Bottoms Up (3 page)

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Authors: Miranda Baker

BOOK: Bottoms Up
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Johnny picked up a universal remote from the kitchen counter and aimed it at the television. The empty room on the screen went dark. The crowd on the couch didn’t notice, but Matt cast a curious glance at them over the head of the woman who was sucking his cock.

“Come on.” Johnny moved down the hall, pulling her after him. They passed the rooms she had seen on the television. Two of the doors were open, and she saw flashes of bare flesh. The steady, rhythmic beat of leather on skin joined the music flooding the hall. It was a sound she loved.

Johnny used another key from his belt to unlock a door at the end of the hall. He opened it and gestured for her to precede him into the dark room. As she stepped forward, he flipped a light switch. She blinked. It was the bed from the television. His bed?

He shut the door and stepped close behind her, his body, warm and large, pressing into her. She felt his chin brush the top of her head. His hard arm clasped her waist. “Since this is your first time on the bottom, I left the heavy equipment in the other rooms. However, I do expect you to wear your clothes as they were meant to be worn.” He tugged at the chain around her waist and chuckled at her frozen shock. “Did you think I wouldn’t know? Silly girl.”

“How could you? This bustier is custom-made. The rings are hidden,” she stuttered.

“All my girls shop at Come Again. They fucking love that place. Quit stalling.”

It was more difficult to obey than she had ever imagined.

“Don’t be coy,” he said pleasantly. “You wouldn’t have wrapped that chain around your waist if you didn’t want to feel it between your legs. I could smell your pussy all the way up the stairs.”

She squeezed her legs together. Her pussy throbbed with the fast beat of her heart. Her breasts swelled, hot and tight beneath the metal and leather. Was he right? Was that why she had worn it?

Johnny turned her around in his arms until she faced his chest. Slowly, she raised her eyes to his face. His shadowed jaw was hard and his lips were pressed tightly together, but his eyes gleamed. He was enjoying her discomfiture, and he knew she was too. Apparently, he could smell it.

“Since you can’t obey a simple directive, I’ll have to help you.” Johnny unhooked the chain from her waist and wrapped it around his palm. Swiftly, he yanked her tight leather skirt to her knees.

Johnny’s nose was level with her bare pussy as he knelt between her boots. He threaded the heavy chain through the rings on her bustier and jerked it a few times, teasing her. Before he clipped the cool metal into place, he carefully flipped her clit ring out of the way of the chains.

“Ah, you have a pretty pussy, Destiny. Delicate, pink little lips.” He slipped his fingers under the chain and probed. She clenched her teeth to capture a groan in her throat, but she couldn’t do anything to stop the rush of wetness that coated his fingers. His fingers teased the chain until it separated her labia. He rose to his feet.

“Let’s see how you walk.” He pushed her toward the bed.

Her first step was agony, but not pain. The smooth, wet links massaged her vulva like kinky tire chains, and by the time she reached the bed, the stimulation had her standing on tiptoe with her teeth embedded in her lower lip. She was afraid to turn around.

He did it for her, making her gasp.

“Aw, poor thing. Do you need to come already?”

There was no way in hell she would admit that her own belt and six steps across the room had her on the brink of orgasm. She found her voice. “No, I’m fine.”

“I’m glad to hear it. By the way, I respond to red, yellow and green.” Safe words, right. She wouldn’t need them.

He fiddled at her waist again. His lips curved wickedly. “I think I’ll use a few props after all.”

An old-fashioned lingerie chest sat next to the bed, but she doubted it held underwear. The wood made a smooth sound as Johnny opened a drawer. He withdrew a black silicone plug and a tube of gel. From another small drawer, he grabbed a few extra metal links. He set the items on top of the chest and grasped her hips, turning her to face the bed.

“Brace yourself.” He pressed her chest toward the mattress and nudged her legs apart with his knee. The only way for her to bend over without cutting herself in half required her to tilt her pelvis toward her chin.

He tugged the chain to the side and smoothed cool gel against her rectum. The head of the plug breached her ass. She tried to relax, but it was impossible. Her back arched, forcing the chains against her clit. She cried out.

“Safe word?” Johnny asked.

