Body of Water (4 page)

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Authors: Stuart Wakefield

BOOK: Body of Water
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After a few minutes he seemed happy with my progress.

"Do you want to give it a try without me? Just kick off and see how you get on. You'll be able to touch the bottom for ages yet, if you get into trouble."

Right then, this was it. I stood with my heels against the bottom steps and crouched down into a tuck. In one movement I put my head down into the water, pushed off from the step, and concentrated on swimming.

I felt the water split before me and rush down my sides as I kicked. Much faster than I'd expected my hands touched ceramic and I was moving so fast my head hit the tile too. A sharp pain travelled down my jarred neck and I clutched my head, breaking the surface.

"I'm so shit at this."

"Are you winding me up?" Shaun's voice sounded further away than I'd expected. "You swim like a fucking fish."

As I opened my eyes I discovered that instead of veering off to the side I'd hit my head on the opposite end of the pool.

Shaun stomped angrily out of the pool and wrapped a towel round his waist, yanking it tight. Scared at his reaction, I stayed in the water.

"You're honestly telling me that you've never been swimming in your life? Do me a favour. I'd kill to have your technique. You swam a length underwater and didn't even use your arms!"

"I swear to God I've never swum in my life." He didn't look convinced. "Maybe you're a better teacher than you thought?"

"The only thing I'm good at is rugby, trust me. I fuck everything else up."

We showered together in his parents' shower which was big enough for four people, let alone two. I wished I was built like Shaun, with proper muscle. Sure, I had a six pack but I felt skinny compared to him. He didn't speak to me or look in my direction.

Back in his room, he fired up his games console and slumped onto an oversized floor cushion. He still looked irritated.

"Have you played this before? No? No doubt you'll be the best player ever. It's pretty simple, just shoot the zombies and don't shoot me. Go for head-shots if you can or shoot them in the knees and stamp on their heads."

I took the remote out of his hand and switched off the television, plunging the room into dim lamp-light.

"Why did you go, Shaun?"

He glared at me. "Do you want to stay over?"

Reaching out, I placed my hand on the side of his face. "Why did you go?"

"Go on, stay over."

"I've got school tomorrow, haven't you?"

"We get a longer Easter break than you; that's why I'm home. Tomorrow's Friday. You can afford to be tired on a Friday."

"Why would I be tired? Wouldn't we be sleeping?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, of course." He pulled my hand away but didn't let it go. "What did you think I meant?"

Frustrated that he still wouldn't talk about what had happened, I gathered my things to leave. "Thanks for having me. I had a really good time. Sorry about your eye."

Shaun followed me to his bedroom door. I opened it slowly. "I didn't hear your mum and Beth come back in. Do you think they're all right?"

"Mum probably got drunk, booked them a hotel room somewhere and passed out. Don't worry. Beth is a tough cookie. She's used to it."

The night was much colder than when I'd crossed the street earlier. I shivered as I ran up the stairs to my own bedroom.

I tried to sleep but I kept imagining that I was sitting on the edge of the pool, watching Shaun preparing to dive in. I admired his body as before and watched him dive in and swim towards me, but this time Shaun surfaced between my legs.

"Your girlfriend must be very happy," he said and I noticed that I wasn't wearing any trunks.

"I don't have a girlfriend."



"Then there's no one to mind me doing this," and Shaun's fingers closed around my-

My phone vibrated on the bedside table, startling me. I peered at the screen, my eyes adjusting to the brightness.

same time 2morro?

I stared at the message for a long time, my heart drumming in my chest. What did Shaun want? Was he laying in bed thinking about me? Was the swimming lesson an elaborate ruse to get me naked and for some physical contact? Would he have tried kissing me, or more, if I'd stayed over?

My fingers flashed across the buttons.

gr8 c u then

Thirty seconds later, my phone lit up again.

wish u cud av stayed 2nite but lukin 4ward 2 2morro nite m8

I didn't sleep a wink.


The next day at school was fuzzy. Geography blurred into Physics which blurred into English. The left side of my brain couldn't assimilate any new information because the right side was in overdrive, creating a million possible theories for Shaun's behaviour.

