Boarding School (9 page)

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Authors: Clint Adams

BOOK: Boarding School
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The concept that the leader was explaining to me went dead against my fierce sense of independence. But being the smallest one there—all of their voices were deep and mine was still high—I was inclined to be cautious. “I don’t understand.”

“That’s ok,” the leader responded. “You will in a minute.” Then the leader addressed the two who were still standing on either side of me. “Ok guys, strip him.”

Before I had a chance to say anything else, I could feel hands begin to pull at my clothing. Instantly I threw my tied hands hard at where I judged the location to be of the stomach belonging to the guy on my left.

“Ohoof!” I scored a direct hit. His hands, then, were off of me and I could hear his body crash to the floor. I then kicked off my flip flops, took one step backward to my southwest, set myself into a side stance, and then threw a side kick with my right foot to where I guessed the other guy’s head was positioned.

“Auhauh!” The guy on my right then fell away also. I apparently had nailed him where I had wanted as well.

This blind karate works pretty well,
I thought. Now that I had given myself the opportunity, I figured I needed to get out of this place as fast as I could. But before I could turn to make a run for the door, I felt an impact to my head, and then I saw stars. The next thing I knew I was on the floor feeling disoriented with a fair amount of pain in my skull. Right after that a loud and angry voice began to echo in my head.

“Don’t you ever try any shit like that again on any of us, Clint. I’m a black belt, you asshole. How does it feel to take a roundhouse to the head? If you ever try anything like that again, I’ll tear you apart!” The leader now sounded more like a marine than he did a student of the Mattial arts. After that, he spoke again to the two who were sprawled on the floor with me. “Go on, finish your job!”

Hands were then placed around my waist and I felt my underpants yanked off of my body. More hands then grabbed me on both of my upper arms and an instant later I was lifted back to my feet. Then hands pulled my T-shirt up over my head and down my arms to hang over the rope which was still keeping my wrists tied together. I was now standing naked in the middle of this brightly lit room in front of them all.

“That’s more like it,” the leader now sounded pleased. “Yes, you look fine. You’ve got some hair but it’s blond too, so I don’t think that’ll matter much.”

I had no idea what the leader was talking about, but it seemed pretty certain that it wasn’t going to be anything that I was going to like. “What are you talking about?” I complained peevishly.

“You’ll know in a minute. Now are you gonna be a good boy, or am I gonna have to hit you again?”

“Yeah!” I answered defiantly.

“Yeah what?” the leader sounded irritated with the tone of my answer.

“Yeah, man!” Roundhouse or no… naked as a jaybird or no… I still didn’t like the idea of being controlled this way. The hands gripping my arms then began to squeeze me tighter and I could sense movement in the room once again. “Ohoof!” I took a fist to the stomach. The pain from the impact doubled me over.

“What do you say!” The leader was now standing over me and practically screaming.

“Ah… yes!” I gasped.

“Yes what?” the leader demanded.

Giving into this guy wasn’t enough for him, apparently. Now the son of a bitch was wanting my respect as well. Unfortunately I no longer felt in any condition to argue. “Yes… ah… sir.” I forced the words out from my constricted diaphragm. No longer did I feel that defying these guys was in my best interest. The leader had made it very clear to me that going along with whatever it was that he had planned would be a lot better for my health than doing otherwise.

“Ok.” Then to the two on either side of me again, “You guys take him now and put him in the shower.”

My escorts then pulled on my arms for me to go with them. I straightened myself up, as best as I could, and began to walk with them. The light I had detected from the corners of my eye shades then vanished as we moved from the larger room into the confines of the smaller one. All the other guys, apparently, were remaining out in the locker room because when I was finally in the bathroom, it felt to me as if it was just the three of us again.

When it seemed certain that the leader was not around us any longer, I debated with myself over whether or not I should express a little anger at these guys for lying to me. But when one of them let go of my arm and turned on the water in the shower suddenly, I decided instead to focus my energies on what they were about to do with me.

