Body Temperature and Rising - Book One of the Lakeland Heatwave Trilogy (10 page)

BOOK: Body Temperature and Rising - Book One of the Lakeland Heatwave Trilogy
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She pulled the bedroom door to and left a trail of clothing across the floor feeling desperately wilted and exhausted. She’d feel better after a shower. Then a nice pot of coffee, maybe they’d scrounge a snack and … Her tummy did a tight little quiver as she thought of what almost happened between her and Tim in the manger. She forced herself not to think about why they hadn’t followed through. He was here with her now, had been most of the day, and she was sure neither of them wanted to be alone tonight. 

She cranked the shower and adjusted the temperature, all the while thinking about the feel of him on top of her, the lovely thick length of his cock in her hand, which was easily thicker than her favourite vibe. Her pussy tensed at the thought. She closed her eyes and lifted her face to the spray, thinking about his delicious scent, all leather and dusty male sweat with just the right base note of super-charged pheromones. Even thinking about it made her giddy, made her slightly dizzy, slightly disoriented. The delicious feel of warmth in her pussy migrated up inside her, higher, deeper, to rest between her hip bones where it blossomed to heat, then burst like a flash fire raging up through her abdomen. Before she could double over from the intensity of it, a thick arm caught her around the middle and a large hand clamped her mouth before she could cry out. 

‘Hello, my lovely.’ She felt Deacon’s voice more like a low rumble mixing with the heat. He tisk-tisked. ‘If our dear Mr Meriwether won’t help you with those hard to reach places, then I’m happy to do the honours.’ He shifted his hips and she felt his thick cock high against the crack of her arse. He stroked her face with a large hand, cupping and caressing his way over the thin skin along her trachea. ‘Such lovely, delicate, flesh.’ He enunciated each word carefully, fully, deeply. As he caressed his way along the exposed path of her neck, even with her eyes open there were flashes of him in nearly the same intimate position with Fiori before she died. Marie tried to swallow, but he held her with just enough pressure at the throat to make it difficult. Suddenly, with a deep surge of empathy in the pit of her stomach, she understood completely why Tara had killed Fiori, and why the other witch would have welcomed death at her hand rather than Deacon’s.

Deacon released her throat and moved his fingers down over her breasts. ‘I’m hurt, my darling Marie. You think I can’t be gentle, don’t you? You think I can’t pleasure a woman until she writhes and moans and begs for more.’

With the slightest movement of his hand and a catch of his own breath, the heat in her abdomen combusted to nearly unbearable lust. He chuckled again, aware of what she felt. ‘I can offer you so very much more than le petit mort, my dear Marie. Oh such ecstasy. You’ll never want me to stop.’

But there was something else rising too, something else deep in her ribcage just below her heart. Anderson, she wanted Anderson, but she’d told him to leave her alone, and Tara, Tara could protect her, Tara was a match for this bastard. He pinched her nipples to tender swollen points and her pussy felt gaping enough to swallow up the universe. But he had killed Fiori, as surely as he stood there, and Sky, and the other woman, the one who sank beneath the deep waters in her dreams. He wasn’t offering pleasure. He only wanted to hurt Tara, and he wanted to use her to do it. What rose beneath her ribcage and felt as though it would explode out of her whole body was white hot rage. She had spent the last ten years of her life being used to make other bastards rich. She would not be used by another one. 

Afterward, she was never really certain if she had actually screamed the words, ‘get out,’ or if they had just filled every cell of her brain until there was room for nothing else. Whatever had happened, in an instant, he was gone, and the next thing she knew, she was falling on her knees in the shower just as a wild-eyed Tim pulled the door open and dragged her out. But for a split second, wavering in and out of consciousness, gasping for breath, she though she saw Anderson standing behind Tim.

