. She couldn’t have known how giving herself to them would inflame her desires. Or how much she would enjoy submitting to them.


But when an evil man looking for revenge sets his sights on Harrison, time is the one thing none of them have. And it soon becomes apparent Harrison’s forbidden legacy could destroy them all…


Enjoy this excerpt from
Forbidden Legacy


He’d waited too damn long for her. Now that he had her in his arms, he wasn’t holding back, wasn’t denying himself this taste. He deepened the kiss, pulling her closer. Alexis accepted the embrace, put her own spin on it as she nipped at his lower lip, demanding access to his mouth. Her tongue stroked his, betraying her hunger.

Harrison grasped her hair, tugging at her long auburn tresses. She moaned when he increased the pressure. Then he twisted their bodies—careful not to break the connection of their mouths—as he pushed her against the desk.

Alexis placed her hands on his shoulders, shoving him away. “What are you saying, Harry?”

“I want you.”

She shook her head, clearly confused. “Is this a proposal?”

His patience was in tatters. Now that he’d opened the gate, the time for conversation was over. There was nothing more to say. At this moment, action took precedence to words. He unbuttoned her blouse.

“Harry.” She insisted on an answer.

“What if it is, Lex?” He kissed her before she could respond. He didn’t want her answer. Couldn’t stand to hear her refuse or deny this. He wouldn’t let her lie to him. Not now. Not ever. He moved his hands, pushing them beneath her skirt.

“Damn you,” she muttered against his lips. “I didn’t lock the door.”

He grinned. “Don’t move.” He crossed the room and engaged the lock. Upon his return, he lifted her and urged her to sit on the desk as he pushed her skirt higher.

She worked the knot of his tie loose and then started to unbutton his shirt. Three buttons down, she got fed up and simply ripped the last few free, dragged the cotton away and dropped it to the floor.

Harrison kissed her once more, pressed his lips hard against hers, demanding, unyielding. He reached beneath her skirt and pushed her panties aside so he could draw his fingers along the slit between her legs. She was hot, wet, ready.

Alexis leaned away from him, gasping for breath. “Stop. Wait. We can’t do this.”

He tugged her blouse open, slid it off and found the clasp of her bra. “We’re not stopping.”

“Harry.” She half-heartedly tried to push his hands away, but they soon fell to her sides when he freed her breasts. Bending forward, he sucked one turgid nipple into his mouth roughly.

“God.” She gripped his hair, attempting to hold him to her. Harrison had never been called a gentle lover. He’d always been careful to choose bedmates who liked their pleasure laced with pain.

Alexis threw her head back, digging her fingers into his scalp. “Harder, Harry. God, suck it harder. Need to feel…”

He gave her what she wanted. And more. He cupped the flesh of her breasts, kneading firmly as he continued to draw on her nipples, increasing the suction until she cried out so loudly there was no way his secretary wouldn’t know what was happening in his office.

He tried to make himself give a damn, but he didn’t. Instead, he doubled his efforts until she moaned again.

Once more, he reached beneath her skirt and found the elastic waistband of her thong and garter belt. His actions jerked her back to reality.

“We can’t do this, Harry.”

“Of course we can. This is way overdue. Stop pretending you don’t understand that.”



Jacob's Ladder by Bianca D'Arc



A man on a mission…


Jake can see the future and there’s a special woman on his mind. She needs his help and he’s just the man to help when danger stalks her every step.


A woman with responsibilities…


For Ria, being the Nyx—the leader of her people—comes with burdens that few can understand. Her special abilities make her a target of the Venifucus, an ancient faction that hopes to pervert Ria’s hereditary power to their own evil purposes. She’s lived her life on the run, but the time has come to turn and confront the bad guys on her trail.


Can they stop the Venifucus from using the ancient power of the Nyx to return evil to this world? Whatever the cost, they must stop it, before it’s too late.


