Bound by Blood: Two Novellas of Paranormal Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood: Two Novellas of Paranormal Romance
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Six weeks after she left my shop with the tool, she walked back in without him. I was in the furthest corner of the shop, straightening the demo floggers when the bell above the door chimed, alerting me that I had a customer. I called out, letting them know where I was, and a second later I heard the click-click of heels on the tile floor.

The hair on the back of my neck stood and I knew it was her long before I saw her. Somehow, I thought I should have known it was more her style to ditch the guy and come back, rather than calling me while they were still servicing each other.

She was every bit as succulent as she'd been the first time I saw her – thick and ripe in all the right places, dressed to impress with mouthwatering perfection. The old marks on her neck were faded nearly to the point of invisibility, gone but not forgotten.

I wouldn't be happy until I'd eradicated him from her memory.

We stared at each other silently for several long minutes. My breathing was harsh to my ears; I felt like I'd just run a marathon. My heart raced wildly and I willed it to slow.

"I broke up with what's his name. He wasn't getting the job done. The boys never do."

"No?"Of course they wouldn't get the job done. No one would ever get the job done but me. I couldn't wait to get the job done, so to speak.

Neither of us moved, standing stock still, rooted to the floor. I couldn't bring myself to go to her. I'd waited weeks.


She could come the rest of the way.

She shook her head and bit her lip, perfect teeth sinking into plump flesh. Her tits strained against the flimsy tank top she wore; the way they bounced when she walked pulled my fangs from their sockets and I had to taste one. My tongue ran along the sharp edge of my teeth, anticipating the sweet taste of her in my mouth.

"You feel it too?The pull?The bond?" The purse hanging from her shoulder looked heavy and she let it suddenly drop to the ground. She shoved it off to the side of the aisle with her foot, not sparing it a second glance.

Without a word, I walked to the front of the shop and flipped the open sign to closed, but didn't bother with the lock. I leaned casually against the glass wall at the front of the store and when she looked at me questioningly, I smiled back.

"No one ever comes in this time of night anyway."I winked. "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

Her eyes grew dark and I started to question my judgment. I'd been so sure I was the hunter, the predator, but the look in her eyes was lethal. I cackled madly and bolted for the aisle to her left. Knowing the layout of the store would definitely be to my advantage – one I'd be using differently than I had planned.

Knowing it would only take her a minute tops to find me, I headed straight for the back of the store. One of the many benefits to our kind: our tracking ability. It was like sonar, or GPS. We just knew how to find what we wanted. And she was after me.

"I don't even know your name,"I called over my shoulder as I raced for the swings.


"Fitting, maybe I'll call you 'firecracker'. I'm Caoimhe," I yelled. My heart resumed its frantic pace, pounding in my ears so loudly I almost couldn't hear her coming. She crashed heavily into my back just before I made it to my destination. I went sprawling onto my stomach with her on top of me.

We slammed to the floor and skidded into one of the displays. Purple dildos rained over the top of us as I kicked my way free.

"I haven't fed from a female in nine days," she panted against my skin.

Her fangs skimmed down the back of my shoulder and she inhaled deeply. "I like working for it."

"So the donor you were with wasn't an exclusive thing?"

"Not so much."

"I haven't fed in six weeks. I've wanted to taste you since you walked into my shop with the donor. I'm not going to wait much longer."Sex and blood lust are so intermingled within our race. One seldom feeds without fucking. Or fucks without feeding. The urges are so similar, so visceral and instinctual, it's difficult to separate one from the other.

The act of complete submission on the part of the donor triggered our Alpha instincts. The desire to dominate – to completely dominate – was innate. Feeding from another vampyre, especially a female vampyre, charged you up like to the nervous system.

Enjoyable as feeding from vampyres was, life was so much easier before they enacted the ban on feeding from humans. As the humans had accepted us as myth, hunting had become easier. They became lazy. Hunting increased to the point that the council grew fearful of human extinction and outlawed feeding from humans at all.

I pitched her off me and ripped her pants from her body before she could blink.

