Blue Dawn (29 page)

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Authors: Norah-Jean Perkin

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blue Dawn
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Relief gave way to overwhelming pride in the child they had made together, after following a path of their own choosing. He had chosen love over destiny, and he had never regretted it.

Especially not now.

His smile broadened until he felt as if his face would crack. He leaned forward and kissed Allie’s forehead, then regarded the girl child.

With a sense of wonder and awe not provoked by even the most magnificent galaxy in the heavens, he touched the tiny, open hand.

Immediately the fingers closed around his much larger finger, grasping it with surprising strength.

A lump rose in his throat and tears sprang in his eyes.

“I think we’ll call her Star,” Allie whispered.

“After you. And the star that sent you to me.”

Over Star’s tiny head, their eyes met, with a love and strength Erik knew was more important than anything else. Suddenly it occurred to him that the Zalian seers
indeed been right about one aspect of his destiny: he and Allie were meant to be together for all time. But on Earth, not on Zalia, and because they loved each other, not because they had no choice. Fate had brought him to the planet where he truly belonged, as he had never belonged on Zura. Perhaps then, he mused, he should be grateful to the seers for bringing him to Earth, to Allie, and now to his wonderful, perfect daughter.

A surprisingly loud wail startled them both.

Erik stood up, grinning. “Well, Earth Mother, your daughter’s calling.”

He turned and started to leave the bedroom area.

“Where are you going?” Allie asked.

Erik smiled again. “Out for a cigar.” He winked.

“Isn’t that what new fathers are supposed to do?”



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