I practically ran home.

"Mum, is Alex in? Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed some of his aftershave?"

She hurried up the stairs after me. "Where are you going?"

"Beth's. I'm staying over tonight."

"You're what?!"

"No, no, it's not like that. You were right about her brother Shaun, we've made friends and he's invited me to stay over tonight. He's been giving me... Is it okay?"

"It's wonderful. I'm so glad you've made friends. They seem like lovely children in spite of their mother."

I laughed, shocked. She rarely made snide remarks about anyone.

"Do you want some dinner before you go?"

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." I hadn't eaten all day. My stomach churned whenever I thought of Shaun.

Before I could react she had run to me and gathered me up in her arms, kissing my head. I felt her face turn wet.

"What's wrong?"

She let go of me and wiped her face. "You don't know, do you?"

I'd never seen her like this. "Know what?"

"You called me 'Mum'."

I had, when I first got home. It had come out so easily. And how she loved it. She dabbed her eyes and tried to control little involuntary sobs. I couldn't help but hug her and she held me so tightly that I thought she'd never let me go.

Now it was time for me to kiss her head. "You've been the best mum I could have wished for."

I shaved, showered, and dressed.

Ruth waved me off at the door, still sniffling, and it took all my powers of self-control not to run across the street.

Shaun answered the door, looking even paler than me. Dark circles lurked under his eyes, but how those blue eyes danced.

"Hey you, come on in." He waved to Ruth and closed the door behind us. "Want a drink? My mouth feels like sandpaper."

"Have you got any cola?"

"You need a caffeine shot? I don't blame you. Think I'll have one too." Shaun got two cans from the fridge and set them down between us. "Didn't sleep?"

How could I tell Shaun I'd been up all night thinking about him? "Yeah, just um, you know... long day at school."

"Right," Shaun smiled, drawing the word out. "Long day."

Silence fell between us, finally pierced by the snap and hiss of him opening the cans.

"Where's Beth?"

"At a sleep-over. She wanted to stay here when she found out you were coming over but I persuaded my mother to accept the invitation. Beth's become quite a fan of you."

"And your mum and dad?"

"They've gone to Milan for the weekend. Some anniversary or something." Shaun rolled his eyes. "Like they need an excuse."

Another silence fell between us. I found the pattern on the marble work surface suddenly fascinating.

Shaun seemed awkward then. "Shall we go upstairs and get changed?"

"I've got my trunks on underneath."

A beat. "You mean my trunks." Was Shaun disappointed? Did he want to see me naked again? "Aren't they a bit tight? You barely fitted into them. I have some swim shorts that might be better for you. Why don't you try them on?"

I took a big gulp of cola and put the can down. It clattered as I did so, my hand shook so much.

Up in Shaun's room, the air seemed thick. As he took off his shirt his entire attitude from yesterday was gone. Now he seemed as nervous as I felt. He took the shorts out of a drawer and held them out.

"Here you go."

I took them. Shaun shifted his weight anxiously from foot to foot.

"Aren't you going to change?"

"I've got my trunks on underneath too."

I eyed the bulge in Shaun's trousers. "Aren't they a bit tight?"

"You think so?"

"We're not really going swimming, are we?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "We don't have to swim right now if you don't feel like it. Maybe later."

"Later? After what?" I was really pushing him now.

He turned his chin upwards and took a deep breath like he was just about to go under. " game?"

If this was going to happen I was going to have to make the first move. I shivered despite the room's warmth.

The kiss was tender, if not a little clumsy. As it deepened, Shaun's hands came up and rested on my waist. Teeth grazed lips, noses bumped, but it still felt good. Shaun tasted sweet like a vanilla bun. My hands came to life and travelled up Shaun's arms, feeling the solid, interlocking forms of bone and muscle. When my hands reached his shoulders, they reversed their journey.

Shaun pulled me closer to him and our hips met. I wondered if his flesh tasted as good as his mouth.

Leaning back from the waist, I tried untying Shaun's jogging bottoms but the knot was too tight. His hands closed over mine as he ducked his head down to look up at me, his eyes wide.

