Boots and Lace (5 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Boots and Lace
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Oh yeah. Hadn’t he said the same? “Neither do I,” he muttered, less convinced now than he’d been an hour ago.

With Lacey there might not be a tomorrow.

And that bothered Nick more than he cared to admit.

Chapter Three

Lacey slept like a baby through what was left of the night and awoke to sunshine, blue skies and a heart lighter than it had been since she’d come to Temptation five years ago.

A knock at her door had her tossing back the covers and running to answer. Maybe the boys…er…men downstairs had come for a second helping. She was up for it.

“Just a minute!” Lacey called out.

She finger-combed her hair with quick strokes, ran a quick toothbrush over her teeth, then raced from the bathroom to throw open the door, wearing a smile and nothing else.

Kendall’s brows rose and her mouth twisted as she fought a smile. “Oh, baby, glad you didn’t feel the need to get dressed on my account.”

A stab of disappointment made Lacey glance around Kendall and look toward the staircase.

“Nope. No one behind me. Ed had to work today and no one’s home in the apartment below.” Kendall’s brows dipped. “What did you do last night?” Her eyes widened. “You did Cory.”

“Relax.” A trace of heat rose up Lacey’s neck and into her cheeks. “I didn’t just pick on Cory.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cory has a roommate.” Lacey spun away, hugging herself around her middle. “Isn’t it a glorious day?” She flung out her arms and floated toward the window, yanking on the shade, sending it spinning up into the roll. Then she opened the window and leaned out, naked and loving it. “I fucked two men last night and it was fabulous!”

Kendall followed Lacey into the apartment and closed the door behind her. “Uh, Lacey, I’m not certain, but I think there are laws about indecent exposure.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about laws. I had the best sex ever last night.”

“Who’s Cory’s roommate?” Kendall asked.

Lacey smiled over her shoulder, her body warming all over. “His big brother.”

“Nick? The incredibly hot cowboy mechanic?” Kendall’s eyes narrowed. “Wasn’t that him at the bar late last night?”

“Yes.” With a big sigh, Lacey grabbed a shirt and slipped it over her head, then dropped onto the sofa and sat Indian-style, her fingers cupping her pussy, still sensitive from making love to both men last night and wet again at just the memory. “Shoot, Kendall, I haven’t felt this good since the year I came to Temptation all starry-eyed and in love with my first husband.”

“Careful, Lacey. That didn’t end so great.”

Lacey shrugged. “No, last night was sooo much better. This time I wasn’t a young newlywed dreaming of living here happily ever after, raising children and being a contributing member of the elite Temptation Garden Club.” That dream had only lasted for about a year, and for the two years following, she’d lived in misery, wondering what she’d done wrong to make Randy lose interest in her. It took gossiping, so-called friends of the Temptation Garden Club to set her straight and show her that it wasn’t her at all, but that beyotch, Desiree Donnelly, who’d siphoned off all of Randy’s sexual desire. “No, this was uncommitted, purely carnal, no-holds-barred sex with a little BDSM thrown in for good measure.” She closed her eyes, recalling how good it had felt to have two men making her so hot she could have exploded like fireworks on the Fourth of July. “And I’ll bet you dollars to donuts, Old Lady Biedel got an ear and eye full of it all.”

Kendall snorted. “Her and that snooty bunch of garden witches were never anything to write home about. I can’t believe they stuck up for your ex when he was the one cheating on
. And they had the gall to blame you for your husband’s infidelity.”

“Yeah.” Lacey smiled dreamily. “It won’t be long before that old witch flaps her gums about how Cory and Nick fucked my brains out. Maybe she’ll get a hint of what she’s missing and wish she was me for once.”

Just when she’d needed the support of friends, Lacey had learned the hard way that the ladies of the garden club were only fair-weather friends. As soon as divorce was mentioned, they blamed Lacey for her husband’s infidelity and shunned her. Abandoned and heartbroken, Lacey lost the battle in divorce court—thanks to a corrupt judge and a crappy attorney—and found herself out of her home, out of money and friendless.

Until Audrey Anderson, the owner of the Ugly Stick Saloon, took her under her wing and gave her hope for her future and a reason to keep going when she had nothing and no one.

“Yeah, I feel better than I’ve felt since I arrived in Temptation, and it all has to do with Nick…and Cory.” Nick in particular, but Lacey wasn’t willing to say that out loud. Somehow that made it too personal and she’d sworn off getting too personal.

