Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War (41 page)

Read Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War Online

Authors: Alexander Kent

BOOK: Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War
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Bolitho lurched to his feet, realising that HeywarX and Tyrrell were driving the two attackers against thO house, while Dalkeith stood watchfully nearby, hiY beautiful pistols shining in the sunlight?

Heyward brought his man to his knees and jumpeX back to let him roll silently on to his face and stay there?

The sole survivor threw down his heavy sword anX yelled, "Quarter! Quarter!T

Tyrrell swayed awkwardly on his crippled leg anX said harshly, "Quarter be damned!T

The sword took him in the chest, holding him to thO wall for an endless moment before allowing him tQ slide beside his companion?

Tyrrell sheathed his blade and limped to Bolitho'Y side?

"All well, Cap'n?" He reached out to steady him? "Just in time, it seems.T

Heyward stepped over one of the corpses? "Someone wanted you dead, sir.T

Bolitho looked from one to the next, the emotio[ rising to mingle with his understanding?

Tyrrell grinned. "You see, I was right.T

Bolitho nodded heavily. Someone wanted you dead? But the worst part was knowing that she had realiseX his peril, and had done nothing. He glanced at thO corpse sprawled in the pond?

"What can I say? How can I find words?T

Dalkeith murmured, "Let's say it was for RuperU Majendie, too.T

Tyrrell slipped his arm over Heyward's slim shoulde_ for support?

"Aye, that'll do." He glanced at Bolitho and held hiY gaze. "You've done plenty for us. An' in Sparrow wO look after our own!T

Then together they walked out to the road anX towards the sea?


BOLITHO leaned back in his chair and stared wearila at the open log. He was stripped to the waist, but coulX feel no benefit in the overheated cabin. He touched hiY mouth with the pen, wondering what he should writeB when there was nothing to report. Around and abovO him the ship swayed and dipped in a gentle south1 easterly breeze, and he pitied the watch on deckB sweating out another day of relentless glare and fiercO sunlight. Even the Sparrow seemed to be voicing he_ protest. The timbers groaned and trembled to thO motion, dried out by salt and heat, and through thO open windows he saw the carved scrollwork by the silT splitting open, the paint flaking away to reveal barO wood?

Once on station north of the Little Bahama Bank hO had anticipated being recalled to more active duta within a matter of weeks. But like most of his men, hO had long since given up hope. Week followed weekB with Sparrow and her attendant sloop, Heron, draggin^ their wearying patrol through July, each dawn bringin^ an empty horizon, and every hour tightening its grip o[ their small, isolated existence?

And now it was August. Perhaps Christie haX insisted on three months' supplies because he haX had no intention of recalling Sparrow until the end ob that time. Maybe they had all been forgotten, or the wa_ was over. It was as if the whole patrol area had bee[ drained of movement. Unlike their last visit to thO Bahama Banks, when they had taken prizes or haX gossiped with lawful merchantmen, they had see[ nothing. Their routine varied little. Usually they kepU Heron's topsails just within sight below the horizon, anX on a parallel tack swept back and forth well clear ob reefs and shoals. With the masthead lookouts of botN sloops able to see one another, it was possible tQ sweep an area some sixty miles wide, unless thO weather changed against them. Even a real storR would be welcome. But the agonising discomfort waY getting everyone down, not least himself?

There was a tap at the door and Dalkeith enteredB his round face shining with sweat. The forenoon watcN had half run its course, and Bolitho had found iU necessary to meet the surgeon at this time every daa when he had completed his inspection of the sick?

He gestured to a chair. "Well?T

Dalkeith groaned and shifted his bulk carefully tQ

avoid the glare from the open skylight?

"Two more down today, sir. I've got them below. E few days' rest might revive 'em for a while.T

Bolitho nodded. It was getting serious. Too mucN heat and not enough fresh food or fruit. Lock haX already opened the last barrel of lemons. After that ..?

Dalkeith had been carrying a glass of water whicN he now stood on the table. It was the colour of tobaccQ juice. Without comment he took a flat bottle from hiY pocket and looked at Bolitho for permission to pou_ himself a stiff glass of rum?

