Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance) (12 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance)
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Her mouth clamped shut as a mortified blush stole over her. Lyonis got into his truck and took off for home.


* * *


There was that sound again.

“Stop it,” Willow grumbled. She snuggled deeper into the fluffy covers but the sound only got louder, more persistent.

With a growl, she tossed back the covers and stomped downstairs to the front door.

Throwing it open she yelled, “What?”

Some man was there, one she’d never seen before. He didn’t look like a shapeshifter but had long platinum blond hair that nearly reached his waist and an aristocratic nose with slender lips. He was handsome in a stark, aristocratic kind of way.

He smiled wryly. “Willow Bellum, I take it.”

She smiled sarcastically back. “Indeed.”

He chuckled at her and her shoulders started to relax from their tense position. “My name is Draven. I was sent here as your own special guardian by Chloe and Tyrian.” Willow crossed her arms and started tapping her foot on the ground.

“Oh really? As if I don’t have enough guards watching me around here let alone some Alpha hounding me.”

He only shrugged. “I don’t want to be here either, but I have my orders. I’m staying in one of the guesthouses on Fifth Street in case you need me. I’ll be around often, so if you need me just say my name.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to have any privacy around here with a posse following me around?” His lips twitched with a smile.

“I have some good news in that regard. See I work directly under Commander Tyrian because I’m half demon.”

Willow scrubbed a hand over her face. Obviously it was too early in the morning. “Say what? He kills demons for a living.”

“Nah, we have rules of engagement for that sort of thing. We mostly just push them back under the rift. See, I have a special ability thanks to my demon mother.”

His hand reached out and Willow jumped back. She frowned at his grin but he only touched the door with his hand fingers spread wide. Willow’s jaw dropped as the door disappeared completely before her eyes.

“What the fuck,” she said astonished. He pulled his hand back but still the door was gone leaving only an empty doorframe.

He grinned at her. “Go ahead, touch it.” She cast him a quick glance and thought that’s what she said with a chuckle.

Reaching out hesitantly, she gasped as she felt the hard of the door. “You turned it invisible,” she said with wonder. She felt all around, finding the doorknob and peephole, but to her eyes she was patting an invisible space.


“That’s amazing.”

“Yah, it is. So I’ll be around and literally you won’t see me.”

“Is that really necessary though?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yes, if any of the shapeshifters are dangerous I’ll be able to see it before it happens. So as I said before, just say my name and I’ll hear it if you need me.” Draven touched the door once more and it reappeared before she could blink. Wow.

Willow sighed. “I guess this is better than the damn shapeshifters watching me behind the corners.” She peeked her head over Draven’s shoulder and yelled, “I see you over there!” Draven turned around to see the guard’s watching the house laughing.

The roar of a truck pulling into a drive had butterflies spinning in Willow’s stomach.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Remember, just say my name.” Willow nodded but her eyes were on the Alpha in the truck. After a small fight last night where he threatened to chain her again if she didn’t sleep in the same bed, Willow had finally given up and slept next to him.

Of course, the man couldn’t sleep like any normal person but had to friggen’ spoon next to her and wrap his whole body around her. But he hadn’t pressed her for sex for which she was relieved. Then this morning, he was gone before she’d even woken up. A frown tugged at her lips.

What the hell was she supposed to do anymore? He wanted to keep her; she wanted to go. If she left, he’d hunt her down and drag her back. That much she knew. If she did manage to escape and evade him—for the rest of her life—then he’d never be able to be with another woman. Would never have kids or a wife because of her. Willow curled her hand into a fist and thumped it against the wall. Why her? She didn’t want this task.

Lyonis stepped out of his truck with a grim look on his face. Willow was walking to him before she knew it.

“What’s wrong?” She’d never seen him look like this—so distraught. He was always smiling or grinning, happy and free.

“One of the pack members has gone missing.” Willow’s mind raced through all the members she’d met the other day.

“Oh my God, who was it?”

“Stephanie McLannahan.” Willow froze. His eyes narrowed on hers. “You met her? Ah, damn,” he muttered and pulled her close.

Willow didn’t fight it, couldn’t as her mind tried to process his words. Stephanie was the girl she talked to while her cursed Chihuahua humped her leg.

“What happened?”

“Her parents say she went out for a wolf run last night but never came back. I have a search party out there right now. We’ll find her.” Willow heard the promise in his voice and knew he’d stop at nothing until his pack was whole again.

She pulled away, rubbing at her cold arms. “I need to go see them. I need to go talk to them.” Lyonis hid his surprise—barely.

“You can take my truck if you want.” Her eyes jerked to his, astonished.

“You’d trust me not to leave?” He couldn’t stop from grinning.

“Not at all but the guards are on high alert today and we have a special guard tracking just you. This could be a great sign of trust,” he said and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her close.

Her eyes dropped to his mouth and whether she realized it or not, she thrust her chest against him in a tempting way. She may not like him and what he stood for, but she wanted him. It would be enough for now, but Lyonis never accepted half of what he could have. He’d have her heart and her body, and he’d never let it go.

Sweeping down, he pressed a kiss to her soft lips then stepped away quickly.

“Go, they need you.”

Her head bobbed and then she jumped into his truck and pulled away. Lyonis’ heart felt lighter for the first time all day. Willow didn’t know it, but she’d just taken the first big step into becoming his mate.



Chapter 13


Willow awoke with a clammy sweat covering her skin. Groaning, she pushed the Alpha’s heavy arm off her. She sat up and the room spun around her. Dammit. When was the last time she’d fed?