"I like the way you think."She attacked her shirt while I ditched my own clothes, shredded denim and cotton piled on the floor beside us. Both finally naked, we stood there, chests heaving, just watching, waiting to see who would cave first, who would make the first move.

It would be me. I knew it.

So I caved.

I launched myself at her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

She staggered backward, sagging against an end cap full of butt plugs.

My calves found purchase around her hips and I cocooned her in my embrace. I licked and nipped at her jaw and neck without biting hard enough to break the skin. I wanted to savor the experience of drinking her, to prolong the inevitable and drag out the pleasure as long as possible. My fangs punched out as I breathed in her scent. It had simply been too long. My need to feed would quickly outweigh my will power.

She slid a hand down my waist and tucked between my legs, gliding through my wetness. Fingers found my clit, pinching and twisting it, her arm pinned between our bodies.

My hips ground against her of their own accord and I hissed at the heat already pooling within me. I kissed my way up her neck and chin, finally finding her mouth. When our lips met sparks shot through me and I was burning alive. The kiss was all fangs and tongues and fire. Her lips mashed against mine struggling to get ever closer. I breathed her in and lost myself. Breathlessly, I threaded my fingers into her hair and pulled her away from my kiss.

I unwrapped my arms and legs from her body and dropped slowly to the floor, my jelly knees collapsing beneath me. On my way down, my mouth latched onto one of her perfect tits.

She cried out as I savagely attacked her nipple.

"I have an idea," I mumbled around my mouthful of perfection. I led her by the hand, mouth attached to the smooth skin of her neck, to our sex swing display.

Her eyes lit up. "Get in."

"After you."I debated trying to force her into the swing, but it had been so long since I fed, I wasn't sure I could overpower her physically.

She cocked an eyebrow, dragging her eyes slowly up my body. "This should be interesting."

I showed her how to adjust the straps and helped her climb in.

The stark black leather of the straps made a beautiful image against her alabaster skin. Blue veins carrying her vampyre blood ran along her limbs, through her breasts, up her neck.

I adjusted the butt pad and strapped her ankles into the harness. Stepping between her thighs, I ground my pubic bone against her wetness. When I held up the spreader bar, she just smiled.

I shoved it between her ankles and strapped it on.

It held her legs nice and wide – too wide for her to close her thighs by bending her knees. She shifted in the swing, twisting and bending, unable to hide her bare pussy from me.

I adjusted the shoulder strap of the swing and then the pillow/head strap assembly.

I used the pulley system to raise her up to mouth height so I could explore her glistening pink pussy. Her thighs were wet with her own juices and I couldn't resist running my finger through her slit and licking it clean. "Mouthwatering," I dove in and ravaged her, licking a long swath from her ass to her clit, sucking hard on her lips, letting her writhe against my face. Knowing it would drive her crazy, I took my time exploring her. I lapped slowly at her opening, penetrating her with my tongue over and over as she arched and strained.

When I knew she could take no more, I latched onto her clit, massaging it with my tongue and sucking for all I was worth.

Her muscles clenched against my intruding fingers, as I curled them upward, looking for her sweet spot and finding her nipple with my other hand. I twisted and pulled, pinched and sucked while she screamed, moaned and thrashed against my mouth. The best part about the swing was that it allowed no leverage on her part, leaving her completely at my mercy.

And I had none.

I watched her face while I fucked her with my mouth, waiting for a sign, some symptom of her pleasure that would tell me just how close she was.

Her fangs slid out.

I shivered, my thighs rubbed unconsciously together, creating just enough friction to get me hotter.

When her moaning grew rhythmic, and fucking louder, I pressed my pinky against her ass, smoothing it round and round until her muscles loosened up. Then, I slipped the digit in.

Her moaning turned guttural, low, thick and sexy.

I instinctively knew my way around her body, knew which places would make her cry out and which ones would make her knees weak. My fingers played her like they'd been doing so for centuries.

A match made in heaven.

I rubbed my fingers against one another through the thin membrane of tissue inside her and pinched her nipple viciously, twisting it hard and sucking her clit inside my mouth.

