Born Into Love (12 page)

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Authors: Catherine LaClaire

BOOK: Born Into Love
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“It’s a craving and dessert for tonight. You’re invited to our barbecue.
It’s a spur of the moment thing. Mercedes doesn’t know about it yet. Dave’ll be here. He’s the baby’s father.”

“I will be happy to come. I’ll put the ice cream in the freezer.”


he returned, Annie got down to business. “Are you going to break my sister’s heart?”

A tingle spread across
his forehead. Was Annie trying to read his thoughts? “No.”

“I hope that’s true. Luz vouches for you so maybe you won’t let my sister down. We haven’t been having great luck with men.” She wiped her brow. “It’s hot. I’ve had enough fresh air and that ice cream is calling me.”

Diego concentrated on removing himself from the sun. The rays were strong and especially painful. He had never had so much exposure in so few days.

he spoke with Luz.

“Yes, Master?”

“I will dine next door tonight but Annie needs help today. See that she manages the dinner preparations and bring her a strengthening tea and more chocolate ice cream. I must go into the city.”

“She’s worse?”

“Annie guards a great secret. She is quietly using every cell of her weakening body to save the life of her son. Just as quietly we are going to support her.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Do not call me by that name.”

Luz grinned. “Yes, Master.

The doorman in front of Remy’s building accepted a bribe. Procteur’s luxurious suite had a wall of windows that according to the man, spoke of his big bucks. Lately he had been “palling around with a guy who looked like a thug.” Diego was in luck, he said, because Mr. Procteur had called for a limo.

waited in an alley with several inebriated men. Remy plus the thug hurried into the vehicle. Diego flagged a taxi. In that time, they had traveled a block.

“Two-hundred dollars. Follow the limousine with the green logo.” The man nodded and asked no questions.

Remy and company exited a few blocks later, straightened their suits and ties, and walked into Teodoro Incorporated.

Within seconds Remy and a much shorter man dressed in an exquisitely cut suit left the shop. The goon—
he blamed his companion for the continued deterioration of his vocabulary--had vanished. The stranger raised his head. Their eyes met. Diego sensed the stranger knew about him and about his past. He and Remy disappeared into the limo, but Diego had registered a threat.

“Hey, bud, do I follow or what?”

“No, I’ve seen enough.”


Luz greeted Diego at the door, excited by having a change in routine. “I got Annie double chocolate, Master. Remember how we feasted on chocolate in Mexico?”

“You feasted. I smelled it.”

“Annie’s lonely.”

“Did you give her the tea?”

“Yes. That’s what I took care of first. She downed it in the kitchen. Master, you must eat here before you go to their home.”

“Have it ready. In the meantime, investigate Teodoro Incorporated, an importer. He means us harm.”

“Can’t you just read his mind?”

“With him I must be careful. He is not what he seems and do not say, ‘Who is?’”

“Perhaps it’s good you’re in love. Now you will fight maybe even like in the old times.”


* * *


Mercedes wore an apron. “Come in. This is your chance to meet Dave and my chance to renew his acquaintance. Believe me, it’s not what I want.” She lowered her voice. “He uses people.”

hiked an eyebrow as though the news surprised him.

“Dave, meet a friend of mine, Diego Castilla.”

Dave looked at Diego who stole recognition from Annie’s guest before the man blurted out that Diego had attacked him. “How do you do?”

“Hiya. Nice place you got. Saw it on the way in. Bet that set you back a pile of bills.”

“Yes. But they were hard earned.”

“I’ll bet. Whaddaya do?”

“I deal in art.” Dave helped himself to another margarita.

“Really? There’s money in that?”

Dave had a way of curling his lip much like a wolf. “Do you live on the island?”

“Yeah. For the summer. I wanted to be near Annie and the baby. You know, time’s getting close.”

“Dinner’s ready,” Mercedes said. “We’ve got steak, burgers, baked potatoes and baked beans, corn on the cob and salad. That should be enough to fill us.”

“No bread?” Dave asked.

“I forgot. Garlic bread. In the oven.”

Dave befriended the pitcher of margaritas. A rainbow of sunset colors streaked the sky and the agitation caused by daylight left
Diego’s body. Mercedes had fussed with her hair. A pink ribbon held it high on the crown of her head and the curls bounced like a waterfall. “I like your new hair style.”

A sparkle appeared in her eyes. “Save that thought for tonight on the pier.”

Annie lifted the grill cover. “These critters are done.”

Dave sniffed. He placed his hand on Annie’s shoulder, a calculated move testing how far he could go now that he was almost back in the fold.

Mercedes stiffened. “Here, Sis, let me help. I don’t want you by the heat. Sit.” She glanced at Diego--a call to arms. “Diego and I will handle the food.”

knew his role. “I will get the salad from the refrigerator and the bread from the oven.” He hoped he would do better in her kitchen than his.

Luz must have set the table unless Annie also knew how to make napkins into cranes. The conversation focused on the food, the baby and the upcoming exhibit.

Dave swallowed a mouthful of tomato. “Where do ya store all the art?”

“Only a small collection remains and that soon will be gone.”

“You got a secret room?”

Mercedes rolled her eyes. “You’ve seen too many movies.”

Dave ignored her and repeated his question.

“I have released my collections.”

“Got any gold?”

“A small llama has already been returned to Peru.”

