Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3
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“I know you felt it back at the restaurant,” he said gruffly. “It’s like nothing has changed.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” she said in a soft voice. “Things

“Yeah, how?” he challenged.

“I’ve got a career now, a mortgage, a life in Denver.”

He raised his brows. “Those are circumstances, sweetheart, not
. I want to know how

She seemed uneasy, her mouth opening and closing as if she couldn’t figure out how to respond.

“Because,” he went on, moving his hand up to her face so he could trace the delicate curve of her jaw, “it seems like you’re the same passionate girl I went to high school with. The one who acts prim and proper but is naughty as fuck under the surface.”

Her cheeks flushed. “I’m not like that anymore.”

Jake stared at her. “Then explain what happened back at the restaurant.”

“That was…like you said, chemistry.” She wiggled out of his touch and slid closer to the passenger door. “I was never able to control myself around you, which is why I can’t see you again, okay? You’re like…like my Achilles orgasm heel or something.”

He chuckled. “So?”

“So I don’t have time to be bad with you, Jake. I have a job, responsibilities…” She trailed off.

“Not this week you don’t. You’re on vacation, remember?” He shrugged. “Look, I’m staying at Nate’s place. He and Charlotte are gone for the month, so if the two of us decide to, uh, hang out, we’ll be alone.”

“You mean
be alone. I came home to visit my family, not to start something up with you.”

“Who says you can’t do both?”

When he caught her chewing on her bottom lip, he knew he had her right where he wanted her. “Come on, sweetheart, spend some time with me while you’re in Paradise.” He slanted his head. “What we did tonight was good, but it wasn’t nearly enough and you know it.”

Bree scowled, her blue eyes glittering with menace. “It was enough for me,” she said haughtily.

“Oh really?” He leaned closer, cupped her chin, and forced some much-needed eye contact. “You’re telling me you weren’t wishing my head was between your legs? Or that you didn’t want to feel my cock in your mouth? That you weren’t remembering all those nights we spent hours in bed together, driving each other crazy?”

Jake saw her pulse throbbing in her throat and lowered one hand to that revealing spot, feeling the vibration against the pads of his fingers. When he dipped his gaze, he saw a rosy blush rising on the tops of her breasts, a sure sign that she was as aroused as he was.

“Tonight wasn’t enough,” he repeated, the words coming out hoarse.

The resolve in her expression began to crumble, but then she sucked in a breath and fumbled for the door handle. “It’ll have to be,” she answered shakily. “I don’t have time to play games.”

Jake stifled a groan. “I don’t remember you being this stubborn.”

She threw open the door, shooting him a smile that seemed utterly forced. “Thanks for a lovely evening.”

He returned the smile, only his was dry and mocking. “Before you go, can you take a look at something for me?”

She glowered at him. “If you unzip your pants, I swear to God I’ll—”

He cut her off by grasping her chin and tilting her head so she was looking up at the roof of the pickup. “See that duct tape?” he said in a casual tone.

Frowning, Bree studied the ten-by-twelve-inch square of tape stuck to the upholstery. Then she swallowed.

“This old truck has been sitting in my mom’s garage since I enlisted—still runs like a fucking dream, by the way—but the strangest thing, when I slid into this baby a few weeks ago, I looked up and what do you know, the upholstery is torn to shit. Big flap of it kept flopping on my head so I finally had to tape it down.” Feigning perplexity, he met her eyes. “Damn forgetful of me, but I couldn’t remember how it got like that. Figured you might have an idea.”

Equal parts embarrassment and desire burned in her blue eyes. “Sorry, can’t help you with that.”

“No?” A grin stretched across his mouth. “You sure you didn’t claw half the roof off when you were riding me like a cowgirl the night before graduation?”

Without letting her answer, he scooted closer and planted a quick kiss on her lips. Bree squeaked in surprise, then edged away from him, practically launching herself out of the open door. “Again, thank you for a
lovely evening
,” she blurted out.