Again, it was one of their little routines. Although ho/ the plump surgeon could stomach rum in this heat waY beyond Bolitho?

Dalkeith smacked his lips. "Better'n this water." HO frowned. "If we can't get a fresh supply of drinkin^ water I'll not answer for the consequences, sir.T

"I'll do what I can. Maybe we can close with somO small island and find a stream. But I am not too hopefuT hereabouts. Was that all?T

Dalkeith hesitated. "I'm supposed to hold my peaceB

but friendship and duty rarely go hand in hand. It's thO first lieutenant.T

"Mr. Tyrrell?" Bolitho tensed. "What about him?T

"His leg. He tries to pretend it's all right, but I'm noU happy about it." He dropped his eyes. "Worse, I'R getting anxious.T

"I see." He had noticed Tyrrell's limp getting morO pronounced, but whenever he had mentioned it he haX replied, "It'll pass. Nothin' to bite on!T

"What d'you advise?T

Dalkeith sighed. "I can probe for more splinters. BuU if that fails . . ." He took another swallow of neat rum. "] might have to cut it off.T

"Oh God.T

Bolitho walked to the windows and leaned out ove_ the transom. Below, the sea looked very clear, and hO could see small darting fish in the rudder's frothin^ wake?

Behind him he heard Dalkeith add firmly, "I could dQ it, of course. But it would have to be while he is stilT

strong. Before the pain and this damn heat gets hiR down like some of the others.T

Bolitho turned, feeling the sun across his bareX back?

"I was not doubting your ability. You've proved thaU more than enough.T

Dalkeith said grimly, "I was at a fine hospital i[ London before I left England." He grimaced. "WO practised on the poor and worked for the wealthy. IU was a hard training ground, but very useful.T

"Will you return when the war is over?" He tried noU to think of Tyrrell being held on a table, the saw poiseX above his leg?

Dalkeith shook his head. "No. I'll settle out herO somewhere. Maybe in America, who can tell?" HO gave a wry smile. "I am afraid that I had to leavO England in somewhat of a hurry. A matter of honou_ over a lady.T

"I have wondered these three years where you founX your skill with pistols.T

Dalkeith nodded. "Unfortunately, I shot the wron^

man. His death was considered a greater loss tha[ mine, so I caught the packet from Dover, anX eventually, two years later, I arrived in the Indies.T

"Thank you for telling me." Bolitho massaged hiY stomach with the palm of one hand. "I will see what ] can do to obtain a berth in another ship, if and whe[ we are ordered home.T

The surgeon lurched to his feet. "I would appreciatO that." He watched Bolitho doubtfully. "And Tyrrell?T

"I'll speak with him." He turned away. "In God'Y name, what do I say? How would I feel if it were me?T

Dalkeith rested his hand on the bulkhead untiT Sparrow had completed a slow uproll?

"I can't answer. I'm just a surgeon.T

"Aye." Bolitho looked at him gravely. "And I'm just Z captain.T

Midshipman Bethune clattered through thO wardroom and paused outside the cabin?

"Mr. Graves's respects, sir. Heron has signalled shO has sighted an unknown sail to the east'rd.T

"Very well. I'll come up.T

Dalkeith waited for Bethune to go. "Recall to Ne/ York, sir? If so, I could take Tyrrell to a hospital. Thea have facilities, proper care?

Bolitho shook his head. "I fear not. That sail will bO from the south'rd to be on such a bearing. Friend o_ foe, we have yet to see.T

He heard Dalkeith sigh as he left him and hurried uS the ladder to the quarterdeck?

He glanced quickly at the helmsman who calleX hoarsely, "Nor' nor'-west, sir!" His lips were cracked i[ the heat?

Graves reported, "Our masthead has not sighted he_ yet, sir." His mouth jerked at one corner and he addeX quickly, "Could be anything.T

It was an empty comment, but Bolitho knew it waY merely to cover his embarrassment. He had seen thO growing strain on Graves perhaps worst of all. Now thO twitch in his jaw laid bare his inner torment like thO mark of some disease?