Then there was just the two of them. Tim had wrapped her in her heavy terry robe, then in the duvet he’d dragged from her bed. He sat with her pulled against his chest on the bathroom floor, taking her pulse, checking her pupils, checking for symptoms of shock while she caught her breath. ‘He was there, in the shower,’ she rasped. ‘I swear he was there.’

‘I know,’ Tim said. ‘I knew from the beginning, but I couldn’t get in. I went wild. I kept yelling and banging on the door, yelling for you, but you didn’t answer.’

She squeezed his hand. ‘Tim, I couldn’t hear you. I couldn’t hear anything but him.’

His fingers white knuckled around hers, and he nodded. ‘I suspected that. At least I hoped that was all it was. He wanted me to see. He wanted me to watch while he hurt you.’ He moved her hand away from her throat and swallowed hard. 

‘There are bruises?’ She asked.

He bit his lip and nodded. 

‘I thought there might be.’

‘Bloody bastard,’ he said. ‘What happened, why did he leave?’ He touched her throat tenderly. ‘From the looks of that, he wasn’t intending to play nice.’

‘I told him to leave. I told him to get the fuck out. I told him that he was never going to hurt me or the people I love again, I told him …’ she caught her breath when she saw the look of concern on Tim’s face. Then she grabbed his arm. ‘That’s it, don’t you see? I told him to leave.’

Tim forced a laugh. ‘Oh, like he’d listen.’

‘He didn’t have any choice. Tara told me that same power I have to hold ghosts in the flesh I can also use to kick their asses out if I need to. That’s what happened, I know it is. I felt it.’ She shook her head. ‘I don’t know how I did it, but I know there was rage, horrible rage, so hot that it made the burn in my belly feel non-existent.’

‘Are you all right to get dressed, or shall I stay with you?’

She shook her head. ‘I’m fine now. He won’t be back tonight.’

He studied her for a minute. ‘How do you know that?’

‘I just know.’

When she returned to the kitchen dressed, he was eating a turkey sandwich, and he nodded to one waiting for her on the table along with a glass of juice. ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I raided the fridge. We both need to eat, especially you after your encounter. Fiori told me magical encounters require lots of energy, and I was always hungry after …’ He looked away and shrugged. ‘Anyway, you need to eat.’

She ate the offered sandwich and another before he dropped the bomb shell. ‘I called Serena. Get your jacket. We’re going.’

She bit back her protests. Even though she didn’t believe for one minute it would do any good. He certainly seemed to. And maybe he was right. Maybe her vision was coloured by the fact that in times of crisis it had been Anderson and Tara who had rescued her. Her encounter with Deacon made her more certain than ever that she didn’t have all the facts, and the only place she would get them was from Elemental Cottage. She would go with Tim tonight and get the woo-woo out of the way, but then she was going back to Elemental Cottage, with or without him. She had gotten lucky with Deacon this time, but the next time she might not be so lucky, and what if the next time it was Tim he went after? Did he have her gift? The Elementals hadn’t mentioned it if he did. At any rate, she wanted answers, and the only place to find them, she was now certain, was with the Elementals. The thought of seeing Anderson again made her feel giddy, and there was a warm spot that was way higher than her hip bones at the thought that he had come to her rescue, that he would have broken every rule to get to her. She knew that. She didn’t know how she knew it, but she did.

Chapter 10

Anderson materialised into the middle of the circle the other three witches had cast in the Room of Reflection. It was an unorthodox entrance, but then his leaving had been no less so. All three witches broke their meditations and rushed to his side.

For a long moment he stood in the centre of the circle soaking in the magic, still shaken by what he had just witnessed. 

‘Well?’ Tara demanded. 

He looked up at the women and felt his heart surge with pride. ‘She cast him out.’

‘What?’ Fiori grabbed his arm in such a bruising grip that for the moment he wished either one or the other of them weren’t flesh and bone. ‘How can that be? No one’s taught her.’

