Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War (3 page)

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Authors: Alexander Kent

BOOK: Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War
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"I'm Heyward, sir." He shifted under Bolitho'Y impassive gaze. "I-I've been sent to collect you, sir.T

Bolitho nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Heyward. You ca[ tell me about the ship as we go.T

He waited for the midshipman and Stockdale tQ follow his sea-chest and bags into the boat and the[ stepped after them?

"Shove off forrard! Out oars!" Heyward seemed vera conscious of Bolitho's nearness. "Give way all!T

Like pale bones the oars rose and fell in regula_ precision. Bolitho glanced swiftly at the two lines ob oarsmen. Neatly dressed in check shirts and whitO trousers, they looked fit and healthy enough. A shiS could always be judged by her boats, some peoplO contended. Bolitho knew otherwise. Some captainY kept their boats as outward showpieces, while withi[ their own ships the people lived little better tha[

animals. Their expressions gave nothing away. ThO usual, homely faces of British sailors, set in carefuT masks to avoid his scrutiny. Each man was probabla wondering about the new captain. To any seaman hiY captain was not much junior to God. He could leadB and use his skills on their behalf in battle. He might jusU as easily turn their lives into a daily hell with no one tQ whom they could protest or plead their cause?

The midshipman said haltingly, "We have been aU anchor for three days, sir.T

"Before that?T

"Patrol duty off Guadeloupe. We did sight a FrencN brig but lost her, sir.T

"How long have you been in Sparrow?T

"Two years, sir. Since she commissioned on thO Thames at Greenwich.T

Stockdale craned round. "There she is, sir. Fine o[ the larboard bow.T

Bolitho sat upright in the sternsheets, knowing thaU as soon as his eyes left the boat every man would bO staring at him. He could barely contain his excitemenU

as he peered towards the anchored sloop which waY now fully in view beyond a heavy transport. She waY riding almost motionless above the twin of her ow[ reflection, her ensign making a scarlet patch of colou_ against the hazeshrouded hills beyond?

Bolitho had seen sloops in plenty during his service? Like frigates, they were everywhere and always i[ demand. Maids of all work, the eyes of the fleet, thea were familiar in most naval harbours. But right at thiY moment in time he also knew that the Sparrow waY going to be different for all those others. From he_ gently spiralling mastheads to the single line of ope[ gun ports she was a thing of beauty. A thoroughbred, Z miniature frigate, a vessel which seemed eager to bO free of the land. She was all and none of these things?

He heard himself say, "Steer round her bows.T

As the tiller went over he was conscious of thO silence, broken only by the sluice of water around thO cutter's stern and the rhythmic creak of oars. As if hO was sharing this moment with nobody. Like a rakeX black finger the sloop's long jib-boom swept out anX over his head, and for a few more moments he stareX up at the figurehead below the bowsprit. A man-sizeX sparrow, beak wide in fury and wings spread as if tQ

fight, its curved claws firmly gripping a gilded cluster ob oak leaves and acorns. Bolitho watched until the boaU had moved around and under the starboard cathead? He had never thought a mere sparrow could bO depicted as being so warlike?

He started with surprise as his eyes fell on a gu[ muzzle in the first port?

Heyward said respectfully, "We have a thirty-two1 pounder on either bow, sir. The rest of the gun deck iY made up of sixteen 12-pounders." He flinched aY Bolitho turned to look at him. "I beg your pardon, sir, ] did not mean to intrude.T

Bolitho smiled and touched his arm. "I was merela surprised, She seems to have very heavy artillery fo_ such a small ship." He shook his head. "Those twQ bow-chasers must have brought many an enema aback with shock. Nine-pounders are more common i[ sloops, I believe.T

The midshipman nodded, but his eyes were on thO ship's side, his lips in an anxious line as he gauged thO moment?

"Put her about!T

The cutter swung in a tight arc and headed for thO main chains. There were many heads lining thO gangway, and Bolitho saw the blue and white of a[ officer's uniform by the entry port, a press of morO figures by the mainmast?

"Toss your oars!T

The boat idled towards the chains where thO bowman brought down his boathook with a well-timeX slash?