Yesterday had been a sad day around the pack and Lyonis hadn’t pursued her. Everyone in the pack had been morose since Stephanie went missing.

Last night when Lyonis returned from helping the search party, they still hadn’t found her. Not even a clue as to what happened to her or where she was.

Willow pushed the sad thoughts aside. She was on the second day and was starting to feel the effects from not feeding. Willow glanced over at the Alpha sleeping quietly next to her. A small furrow pulled at his brows that hadn’t been there before.

Oh God. She was already starting to notice small things like that. She was losing it. Looking down, she grimaced at the sight of her hard nipples against her t-shirt. They felt chafed against the abrasive material. Willow tore off the shirt before she thought twice about it.

All right, she thought, lying back on the bed. She needed sex of some kind. He’d help her with that little thing, she knew. What had her sisters said when they came to visit? Use him as much as needed, as much as possible. Willow almost snorted. Truly, she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to live this kind of life. Being a succubus sucked.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She was strong, tough even. She’d bested him before but now she wasn’t so sure if she could run anymore. She could best him in another way, but this? She didn’t know.

Her mind wandered back to that night in Germany—the night of her new moon. He’d asked her what she pictured while she pleasured herself. He’d finally guessed right when he said all the things involving her being on top, her being in charge.

A lick of desire swept through her. She could do this. She could conquer the Alpha; her core throbbed at the thought making her squeeze her legs together to reign in the arousal. She would conquer him, make him her submissive.

A nasty thought reared its ugly head. It won’t erase the past. Willow stiffened with anger and pain. Fuck you, she thought bitterly. Maybe it won’t but it was worth a try. It was worth finding out. Her eyes watered but she scrubbed them away with hard hands.

Turning to her side, she watched the sleeping Alpha. He was incredibly handsome; there was no doubt about that. Perhaps in another lifetime, if she wasn’t who she was and had gone through what she had, she could appreciate his smiles more. A part of her actually wanted that.

Then Willow took a steadying breath and leaned over the Alpha, ready to do something she’d never thought she’d do.


* * *


An erotic sucking sensation brought Lyonis awake as quick as if a bucket of ice water had doused him. Alert instantly, he looked down his naked body to find his future mate gently sucking the tip of his cock.

“Willow,” he said, his voice hoarse from sleep. She made a delicious humming sound bobbed down over his cock. He groaned and reached for her. But as he moved his arms, he felt a tug bring them to a definitive stop.

“What the hell...” he muttered looking up to see his arms tied with thick rope to the bedpost. Unease flitted through him. “What’s the meaning of this, Willow?” He had a hard time speaking because her hand joined the mix and pumped up and down his cock.

Slowly she pulled back for air and said, “I need to feed.” She said it so simply before sucking the head of him back into the hot cavern of her mouth.

Anger mixed with arousal. He snapped at her, surprising himself. “I am not your sub, mate. Undo these now before I shift and break them myself.” She pulled back and climbed up his body in a sexy crawl.

She leaned close and he saw the flickering of anger there. “Do it and I’ll stop. We do this my way or we don’t do it at all.”

Lyonis twisted his hands against the thick rope. He could shift and tear these things off easily, but a part of him held back. He saw something in her eyes, some gentle beseeching look. She looked so vulnerable, and then in a blink it was gone.

Lyonis gritted his teeth with the need to take, the need to tear through the shackles and master her. Somehow he tampered it down because of that fragile look in her eyes. He needed to learn what it was, needed to fix it so she may wholly accept him as her mate. She should never have to look at him with those broken eyes again.

Leaning forward, his lips a breath away, he growled, “Then sit on my cock,
sica tawicue
.” Her eyes flared with heat and desire.

He didn’t expect her to listen, but she did. She climbed over his hips then began to torture him in a way that would surely kill him.

Her lithe body, supple with muscle and curves, tan from sunlight, leaned against him, her mouth searching for his throat. He tightened instinctually, arms flexing against the binds as her lips and teeth found his throat. At the first bite, he was shaking with the need to toss her down and mount her. Her bite was an Alpha’s bite, dominating, meant to put him in his place. She opened wide and bit down, sinking her teeth in until his skin filled her mouth. Did she even realize what she was doing? She released him and only then could he breath normally again.

Her tongue licked a path down his chest where she scattered kisses across it. Lyonis slammed his eyes shut at the feeling of uselessness, at the helplessness that assaulted him; it went against everything he was.

She found his nipple and kissed it until it hardened under her soft, warm lips. She teased it with her tongue and his cock raged against her inner thigh like a throbbing pulse. He growled at her, a reprimand but he only felt her smile against him.

“Touch me,” he said huskily. She moved to the other nipple and flicked it until his balls weighed heavily between his legs.

“I am.” He could hear the smile in her voice and wanted to snap the damn rope. A part of him recognized that she needed this. Needed him this way. With shaking arms, he kept still as she kissed across his chest, stroked up and down his sides and stomach.

“Lovely,” she breathed. A part of him was thrilled that his mate was finally, willingly, touching him.

“My cock,” he choked. God he needed her touch there more than his next breath. Her soft laughter breathed against his neck as she pressed her lips there. Soft, warm hands enveloped his cock and his breath froze in his lungs. She squeezed him in her double-fisted grip then stroked him up and down.

“Is this what you wanted?” she teased. Lyonis almost groaned. Who was this playful vixen? He didn’t know but he was starting to like this side of her.

“Not exactly.” She squeezed the head of him and wet her palm with his leaking cum. It was incredible even as it bordered on painful.

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