Bonded To The Pack (Military Werewolf Menage FMMMM Steamy Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Bonded To The Pack (Military Werewolf Menage FMMMM Steamy Romance)
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As her fingers worked her hardening clit, a soft moan rose up in her chest as though her body had nearly forgotten how good it felt to enjoy a little self-love. Her legs spread wider, welcoming her probing digits into the wet folds of her pussy.


She cooed, sinking into the bed as she allowed her mind to wander. She conjured a steamy image of Luther standing over her, his hands on her hips as he pumped his nice, thick shaft deep inside of her. Sarah whimpered, stifling a moan that might arouse the suspicions of anyone passing through the halls.


She writhed against her hand, pressing her hips up as if to beg for more. Her breath caught in her chest as another moan rose and escaped her lips, one that was much louder than she’d intended. Her fingers whirled and teased, her legs trembling as she felt a mounting pressure building between her hips. Had it been so long that her orgasm was already so close?


Sarah closed her eyes and held her breath, willing herself to push past the barrier that kept her frustration from blooming into unbridled ecstasy. Her hand rose and slid beneath her blouse, slipping her soft breasts from the cups of her bra to get at her rock hard nipples.


“Fuck!” she hissed, her toes curling as she felt herself beginning to fall over the cliffs of her climax and into the stormy seas of pleasure below.


Until she heard something moving outside her window.


Sarah froze, her muscles suddenly tensing as she extracted her hand from between her thighs. What had that sound been? Was it just the wind?


She had just begun to relax when it came again, a faint and muffled growling nearly lost to the rush of the wintry air. At first she feared some kind of wild animal was prowling around, but then she realized instead that there was a voice coming from outside her window.


Evan’s voice..


A door in her room led out onto a full-sized patio overlooking a spectacular view of the mountains and slopes. Normally a view like that would have made Sarah buckle at the knees, but the thought that someone might been sneaking around her room at night ruined any idea of taking in the sights. She slowly pushed open the patio door and peeked her head out ever so slightly, angling her view until she caught sight of the dark shapes moving only a few feet away.


“You said they wouldn’t be here until tomorrow,” she heard Evan rumble. He sounded almost angry. Was he that upset that they’d arrived so early?


“How were we supposed to know they’d decide to make the trip a day in advance?” a less familiar voice asked defensively. She could only assume that was Tyler, the member of the staff she hadn’t yet hard speak. “This is the last night of the full moon, and we have
before we change. Besides, the two of them are probably already sleeping. It was a ten-hour drive here from the city.”


“And besides,” Derrick chimed in, as if trying to add a positive spin on things, “Sebastian’s already keeping the other one occupied. Lucky son of a bitch!”


“Regardless,” Evan said, “we need to make sure that they don’t get suspicious. A lot can happen in one night, and we can’t have them seeing any of us change. Our survival up here depends on it. I don’t want this to end up like the last time.”


“Change into
?” Sarah asked herself in a hushed tone. It wasn’t until all four of the men froze in place that she realized she’d made a huge mistake in opening her mouth.


“What was that?” Luther murmured.


All of them turned in unison toward Sarah’s door, their corded muscles tense. She knew in her gut that she was in trouble, even before her mind had caught up to the fact.


Not good
, she thought, trying to move back into her room as quickly and quietly as possible. But as she backed away from the door, the floorboards beneath her feet let out an ear-piercing creak that she was sure all four of the men outside had heard.




“Come out of there. Now,” she heard Evan say from just beyond the door, his towering figure reduced to a black silhouette against the glass panel.


“I-It’s my room,” Sarah stammered, hoping for any excuse to keep something between her and the four terrifyingly large men outside.


“Then we’ll come
,” he snarled.


, she thought as Evan’s massive frame filled the doorway,
he’s so
big. She felt tiny in comparison as he entered the room, followed closely by the four other enormous men.


“What did you hear?” Luther asked, his brow furrowed.


“You all said something about the moon, and about changing,” she said, shrinking away from them as they closed the door. Somehow, she would have felt a little better if they’d left it open. “I don’t understand. What does the moon have to do with anything?”


But as she spoke, her questions all seemed to answer themselves. Evan suddenly began to grow, his shoulders hunching forward as thick, black hair grew from his skin, flowing over him like water. His face contorted as his mouth and nose elongated into an ursine snout.


Sarah started to scream, but found a heavy hand suddenly clamped over her mouth. Her eyes darted to find Derrick there, silencing her and forcing her to watch as the man before her changed into a monstrous creature.


“You wanted some answers? Well, here you go,” Tyler said, laughing as he watched the hulking form of Evan’s bear-shape looming over Sarah. “We’re not exactly human, sweet thing.”


Her eyes widened as she took in the thing towering over her. Every cell in her body wanted her to scream and run for help.
Oh, Jesus
, she thought.
What’ve they done with Tina?


“We aren’t going to hurt you,” Derrick whispered. Despite her terror, the sensation of his breath against her skin made her body start to ache for the orgasm it had so recently been denied.


Her breathing slowed, and eventually Derrick let his hand fall away from her mouth.


“What the hell are you?” she asked.