‘Nevertheless, that is what she has done. I arrived at the very instant when her rage was brighter than anything I have ever witnessed. I do not know what he did to kindle such a rage in her, but she was formidable, nay, she was terrifying.’ His lips curled in a smile as he remembered her naked and wet from the shower, at the moment when one should be afforded the least dignity, and yet she was like a goddess blazing in her fury. He remembered the three witches standing around him. ‘I left when I was certain she was all right. And I am equally certain he will not attack her again tonight.’

‘So they’re safe for the moment then,’ Sky said.

‘It is a small reprieve, yes,’ Anderson answered.

‘But? What is it,’ Tara reached out and stroked his arm. ‘What’s troubling you, Anderson, you never were very good at subterfuge, at least not with me.’

He held her gaze. ‘I fear that this time there was physical injury to her person.’

‘Fuck.’ Fiori cursed out loud, something she rarely did. She chafed her arms and her face lost its colour. ‘What did he do to her?’

‘Only a bit of bruising,’ Anderson said, feeling it more politic not to say where those bruises were. ‘But that he can now cause physical damage must be a warning that our situation has most definitely worsened.’

All three witches nodded their agreement. Sky heaved a sigh. ‘Well at least they’re safe for the night.’

‘Not quite, though I don’t perceive any real threat coming in the form of one Serina Ravenmoor,’ Anderson said.

‘What does that woman have to do with any of this?’ Tara asked.

Anderson felt himself heartily blushing. Serina Ravenmoor had worked for Tara at the herbal shop. He didn’t know the details. He only knew that powerful herbs were taken from the shop without authorisation resulting in the near hospitalisation of one of the woman’s so-called clients. Needless to say, Tara did not hold Serina Ravenmoor in high esteem.

‘She is where their research has led them, I fear.’

‘Oh for fuck sake,’ Tara cursed. ‘How can such a powerful couple behave so stupidly? The woman’s a quack, completely barmy. Plus she’s dangerous.’

‘I think our Marie would agree with you, but as you have often said of those of my sex, it is not always our brain that dictates the choices we make.’

‘Rubbish,’ Fiori said. ‘Tim Meriwether is one of the most level-headed men I’ve ever known.’

Anderson shrugged his deference. ‘In truth, I think it is more likely that even for him it is an act of desperation. But of our lovely Marie, I am not mistaken in that she called out for me in her time of need. I do believe she will swiftly be returning to us.’ That she had called out for him, that she had wanted him made him feel things he hadn’t felt in a very long time, but that much he would keep to himself, as he was not, as Tara would call it, a navel gazer.

Tara cursed again, this time under her breath. ‘Now, if we can just keep Ravenmoor from poking someone’s eye out with a lit candle or poisoning them.’

Anderson struggled to curtail his smile. ‘Forgive my eavesdropping, but I did feel it necessary at such a time, I think her plans are for Tim Meriwether and his athame, unless I am mistaken.’

Sky snickered behind her fingers, then bit her lip to keep from laughing.

‘I can understand why she might want the use of his athame,’ Fiori said.

Tara sighed. ‘In the meantime, we wait. Anderson don’t leave their side. Stay hidden if at all possible, but if they need you, then do whatever you have to.’

Anderson found this command from his high priestess to be no hardship. 

They met Serina Ravenmoor at the car park on the flank of Raven Crag. She was dressed in an ornate black gown with a tightly cinched bodice barely concealing her nipples. She was heavily made-up, and her wild red hair had been sprayed so that it sparkled in the moonlight. Only the lightweight walking boots she wore were even remotely practical. She pressed a tight hug against Tim and kissed him on the mouth, then she glared over at Marie. ‘I thought I told you not to bring her. Her lack of belief is disturbing to me.’

‘And I told you I’m not leaving her.’ Tim’s voice was infinitely patient.

‘What?’ Marie shoved her hands against her hips. ‘You don’t want me here? She doesn’t want me here? Why didn’t you tell me she didn’t want me here?’ 