Kendall sat across from her, her gaze drifting to where Lacey was rubbing her clit. She squirmed in her chair and her tongue snaked out across her bottom lip. “It’s like I said, you needed a man of your own— Holy hell, Lacey, will you stop already? You’re making me horny just watching.”

Lacey winked. “Wanna play around a little for old time’s sake?”

Kendall shook her head, her gaze still glued to Lacey’s hand covering her clit. “No, Ed and I are perfectly happy.”

“Invite him over. Surely he can afford to take a lunch break to please his woman.” Lacey closed her eyes, sucking in a sharp breath. Already her pussy ached. “Oh, yeah. Call him. I could stand to live a little vicariously now.”

“Damn it, Lacey, you’re making me hot just looking at you.” 

The sounds of keys jingling and articles shifting made Lacey open her eyes.

Kendall rifled through her purse and jerked out her cell phone, punching at the speed-dial button. “Ed?”

Lacey grinned. She’d helped the pair explore each other’s bodies and break the best-friend barrier to enjoy hot, raw sex. “Tell him his services are needed,” she urged.

“Wanna have sex?” Kendall purred into the phone. She paused. “Now, for heaven’s sake!” Her free hand slipped inside the waistband of her jeans. “What’s wrong with your truck? I see. You don’t mind if Lacey and I start without you? That’s what I thought. God, I love you. I’ll be hot and ready when you get here. Where? Oh, I’m at Lacey’s. Okay. Smooches.” She kissed the phone and hit the off button. “He’s having engine problems, but he’ll be here as soon as he can get a ride.” Kendall paced the room. “In the meantime, you can tell me all about what you did last night.”

Lacey patted the couch beside her. “Sit, you’re making me nervous.”

Kendall dropped onto the couch next to Lacey. “Tell me everything, down to the last dirty detail.”

“It was amazing. Just thinking about the two of them makes me so hot I could catch us both on fire.”

“The guys must have been really good last night.” Kendall’s voice was breathy. She squirmed beside Lacey. “I take it you got off?”

“Several times.” Lacey dragged in a deep breath, one hand climbing to her breast, where she tweaked at a nipple through the fabric. “Cory fucked me from behind.” Her fingers crossed to the other breast and she pinched and pulled on the taut bud. “I gave Nick a blow job he’s not likely to forget for a long time.” She wiggled her ass against the couch cushion. “Then Cory held my thighs while Nick fucked me with a beer bottle.” Her body tensed as the sensations of the previous night washed over her, her pussy creaming.

“Wow.” Kendall crossed her arms over her breasts and ran her tongue across her dry lips. “That sounds wickedly sexy.”

Lacey smiled, her eyelids drifting downward. “That was only the half of it.”

Kendall breathed hard, her gaze on the door. “What’s taking him so long?”

“I’d ask you to share Ed when he gets here, but I wouldn’t want to cross the line when you two are so…tight.” Lacey sighed, wishing she could still join in the fun of teaching Lacey and Ed how to love each other. But then they had graduated and moved past their need of her coaching skills.

“Go on. Tell me what else Nick did. What about the bottle? I’d never thought about using a bottle to get off on.” Kendall pushed her hair back from her forehead and fanned her neck.

Lacey pressed her hand between her legs. “He started by touching me here.” She moaned. “It was pure magic, but when he pressed the cool glass bottle against my clit…” Lacey tipped her head back and groaned. “Amaaaazzzing…”

“Holy hell. What happened next?” Kendall unbuttoned the top button of her shirt and ran her hands down the length of her throat. “Damn it’s hot in here.”

“He slid into me,” Lacey said. “Hard and fast.”

“Where the hell is Ed?” Kendall wailed.

As if on cue, a knock sounded on the door.

Kendall flew from her seat on the couch and ran for the door.

Male voices sounded in the hallway through the thickness of the wood panel. “I’m sure Lacey’s home. Kendall called me a few minutes…”

Kendall yanked open the door and flung herself into Ed Judson’s arms. “It’s about time you got here.” Her legs wrapped around his waist and she clung to him.

Ed’s face split into a grin as he stepped across the threshold. “Damn, woman, you’d think I’d been gone a couple weeks, not hours.” He kissed her long and hard. When he leaned back, he smiled. “Miss me?”

“Take off your clothes,” Kendall demanded.

He chuckled. “I take that as a yes.” He stepped to the side and jerked his head to the man standing behind him. “I brought company.”