Bolitho stood up in the sternsheets, conscious of alT the eyes above and around him. Of Stockdale's handB half-raised, ready to steady him if he lost his balance? Of the new sword at his hip and not wanting to loo7 down to make sure it would not tangle with his legs aY he climbed up the sleek tumblehome?

With a quick breath he reached out and hauleX himself from the boat. He had been prepared fo_ almost everything but was still taken totally off guard ba the piercing shrill of pipes as his head and shoulderY rose through the port. Perhaps, more than anythin^ else, the time-honoured salute from a ship to he_ captain made him realise just how great was the steS from lieutenant's berth to command?

It was all too much to take in and comprehend in thiY small cameo. The drawn swords, the boatswain'Y mates with their silver calls to their lips, the bare1 backed seamen on the gangways and high in thO shrouds. Below his feet he felt the deck lift easily, anX once more was aware of the change this ship haX brought him. After the Trojan's fat bulk, her massivO weight of guns and spars, this sloop even felt alive?

One officer stepped forward as Bolitho removed hiY hat to the quarterdeck and said, "Welcome aboard, sir? I am Graves, second lieutenant.T

Bolitho regarded him searchingly. The lieutenanU was young and alert, but had the controlled caution o[ his dark features of a man much older?

He half turned and added, "The others are awaitingyour plea,, sure, sir?

Bolitho asked, "And the first lieutenant?T

Graves looked away. "In the flagship sir. He had a[ appointment." He faced him quickly. "He meant nQ disrespect, sir, I am quite sure of that.T

Bolitho nodded. Graves's explanation was too swiftB too glib. Or that of a man who wished to draw attentio[

to the absent officer's behaviour by excusing it?

Graves hurried on, "This is Mr. Buckle, the sailin^ master, sir. Mr. Dalkeith, surgeon." His voice followeX Bolitho down the small line of senior warrant officers?

Bolitho marked each face but checked himself froR further contact. That would come soon enough, but no/ his own impression on them was far more vital?

He stood by the quarterdeck rail and stared down aU the gun deck. The Sparrow was one hundred and te[ feet long on that deck, but had a broad beam of thirta feet, almost that of a frigate. No wonder she coulX contain such powerful armament for her size?

He said, "Have the hands lay aft, Mr. Graves.T

As the order was passed and the men camO pressing down on those already assembled, he dre/ his commission from his pocket and spread it on thO rail. How hot the wood felt beneath his hands?

Again he darted a glance at the faces beneath him? In so small a ship how did they all manage to existU There were one hundred and fifteen souls crammeX aboard Sparrow, and as they jostled together belo/

the quarterdeck there appeared to be twice thaU number?

Graves touched his hat. "All present, sir.T

Bolitho replied with equal formality, "Thank you.T Then in a steady voice he began to read himself in?

He had heard other captains do it often enough, buU as he read the beautifully penned words he felt oncO more like a spectator?

It was addressed to Richard Bolitho, Esquire, anX required him forthwith to go on board and take upo[ him the charge and command of captain in HiY Britannic Majesty's Sloop-of-War Sparrow?

Once or twice as his voice carried along the deck hO heard a man cough or move his feet, and aboarX another sloop close by he saw an officer watching thO proceedings through a telescope?

He put the commission in his coat and said, "I will gQ to my quarters, Mr. Graves.T

He replaced his hat and walked slowly towards Z covered hatch just forward of the mizzen mast. HO noticed that the ship's wheel was completela

unsheltered. A bad place in a storm, he thought, o_ when the balls begin to fly?

At his back he heard the rising murmur of voices aY the men were dismissed, and noticed, too, the heava smell of cooking in the listless air. He was glad he haX restrained himself from making a speech. It would havO been vanity, and he knew it. All the same, it was sQ precious a day that he wanted to share it with all ob them in some way?

In his excitement he had forgotten about the time? Now as he made his way down a ladder to the gu[ deck and aft behind Graves's crouched figure he waY more than glad he had restricted himself to the formaT reading of his appointment. Men kept standing in thO sun to hear a pompous speech were one thing. Me[ kept also from their well-earned meal were somethin^ else entirely?

