Bossy (41 page)

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Authors: Kim Linwood

BOOK: Bossy
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I laugh it off. “Relax, babe. It’ll never stick. We’ll pretend to be married, eat and drink ‘till we puke and get it annulled when we’re back on land if we have to. It’ll be fun.” She’s not convinced, but they can’t seriously hold us to this. This isn’t real. Me? I’m already looking forward to the champagne and cigars.

Chapter 21: Angie

houldn’t it take longer to get married? One moment, Gavin and I were standing there in shock, then a short speech, a few words and suddenly we’re at the vows.

“I do.” My voice is shaky and I barely get the words out. Gavin’s “I do” is more confident, and he’s grinning like an idiot. What if we’re really freaking married? Doesn’t he get that this is serious?


Apparently not, from the confident way he takes my hand and turns us to face the crowd. My face burns while they applaud. This is all fake. This is crazy. Ridiculous. But sometimes it’s like you’re stuck in a snowball barreling down a mountain, and everything spins faster and faster until you crash into a million pieces against the bottom.

That’s this trip.

I just got married to my stepbrother. In a freaking bikini. Crash.

The crowd gets up for a standing ovation. I want to shrink away, but instead I stand here with the biggest fake smile ever on my face, doing my best to look radiant or whatever it is brides are supposed to look like. In flip-flops.

My face is burning with embarrassment, and I’m sure I’m blushing all the way down. They could at least have given me time to put on a dress or a shawl or something. Why did I let the steward take my wrap?

Chuck’s voice cuts in behind us. “You may kiss the bride.”

Gavin laughs. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.” Wrapping his arms around me, he dips me deeply like I don’t weigh a thing, and plants his lips right on mine.

I forget about everything around me, about being married, about being nearly naked, about my embarrassment. About everything. Suddenly, it’s just Gavin and me.

Heat surges through us, connecting us in the moment. His bare skin burns where it touches mine. My blood roars in my ears, rushing hotly through me like an overflowing river and I barely hear the loud cheering of the crowd above it. Hooking my arms around his neck, I grip him by the hair and cling to him like a life preserver.

I’m too wound up. That must be it. My body’s on emotional overload right now, and it’s discharging in the kiss. Sense creeps slowly back into my mind, making me realize that I’m clinging like a lovesick bride to her brand new husband. Not for show, but because in that moment, he was the most real and sane thing in an ocean of insanity.

The cheering doesn’t stop until he pulls back, letting us both come up for air. His eyes crinkle in cocky amusement. “Man, if I knew all it would take was marrying you, I would’ve done it long ago.”

“Fuck you.” I say it in my sweetest tone and with a smile on my face.

His smile turns into a predatory grin and his eyes narrow. “Oh, you will. And I can’t fucking wait, babe.” He swings me back up to my feet, then continues loud enough for everyone to hear. “But first, we party!” Another cheer sounds from the crowd.

Captain Chuck appears behind us and puts a broad hand on each of our backs, guiding us towards a long table set up on the deck. His hand is rough and calloused, but that’s it. So why does Gavin’s touch make me feel all tingly and warm when I can’t even stand him?

I try not to think about it too much as servers show us our seats at the head of the table. The guy who took my stuff comes back, and I slip my wrap on like a makeshift dress. A little too late after he left me to get married in my swimsuit, but at least now I don’t feel as exposed, and the air’s getting cooler. Gavin sits down in just his board shorts, apparently happy enough with that. Strangest reception ever.

The Captain is seated to my left, and then Joyce and Mabel have places at Gavin’s right.

“I knew you folks had spoken before, so I figured you wanted some familiar faces at the table,” Chuck grinned.

Joyce is bubbling over with excitement, clapping her hands and talking to Mabel, who seems to be looking for the buffet. One of the stewards directs her back to her chair twice before the servers come with appetizers. It’s some kind of sashimi with a delicious dipping sauce, which is melt-in-your-mouth good. I can’t believe I’m even thinking it, but maybe Gavin’s right. Just enjoy the party, and we’ll get everything sorted out when we get home.

