Blown Away (13 page)

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Authors: Brenda Rothert

BOOK: Blown Away
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Chapter 21

Everyone's brows were either up or down when I stepped into the motorhome and announced I was staying there tonight.

Then Tex broke the silence by snickering and making whipping sounds.

“You don't know shit about how to treat a woman,” I said, shoving his shoulder. “All you ever do is talk about them, but I never see any action.”

He rolled his eyes and laughed. “Teach me, master. How can I get a woman who'll be so pissed off at me that she kicks me out of my own place?”

“Fuck you.” I glanced around the motorhome and saw wadded-up sandwich wrappers on the table, dirty socks on a chair, and crushed-up Chex mix underfoot. “This place is disgusting. And it smells like ass.”

Millie glared at me. “Stay here if you want, but don't take your bad mood out on us.”

I grunted my acknowledgment. I
in a terrible mood. I'd gone to sleep with Drew in my arms last night, not expecting to be alone in her bunk tonight.

Even though I wasn't wrong, I got why she was so upset. Fucking Colby and his flirting. Every time I'd watched it I'd thought to myself that I wouldn't so much as glance at another woman if Drew was mine. I'd never seen him serious about any woman but Drew, but it was impossible to make her feel better right now.

I climbed up to Drew's bunk and closed the curtain. Damn, it
feel like a coffin. My feet were up against the wall, even with my knees bent a little. I turned onto my side.

This was why I was all wrong for her. She was hurt, and not only couldn't I make her feel better, I'd made her feel worse. Barking at her not to leave had been an extra-douchey touch.

But I couldn't bear the thought. This couldn't be it for us.

I was damn tired, and coffin or not, I fell asleep fast. My internal clock woke me up at dawn and I went over to the camper.

I could see Drew's curled-up form on the bed through the open curtain. I changed from my boots and jeans into shorts and running shoes and headed out for my run.

The path through the woods here made for a nice morning workout. I tried to think of ways to make Drew feel better as I covered the wood-chip-lined path, but nothing came to mind.

I wasn't about to roll over and beg her forgiveness. I hadn't done anything wrong. If I'd told her Colby liked flirting with other women, it wouldn't have just been a betrayal of my friendship with him, but even I would've questioned my motives. I had feelings for Drew. If I'd done anything to come between her and Colby, I couldn't have been sure it wasn't because I secretly wanted her for myself.

It was going to be muggy here today. I could feel it in the early morning air. By the time I got back to the camper, the sun was up and I was drenched with sweat.

When I walked into the camper, Drew was curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee.

“Want some coffee?” she said softly.

Right after a run? All I wanted was water. But something made me nod, walk over to the coffeepot on the island, and pour myself a cup.

I leaned against the kitchen island and looked at her. She was wearing one of my T-shirts and nothing else. I was a fucking saint for staying in place instead of running my hands up her thighs to see if she had panties on underneath.

“So,” she said, sighing. “I wish you had told me about Colby, but…I treated you unfairly last night. I'm sorry.”

“It's okay. You were upset.”

She shook her head. “I was upset with him, like you said.”

I set my mug on the island counter and folded my arms. “Listen, I know what it's like to be pissed off at someone and have no one to take it out on. It just builds inside you until you're about to explode from the pressure.”

She shifted and I caught a flash of dark purple panties.

“Who were you pissed at?” she asked softly.

I shrugged. “My parents, for one. Not that they deserved it, of course. But there were times I wanted to scream at them for leaving me. When I graduated from high school, basic training, Ranger school, college…I'd look over at the stands and think, ‘Where the hell are you guys? You should be here.' ”

“I can understand that.”

“I got angry with the enemy when my buddies died in combat, too. And there was no one to take it out on. I felt like a ticking time bomb sometimes.”

Drew set her cup down on the table by the couch and got up. She walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Sweet Aiden,” she murmured against my chest, “you've been through so much. I wish I could have comforted you when you needed it.”

I swallowed hard and wrapped my arms around her back. She was soft and warm, but her words affected me more than the feel of her. I couldn't believe how much it moved me to hear those words from her.

“I could've been nicer last night,” I said in her ear. “Sorry for being so…abrasive.”

She laughed softly. “You, abrasive? Never.”

Her body was still tight with tension. I pulled back enough to look into her eyes.

“You still upset?”

She sighed deeply. “No. I just feel like maybe I don't belong here anymore. Maybe I never did, I don't know. I wanted to see why Colby was so drawn to chasing, and I see now.”

I cupped her cheek in my palm. “You belong here, Drew. You fit. And you love it, I can tell.”

The corners of her lips turned up in a small smile. “You'd trust me in a bad situation?”


Her smile grew bigger. “Thank you. I do love being part of this team. It feels good to know you think I belong.”

She moved in close again and my blood pumped from the warm closeness of her.

“You look really good in my shirt,” I said.

She stroked her fingertips up and down my lower back. “I didn't think you'd mind.”

“We're both gonna need a shower after this. I'm all sweaty.”

Drew made a low humming sound against my chest. “If we're already sweaty…a little more won't hurt, will it?”

“Hell no, it won't.”

I ran my hands up her back and into her hair, kissing her soft and slow for a few seconds before I put one hand on her lower back and pulled her against me.

She moaned a little louder when she felt my hard cock pressing against her.

“You want me, Drew?” I said in a low tone against her neck.

Another moan. “Yes. I want you.”

I hooked my thumbs into her panties and slid them off. She pulled the T-shirt up and off, revealing the pink nipples I could never pass up tasting. I played with them, licking, sucking and biting while I kicked off my shoes and slid down my shorts and underwear.

When I pulled back, I took my T-shirt off and slid my hands around to cup her ass, stopping at the last second.

“Fuck,” I mumbled. “Let me get a condom.”

