Bo (7 page)

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Authors: Rie Warren

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I opened a beer for her and even poured it into a glass because Veronica was pure class. She accepted the pale bubbling liquid, and I excused myself to get dressed.

Behind my back, I heard her whisper, “Good Lord.

She was probably fanning herself again.

In my bedroom, I flung the towel into a corner and stalked into the bathroom. I rubbed a hand over my heavy stubble and decided on a quick trim and tidy. A splash of aftershave, a rub with another towel through my damp hair, and a turn with the toothbrush later I considered myself good to go.

My dick was having a few issues going down and staying put, but there wasn’t time to jag off, and I didn’t think Veronica would appreciate hearing me grunt her name when I came.

Fuck the bastard. I choked it at the base and shoved that dumbstick into a pair of tight black briefs. Maybe I could tie a knot in it, too.

In my haste to find something to wear, I almost yanked the closet door off the hinges. Then I scowled at my options. My wardrobe ran toward denim, leather, desert camo, and workout shit.

I seriously needed to get a life.

I chose a black button down that had dried with a minimal amount of wrinkles, a pair of old but not holey jeans and called it good after I rolled the sleeves up my forearms and hauled on a pair of boots.

Grabbing my wallet, I shoved it in my pocket. I left my phone on the dresser—I didn’t want any interruptions, not that I was a hot commodity anyway. With one quick perusal in the bathroom mirror, I decided I’d do. Cleaned up, stubble buzzed, hazel eyes clear and copacetic, decently dressed with the shirt fitted at my shoulders, tapered to my hips, the jeans fitting to my muscled thighs . . .

Yeah, whatever.


Date much, dude?

Veronica spluttered over a mouthful of beer when I stepped into the living room. Her cheeks flushed under the naturally tan skin, and she did that flappy hand thing again as she swallowed.

I tried not to concentrate on the swallowing action.

I took the glass and set it down. Then I firmly tucked her hand at my elbow and led her outside.

She pulled in the direction of her car.

I halted her by planting my feet on the driveway. “Just to be absolutely clear, I’m driving and I’m paying.”

“My, you are bossy.”

“You haven’t seen me in bed yet.”

“We’ll see about that later.”

Hot attraction sizzled way down low in my body.

I opened the passenger door of my stripped down, utilitarian Hummer and handed her inside.

Hey. I wasn’t in the desert anymore, but I still needed a tank. The beat-up H1 was second best to my Triumph and a total beast on the streets. I had some money stashed away for smart investments—AKA my business—and a few luxuries—my rides.

After brushing my knuckles along V’s cheek, I shut the door. Rounding the hood, I thought she looked damn good in my ride, almost as good as she had on my bike.

When I slid inside and started the loud growly engine, she sat tapping on her iPhone.

“I’m boring you already?” I reversed out with one wrist draped over the steering wheel.

“What? No. Just checking the reservations and getting the directions.”

“Babe, I trekked my way around Afghanistan and the T-man. I can navigate Charleston without Siri or GPS. Just tell me the address.”

No shit I’d pretty much memorized the map of the tricounty area when I’d moved here. I liked knowing all my escape routes, and streets on a grid system were child’s play after the unending mountains and desert terrain I’d covered, no landmarks in sight.

We ended up downtown, and I slipped the H1 into a tight spot between two luxury sedans that looked like Matchbox cars sandwiching my vehicle.

Before Veronica had a chance to open her door, I was there. I helped her out, and rested my hand low on her back, my fingertips tingling with the contact on her bare silky skin.

At the restaurant that fronted Queen Street with pavement to ceiling windows, I ushered her in in front of me.

With the reservation confirmed, we were shown to a cozy corner table in the four star restaurant, and I held Veronica’s chair out for her before I found mine.

“You’re quite the gentleman.” She lowered into the seat.

“My momma raised me right. Doesn’t mean I can’t get rough.”

“I’m not complaining. I’m just surprised and”—her voice took on a sultry tone—“it makes you even sexier, Bo.”

I could live with that. Now the only problem would be keeping my hands to myself during our dinner.

A feat that proved more and more difficult as our date progressed. For a change I didn’t scope out people, looking for threats, or conduct stealthy recce—which would be my MO even in an upscale restaurant. My attention centered solely on Veronica.