‘Because I wasn’t going to leave you, that’s why.’ His focus was still on Serina. ‘Now, we can do this with her here, or I can leave now and take my two hundred quid with me.’

‘Two hundred quid? She’s charging you two hundred quid to fuck you. Hell, I would have done it for free.’

‘Shut up, Marie.’ Tim’s voice was still the epitome of patience. ‘We’ll talk about this when we get home. Now, Ms Ravenmoor, Serina, she doesn’t have to be involved in the ritual …’ He raised his hand before Marie could protest further. ‘… She just has to be in my sight at all times. Is that acceptable?’

The woman huffed out a displeased breath. ‘I don’t see that I have any choice, then do I? But I can’t guarantee results with her here.’

Marie raised both hands and backed away. ‘Hey, lady, if you can guarantee results, I’ll happily take the Land Rover back to the house, have a bit of a snooze and come back later when you’re done with him.’

‘Marie.’ There was a slight edge of warning in Tim’s voice this time.

‘Of course I can’t make guarantees.’

‘I didn’t think so.’

‘Marie, could you just please give it a rest.’

‘I’ve had a bad night, Tim. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t much like being invited to a party and then being told I can’t dance.’

‘I didn’t invite you to this party,’ the witch retorted.

‘Shut up, both of you.’ Tim raised his voice this time, but only enough to make the warning in it very noticeable. ‘Now, I’m sorry about this, Marie. I know it won’t be much fun for you, but if you’ll just cooperate, we can get on with it and be home in time for breakfast.’

Suddenly Marie remembered Anderson standing there behind Tim, and reminded herself that tomorrow she would go to him, tomorrow she would get some answers, and tomorrow maybe it would be her getting laid rather than being the spectator. ‘Sorry.’ She tried to force a smile. ‘Just do what you have to do.’

They followed the witch up a winding path into the woods and for a while the woodland was too thick for the moonlight to penetrate. They stumbled in darkness until Tim pulled out a torch. The witch already had one. He settled back to walk next to Marie. He tried to take her arm, but she pulled away. ‘You can’t believe I’m doing this because I want to, Marie.’ He spoke between barely parted lips.

‘It’s none of my business who you fuck.’

‘Jesus! Do you think that’s what this is all about? Do you think I’d even be considering this if we had other options?’

‘That doesn’t make this any less stupid nor her any less a quack.’ She raised both her hands realising to her dismay that she was doing it again. ‘I’m sorry. I promised I wouldn’t do this. I promised. Of course you’re right. Our options are thin on the ground at best.’ She was sure he would like her plan to go back to the Elementals even less than she liked his, but hers made a lot more sense.

This time she didn’t pull away when he took her arm. He spoke very close to her ear. ‘Are you jealous? Because there’s no need for you to be, though I’d be kind of flattered if you were.’

Before there was time for anything more than Marie’s heart to do a little quiver, they found themselves in a clearing, and Serina turned to them. ‘This is where the ritual will be. ‘Tim and I will be there.’ She took his arm, and pointed to a grassy spot open to the moonlight. ‘I don’t care where you are as long as you remain outside the circle, is that clear.’


‘Right then. Shall we get on with it? First, I need the money.’ 

Marie bit her tongue to keep from making a comment as Tim handed Serina cash and she stuck it into a small bag that hung around her neck. That done, she smiled up at him. ‘Whenever you’re ready then.’ She turned and headed into the clearing.

Tim walked hand in hand with Marie to the edge, then he folded her in his arms. ‘I’m really sorry about this, but if it helps, it’ll be worth it.’

‘Then don’t be sorry. Desperate times call for desperate measures.’ 

He surprised her by taking her mouth in a hungry kiss, deep enough to make her knees weak as he lowered her to sit on the ground just outside the circle. ‘We have unfinished business. Remember? He brushed his fingertips along her cheek, settled another light kiss on her lips then followed Serina into the circle.