Enjoy the following excerpt from
Jacob’s Ladder:


Ria ran as fast as her human feet would let her, surrounded by her Royal Guard. There were only a few on duty at any given time, but those few were forces to be reckoned with and had saved her life many times before. The Royal Guard had prepared for every contingency before even considering actually using this location. As a result, they had an escape plan in place and more than one route to get out of the area.

Ria trusted her people to find her a safe passage, and if they came across any
soldiers, she and her Guard would take them out swiftly and silently.

Unless they were taken out first. So far, that had never happened. Somebody always survived to help guide her out, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t lost a few dear friends along the way. The lucky ones retired with injuries that made it impossible for them to continue as Guards. The unlucky ones went on to the next realm knowing they had done their duty, and she prayed for their souls on the other side of the veil.

Bronson was new to her Guard. He had come of age and finished his training just in time to replace her cousin, Cade. Though she missed Cade, she knew he had earned this time with his new mate, Ellie. Cade and his former fighting partner, Mitch, were both newly mated and now far from her side. She missed them dearly, but didn’t begrudge them their happiness.

Ria had attended Mitch’s recent wedding in Iceland and was truly happy for her former Guard. At that very same wedding reception, Ria had met a striking, startling, altogether scrumptious human male with a decidedly mystical bent. Ellie’s older brother, Jake, had come to the party specifically to meet Ria—or so he had claimed. They had shared a dance and a bit of conversation that had haunted her for months now. He’d said he wanted to meet her because he was going to help her save the world.

Intriguing as that notion was, he hadn’t wanted to elaborate more than that. They had talked of many things that night, but had never returned to that rather outrageous claim. She had felt a bit like Cinderella at the ball. She had spent most of the night with Jake, as he’d told her to call him, but then, right around midnight, when the shifters began taking their furred forms and racing over the snowy, Icelandic volcano, he had disappeared.

She hadn’t seen him since, but her thoughts had turned to him time and time again over the past few months. The simplest little thing would inspire memories of their few hours together and his delicious scent seemed to be forever embedded in her brain. She almost suspected…but no. He couldn’t be her mate. He was human. And weird.

What kind of guy ran off like that? And what about that strange claim that he was going to help her save the world? Who spoke like that? She wasn’t sure if he was as incredibly appealing as she remembered, or just some random fruitcake who led women on with cryptic words and then disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

But if he was a fruitcake, why did she think of him almost every day? And why did she have this incredible urge to hunt him down? Why in the world did she want to see him again? He’d
her. Abandoned her like Cinderella had left the prince at the ball, holding nothing but a lousy shoe. Now that was some weird role reversal, wasn’t it? And she didn’t even have a smelly shoe to remember him by.

She was doing it again. Thinking about that encounter with Jake all those months ago when she had more important things going on. Right now, she should be concentrating on fleeing for her life.

She was following after Dorian, the point man of her small Guard detail as they headed for the closest of the pre-planned escape routes. Thank goodness her feet still managed to work even while her mind was on that damnable, disappearing man, Jake.

Ria was doing her best to move as quickly and silently as she had been trained, following in Dorian’s wake. Shelly and her partner, Burgess, were on either side with Bronson bringing up the rear. And then Bronson cried out.

Ria spared a glance behind her to see the young man go down on one knee, then pop right back up again—bleeding. He’d been shot in the leg and from the sound of it, the gun was sporting a silencer. That was bad. Pros used silencers.

Bronson spun and began fighting hand to hand with the man who had come up behind him. Ria worried for the young Guard, but knew he was doing his duty and she had to do hers. She had to keep herself from being captured. It sucked being the black panther queen sometimes. Actually…all the time. Ria wasn’t exactly a fairytale princess and doubted she ever would be.

For one thing, she was always on the run and had to watch her friends get hurt and even die protecting her and her legacy. Where was the fun in that? All it did was break her heart and make her live on pure adrenaline half the time, which was something she didn’t really enjoy.

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