“I’m helping Austin out at Nate’s pub tomorrow,” Jake told her. “But I’ll be home by five. Come over any time after that.”

“Don’t count on it,” she said, but the fire burning in her gaze betrayed the cool tone of her voice. “Good night, Jake.”

He watched her hurry off, listening to the sound of her black heels clicking against the cobblestone path leading up to the mansion.

Had he pushed too hard? Laid it on too thick?

Probably. Jake shifted gears and followed the enormous circular driveway toward the wrought-iron gate on the Lockhart property. He glanced in the rearview mirror, saw Bree’s willowy body disappearing through the front door, and decided not to question his high-handed tactics.

A week between the sheets with Bree was exactly what he needed. The distraction he craved.

And God, he hoped she’d see the light, because he simply couldn’t bring himself to focus on his goatfuck of a life right now. He had too many decisions to make, and the damn nightmares still came every damn night, making it impossible to think clearly. Did he want to stay in Paradise and work with Owen? Take the job in Colorado Springs? Buy a house? Rent?

A job. House. Fuck, he’d never thought he’d lead anything other than a military life, and the mere notion of settling down in a mundane routine made him feel itchy and uncomfortable.

Letting out an unsteady breath, Jake turned onto the dirt road a few miles from the Lockhart place and headed toward the isolated cabin his older brother called home. Small-town life had always suited Nate, and Owen, and their mom, but it wasn’t enough for him.

Shit. What the hell would he do now that he was a civilian again?

, a little voice said.

The corners of his mouth lifted. Yeah. He was totally up for doing Bree. And he knew the feeling was mutual. In fact, he’d wager his favorite rifle that he’d be seeing her tomorrow night. Call him a cocky bastard, but he was well aware of the power he had over the woman. She’d never been able to resist him, and at the moment, he prayed he wouldn’t be proven wrong



“I’m heading out,” Jake said the next afternoon. As he rounded the bar counter, he glanced at his little brother, who was stacking beer glasses on the shelf over the sink. “I’ll see you at Mom’s for breakfast tomorrow, right?”

Austin gave a noncommittal shrug, his moss-green eyes veiled.

Immediately, Jake’s hackles raised. “Right?” he repeated in a stern tone.

“Yeah, maybe.” Abandoning the glasses, Austin averted his eyes and made a show of wiping down the counter, which was already squeaky-clean.

Stifling a sigh, Jake studied his younger brother, wishing like hell he could figure Austin out. The guy had been moody and insufferable for months, which was a huge change from Austin’s normally laidback demeanor. Unlike his brooding older brothers, who kept their emotions reined in, Austin had always been quick to laugh, unafraid to speak his mind or voice his emotions. The kid could charm anyone who crossed his path, had no shortage of available chicks eager to screw him, and was talented as hell, to boot. Austin was an award-winning photographer, would probably win a damn Pulitzer one day, yet these past eight months, he’d become a prickly bastard. Tight-lipped, irritable. A total pain in the ass.

Exhaling the breath he’d been holding, Jake crossed his arms over his chest and frowned at his brother. “All right. Enough is enough. Are you gonna tell me what’s been needling at you or do I have to beat it outta you?”

Rather than cower under the threat, Austin met his gaze head on. “You gonna tell me why you’re in Paradise instead of overseas with your unit?”

Pain slashed Jake’s chest. Figured that Austin would be the one person to call him on that. He should’ve known he wasn’t fooling anyone when he’d claimed to be on extended leave.

When Jake stayed silent, Austin raised one eyebrow, looking smug. “That’s what I thought, big bro.” He tossed the dishrag in the sink and made his way to the swinging door leading to the back room. Over his shoulder, he added, “Why don’t we save this bullshit secret-spilling for when we’re both ready to talk about it?”

