Bound (4 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Bound
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“Then why isn’t it enough for you,” she asked softly. “Why do we have to come here and…”

He pressed three fingers tightly against her mouth. “Because it’s exciting and challenging. It’s impossible to be bored if you belong to the Dining Club.”

“But you’ve never bored me,” she protested.

“No whispering,” said Andrew with a laugh. “What next, David?”

“I think it’s my turn now,” said David. “Put the cushions on the floor, Amber.”

Taking hold of Grace’s hands he helped her off the couch.

Shamed by the way her wanton body had behaved, she kept her eyes averted from Amber and Andrew as David gestured for her to sit on a pile of cushions in front of a large chair, then watched him as he took off his clothes. The sight of his lean but muscular torso made her mouth go dry with desire.

She’d never been as obsessed with a man as she was with David. He was everything she’d dreamed of, or so she’d thought before he’d revealed his other life, and his need for the Dining Club.

Once he was naked he sat himself behind Grace, and she could feel his erection nudging against the base of her spine. He put his feet flat on the floor, so that his knees were raised.

“Put your legs round the outside of mine,” he instructed her, “then let your knees fall away to the sides.” Once she’d done this he hooked his feet under her ankles and moved his legs to open hers even wider, leaving her sex fully exposed to the watching Amber and Andrew.

“She’s still very moist,” remarked Amber, sitting down next to them and cupping Grace’s sex vulva in one hand.

Grace felt herself flushing with humiliation, trying not to think of how she must look to Amber and Andrew.

“Good,” said David, “I was counting on that.”

Grace’s breath caught in her throat as Amber touched her lightly on the inside of her sex lips before moving away and peeling off her dress. As Grace had guessed, she was totally naked beneath it.

“I’ll sit with Andrew and watch,” murmured Amber, crouching behind Andrew who was seated on the end of the couch.

“Remember to listen to the clock, Grace,” David reminded her.

She couldn’t see it from where they were sitting, but she could hear it very clearly. “How much longer before the hour’s up?” she asked.

“Thirty minutes, just thirty of those warning clicks,” he said. “Remember, failure now means you can never return here with me, and you know what that means.”

She did know. It would mean the end of their relationship, the end of any chance of him learning to love her as she loved him. She wondered how he could be cruel enough to remind her of this now, when he was already putting some lubricant on his hands and reaching forward round the lower half of her body.

“Caress your breasts,” he whispered in her ear. “Play with them in the way you like me to play with them. Pull on the nipples, make them long and hard. Start now, so that we can work together.”

Grace swallowed hard. She was already aroused, but she could hear the click of the minutes, and in the quiet semidarkness the sound seemed to get louder all the time.

“Start now,” he whispered, “so that we begin in unison.”

Knowing she had to obey, Grace began to caress her nipples, and as they swelled she gently grasped the tips and tugged on them.

“Good,” said David. “Now relax against me and give yourself up to the sensations.” There was no gentleness in his voice now, he was giving her instructions, and she knew that she had to obey. Part of her was dismayed by this, yet another part was aroused. She was ashamed to realize that his detached yet skillful ministrations were arousing a darkly excited pleasure in her.

Grace leaned the upper half of her torso back against him, and felt his tongue licking her ear in gentle swirls. She shivered with delight, and then his hands were parting her sex lips, and his thumb and forefinger lightly circled her already swelling clitoris. All at once she knew what he was going to do.

“No, don’t!” she protested loudly. “That’s not fair. You know how quickly I come when you do that!”

“Quiet now or we’ll have to gag you. Arguing isn’t allowed.”

She began to panic. A loud click told her that another minute had passed, but she knew she mustn’t orgasm yet, there were still too many minutes left on the clock. “Please,” she begged him, and she heard Amber give a low laugh.

“She’s so sweet when she begs,” said the blonde. “If she passes this trial, she’ll be begging even more next month.”

Tired of waiting, David started to gently rotate Grace’s swollen clitoris between his thumb and forefinger, and with the lubricant he’d put on his fingers mixed with Grace’s own juices it quickly swelled more. It was soon one expanding mass of delicate nerve endings, which she was terrified would bring her incredible pleasure far too soon.