“Now listen up!” the one on my left began to speak to me. As the water hit the cement floor, I found it a little bit harder to hear him. “From now on, you do exactly what you’re told as soon as you’re told to do it, and you’ll be back in your bed in no time.”

“After I’ve dried off,” I added.

“That’s right,” the guy answered.

I could now feel the cool spray from the shower hit me on my shins. As the one on my right worked to adjust the temperature for me, the one on my left finished with my instructions.

“And if you give us any more trouble at all… then God help you.”

“How long am I gonna have to be here?” I decided that another question from me now couldn’t be a problem for them.

“For a while,” my keeper answered. “And don’t talk either unless you’re asked to. Ya got that?”

“Yes, sir,” I acknowledged. There was nothing else I could do at the moment. By this time the one on my right had gotten the water temperature adjusted correctly. He then turned back toward me and untied my wrists to remove the rope and T-shirt from me. A moment later I could feel his hands return to their positions on my right arm, and then the two of them led me into the shower.

As my body became wet, a hand detached itself from my right arm again and then made its way into my hair on the back of my head. A palm with its fingers outstretched was then placed against the back of my skull. A moment later, with gentle but definite pressure, my head was shoved into the running water. The shower head was one which put out a large thick volume of water over a pretty broad area. So in no time my hair became completely soaked through. The palm then tilted my head from one side to the other to make sure that every bit of the hair on my head had become drenched.

Once they were sure I was all soaked down, the guys then pulled me back from the water so I could stand dripping a few paces away. I then could hear one of them place a chair in the shower and then they spun me around and backed me into the stream again until I was made to sit down in this chair. They had done a pretty good job of estimating my position, because after I was seated, they only had to make a slight adjustment in the angle of the shower head to cause the water to pour down directly onto the top of my head.

“Now stay here and don’t move! And don’t take off those eye shades either!” I heard one of them order.

After that they apparently pulled the shower curtain around me as they left because I could hear the sound of metal rings being scraped along a rusty metal rod. But due to the noise created by the water as it pelted me on the top of my skull, it was harder for me to discern the sound of the bathroom door when they closed it behind them.

So now, it seemed I was being given some time to reflect on my new circumstance. The first thing I noticed was that the chair I was sitting in was small, as if it had come from a kindergarten. I had never seen a chair like this anywhere on the Academy grounds, so I figured my hosts had gone to some trouble to find it. Of course once I had made this observation, the next obvious question in my mind was to wonder why they would want me to sit in such a low chair.

I also thought about all that had just happened to me and I couldn’t figure out what kind of an initiation would require a smaller kid to be beaten up, stripped and thrown blindfolded into a shower. None of these things made any sense to me, and I wondered further how long the upperclassmen out in the locker room were going to make me stay in here and what sort of things were they going to be doing to me next. And as it worked out, I didn’t have long to wait for my answers.

I wasn’t sure if I had heard the door open and close, but my mind snapped to attention when the metal rings were scraped along the metal rod twice again. Immediately after that, I could sense the presence of another person in the shower with me. At that moment, I quickly flashed back to times at summer camp when the counselors had made us double up in the showers whenever we were running out of hot water and there was still a long line of unclad boys waiting to get in. I didn’t know why someone else was now there in the shower with me, but I was certain, at least, that it wasn’t because we were running out of hot water and he wanted to get clean.

“Stand up!” a voice then ordered.

I did as I was told and rose to my feet. There was, thankfully, enough room for me to move around in here with this other person. Once after I had just arrived at the Academy, I had peered into this bathroom and concluded that the shower was kind of odd looking in the way it had been designed. It seemed too big to me for just one shower head, yet not big enough for two.

“Now turn around and face the wall.”

Ignoring the running water, I turned myself around and stood with part of my face now in the stream. As I did this I decided that the voice I was hearing belonged to the leader. So I knew at least, that whatever it was that I was about to be involved in, it was important enough for the top man himself to be in there with me.