A platoon of servers step up, popping champagne bottles at the same time like a twenty-one gun salute. A cheer goes up and flutes are poured. As soon as our glasses are filled, Captain Chuck stands and proclaims a toast to the happy couple. Then someone else does. Then Gavin stands and makes a toast to all the guests, and so on and so on. By the first main course, some kind of fish and crab dish with scallops in an amazing clear sauce, I’m feeling pretty happy, already well into my third glass.

Gavin looks at me curiously when I pop one of the scallops in my mouth and chew it happily. “Babe, didn’t you say you were allergic to shellfish?”

“Yup.” I giggle, and it’s not just the champagne. “I might’ve said those words.”

His eyes widen for a moment, then he laughs. “I’ll get you for that.” The hot promise in his voice makes my breath catch.

Joyce looks at me with a sparkle in her eye and picks up her dessert spoon. Oh no. Gavin spots her and his face breaks into a large grin. When she starts ringing her glass, he’s already leaning in for the kiss. I must be drunk, because I turn to meet him without having to convince myself.

God, he kisses so well. The heat from his lips surges through me, filling my body from the tips of my fingers and down to my toes, but most of it pools right between my legs. When we part I’m breathing heavy, and so is he. Something tells me he’s not going to be as easy to push away tonight, and maybe it’s the champagne, but right now that doesn’t sound so bad.

Joyce was the first to ring her glass, but she definitely isn’t the last. Each new kiss is a little bit deeper than the last, and Gavin’s letting his hands roam more freely as night falls and it’s easier to hide. When he cups my ass and I don’t immediately slap him, we’re both a bit surprised, I think.

By the time we get to dessert, which is a tall spindly thing that I have no idea what is other than that it tastes deliciously sweet and is decorated with heavenly melted chocolate, my nipples are rubbing against my top, and I’m squirming in my seat. If only I could keep Gavin using his mouth for kissing instead of talking, I might not even want the annulment.

Out on deck, a large area has been set off as a dance floor, and as the servers clear away the last of our dishes, a live band starts up. Chuck’s right there with them, picking up the microphone and declaring that it’s time for our first dance as a married couple. It’s a good thing I’m pretty drunk, because all of my dancing experience comes from dance clubs. Sober, I’d never dare to let Gavin pull me out of my chair and onto the dance floor.

“Just follow my lead, babe.” He takes my left hand in his right, puts his left hand at the small of my back, then leads me elegantly around the dance floor while I follow the best I can. He moves confidently, like he’s done this a million times, his strong arms nearly carrying me. “Dad insisted I learn this shit growing up. Never thought it’d actually come in handy.”

Gavin laughs while doing his best to make me look graceful. It’s like I’m floating when I’m in his arms, my head swimming and it’s not
from the alcohol. Twinkling stars spin above as he twirls me, the wrap floating around my thighs, and when he pulls me back in, I melt into him. I think I’m pretending, but honestly I can’t even tell anymore.

The first number ends, and after a round of applause that he receives gracefully and I receive by burying my face against his chest to hide my blush, the other partiers join in.

I try to head back to the table, but Gavin stops me with a tight grip on my arm. He shakes his head, a playful pout on his full lips. “Tell me you are
leaving me on the dance floor after only one dance. On our wedding night, no less.”

“I’m not much of a dancer.” Other than alone in my bedroom, I add silently. But he doesn’t need to know that.

He pulls me right back into his grip, holding me so close I can hear his heartbeat thundering in my ear. “Don’t care. Dance with me.” Then with one hand holding me close, and the other sliding down onto my ass, he leans into the crook of my neck and kisses it while we sway to the slow number the band is playing. For a second I tense, but something gives. Instead of pushing away, I press closer to him, even putting a soft kiss or two on his chest.

All the fight has gone out of me, and I can’t seem to find it again. I’ve no idea how long we dance, but I’m snapped out of the moment when there’s a bright explosion on night sky, illuminating us in reds and blues. My first thought is the Captain’s tall pirate story, but it’s only fireworks.

We look up, still standing close and swaying gently. Flash after flash lights up the deck, spraying every color imaginable into the air. The fireworks reflect in the crystal clear waters, making it seem like we’re completely surrounded. It’s magical. Something tells me that I need to remember this, because I can’t imagine a more beautiful wedding, and no matter what happens afterwards, for right now, it’s mine.