“Now for the spin,” said David.

She didn’t dare protest, but as he began the slow rotating movement that always drove her out of her mind with pleasure she knew that she wouldn’t last very long.

The pressure was light at first, yet despite that her whole body tightened, and the tips of her nipples were hard and painful between her own fingers. Pleasure lanced through her body, streaks of it moving from her breasts to her pubic mound and she groaned in ecstasy as the tight, throbbing heat grew behind the core of all her pleasure.

David’s breathing quickened, and she felt a drop of moisture fall from his straining penis onto her back. He was almost as near to coming as she was, but that didn’t help her as he increased the amount of pressure on her clitoris and the speed of the rotating movement.

“Come now,” he murmured against her ear. “You need to come, I can tell. Let the pleasure start. Let it consume you. Think how good it will be when that tightness explodes and…”

His voice had exactly the effect that she knew he’d intended, tipping her over the edge, and Grace heard herself scream with a mixture of ecstasy and despair as her orgasm rushed through her overstimulated body. She arched backwards so that she was pressed tightly against her lover. Her lover, but also the man who had cleverly triggered her release far too soon. As her toes uncurled and the tension in her body ebbed away she wanted to cry at her own weakness, and David’s subtle cruelty.

“That only took fifteen minutes,” said Amber, her husky voice breaking the silence in the room. “That means she has to last fifteen minutes without another climax.”

“She’s probably too exhausted to climax again,” said Andrew, his voice kind and reassuring.

David laughed shortly. “I very much doubt it. What do you think, Grace?”

Grace didn’t answer.

Pulling her across the tops of his thighs, David looked down at her. “I asked you a question. You’re expected to reply.”

Staring up at him she couldn’t see any trace of the man she’d fallen in love with. His eyes were expressionless. He could have been a stranger, and yet unbelievably she didn’t think she’d ever wanted him inside her more.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I truly don’t know.”

“Well, we’ll soon find out. I think it’s time to bring in Laura.”

Chapter Four

Within seconds of David pulling on a tasseled bell rope, Laura walked into the room, and Grace realized that the others didn’t want to waste any of the fifteen minutes that were ticking away.

As Amber talked to Laura, Andrew pushed a wicker rocking chair into the center of the room. It had rounded metallic edging and a very small cushion on the seat. The two men then led Grace toward the chair, both of them caressing her upper body as they did so.

Out of the corner of her eye, Grace saw that Laura was peeling off a skintight black and white basque while listening attentively to Amber. Then as Grace was placed in the rocking chair, Laura came and stood by David.

“You know what to do?” he queried. She nodded. “Good. Then you’d better get started. She’s very ready, it shouldn’t take long.”

Even the words made Grace’s body tremble. He was right, and they all knew it. Her body was very ready for more pleasuring but she had to stop it from happening. She couldn’t fail this early on, not the first month. The prospect of losing David was unbearable.

Andrew stood behind the chair, then pulled Grace’s arms up and fastened her wrists together behind her head with a Velcro strip. “Put your legs over the sides of the chair now,” he said quietly.

As she obeyed, Grace felt the air on her hot flesh, and then she jumped with surprise as Laura knelt down in front of her. “What does she like best?” she asked David, her fingers straying up and down Grace’s exposed inner thighs.

“Your special trick will suit her,” said David.

Grace heard another click, and knew she was a minute closer to safety. As Laura put her head between her thighs, Andrew began to caress Grace’s breasts, which were thrusting upwards because of the way her hands were bound. His fingers moved over her flesh in a steady rhythm, and he kept sliding two fingers each side of her painfully hard nipples, so that he could squeeze them gently.

She was so busy struggling against that pleasure that she jumped with shock when Laura closed her mouth over Grace’s vulva, sucking on it for a few seconds while at the same time making the chair rock slowly back and forth.

“Open her up now,” said David, and Grace whimpered with fear. She’d heard another minute pass, but had no idea how much longer she had to last. She felt Laura’s fingers opening her sex lips, and then came the touch of the small, pointed tip of her tongue. Laura lapped at the exposed clitoris with firm sweeps and Grace felt her belly begin to tighten.