“Green.” She took a breath so far from even it sounded like she was teaching a Lamaze class. She pressed her forehead and elbows into the bed and tried to take slow, steady breaths.

Push out when he pushes in
, she coached herself. How many times had she given a sub that simple direction? Easier said than done. She was well aware of the theory. She’d just never been on this end of the practical application. Ha, she’d learned something from this experience already.

“Something amusing?” He pressed forward.

She pressed back, and the plug slid firmly into her ass.

Now there wasn’t room for thought, just sensation. She let it fill her, flow through her. His fingers stroked down her back and she arched again, this time welcoming the tension of the tight chains against her clit. His hand cupped her mound and she pressed into his fingers.

Something shifted inside her. She no longer resisted his touch—she craved it. Just like that, she was on the other side, not wanting to lead, only wanting to follow. She hadn’t expected it to happen so fast. Why had it been so easy? Destiny felt herself slipping away and whimpered softly.

“I’ve got you.” His voice was a rough whisper and not reassuring in the way he probably intended it to be. It felt too good to let him do this to her. It contradicted everything she knew about herself. Panic flashed bright behind her closed lids. Anxiety made her heart pound. She opened her eyes.

He eased one, then two fingers inside her, filling her in another way. Pleasure continued to bloom under his sure touch, and insistent desire soothed her. What was she afraid of? At worst, he would make her come.

She bit back another moan when he withdrew his fingers and turned her around. He pressed down on her arms.

“On your knees, now.”

She was afraid to move, afraid of how good it would make her feel.

He raised a mocking eyebrow. “Obey, Destiny. This is pretty standard sub stuff, as you well know. Exposure, degradation, butt plugs, cock sucking. Except for a spanking, which you deserve and will certainly receive, I’d say I’m on target for providing you with a well-rounded submissive experience.” His eyes flashed, and he seemed to take up half the room with his colorful shoulders. “Down, Destiny. I’m about to ruin my pants.” He unbuckled the chain at his waist and let it drop to the rug with a heavy thud.

She began to sink. Getting to her knees took a long time. The plug threatened to pop out of her ass, and she had to clench her asscheeks to keep it in place. Clenching made everything feel tighter, and now the clit restraint was creating a hairtrigger situation. By the time she made it to the floor in front of him, she had her mind on so many other challenges—namely, not coming—that it was brainlessly easy to unfasten his leather pants.

He wore no underwear. His cock was so engorged that its fat head poked above his waistline. It sprang forward, toward her mouth, and she automatically caught him with her lips.

”I knew you’d give great head,” he groaned as she swirled the salty precome from the tip of his cock and sucked hard. She embraced his length with both hands and fed him into her throat, taking it all greedily. His cock was thick and broad, like him, and she stretched her lips around him, bobbing her head up and down over his wide shaft.

She danced over his cock, her hips swaying as she unconsciously thrust her swollen clit against the snug chains. He fucked her mouth in slow strokes, and within minutes, they found a rhythm together. Wanting him closer, she cupped his balls, rolling her fingers over his tight sac. With her other hand, she gripped him firmly and explored the peaked ridge just under the head of his cock with her tongue. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her head still for his deep thrusts.

“Swallow it all,” he said a second before he filled her throat. She gulped, continuing her dance, loving the pressure in her ass, embracing the chains between her legs, mindless with need. The sound of his harsh breath filled the room. It drove her on, even as he softened in her mouth and pulled away from her.

Johnny’s hands gripped her shoulders. “Be still,” he commanded. “Naughty girl. I didn’t say you could come. Do you need to come, Destiny?”

She froze. Slowly, painfully, she shook her head.

“That’s a shame.” He tucked himself back into his pants and pulled her to her feet. He unhooked the chain and tossed it away. Blood rushed back into her labia, nearly making her yelp with increased arousal. He correctly interpreted her longing glance at the silver puddle of chain on the floor. “Don’t worry, I’ve got good things in store for you.”

Again, he crossed to the wooden chest. “Since you like metal so much, let’s see how you look in these.” He held up a pair of pretty silver nipple clips. “I think I’ll clip your nipples to that other little ring you’re wearing and lead you around the room like my pet.”

There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he would. Or that she wanted him to. In fact, she was terrified that she was going to love that too.