"Do you really want to?" But his hands were already on the knot, too. He worked it free.

I dropped a kiss onto his shoulder, across his collar bone, and down his chest. Lowering myself onto my knees, I kissed Shaun's abs and tugged his jogging pants down.

Shaun's trunks revealed the extent of his excitement and I was flattered that he wanted me so much.

I tugged on his waistband and he trembled at the touch. From the sticky mess within, Shaun had been excited for a long time. I took hold of it very gently and tasted the foreskin bunched at the tip. Shaun made a sound and I felt one of his hands in my hair. I looked up to see Shaun looking back down at me, his expression ecstatic.

Fluid leaked free as I pulled back his foreskin. The aroma intoxicated me and I wanted to taste it. I licked the tip and Shaun's cock bounced wildly. The taste exploded in my mouth, salt and sweet.

Shaun's grip on my head tightened and he pushed forwards a little. He tasted so good that I wanted to swallow him whole. My confidence grew and I sucked harder, my hands finding a natural resting place on Shaun's rock-hard arse.

A moment later his grip on my head tightened and he held me still while he rocked back and forth. He gazed down at me with a look that took me by surprise. Shaun's eyes had filled with tears. Then a shudder wracked his entire body and his head fell back.

His cum tasted as good as his mouth but this time the vanilla bun had been warmed through. Shaun cried out. The feeling must have been intense as his legs buckled. If I hadn't had such a tight hold on his buttocks I was sure that he would have fallen to his knees.

I swallowed hungrily while he gushed into my mouth. Looking up, I saw his chest and abs heave, his breathing laboured. Finally spent, he lifted me up for another kiss.

"Your turn," he grinned.

He walked me back to the edge of his bed and tugged my jeans down. I'd proved too much for Shaun's trunks to handle. When soft, I'd fitted snugly into them but now that I was hard I was too much to contain.

He pushed me back and I raised my hips so he could pull off my jeans and trunks, discarding them on the floor behind him. "Leven? They should have nick-named you Lucky."

Kneeling between my legs, he kissed my chest and smiled up at me wickedly before bringing one hand up to cup my balls. He tugged gently and squeezed them. My cock swayed between us, so hard that my foreskin peeled back of its own accord. Shaun dropped his head between my legs and licked my balls, looking up at me to gauge my reaction.

My whole body seemed to float upwards as if Shaun was still supporting me in the pool. He took my balls in his mouth and as he did so clear fluid oozed from my cock. Shaun licked it up, tracing it to its source, flicking his tongue over the tip.

His head bobbed as he started to suck. The sensation was better than anything I had imagined, better than a soapy fist in the shower, or a spit-covered palm. Shaun's tongue worked in circles with each rise and fall of his head.

"Stop or I'm going to come."

Shaun smiled up at me. His hand took over from his mouth as he spoke. "But I want you to come."

My hand closed over his. "I want this to last all night."

Laughing, Shaun sat back and displayed his cock which still stood proud. "Trust me, it will."

Not long after he resumed his work I felt a tightening in my balls. Shaun seemed to read the signs and worked harder. Just as I was about to come, Shaun swapped his hand for his mouth and sucked me until my orgasm ended. Smiling with delight, he crawled on top of me.

I saw thick white fluid behind his teeth and I frowned. "You didn't swallow?"

He shook his head.


He bent his head and kissed me. I tasted his sweetness again as well as my own. It felt wrong but I loved it anyway. He rocked back on his heels and reached behind to take hold of me again. "Round two?"

The remains of the evening and the entire night stretched out between us. We paused only to use the bathroom or get a drink but we were always within arm's reach of each other.

As mid-morning approached, Shaun lay next to me, lazily stroking my chest.

"I can't believe this is happening. You're so beautiful."

"You just like my cock," I laughed.

"Is that what you think?"

I shrugged. I'd given up trying to figure out what Shaun wanted. I didn't think that he knew himself.

"Well I don't like your cock. No, I mean, I do, but that's not it. I really like you. You're so handsome it's unreal."

"Don't be daft. I wish I had a body like yours."

"You do, my body is yours."

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