English Online

Captive by Brenda Joyce
Duty: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish
Storming the Kingdom by Jeff Dixon
Abuse of Chikara (book 1) by Stanley Cowens
The Professor of Truth by James Robertson
The Girl in a Coma by John Moss
Into the Darklands by Nigel Latta
The Carver's Magic by B. L. Brooklyn
Songs of the Dead by Derrick Jensen
The Mighty Quinns: Devin by Kate Hoffmann
Contradictions by Tiffany King
Urban Injustice: How Ghettos Happen by David Hilfiker, Marian Wright Edelman
Kicking and Screaming by Silver, Jordan
Where The Heart Lives by Liu, Marjorie
Hard Case Crime: House Dick by Hunt, E. Howard
The Lammas Curse by Anna Lord
The Fairy Ring by Mary Losure