“Shut up,” she scoffed, looking around at the four of them. She only hoped this was some kind of a joke. “That kind of shit only exists in movies and crappy science fiction books.”


As she spoke, Evan’s body twisted back into its original state. His muscles and sinews slithered like snakes, reshaping his form until once more resembled the gorgeous creature she had only just been touching herself while thinking about.


“Do you really believe that after what we’ve just shown you?” he asked, his voice a low and serious. Everything about it made her want to crawl to him and spread her legs nice and wide.


Am I actually getting
turned on
by this?!
she asked herself, nervously chewing on her lip as she began an internal debate regarding her own sanity.


Beside her, Derrick took a deep breath through his nose, letting it out with a primal growl. “She’s wet, Evan.”


“I—” she began, but suddenly all four men were crowding around her. Evan moved like quicksilver, standing over her and taking in her scent.


“You’re right,” he said, his voice sending a shiver through her entire being. “She’s practically soaked.”


Sarah tried to protest, to deny her own arousal, but the sensation of the men crowding around her was driving her absolutely wild. A part of her wanted to resist the overwhelming tide of desire, but she quickly succumbed to the swelling current of her own needs.


“I think we might have found a way to keep her quiet,” Tyler said, a smirk creeping up along the corners of his mouth.


“Please,” Sarah finally choked out, looking up into their faces. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but having them all around her felt so right, so perfect. Her gaze fell to their jeans. All of them were sporting matching bulges beneath the fabric over their crotches. “God, I won’t be able to choose just one…”


“Why choose?” Evan said, a chuckle rolling from his lips for the first time since they’d met. It sent her entire body shivering.


“Yes!” Sarah hissed, parting her lips as each of the men around her started to unzip. One by one they revealed their enormous cocks, each one seemingly bigger than the last. Evan’s was nice and thick, his shaft throbbing with veins that made Sarah’s tongue practically hang out of her mouth.


Tyler’s cock was the longest, sleek and curved elegantly. Luther and Derrick’s both measured the same, thick but longer than Evan’s own behemoth. The two of them hung lazily before her as Derrick gripped his base and stroked slowly.


Sarah crawled up onto all fours, brushing her lips first along Evan’s shaft, then slowly taking his wide tip into her mouth. As if on autopilot, she reached out for Derrick and Luther’s monstrous dicks, stroking them together as her head began to bob up and down around their leader’s throbbing cock.


The three of them groaned and Sarah could feel their members quiver at her touch. Something inside of her awoke as she pleasured the horny werebears, a deep and inexplicable desire to be filled. She’d been fucked plenty of times in her life, though no one had ever fulfilled her the way she’d always dreamed. She wanted to be taken and used, fucked in every hole until she could barely stand. Maybe this was her chance.


And wouldn’t it be nice to get back at Tom? Tom, the man who had required she sleep with only him while he was out fucking whoever he pleased? Tom, who had never satisfied her the way any of these handsome, burly men surely could?


Yes, it would be nice to let these men use her, but to use them as well. She’d use them to fuck away any memory of Tom and the pain he’d caused her. She’d used them to take back her heart and her sexuality, too.


“I’ll be a good girl. I promise,” she moaned, looking up into Evan’s eyes. “All I want is a nice, thick cock in my cunt in return.”


“Why settle for just one?” Tyler growled as he stroked his own cock, watching as Sarah pleasured his clan-mates.


“She couldn’t take all of us,” Derrick said, moaning as he felt Sarah squeeze him ever-so-gently.


“Try me,” she said, smirking up at him before beckoning Tyler to come closer. Her lips slid around the youngest werebear’s needful prick as she took him in, finding him much easier to fit in her mouth than Evan. She looked over at the others as her head slid up and down along their clan-brother’s cock, moaning out loudly.


Her pussy had soaked through her panties with renewed longing. The crotch of her jeans was damp with the lust that practically gushed from her slit. She needed something inside of her—someone, anyone!


“It’s so fucking hot in here,” she moaned, and as if taking that as their cue, the other three werebears began to pull and tear at her clothing. Her jeans and blouse ripped under the force of their supernatural strength, falling away from her like tissue paper and leaving only the remnants of her panties and bra behind.


Sarah ran her fingers along her chasm, showing them just how wet her sweet little honeypot had gotten for them. She bit her lip and looked up into their hungry faces. “Who’s first?”


Evan let out a growl as he lifted her up and put her onto her back, spreading her legs wide as he crawled on top of her. She could feel his cock pressing against her warm flesh just before he plunged it deep inside of her.


She let out a cry of surprise, a sharp pain rushing through her that morphed into the most satisfying kind of pleasure.
was what she’d been missing, and it would make her forget all about Tom and his shitty new girlfriend. Why pine over one cock when she could have four?


Evan’s throbbing member pushed deep inside of her aching cunt, filling her with every glorious inch. She moaned in ecstasy, bucking her hips as the fear of being broken in half began to subside. It felt so perfect the way he almost split her in two—and yet she craved more.


“Fuck! It’s so fucking good!” she wailed, her eyes locking onto Luther as he watched. “Don’t you want to fuck my pretty mouth?”

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