“Now bend over and grab onto the chair with both hands. Then let the top of your head rest against the wall.”

I wanted to ask the leader what the point was to all of these instructions, but I didn’t want to take the risk that more of his black belt training would be put to use against me. So as I bent over and gripped the seat of the chair with my hands, I could feel the water begin to hit me all up and down my back.

The leader then adjusted the angle of the shower head. As soon as he had the water pouring down mostly onto the back of my neck and head, he began to put his hands all over me. I first felt him place them on my hips as he steadied my stance. He then began to rub his hands all over my back and down my legs. After that, he played a bit with my hair and then he smoothed his hands along my face, chest and stomach and even gave my penis a couple of yanks—which didn’t please me. Eventually, though, his hands wound up on my butt and a moment later I could tell that he was feeling around inside my crack for my hole. In no time he had found it and for an instant, I thought he was going to stick one of his fingers into me. But instead, the leader inserted something small, long and hard, and then I could feel a cold substance growing in volume inside my anal cavity.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a panic.

“Don’t worry,” the leader answered. “It’s just olive oil. I’ve got it in one of the squeeze bottles from the kitchen.

I couldn’t imagine why someone would want to squeeze olive oil into my ass. A few moments later, though, the leader pulled out the end of the squeeze bottle and then I could feel him insert an oil coated finger into me.

“Auh!” I strained. What he was doing to me now was not comfortable. Immediately I felt a huge buildup of pressure in my rectum which seemed on the verge of becoming painful.

“Relax!” the leader called to me. “This’ll be a lot easier on you if you relax your butt.”

I tried to do as the leader said. At the same time, I couldn’t figure out what kind of perverse pleasure could be derived from sticking a finger up my ass and spreading around olive oil. So as the water continued to flow down all over my head and neck, I could feel the leader probing the inside of my anus. And when he finally did pull his finger out of me, I let out a long sigh for the relief I then felt from the pressure he had been causing.

“There, you see. Now you’re relaxed. That’s how you want to be when I’m in your ass.”

I wondered silently.
Is he going to do this to me again?
It was only another moment before I had my answer.

“Ok, get ready,” the older boy placed his hands on my hips one more time.

I next felt what I first thought was his big toe at the entrance to my hole. It was oily as well, and then in horror I realized that it wasn’t his toe… it was his penis! “NO!” I shrieked. I now understood that the leader was naked in here with me and he was getting ready to… “Auhauhauh!” The pain was enormous. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. “MY GOD I’M BEING RAPED!” I yelled as loudly as I could manage.

The leader ignored my outbursts and continued to push himself gradually into my anal cavity and only stopped once he had slid himself in about halfway. “Calm down!” he ordered. “Relax like I told you and this won’t hurt as bad.”

“Take it out!” I screamed. “My God it hurts! Take it out, please! Please don’t do this to me! Please stop it! My God, don’t put me through this, please!”

My pleadings accomplished nothing. I felt as if I had just been impaled by an object that was large and blunt, like a zucchini or something. The idea of being raped was as upsetting to me as the actual pain from the act which was now beginning to sap my strength. My body then began to tremble from the strain being placed upon it.

“I said calm down. You better do as I say, because I’m not stopping.” And with that he resumed his steady push until he had shoved his penis all the way inside of me.

For a few moments after that, he just stood there with his penis up my ass to allow me some time to get used to having him inside of me. Soon, he began to wiggle himself from side to side every so often to stretch me out. I struggled to get myself under control and did my best to relax my body as he had said. And after a while, I can’t say that I got used to it, but I did seem to be able to tolerate him a bit better. Just the same, I still felt as if he had shoved a watermelon up my ass. And then things got worse.

“Ok now.” It was time for some more instructions. “I want you to keep the top of your head pressed up against that wall. You hear me?”

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