Her breathing began to quicken and she heard Amber say “This won’t take long.” The words should have been a warning, but they only aroused Grace more, as she struggled to control her body’s response to the dual stimulation from Andrew’s hands and Laura’s skillful mouth and tongue.

“Four minutes left,” said David, his voice thick with excitement. “Time for your party piece, Laura.”

Grace’s hips were twitching, trying to move upwards to the source of the pleasure, and she heard herself panting as the need for release from the hot tightness grew and grew.

Her whole body felt swollen, her breasts were aching, her lower belly trembling with need. She could feel the heat building behind her clitoris, which Laura was now encircling with the very tip of her tongue in a swirling motion that made Grace groan with despairing pleasure, a pleasure that was constantly increased by the gentle rocking motion of the chair.

“I said it was time for your specialty,” said David, and Grace could hear the excitement in his voice too.

“Nothing more,” she pleaded. “Please nothing more. I’ll come, I know I will.”

“Two minutes left,” said Amber gleefully.

“Don’t do anything more, please Laura,” cried Grace, unable to keep silent, but she knew that Laura would obey David, and her words counted for nothing.

“Be quiet, Grace! If you say another word you’ll fail the trial anyway,” said David sharply.

Laura paused for a second, her tongue motionless, and then she moved her head a little to one side, sucked lightly on Grace’s frantic clitoris and very gently pressed a finger against the delicate area just below it, around the opening to the urethra.

Grace gave a moan of frantic pleasure as a deep throbbing began and heat suffused the whole area. “No, don’t do that!” she shouted, but Laura continued sucking and licking Grace’s tormented bud of pleasure while relentlessly increasing the pressure of her finger.

Grace’s body could take no more. Her hips thrust upwards, the darts of pleasure merged into one and with a cry of despairing ecstasy she climaxed. Her whole body was racked by spasms of forbidden pleasure, and she sobbed aloud at her body’s weakness.

Andrew released her wrists, Laura moved away and Grace was left alone, her body still trembling from the intensity of her climax. She’d kept her eyes closed during the trial, but now she opened them and saw David standing in front of her.

“I tried,” she said, tears forming in her eyes. “Truly I did, but I couldn’t last any longer. I wanted to succeed and…”

“You did succeed,” he said gently. “You succeeded by fifteen seconds. Didn’t you hear the click before you came?”

Grace shook her head, and now the tears rolling down her face were tears of relief. Hastily she brushed them away with her hands, not wanting the others to see.

“Don’t cry,” he said softly. “You were amazing. I was so proud of you.” Carefully he helped her out of the chair, wrapped a soft toweling robe round her then drew her close to him. His arms were tight around her body, and she could feel his erection through the robe. “I’ve never wanted you so much before,” he murmured.

Looking around, Grace saw that they were the only two people left in the room. “Don’t you mind watching other people do that to me? Why do you need…?”

“You loved it too,” he said softly. “Don’t pretend you didn’t. You’ve never had orgasms like that before have you?”

“No, but…”

“I can’t wait much longer,” he said, his voice thick with longing.

Almost before she knew what was happening, he’d removed her robe and was naked himself. Then he sat down in the rocking chair, where she’d suffered such delicious torment, and putting his hands around her waist he lifted her onto his lap so that she was facing him. “Put your legs over my shoulders,” he said huskily, and as she obeyed he pulled her even closer to him until he could slide his rock-hard erection deep inside her.

To her surprise, Grace realized that now she wanted him too. After all he’d put her through she’d been left feeling angry and bewildered. But her anger, combined with hearing the urgency in his voice, and knowing that he was desperate for her, were proving incredibly arousing.

Using his feet to control the movements of the chair David built up a steady rhythm with his hands gripping her round her rib cage, and she threw back her head in wild enjoyment as she was at last filled by him, by the man she loved.

She tightened her internal muscles around him, forcing his pleasure to spill quicker than usual and then screamed aloud with what was almost a cry of triumph at the final rush of hot, all-engulfing pleasure that spread through her body as they climaxed together.

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