His head bobbed vigorously. “That’s what treasure hunters go after. Gold.”

Diego pictured Dave and Remy in a conversation then imagined them trying to trick each other out of valuables.

“Dessert, anyone?”

His beloved grew anxious to end the evening. Her plan suited Diego just fine...

Dave flagged her. “Easy does it, Mercie girl. Diego hasn’t eaten.”

“Nevertheless, Dave, I am ready for dessert. I had a snack at home.” He shrugged... “Could not be avoided.”

cut a large slice of apple pie. “I read about you in the paper. It said you owned more than art.”

Mercedes answered. “Diego’s not going to tell you his personal business.”

“Just trying to keep the conversation movin’.”

glanced at Annie. A wave of sadness drifted over her face as if she witnessed a dream dying.

love tried to lighten the mood. “Annie, if you don’t want pie, we’ve got you-know-what.”

“Maybe later.”

Dave rose from the bench. “Come on, Annie, I’ll take you inside.”

Mercedes and
Diego remained on deck sitting across from each other. “Is Dave spending the night?”

“No. I made that clear. What do you think of him?”

“He has room to grow.”

She laughed. “You know how to play it safe.”

“The sooner we clear the table, the sooner we can be alone. Shall we meet at the pier later?”

“A great idea.”

Being in a kitchen no longer felt strange to him. “What happened at the museum today?

She filled the teakettle and spoke more softly than usual so as not to be overheard by Annie and Dave in the living room. “Ms. Rogers is rattled but the exhibit’s spectacular. In addition to your collection, they’ve brought in wonderful textiles.”

He remembered the skill of the Andean women. Their deft fingers and the curl of their wrist as they transformed the raw wool into soft yarn much of it destined for the royals. What he wouldn’t have given for warm clothing after the sun set in Ciud’Ak.

The evening ended when Dave left. Although no one sighed the expression on the sisters’ faces announced relief on Mercedes and concern on Annie’s.
Diego excused himself. He had much to do before he and Mercedes could meet.



* * *


Later, on a street corner outside a noisy bar
Diego met with Dave as he smoked a cigarette to the stub then headed down the tree-lined sidewalk. Diego called his name and Dave spun around.

“Diego, what’re you doin’ here?”

“Has Annie mentioned she needs transfusions?”


“Are you going to donate?”

“I told her I would. They pay for givin’ blood, don’t’ they?”

Diego’s patience evaporated. He waved his hand across Dave’s face. “When the alcohol is out of your system, go the blood bank. See if you are a match for Annie. Ask about donating platelets too.”

“Thanks, Diego.”

He left Dave there dealing with the suggestion then he stepped into the shadows tense with need. Wings propelled him across the water.



* * *


Mercedes ignored her fear of a rogue wave and sat on the pier with her back to the ocean. She spied Diego cutting across the sand. Like the volleyball players on the beach he had a fluidity of motion that made her think he could outmaneuver the worst thieves in the world.

Mi amor,
how are you tonight?”

“Happy to see you.” He sat in front of her, cross-legged with his limbs touching hers from knee to ankle.

“I sense that you are upset.”

“No use keeping it to myself. I’m worried about Dave’s influence on my sister.”

“There is always a chance he can change.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Time will tell. I have other news, suspicions really. Remy, although I can find no trace of him, is the thief. I know it, but cannot prove it. Plus, he is not working alone. The source of his bravery is his partner.”

“So go to the police, tell them what you think you know and they’ll do the rest.”

“No. They frown upon ordinary citizens delving into investigations.”

“What’re we going to do?”

“Nothing. Not until I discover how such a vessel could matter to them.”

“Is that why
you’re looking into it on your own?”

“Yes. I need to know their motivation.”

“Maybe Remy thinks it contains a clue to treasure.”

“He is greedy enough to believe that and bound to be disappointed. You must not be alone with him again.”

“Let’s go to the cops.”

“I do not want the complication. I give you my word that the pitcher belongs to me. Legally.”

“This is a mess.”

“Do you regret our involvement?”

She wrangled her way into his lap. “Not at all.” She purred against his chest. “I feel safe with you. I want to be in your bed.”

He pulled Mercedes closer.

“But I can’t stay long.”

“I understand. Your sister needs you. I admire you for the care you give her. Now, come. I want to see you in my bedroom.”

She curled up on his king size bed and luxuriated in the pale silk coverlet clinging to her body. He snapped his fingers and soft music played supplying additional background.

Afterwards she clung to him savoring the closeness. Air cooled her damp body. She rejoiced and never felt the mattress.





Chapter 8


Mercedes placed the white orchid, a gift from Diego, in a milk glass vase and centered it on the kitchen table. Annie wandered in. Her stomach had grown two inches but the rest of her seemed thin.

“What’re you doing up so early?”

“Dave called last night. You were with Diego. Papa-to-be is taking me to Dr. Mendez’s office for treatment.”

“That’s my job.”

“He wants to be by my side. That’s what he said and I believe him.”

“I’ll stay around in case he doesn’t show.”

“No. Becoming a father’s having a good effect on him.”

Mercedes bit her tongue. Dave needed money or wanted the house or something. “You’ll use our car?”

“Yes. Just so you know, I asked Diego about his intentions regarding you. He says they’re honorable. We’ll see.”

“I’m not even embarrassed.”

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