It was a testament to just how tired she was. And really, she hadn’t had a decent night’s rest since after the walk on Maiden Moor. When she had the chance to be a voyeur and have a little wank on the side, she promptly fell asleep, dreaming that Anderson and Tim, together were doing their best to make her feel really good, and that involved a little guy on guy fun as well. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but just when the dream was getting really good, Tim shook her awake. ‘Come on Marie,’ he said breathlessly in her ear. ‘We’re leaving.’

‘What? What happened?’ she asked, scrabbling to her feet. She could just make out the back side of Serina Ravenmoor moving down the path out of the clearing at breakneck speed.

‘Nothing happened,’ he said, pulling her to her feet. ‘Just like you said. Nothing happened.’ The tight pinch in his voice told her something was wrong. 

‘Tim, what’s the matter? What? Was it Deacon?’

‘No. It wasn’t Deacon. Would you mind just being quiet for a little while, OK, just don’t talk to me.’ This time the warning in his voice was not even slightly veiled.

They made it to the car park just in time to see Serina Ravenmoor’s car screech out onto the road. 

‘She’s upset,’ Marie commented, trying to keep her voice calm.

‘That’s right. She’s upset.’

She waited for it.

He helped her into the Land Rover, then slammed the door behind her and got into the driver’s seat. ‘She’s fucking upset because I wouldn’t give her two hundred quid more for a bunch of lame-arsed herbs and crystals and potions.’

‘Jesus!’ Marie braced herself as he did his own version of screeching out of the car park. 

For the next few miles, he said nothing else. And when the silence became thicker than lamb stew, she spoke, ‘Are you going to tell me what happened?’

‘I already told you. Nothing happened. She was a quack just like you said. I would have thought you would have at least stayed awake to gloat.’

She bit back the retort at the end of her tongue because clearly something was bothering him. 

But he kept talking. ‘It was as good for you as it was for me then, so good that you fell asleep.’

‘Sorry. I didn’t plan to. I just haven’t slept in a while, and since I wasn’t participating, well, nature took its course.’

‘Yep, nature took its course. I could have used some support.’

She felt herself bristle. ‘What? Did you want me to stand on the side lines and be your cheerleader while you porked woo-woo girl? Fuck her again, fuck her again, harder, harder.’

‘Shut up, Marie.’

This time she more than bristled. ‘If you tell me to shut up one more time, I promise it’ll be painful for you.’

‘Goddamn it, Marie!’ He slammed his open palm against the steering wheel, hard. ‘I didn’t fuck her, OK? Now can we just drop it, please.’ 

The rest of the trip passed in prickly silence. By the time they drove up in front of Lacewing Cottage, dawn was breaking. It was pouring with rain, and the fells had all disappeared into the mist. He pulled to a stop in front of her cottage and followed her up the steps. When she turned questioning eyes, he said, ‘I’m not leaving you alone.’

Not figuring it was a great time for the “I can take care of myself” argument and not real keen on being alone either, she opened the door and motioned him in behind her. Inside, he kicked off his shoes, shucked his jacket on the peg by the door and moved toward the couch. ‘We both need some sleep,’ he said, settling in. ‘If you could just find me a pillow and an extra blanket, that would be great.’

She brought a pillow and an ageing quilt and handed them to him. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said softly.

‘So am I,’ he replied, avoiding her gaze. ‘Now get some sleep. I know you’re exhausted.’

‘It wasn’t my fault,’ Serina sobbed against Deacon’s broad chest. ‘It must have been him. It had to have been him.’

‘Oh come now, my dear Serina.’ Still breathing heavily, Deacon rolled off of her, and she felt suddenly deeply empty as he pushed away from her. ‘I can promise you Mr Meriwether has never had any problems getting his cock stiff, nor is he lacking skill when it comes to using it.’ He glanced down at his own heavy cock still wet from the merciless pounding he’d given her, then he began to stroke himself absently, the very act of which made her ache for him all the more.

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