Nick McBride moved into view, his brows dipping as his gaze roamed over Lacey, still sitting on the couch, her hand covering her mons. “Maybe I should go back to work.”

Her cheeks burning, Lacey refused to let him know how naughty she felt for being caught talking with another woman about his lovemaking. He didn’t have to know he’d been the topic. “Since you hesitated on the ménage last night, it would be a bit of a stretch to think you’d care for a foursome.” She winked and forced a casual shrug. “It’s up to you. And Ed and Kendall.”

Kendall raised her head from slathering Ed’s face with kisses to say, “Lacey, you’re embarrassing Ed.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Ed laughed, letting Kendall’s feet drop to the floor. “I think she’s embarrassing Nick more.”

Nick’s frown deepened. “Are you always so straightforward about sex?”

“I haven’t always been.” Lacey’s lips tightened for a moment, the hurt of her last failed relationship still giving her twinges, like poking at a sensitive scar. “One thing I’ve learned is that life’s too short to beat around the bushes when you can just say what you want.”

“I’ve noticed that about you.” Nick shook his head. “You don’t pull your punches.”

“No, I don’t.” Lacey nodded. “Leave or stay. Just don’t make me waste a good orgasm, for Pete’s sake.” Lacey stood, the T-shirt slipping downward to cover her nakedness beneath. Let them think what they wanted. She’d sworn never to feel or show shame for wanting—no, needing—sex, ever again. “Well, hell, I’m already losing my edge.” She propped her fists on her hips. “Are you going to stand there staring or come in and join the fun?”

“I have to get back to work,” Nick said, but he made no move to go.

“Then go.” Lacey walked toward the door, throwing a little more swing into her step than normal. Let him wish he was staying, if in fact he was leaving. For good measure, she leaned past him, brushing her breast against his arm to fling the door open wide. “Don’t let us keep you.” She turned and flounced away, lifting the edge of her shirt to give him a great view of her naked bottom, before she stopped and flung over her shoulder. “Oh, and close the door behind you,
” She emphasized the word
, with the same intonation she’d used the night before when she was playing sub to his dom.

Without another look, she joined Kendall as she pulled the buttons loose on Ed’s shirt.

“Need a little help there?” Lacey grabbed the garment from behind and peeled it over Ed’s broad shoulders.

“Damned female,” Nick muttered behind her, and the door slammed shut.

Lacey sagged, disappointed Nick hadn’t stayed. “You two want to be alone?”

“Hell, no.” Kendall leaned around Ed and grinned. “Ed doesn’t mind if you want to watch. Right, Ed? You could even join us…” Her gaze swept past Lacey. “Unless
want to do the honors with Lacey?”

Lacey’s heart bounced against her ribs.

Before she could turn, hands descended on Lacey’s arms. “I’ll handle this one.” Nick’s warm breath fanned across Lacey’s shoulder, raising gooseflesh on her arms and sending sparks south to her cooling core, raising the heat level. 

“You stayed…” She sighed.

“How could I leave?”

“I thought you wouldn’t call or come by? You said—”

“No strings.” His fingers tightened painfully, sending another wave of lust straight south. “I meant it.”

“But what does a little sex have to do with strings?” Lacey laughed. “Let’s get this ball rolling.” She spun out of his grip. “I’ll be right back. I’ve been wanting to test out my newest prop.”

“Oh, Lacey, you’re too much. The woman knows no limits.” Kendall laughed as she slipped Ed’s zipper down and slid her hand inside his jeans. “Umm, miss me much, big guy?”

In answer, he pulled her top over her head and unclipped her bra, setting her breasts free.

Lacey hurried into her bedroom, afraid if she took too long, Nick would change his mind. And she really didn’t want him to change his mind. She wanted to witness his reaction to a little spontaneous orgy.


Nick stood in the middle of the living room, the only one fully clothed and feeling like an idiot, his feet itching to pick up and run. He tried not to watch Ed nibble on Kendall’s naked breasts, but he couldn’t help it. 

you stop by, Nick?” Lacey asked from the shadows of her bedroom.

“Ed dropped his truck off at the shop and needed a ride in an all-fired hurry. And…” he thumbed the silk and lace thong stuffed in the pocket of the gray overalls he’d worn to the shop, his cheeks heating as he scrambled for an answer that wouldn’t be too revealing, “…you left something at my apartment last night.”

Lacey appeared in her doorway, her beautiful breasts visible through the thin fabric of her shirt, making Nick’s cock twitch and harden despite the proximity of the other two people in the room.

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