Captain Chuck comes by with fresh champagne flutes, giving us one each with a wink before returning to mingle with the other passengers. He’s got the sense to leave us alone. Gavin downs his in one long gulp and then throws the glass overboard. “We’re going upstairs.”

I open my mouth to protest, but my body betrays me. I shiver in anticipation, and when I speak it’s not the
oh my God, no
that I was thinking. Instead, I just say, “Okay.” Grinning mischievously, I throw my glass like he did, watching it arc through the air until it disappears into the inky blackness surrounding the ship. I giggle like I’ve just done something ridiculously naughty.

Who are you and what have you done with Angie?

With a laugh, Gavin scoops me up in his powerful arms, carrying me easily. Instead of fighting him, I nuzzle my face against his broad chest and wrap my arms around his neck. My new husband might be an asshole, but there’s still a stupid smile on my face.

The crowd cheers and claps as he carries me past them. I burst out laughing, and I can’t stop it, burying my face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment. Everyone knows where we’re heading, and why.

I’ve just gotten married to a guy who confuses, infuriates and tempts me like no other.

And it’s time for the wedding night.

Chapter 22: Angie

e burst in through the door to our suite, him carrying me over the doorstep, true to tradition. Sort of, anyway. I suppose most brides are carried over in more than a bikini, but at least it’s white. I giggle, getting a look from Gavin. The champagne’s still bubbling in my blood.

He kicks the door shut behind him, not bothering with the lights. Outside, the fireworks are still going off, throwing showers of colorful light spattering across our bedroom. I hardly notice. His eyes are locked to mine, gazing at me so intensely. My world narrows until it’s just the two of us while he carries me to the bed.

It’s going to happen. I should be scared, or angry, or at least push him away, but I don’t want to. What I want is
, at least for tonight.

He lowers me gently onto the white satin sheets, then follows until he covers me. His lips trail kisses along my shoulder and collarbone, as he pulls the flimsy wrap aside. It’s like I’m viewing myself from the outside in, watching as I give myself to him. I don’t know if the haze is alcohol or lust, but I can’t stop touching him. I explore him with my hands, running them all over his muscular back, tracing his shoulder blades with my fingertips.

I have to taste him. Running my fingers into his hair, I grip him tightly and pull him up to me until our lips touch. For the first time ever, I’m the one kissing him, savoring the flavors of champagne and dessert, and something that’s uniquely his.

Pressing against me, he forces his hips in between my legs, and even though we’re still wearing our bathing suits, I can feel his hardness against me. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this,” he says huskily.

“Shut up and kiss me, before I change my mind.” I squirm, eager to finally ease the emptiness inside me.

He chuckles softly before he leans in and kisses me roughly, claiming me with his mouth. Then he moves, leaving me gasping while he licks and nibbles his way along my jaw. I’m holding my breath, just feeling his skin against mine.

As he travels down the side of my neck toward my shoulder, he grabs my bikini top and pulls it up. My breasts pop free, and he palms one with his big hand, squeezing it and rolling my nipple between his rough fingers. I moan in response, arching against him.

His lips explore my collar bone, kissing their way onto my chest. Every touch sends a little spark arcing across my skin. Slowly, but surely he approaches the rise to my unhandled breast until he closes his mouth around the nipple.

My racing heart feels like it’s about to beat its way out of my chest while adrenaline courses through me, making me shiver so hard it almost hurts. Burying my fingers deep in his hair, I try to keep him in place when he kisses down the bottom curve of my breast, but no matter how hard I tug, he ignores me.

It’s only when he gets as far as my belly button, swirling his tongue around it teasingly, that I realize where he’s heading. I look down at him past my breasts, watching closely as he nibbles closer to the top of my bottoms. When he’s almost there, he looks up and grins. It’s his usual cocky smirk, but for once it doesn’t annoy me at all. I want the promise of what that smug little smile holds.

Hooking his fingers in my bikini bottoms, he raises his eyebrows at me. A final, silent question. Swallowing deeply, my response is to raise my hips. He rips the bottoms off, leaving me naked except for the top hanging loosely around my neck. My breasts rise and fall in time with my rapid breathing as I wait to see what he’s going to do.

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