"Very well. Call the hands and prepare to run dow[ on Heron. Get the t'gallants on her and lay her on thO starboard tack." He saw Buckle climbing wearila through the hatchway and called, "A sail, Mr. Buckle0 Maybe it'll bring us luck today!T

The master pouted. "'Bout time, sir.T

Bolitho heard the familiar limping step and turned tQ see Tyrrell walking from the larboard gangway?

Tyrrell grinned. "A sail, did I hear, sir?" He shadeX his eyes as he watched the men mustering at thei_ stations. "Now there's a thing indeed!T

Bolitho bit his lip. It made it more painful to seO Tyrrell's new contentment. To know what must be done? That was if Dalkeith knew his trade. And he did?

On the horizon he could see Heron's sails glintin^ brightly, and knew Farr would wait for him to join him? To break the monotony if nothing else?

Within the hour the stranger had identified herself. IU was the Lucifer, her great schooner sails spread likO wings as she ran before the wind, the spray burstin^ above her jib-boom in a lively silver pattern?

Fowler was in the lee shrouds with a telescope, hiY small, piggy face glowing with heat?

"From Lucifer. Have despatches on board." HO looked down at the quarterdeck as if proud of hiY revelation?

"Heave to, Mr. Tyrrell.T

Bolitho watched the mad dash aboard Lucifer tQ shorten sail and put her about before running dow[ beneath Sparrow's lee. A fine little vessel. Had shO been his instead of Sparrow, he wondered if his lifO would have been changed to the same extent?

He saw the haste with which the schooner's boaU was being hoisted out above the water. Somethin^ acted like a small warning in his mind, and he saidB "Signal Heron. Captain repair on board.T

"Aye, aye, sir!" Fowler snapped his fingers anX continued to do so until the flags had broken froR Sparrow's yard?

Farr's gig hooked on the chains within minutes ob Lucifer's jolly boat?

Odell had come aboard in person, and as hO

removed his hat to the quarterdeck and darted a sharS glance at Bolitho's bare torso, Farr climbed up besidO him and said cheerfully, "By God, what brings you hereB man? Were you pining for us in Antigua?T

Odell walked a few paces clear and then faceX them?

"The French are out, sir.T

For a moment nobody spoke. Bolitho held the wordY in his mind, yet was also aware of those about him? Stockdale by the hatchway, slightly stooped as if tQ hear better. Buckle and Tyrrell, their faces showin^ astonishment and more. Relief perhaps that thO guessing was over?

"Come below.T

Bolitho led them to his cabin, the heat and thO drudgery of patrol forgotten?

Odell sat on the edge of a chair, his features givin^ little hint of strain at driving his command all thosO miles from Antigua?

Bolitho said quietly, "Now, tell us.T

"I carried the despatches to the fleet as ordered.T

Odell had a quick, erratic manner of speakingB nodding his head in time with his words. It was not harX to see how he got his reputation for being slightly mad? A man on a knife-edge, Bolitho suspected. But therO was no doubting the accuracy of his report?

"Admiral Rodney despatched a fleet of fourtee[ ships-ofthe-line to assist our forces at New York.T

Farr muttered, "By God, that's more like it. I've nQ stomach for our Admiral Graves.T

Odell's eyes flashed dangerously at the interruption?

He snapped, "Rodney has sailed for England. He iY a sick man. Hood commands the reinforcements.T

Farr was unabashed. "Ah well, even better, I'vO served Admiral Hood and respect him.T

Bolitho said, "Let us hear all of it. I suspect there iY more.T

Odell nodded. "The Compte de Grasse set sail witN some twenty sail-of-the-line. The patrols reported thaU he was escorting the season's convoy clear of thO


Bolitho said, "That is quite usual, I believe.T

"Yes. But de Grasse has not been seen since." ThO words fell into the cabin like round-shot?

Farr exclaimed, "A whole fleet! Disappeared? It'Y bloody impossible!T

"But fact." Odell glared at him. "Admiral Hood'Y ships must have passed this area well to the east'rd? And there are several frigates searching elsewhere.T He spread his hands. "But of de Grasse there is nQ sign.T

"God!" Farr looked at Bolitho. "What d'you make ob that?T

Odell said testily, "I could relish a glass, sir. I am aY dry as a pauper's loaf.T

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