The situation should’ve shaken me right out of my comfort zone, but V was my comfort zone as well as my
want to fuck now

I tried to play nice over the appetizers when our waiter delivered two farm-to-table plates. “What made you decide to become a psychologist?”

“Trying to dig into my head now?” Her sharp cheekbones slanted, and her cat’s eyes glimmered.

“I think that’s only fair.” I took a bite of crispy fried pig’s ears while Veronica wrinkled her nose.

“How can you eat that?”

“It’s like bacon on overload.” I dipped another lightly fried triangle into the spicy sauce and held it out to her. “Try it.”

She bit into the battered nugget. She closed her eyes. Then she moaned. “Oh my God!”

I ate the rest watching her lick her lips. “Good, isn’t it?”

“So good.” She forked one of the bright green beans from her bowl and pushed it at me. “Your turn.”

“Vegetables. Yick.” I shuddered.

“Bo. Really? Body conscious trainer like you?” She took the long green bean between her fingers and bit off the end.

“I’m kidding.” I gobbled the rest from between her fingers. “I’m definitely on the health food circuit, but when I get a chance to gorge on meat, don’t get in my way, woman.”

She laughed, holding up her hands. “Fine. Fine. You can have your carnivorous feast.”

Squinting at her, I said, “Now answer my question.”


“What made you become a psychologist?”

“I understand what it’s like to have a hard life. One you didn’t choose for yourself.” Her shiny eyes lifted. “I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did without help.” Her smile failed around the edges.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Reaching over, I folded my hand around hers.

“Nothing. Nothing.” Ducking her head, she pulled her fingers from mine.

Nothing my ass, but I’d unravel that mystery later. Now I was all about making sure she felt at ease with me.

The second course was served, and I moved my chair nearer to Veronica.

She’d ordered fish. Me? A steak, as raw as they’d cook it.

Her eyebrows lifted as I cut into the expensive Wagyu beef. Juice ran red onto my plate. Perfect.

I chewed and swallowed, shutting my eyes. When I peered at V, she wrinkled her nose at me.

I took another large chunk on my fork and moaned at the taste. Slitting one eye open at her I said, “Hey. I’m a meat eater. What can I say?”

“Me too.” Her eyes shimmered with a naughty light.

Then her lips gleamed with some kind of butter sauce as the flounder melted on her tongue.

I chewed an ice cube from my glass of water.

“Want a taste?” She held her fork with flaky fish out to me.

“I’d rather suck it right off your lips.” My eyes hooded with unveiled need.

Throughout the meal her dress teased me as much as her mouth wrapped around her fork. Everything about her shined. She was exotic, not the prim and proper doc I’d wanted to keep clear away from.

When she finished her entrée, she slid back her chair. She crossed one leg over the other, revealing the thigh high slit in her dress.

I itched to touch her. My appetite turned to her. My jeans grew uncomfortably tight.

“Dessert?” I asked.

“Yes. Later.” Her hand moved to my thigh, caressing the thick muscles in unmistakable invitation. I hoped.


I called for the check, paid it, and we were outta there a hell of a lot faster than the slow stroll we’d taken into the restaurant. Outside, muggy tropical air hit us. It slowed the racing pulse in my veins.

“Want to go for a walk?” I asked.

“Not going to make me run off those calories, are you, Drill Sergeant?”

“I can think of better ways to burn off dinner, but not yet.”

Her dress swished over her legs and brushed against mine, a reminder of the long bare legs beneath. I guided her along one cobblestone street after another. Courtyard gardens spilled onto the narrow roads, tall skinny houses with gaslights almost kissed each other.

We stopped at an Italian ice stand, and I bought two cones of the colorful glacial treat. Veronica’s lips turned strawberry red as she licked the shiny globe. I looked over at her finishing her ice, and her gaze lifted to mine. Pulling the empty cone from her hand I tossed our paper wrappings into a nearby bin.

The silence, the heat, between us intensified.

Leaning in, I placed both hands on the sides of her face. My thumbs brushed her cheeks, and I slowly brought my mouth to hers. I kissed the cool ice off her lips, warming her skin with mine. Pulling back from our kiss, I gazed at her. A soft smile spread across her lips, one I mirrored.

We continued our stroll, hand in hand. Eventually we made our way back to my truck. I didn’t open her door this time but pressed her against it.

