Blown Circuit (34 page)

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Authors: Lars Guignard

Tags: #Espionage, #Fiction, #Mystery, #Retail, #Thriller

BOOK: Blown Circuit
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About Meryem my feelings were more mixed. I’d liked her, but she had screwed me over, plain and simple. I was fairly certain that we’d never be able to let bygones be bygones if we met again on life’s twisted highway. You never knew, though. Everything could turn on a dime. If I’d been told that Kate would be the one to save me from being buried alive, I’d have laughed.

I didn’t recognize the crew that had cut the cable on the sphere and I didn’t know the captain. All I knew was that I had texted my extraction coordinates to Langley and that they had replied that the catamaran would be rendezvousing with a US Navy frigate at 0500. It was an hour to midnight and it looked like I’d be seeing another Mediterranean dawn. I stretched out on my deck chair and closed my eyes, turning the mission over in my mind.

Sure, there had been some hiccups, but I hadn’t done badly. I’d located the Tesla Device and prevented its use, and though I hadn’t found my father, I’d dealt another blow to those holding him. It was true that there were still things that bothered me. Nothing I could a put a finger on, but more of a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that just didn’t sit well. Perhaps the feeling was a result of the fact that I felt I had been lucky, almost too lucky, and whatever I did, I couldn’t escape the sense that my luck was about to run out. On the other had, I had succeeded. The very fact that I had accomplished my mission and made it to the extraction point was proof of that.

Regarding my father, my feelings were more conflicted. The news of his alleged affair with Kate had not been something I had wanted to hear, but nevertheless, I felt that much closer to getting him back. With that in mind, I decided to focus on the positive. It might not be a job complete, but it was a job well done, and it was within the warm embrace of that comforting thought that I allowed myself to fall into an exhausted slumber.

For a precious few hours I slept the well-earned sleep of the weary, and then, when I awoke, I was greeted by a new mission and a new day.

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A Michael Chase Thriller


Lars Guignard


Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 by Lars Guignard

Published by: Fantastic Press

Inquiries: [email protected]

E-book ISBN: 978-0-9877753-7-5

Version 2013.06


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Lethal Circuit

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About the Author:

A former television writer, Lars Guignard is a graduate of both McGill University and the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. Lars's work can be seen on television screens across the globe in series as varied as
Big Wolf on Campus
, and
. A member of the Writer's Guild of Canada, Lars's work has also been produced for film and published in magazines.

Ever since attending high school in the Indian Himalayas at the age of fourteen, Lars has been an avid backpacker and traveler. Lars now makes his home in the Pacific Northwest where he is busy completing the third Michael Chase thriller for release in 2013.

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A Chinese satellite is on a crash course with Earth.  

It contains enough plutonium to irradiate a large city.

And that's the good news...

Michael Chase is a twenty-six-year-old backpacker, a recent college grad, an amateur. He flew to Hong Kong to find his missing father. Four hours later, he's running for his life. The Chinese Secret Police want him dead. The Conspiracy wants him dead. And the one person who he thinks is on his side, may want him dead too.

If Michael is going to live, he'll need to find a hidden piece of Nazi technology lost since World War II. And he'll have to do it before anyone else. Because if he doesn't, a little plutonium is going to be the least of his problems.

Readers praise

"Rockin' fast-paced thriller!!!  Strap yourself in for a wild ride as backpacker Michael Chase gets caught up in the world of spies and secret agents."
Connaisseur -- 5 Stars

"A Pulse Racing Thriller!" -
Soundograph -- 5 Stars

"Lars Guignard keeps you hanging at the end of each chapter!" -
David Trail -- 5 Stars

"A high-octane spy thriller with a great twist ending."  -
E.J. Whalen -- 5 Stars

Gripping -- Complex Characters -- Full of Surprises!

“This is thriller entertainment par excellence!
In this way reminiscent of Stieg Larsson, in others of Robert Ludlum and Michael Crichton, Lars Guignard brings his own polished voice to the thriller genre to stay." -

is the first in the Michael Chase thriller series.  It has been on the Amazon Bestseller Technothriller List since its release.

Read an excerpt from


By Lars Guignard



. Even the name sounded decrepit. Twenty-seven stories of decaying concrete apartment block that made the worst housing project in America look like the Hilton. The truth was, Chungking Mansion wasn’t so much a residence as a third world city stuffed into a condemned building occupying some of the most valuable real estate on the planet. Why it still stood was a bureaucratic mystery, but the prevailing theory was that it had taken the place of the old Kowloon Walled City which had been razed years previously.

The old Walled City had been a historical anomaly: an unclaimed property lying in the no man’s land between Chinese and British jurisdiction that had grown into a tangled web of vice and commerce the likes of which the world had never seen. There was no law. There was no order. There was only humanity run amok in a group of structures that had slowly but steadily grown into one another until they became one and the same: six and a half acres of madness, fourteen stories high.
The old Walled City had finally met the wrecking ball, but its displaced residents had needed some place to go and that place was Chungking. In a word, Chungking was hell, Hong Kong style. It was also home to some of the finest South Indian curry on the Pacific Rim. It was this curry and the ice cold beer that accompanied it that added up to the long trough style urinal Michael Chase now stood before.

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