Destiny struggled for balance as he unlaced her bodice. What was happening to her? She’d heard about him, knew his skill as a Dominant. She shouldn’t be shocked that he played her so easily, that he made her enjoy the plug in her ass, made her love the chains against her clit, made her want those clips on her nipples. His cock had felt like silky, steely heaven in her mouth, and she wanted him to put it in her pussy, to jam her full in every way.

So this is what it feels like to be a sub.

The thought hit her like a bucket of ice water. Her brain rebelled. She was no sub. She wouldn’t let this happen. For three years, ever since Damian had left her for that crazy bitch with the snake whip, she had immersed herself in Dominance. She wasn’t going to let Johnny Delcorral destroy all of her hard work in one night, damn it, just because she had, once again, done something rash.

Her bustier hit the floor. Johnny pinched her right nipple, hard. She gasped. It felt like he had pinched her clit. The clip gripped her tight flesh with piercing pain. Tears stung her eyes, but she didn’t cry out.

“Good girl. Ready for the other one?”

She nodded.

Again she felt the hard pinch of his fingers, the pleasure, the pain, then just the pleasure. She felt her body temperature rising. He gave the chain between the clips a slight tug, and she thrust her breasts forward.

“Tell me how that feels. Do you like it?”

She pressed her lips together.

Johnny smiled. “Stubborn, much?” He ran his finger down her stomach. She watched, hypnotized by the chain swaying between her breasts.

Johnny attached a second chain, then dropped it through the loop between her legs. His fingers were deft as he fastened the end of the delicate chain to her clit ring.

He exerted the tiniest bit of pressure.

She stepped forward.

He grinned. “I think I like you leashed.”

Destiny dropped her eyes, noticing on the way down that his cock was hard again. This passive role felt foreign to her. Yet at the same time, her pussy was so wet, so full, it was impossible to deny that she was enjoying his commands. Her body clamored to meet his demands. Subbing had been a lark, a dare, a new challenge, but now she feared it might become something more. The body was hardwired to the brain, the subconscious, the very essence of her being. And if her being was enjoying this, submitting to Johnny could change her life.

Not going to happen.

He could do his worst, his best, and she would not give up control of her Dominant
, not completely. She had agreed to follow his commands, and she would. She would do everything he asked. But she was going to try like hell not to enjoy it. If she failed, then fine, he’d make her orgasm. Whatever. She wasn’t going to let him in her head, though.

Johnny raised his hand in an imperious yet courtly gesture. “Get on the bed. On your back.”

She obeyed, but slowly. The chain tugged her clit and her nipples as she walked, driving her toward the bed even as her conflicted thoughts screamed caution.

Before she could reconcile the two, she found herself stretched out on her back with Johnny standing between her legs. He reached up and caught the end of a retractable rope hanging from a track on the ceiling. He pulled it down to her center. She swallowed hard as he lifted the chain from her belly and carefully attached it to the rope. When he was finished, her small breasts hung by their peaks and her clit stood at attention.

“Don’t move,” he said, diabolical eyes dancing as he stepped off the bed.

As if she could. She was immobilized by the thin chains and ropes attached to her most delicate parts. She had no way to escape, especially when he drew soft, black cords from each corner of the bed and loosely captured her wrists and ankles. The wrist and ankle restraints were purely symbolic, but, boy, did they do their job well. The Domme part of her appreciated the fact that he left some play in the cords to protect her clit and her nipples, but she was dismayed to discover she liked feeling confined.

Destiny closed her eyes to try to block out some of the disturbing sensory stimulation, but being sightless heightened the sensations coursing through her body. Her mouth felt swollen from his cock, and she could still taste his salt on her tongue. Her nipples swelled under the clips in a constant state of steadily increasing arousal. The thin chains connecting her nipples and clitoris conducted sharp, hot pleasure through her body in a continuous loop.

She arched her back, gasping as the change in position intensified the effect, then almost screaming as she settled back on the bed and discovered that the retractable rope had just enough tension in it to give her clit and nipples a delicious tug. Her thighs fell wide. Her pelvis thrust toward the ceiling. She felt as if he had driven a wedge into a tiny crack in her façade and split her wide open.

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