Threading my hands through her hair, I titled her head to mine. “So you set me up with an old dude, huh? Doctor Cartwright?”

“Didn’t want to leave any chance you might employ your
tactics on another female doctor.” V’s hands slid to my hips.

“Oh yeah? What tactics might those be?” I kissed her neck from the pulse point in her collarbone to the soft lobe of her ear.

“The ones when you try to get into your therapist’s pants so you can avoid answering questions.” Her voice hit a high note as I trailed back to her neck.

But that’s not why I wanted to get into your pants, Doc.” I growled. “Or skirt.” I gathered the material in my hands, slowly skimming it up her legs.

“It’s not?”

“I’ll show you why.”

My face angled to hers, I pressed my lips against her. Just a touch. Just a taste. I pulled back, licking my lips.

V joined her hands around my neck and guided me back down.

My tongue melted against the parted seam of her mouth. She met my lunge, pressing against me. I touched the tip of her tongue then slid all the way inside. Her hot sleek cavern detonated my brain cells. I grasped her hips, thrusting my thigh between hers as I licked her tongue, cajoling and coiling it into my mouth.

Breaking away, I cupped her face. “You can’t come at me like that unless you’re sure.”

“Take me home, Bo.” Her irises shaded, her russet hair shimmered.

“My home or yours? I don’t want to presume, but I want you to spend the night with me. More than the night.”

She reached behind her and opened her door.

“I was supposed to do that.” I stood outside the truck as I watched her climb in.

“And you can”—she tucked her legs inside—“after you get me back to your place.”

Chapter Seven




I KEPT GLANCING AT Veronica on the drive back to my house, worried if I stopped at a traffic light too long she might attempt a ditch and roll move. I couldn’t quite believe she’d agreed to spend the night with me; after all we didn’t have the best track record.

I made a vow to myself I wouldn’t ravage her as soon as I got the chance. I’d let her set the pace.


She angled toward me. “You look very intense over there. What are you thinking about?”

Hitting the blinker, I turned onto my road. “Don’t I always look intense?”

“Not during dinner. And not that day on your bike.”

I backed the truck into my driveway barely glancing in the side-view mirrors. “I’m making plans for tonight.”

Rearranging the slit along the side of her dress so it showed one hell of a healthy length of leg, V hit me with a slow smile. “Is that so? Me too.”

, I reminded myself as I threw the Hummer into park and almost tore the handle off my door to get out and to her before she forgot I was supposed to open her door for her.

Her hand in mine, I led her to the house, but I stopped short of unlocking the door.

“Last chance.” I warned.

She didn’t hesitate to press against me, curving her lips along my jaw. “I’m a grown-ass woman, Bo, and I know what I want.”

A hard shudder raced through me. “I’m not all fun and games.”

“Are you trying to scare me away?” She nuzzled her nose against my neck.

“Would it work?”

“I don’t scare easy.”


“Open the damn door, Bo. I don’t fancy getting naked on your steps.”

I drove the key into the lock. I didn’t like the idea of giving the neighbors a show either. When we were inside, I had to crush the impulse to go all OCD and double check the lock, the windows, do some recon through all the rooms to make sure I hadn’t been compromised.

I was aiming for normal. Not psychotic-paranoid.

Releasing her hand, I turned on a light in the hallway and reached around to hit the one in the living room. Staring down at her, I stood with my arms crossed over my chest until I realized just how defensive I looked.

I rubbed a hand across the back of my neck. “Should I be asking you if you want a cocktail or coffee or something? I’m not real good at this.”

Rising to her tiptoes, she placed a soft kiss on my lips. “You don’t have to overthink this or worry about what you think, do, or say. I’m here because I want you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you.” Her fingers dragged along the dense stubble on my jaw. “And you should be taking me to your bedroom, unless you want the first time to happen in the hall.”

“First time?” My voice dropped low.

Her fingers slowly walked down my chest and my heart thudded all through my body. “I hope it’s just the first time.”

Clasping an arm around her waist, I hitched her against me. Our long wet kiss burned through my skin, setting every part of me on fire. I grasped her hair in a fist, winding it around my wrist. With her head slanted, I speared my tongue between her lips. Her hands slid down my back to my ass and she cupped me through my jeans, pulling me tighter.