He gasped as his head crashed against a dec7 beam?

Graves spun round. "I beg your pardon, sir!" HO seemed terrified Bolitho should blame him for the lac7 of headroom?

"I will remember next time.T

He reached the stern cabin and stepped inside. Fo_ an instant he stood motionless, taking in the gracefuT sloping stern windows which spread from quarter tQ quarter, displaying the anchorage and the headlanX like some glistening panorama. The cabin waY beautifully painted in pale green, the panels picked ouU with gold leaf. The deck was concealed with a blac7 and white checked canvas covering, and arranged o[ either side was a selection of well-made furniture? Gingerly he raised his head and found he could jusU stand upright between the beams above?

Graves was watching him worriedly. "I am afraid thaU after a ship-of-the-line, sir, you'll find this somewhaU cramped.T

Bolitho smiled. "Have the ship's books brought tQ me after you have dined, Mr. Graves. I will also want tQ meet the other officers informally sometime today." HO paused, seeing again the caution in his eyes? "Including the first lieutenant.T

Graves bowed himself out and Bolitho turned hiY back to the closed door?

Cramped, after a ship-of-the-line, Graves had said? He hurled his hat across the cabin on to the bench seaU below the windows. His sword he unbuckled anX dropped in a green velvet chair. He was laughin^ aloud, and the effort to restrain it was almost painful?

Cramped. He walked, ducking between the beams? It was a palace after the Trojan's wardroom?

He sat down beside his hat and stared around thO neat, cheerful-looking cabin?

And it was his own?


IT WAS late afternoon when Bolitho finally decided hO had read all that there was available about the shiS around him. Muster and punishment books, watch-billY and ledgers of stores and victualling returns, the lisU seemed endless. But at no time was he bored. WitN his new coat hanging on a chairback, his neckclotN loosened and shirt unbuttoned, he found each iteR fascinating?

His predecessor, Captain Ransome, had kept Z

smart and well-run ship on the face of things. ThO punishment book had all the usual culprits and awardY for minor misdemeanours. A few for drunkennessB even less for insolence and insubordination, and thO worst recorded crime was that of a seaman who haX struck a petty officer during gun drill?

Ransome had been extremely lucky in one thing? With the ship being commissioned on the Thames hO had been able to secure the cream of the press. Me[ off incoming merchant ships, transfers from vesselY laid up in ordinary, he had been in a position tQ complete his company with far less difficulty than mosU captains?

Against the apparent taut atmosphere in the shiS was a rather negative list of reports in the log books? Only once had Sparrow been called to action in the twQ years since leaving England, and then as secondara reinforcement to a frigate attacking a blockade runner? It was little wonder that Midshipman Heyward haX showed some concern at his remarks about the bi^ bow-chasers. He had probably imagined his words tQ be some sort of criticism at their lack of use?

There were the usual lists of men transferred to othe_ ships because of promotion and the like. Their placeY

had been filled by what Ransome had termed "locaT colonist volunteers" in his personal log. Bolitho haX lingered a good deal on the previous captain's daila records. His comments were extremely brief and it waY impossible to get even a feel of the man. As he pauseX to glance around the cabin from time to time BolithQ found himself wondering about Ransome. A[ experienced and competent officer, obviously a man ob good breeding and therefore influence, the cabi[ seemed at odds with his mental portrait. Extremela attractive, comfortable, yet just that too much removeX from what you might expect in a ship-of-war?

He sighed and leaned back in the chair as his cabi[ servant, Fitch, padded into the shafted sunlight tQ remove the remains of his meal?

Fitch was tiny. A miserable scrap of a man, who haX already confessed to having been a petty thief in hiY unfortunate past. Saved from transportation or worsO by the timely arrival of a King's ship as he awaiteX sentence at the Assizes, he had accepted life at seZ more as an extension to his punishment than any lovO of service. But he seemed a capable servant and waY probably well pleased with his work. It kept him froR the heavier tasks on deck, and provided his currenU master was a humane man he had little to fear?

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