The door swung back and forth after Austin strode through it. Jake reached up to rub the three days worth of growth on his chin, frustrated as hell. Far as he could deduce, whatever was troubling Austin had to do with their mom, but Della wasn’t talking either. She was as stubborn as her son, and no amount of cajoling could get her to divulge what had gone down between them.

Fuck. Whatever. He was a hypocrite anyway, giving Austin beef about keeping mum when he wasn’t ready to talk about shit either.

He left the pub, striding toward the pickup truck he’d parked out front. It was a cold day, a chill hanging in the November air, and in the distance, a shroud of mist surrounded the snow-covered peaks dominating the horizon. Paradise was damn pretty in the winter. Nestled at the base of the mountains, the town belonged in a postcard for Colorado’s wilderness, or maybe some pamphlet featuring idyllic small towns. But beautiful as it was, Jake had always longed for something more. He’d wanted to experience the world, see exotic places, meet new people. He’d figured joining the army would help him to do that, but he hadn’t seen much beauty throughout his military career. Just death and destruction and the kind of gruesome images reserved for nightmares rather than real life.

Still, he wouldn’t trade his time in Special Forces for anything. He’d done a lot of good, served his country in a way that made his chest swell with pride.

At least until that last mission. Couldn’t say he was proud of how
went down. Shoving away the memory, he drove along Main Street, his gaze snagging on the brick building that housed the Lockhart law firm. Tanner Lockhart still worked out of the Paradise office, but both his children practiced in Denver, at the firm’s headquarters. Paradise citizens didn’t have much need for lawyers, save for estate and property work, but apparently the Denver location was booming. He remembered Bree telling him over dinner that the firm employed over a hundred people, including Bree and her brother, Gabe.

Yeah, didn’t surprise him that Bree was a big-city lawyer now. He’d always known she’d build a successful life for herself. She was smart, driven, possessed a solid work ethic. Well, except for those three months they’d spent together—back then, she’d blown off school more times than he could count. She’d even missed her SATs to spend a few more hours in bed with him.

The memory brought a twinge of guilt. Fuck, he should’ve tried harder to make sure she took that damn test, but he’d been just as obsessed with Bree as she’d been with him. Still, he’d always known she’d make something of herself. That’s why he’d broken up with her when she tried to push for something more. He’d been set on enlisting, and he hadn’t wanted to hold her back. Knowing Bree, she would’ve waited as long as it took for them to be together, so he’d severed the tie, knowing they had separate paths to walk.

Only his path had led to a dead end.

And figuring out his new path was proving to be really damn hard.

When he reached his brother’s big, rustic cabin, he parked the pickup on the dusty driveway and climbed the porch. He’d left the door unlocked—nobody around these parts locked their doors—but the second he stepped into the front hall, he sensed the presence of an intruder.

Muffled sounds came from the kitchen, followed by a feminine curse that had his shoulders relaxing.


A grin stretched his mouth. He’d known she wouldn’t be able to stay away.

His cock was already hardening as he hurried to the kitchen, but the semi-erection went limp when he laid eyes on the visitor. Not Bree, but Lexie Price, who was opening and closing cupboard cabinets like she owned the place.

Jake cleared his throat in irritation.

The blonde let out a startled cry, nearly dropping the canister of sugar she held in her manicured hands. “Fucking hell, Jake!” she yelled when she spotted him. “You scared the crap out of me!”

“Says the burglar who’s ransacking my cabinets,” he replied dryly.

cabinets.” She frowned. “And before you ask, I have a key. Nate and Charlotte recruit me to pick up their mail when Charlotte is on tour.”

“Doesn’t look like you’re here for mail.” He strode to the fridge and yanked open the door, pulling out a bottle of Bud. “So what’s the deal?”

“Borrowing some sugar,” she said, reaching into another cupboard for a small container of Tupperware. She dumped some sugar from the canister into the plastic box, then sealed it shut. “I need sugar for my coffee.”

Jake narrowed his eyes. “How’d you get here? Your car’s not out front.”

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