The bold strokes of her tongue, the heat of her hands on me were a trigger, a different kind, one I hadn’t indulged in months, and never like this.

I pulled back and stared at her flushed face, the half lidded eyes, her swollen lips even puffier than before and glistening.

My nostrils flared. “Bedroom.”

My palm rested on the skin of her back as I guided her down the hall and through the door. I released her long enough to switch on the lamp by the bed, illuminating the bare as barracks room. A large bed, blinds on the windows, a dresser—it was no more than a place to lay my head at night and more often than not wake up in a sweaty gasping mess.

I wouldn’t think about that.

Veronica made no comment. She merely began unbuttoning me. Her palms ran inside the half-open shirt. She caressed my chest, darting out her fingernails to scratch across my nipples.

My head knocked back and I ground my teeth, locking my legs in place.

I looked down when she continued to the bottom of my shirt. Her hair, red and glorious, fanned over the arm I draped around her waist. She bent forward and her tongue peeked out, then flattened and twirled over the clenching muscles of my abdomen. She pulled the shirt off my arms and flipped it aside, going directly for my belt next.

Her hand skimmed up my erection. Arousal thundered through me, and my cock jumped inside my jeans.

She whipped off the belt, gazing at me. My hands remained balled at my sides, the thick cords of my neck strained as I watched her.

“You’re a little . . .
,” she mentioned.

“I’m afraid of what I’ll do if I let myself go on you.” I groaned when she ground her palm against the very obvious
rising from my groin.

“You want me to take control?”


Her hands roamed over my chest and she pushed me backward with a little shove.

I landed on the bed, my arms braced behind me, my eyes narrowed on her as she swept the hot red hair off her shoulders and up on top of her head. Hips swaying, she toed off the sandals, hooking one leg through the thigh-high slit of her dress.

“Jesus Christ, V.”

Her lips tilted and her feline eyes darkened. Her hands descending to her neck and then to her breasts, she cupped the full mounds. They pushed together, creating deep tantalizing cleavage inside the silver halter-top. With one tug off the bow at her neck, the two sides parted down her middle.

No bra.

Nothing but naturally bronzed skin, high tits, and soft-looking nipples. A rosy copper color, the twin peaks mounting her breasts took my breath away. A second later, she lowered the rest to the floor and stepped out of the dress and panties with a sexy shimmy of her hips.

I chewed on my lip, dragged a hand over my mouth, leaned forward. She was insanely curvy, her body bold, every part of her looked soft and pillowy and perfectly kissable. Fuckable.

Her tightly trimmed bush curled above a bare slit, and the curls? Deep, dark red.

My mouth watered. My voice dried up.

I had one single request and I forced it out. “Turn around.”

She complied, swiveling with a roll of her hips. Scooping her hair forward, she presented her backside to me.

And what a fucking backside it was.

A big heart-shaped ass topped by twin dimples, the indent of her waist and all that golden skin curving up her spine. I licked my lips, wishing I had my mouth on her flesh. My cock jerked, growing harder. What made me even hotter was the full backpiece.

For the first time I saw the entire tat. I’d been right about the metal design beneath the colorful flowers and vines. It was a coffin—no mistake about it. Detailed in rusted iron. And I was almost one hundred percent certain it was MC in origin.

V had history written on her body, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it—not yet, not right now. I was too intent on watching her hands skim down her sides. When she turned her head, her tits followed, first the bottom curves revealed then the copper nipples.

She pivoted, her breasts bouncing, her hair tossed back and a challenge in her eyes.

“Come here, babe.” I hooked a finger at her.

She slipped between my spread thighs and clamped my wrists in her hands, wrenching them down to the bed.

Her smile was more naughty than nice.

The amazing red flame of her hair floated all over her body, and her nipples brushed against my chest.

I grunted. I tried not to fight against her hold on me. She only let go when my muscles relaxed.

“Stay still,” she ordered.

“You’re making it hard to do that.” I groaned.

“Complaining?” She lowered my jeans with a lift of my hips off the bed, her cheek and her chin and her mouth moving against my tight briefs and my big bulging cock.

I curled my fists into the bedding. “No.”

Boots, socks, jeans, gone. She kneeled between my thighs, skating her warm palms up the insides of my legs. Every so often she inched close enough to tease my balls inside the skivs. My dick pulsed. Precome leaked. A wet spot spread. My stomach flexed and my toes curled and I wasn’t even fucking naked yet.