She came with an earshattering cry.

I smiled victoriously up at her while she clenched around my fingers over and over. I rubbed her g-spot gently, riding out the aftermath of her orgasm.

When she finally stopped moaning and took a shuddering breath, I climbed to my feet and stood next to her head. "By the time I'm through with you, you're going to wish you'd never come back into my shop."

"Try me."

I cranked her head upright so she could watch me while I walked over to the purple dildos we'd spilled earlier. Ripping open a box, I twisted the knob to high. The quiet buzzing seemed magnified in the huge, empty store. I could see her thighs clenching, struggling to close.

"That's not all."I walked away, out of her line of sight and found a bottle of lube. On my way back to her side, I added a butt plug to the small pile in my arms. "Are you ready for me?" I called and traced the vibrator up her thigh.

Her response was a highpitched, shuddering whine proudly announcing her ready for round two.

"Not one for much recovery time?"

She shook her head and wet her lips. "I'm always ready."Her eyes flashed darkly and her nostrils flared.

"We'll see about that."I showed her what I had in my hands.

She moaned again – loudly this time.

I set it all down on the pile of boxed up swings next to her ass. "One more thing,"To her left sat the vibrating nipple clamps linked together with chains. I leaned over her, pressing my tits into her face, smothering her in flesh.

Her tongue slipped out of her mouth, searching across my skin. Her mouth opened greedily when she found a nipple.

I snagged a package from the display and lingered a second longer, letting her mouth work over me.

She cried out when I pulled away and I stifled a laugh.

"If you can't be quiet this time, I'll find you a nice ball gag,"

Her legs shook, and her nipples looked hard enough to cut glass. I ducked under the spreader bar and stood between her knees before I licked my way up her thighs, taking the time to clean up her pussy.


I licked and kissed up her stomach, swirling my tongue in her pierced belly button, giving the ring a good yank with my teeth. I traced the tattoo on her ribs with my mouth, following the swirling vines and leaves. I licked and sucked up the valley of her cleavage and the underside of each gorgeous tit, leaving bright red marks in my wake.

I took one nipple between my fingers.

She moaned before I even pinched. "You're a tit girl, aren't you?" I paused, studying the blissful expression on her face. "You're already nice and primed. Let's see if we can make you come without touching your pretty pussy."

I pinched, rolled and twisted one nipple, yanking and bruising her delicate flesh. I followed with my mouth, licking and kissing away the soreness. I scraped my teeth against her, watching her flesh swell in response to my assault.

She groaned louder, pressed her body against mine, rocking her hips despite the spreader bar preventing much movement.

I flicked my tongue across her nipple. The tightening of her skin triggered a twisting in my stomach. Imagining the feel of her mouth on me, of her tongue inside me, her fingers exploring my body lit me up.

With a yank of my hand, the nipple clamps slid from the package. I turned them on low and held them close to her ear, watching as the gentle hum of the motor had her licking her lips in anticipation. "When I'm done with your titties, I have plans for your pussy."I skimmed the clamps down her neck and over her collarbone, finally making skin on skin contact when I reached her breastbone, her skin prickling and rising to my touch.

Her rosy nipples puckered at my words, begging to be bitten.

I ran the loosened clamp around her areola, circling closer and closer to the tip while she squirmed and moaned through clenched teeth. Instead of putting the vibe on her nipple, I shut it off, opened the clamp, pinched her tit and sank the teeth into her soft flesh.

She moaned.

I released the clamp, leaving her sighing and squirming in the swing.

I twisted the screw, forcing the little teeth closer together until there was nothing else to give. Repeating my action on her other nipple had her legs straining against the swing straps as she tried in vain to arch her back. I flipped the switch and the vibrator function of the clamps buzzed to life.

Her body jolted in the swing, back arching hard, pressing her tits skyward.

Fluids dripped from her onto my thigh.

"I want to drink you down but then I'd lose my little contest with myself, wouldn't I?I'm not touching anything but your gorgeous tits until I feel you come all over my thighs."

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