She raised the top of my briefs and tugged them down little by little. The thick base appeared, and she lapped it with a hum in her throat. The dark nest of my pubes escaped, and she pushed her nose into the curls.

I braced my feet on the bed.

Lifting the tight black briefs over the rigid rod of my dick, she yanked them off my legs and returned to brush her lush lips up the dark-colored meat of my cock.

She didn’t open her mouth. She didn’t tongue me. She didn’t take me in hand.

I was already on edge, gnashing my teeth and digging my fingers into my palms.

“What do you want?” She wasn’t shy as she stood before me that was for sure.

Her skin glowed. Her nipples darkened. The tiny pearl on top of her pussy called out to me.

Sexy doc.

“Want to touch you. Taste you.” My hoarse voice rumbled.

“Do it.”

My hands at her hips, I guided her forward to my lips. I loved the way her thighs hid the jewel inside. I flicked the tiny nub at the top and followed her wetness to the source with my tongue. Lying back on the bed, I pulled her on top of me. Back arched, body taut, she kneeled over my face. The fiery curls whisked my nose as I dipped my tongue inside her. Ocean, wild savannahs, an oasis of juicy flesh. I sucked at her lips, thrust into her hole, held her by that fantastic ass, and grunted.

Veronica gyrated on top of my mouth. Her hands gripped the bed frame. Her legs strained and her voice shattered. She came on my tongue, dripping sweet hot liquid into my mouth.

When she slowed, I lowered her to the bed. Her nipples, puffy and perfect, damn near made me blast off. I attacked them with my fingers pinching, my tongue scalding. I watched her eyes roll when I slid my hand over her tummy and thrust two strong fingers into her sheath.

She was even tighter inside after coming.

The coral nipples mirrored her exotic-colored cunt, and I leaned down to watch her wet my entire hand. Another orgasm ripped through her, my name on her lips, my head in her hands, my mouth drawn to hers.

My cock immensely hard, I grasped it in my hand. One tug, two, I’d blast off all over her body as she lay sated and relaxed. Fucked good, loved hard.

Veronica sat up and pulled my hand away. “This is where I take control.”

“Okay. Yeah.” The hair stood up along my forearms, and my breath deepened.

“You just get comfortable.” She kneeled up and flicked the gorgeous hair over her shoulder.

I released a harsh laugh. “Don’t think that’s possible.”

Despite the collision of apprehension and insane arousal thundering through my body, I sat against two pillows and propped my legs open. Wide open.

Hopefully she’d take the hint. My shaft drilled up from my groin, dark in color and fully engorged. My lids dropped low, and I scanned Veronica’s incredible body.

She crawled toward me, her breasts hanging low, her ass raised and swiveling back and forth. Her butt cheeks goddamn mesmerized me, but the shock of her touch—her fingertips trailing up my legs—jolted me from dirty fantasies of what I’d like to do to her ass, in her ass.

Gliding forward between my thighs, she leaned lower and her nipples—hot and pebbled—brushed my legs. I inhaled through my nose and exhaled with a groan. The copper buds raked through the dark hair on my thighs, then my cock was surrounded by the plump mounds of her tits.

Fuck yeah.” My head slammed back into the pillows and I pumped my dick up into the soft hot clamp of her flesh.

Her lips slid onto my abs. She deviated from the dark line of hair to outline every roll of muscle all the while moving up, up, up my body. Her tits released my cock, but her nipples kept contact with my skin, and her ass resumed swaying side to side.

She licked and sucked the flat discs of my nipples until my cock pumped a steady stream of pre-ejaculate. I felt it wet her belly as she hovered over me. I tried to touch her, but she tisked me, pushing my hands behind my head.

“Jesus. You weren’t kidding about taking control, were you?” I grunted and my hips bucked.

Her mouth swooped to mine, and suddenly I didn’t give a fuck if she wanted to tie me up as long as she took care of the growing pulsing heavy arousal that twisted through my body.

She released my lips and licked all around them before sucking the skin of my throat as I lay beneath her, completely at her mercy.

Her voice came at me husky and hoarse. “You just enjoy it.”

I nodded, the muscle at the back of my jaw tensing.

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