“It's okay. I'm still on the pill.”

I met her eyes, my heart stirring with something unknown. I'd never fucked a woman without a condom, and the thought of doing it to Drew filled me with hot, crazy lust.

She didn't waver. I cupped her ass and lifted her, easing her down onto my cock.

“Oh my God,” she cried. “Aiden.”

She was so hot and wet and tight. I groaned loudly as she sank all the way down my length. She gripped my shoulders, holding on tight as I lifted her up and down again.

“So fuckin' good,” I ground out, my eyes still locked on hers.

“Faster,” she panted, and I obliged. She was taking all of me now, moaning her satisfaction every time I sank back into her.

I turned around, set her on the island counter, and hooked an arm under one of her thighs, not missing a beat in my deep, rhythmic pounding into her. The harder I went, the louder she moaned.

“You like it rough, don't you, baby?”

Her lips were parted and her eyes were glazed with lust.
More, more, more.
I could see it on her face.

I grabbed her hips and fucked her deep and hard. She sank her nails into my shoulders and gave a long, guttural cry. Her pussy clamped down on my cock, a gush of wetness telling me she was coming, and

When I let myself go, I put my forehead against hers, my hands squeezing her hips as I came hard and hot inside her. It went on and on, her lips open against mine as we moaned into each other's mouths in unison.

My body went limp and I relaxed my hold on her. I was breathing hard and sweating, feeling drained in the best possible way.

“That was…like nothing else,” I said. “I've never come that hard.”

“I know. It was amazing.”

“You're gonna be sore in several places.”

She leaned forward and kissed me softly. “So worth it.”

“We're okay, then?”

She wrapped herself around me and laughed softly. “I'd say we're more than okay. Can we do that again tonight?”

“Baby, we can do that anytime you want.”

“Like that? Rough?”

“Like that,” I promised. “I can take things even further if you want me to.”

She pulled away and met my eyes, her arousal obvious. “Yes. I want to try new things with you. Things we've…well,
never done.”

“I've never done 'em with you, though, Drew. And we might be able to find a new thing or two. We just did something I've never done, didn't we?”

She grinned at me and slid down from the counter. “Yes. Maybe we can talk about it on the road today?”

I groaned halfheartedly. “You gonna make me storm chase with wood?”

“Come on, it'll be fun. Think of it as foreplay.”

She started dressing in the clothes she'd worn yesterday. I was already thinking about taking her clothes off again later.

“Play with me all you want today,” I said, my low tone steady. “And tonight I'll show you how rough I can be.”

She locked her eyes on mine and licked her lips. “Promise?”


She left the camper to shower and I grabbed a bottle of water and downed it. Today was going to be really fucking long.

Chapter 22

There was something different between me and Aiden today. It was like we'd gotten more comfortable with each other between yesterday and today. Maybe we'd grown closer from the fighting and makeup sex.

Whatever it was, it was good.

We were driving across Oklahoma, and Aiden had spent the first hour telling me about the forecast. Murph had given it to him in less than five minutes, but it took longer for me to get it. I had to interrupt often for explanations of terms like “vortex,” “updraft,” and “wall cloud.”

My mind was starting to wander.

“Can I tell you something?” I asked, turning to him.

He nodded slightly.

“I'm not sure I want to know. About Colby, I mean. Maybe he cheated, maybe he didn't, but I guess it doesn't matter, does it?”

Aiden considered for a few seconds. “It's not that it doesn't matter. Would knowing give you closure, even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear?”

“I asked myself that last night. I laid in bed and thought about this for a long time. And I think…no. The closure came after his death for me. I mourned him and the loss of what we had, and opening it back up…”

“Won't change anything,” Aiden finished.

“Does it bother you if I talk about him?”

He gave me a serious look. “No. It would bother me if you felt like you couldn't talk to me about him.”

“Whatever he did or didn't do…it's over.”


“Would you want to know?”

Aiden laughed softly. “I've never been in a relationship like that, so I don't know. I guess I'd probably want to know.”

“Knowing might make me even more cynical.”

“You're not cynical.”

“Oh, I am. Inside I'm very cynical.”

“I hate the thought of you being cynical,” he said. “There's gotta be something you believe in.”

“I believe in myself. And my brother and sister. It's everyone else in the world I'm skeptical of.”

Aiden sighed. “I get that. I'm the same way. Cynicism's a dead-end road, though.”

“I believe you look really good in that hat.” I grinned at him.

“Oh yeah?” He pulled the brim of his black Hawkeyes baseball hat down a bit.

“Has anyone ever told you you look like a young Russell Crowe?”

He nodded. “A time or two.”

“I bet you were really sexy in your Army uniform.”

“What, Class As? Dress uniform?”

“Oh, that too,” I said. “I was picturing you in the camo one.”

“Combat uniform. I still wear trousers from that one when I hike or work on the cabin.”

I scrunched my face in thought. “Is that where you live? I don't know where you live.”

“I live in the camper.”

“You do? All the time?”

“Yep. I've got electricity and water hookups at the cabin.”

“So the cabin isn't far enough along for you to live in?”

A flicker of uncertainty passed over his face. “It's not that.”

His tone told me this was a sensitive subject, so I dropped it. But after about a minute of silence, he brought it up again.

“My dad had a dream of building a log home on a lake, with woods all around. Mom, too, actually. They had the plans and everything, which survived the tornado somehow. One of the neighbors found an envelope in his yard with the plans in it. I figured it was a sign, so I'm building it.”

My heart felt squeezed by the rush of emotion I felt. Aiden wouldn't look at me. It was like he was waiting to see how I'd judge this fragile bit of himself he'd just shared.

“You're not as cynical as you think,” I said.

He smiled, looking out at the road in front of the truck. “Well, I can't live in the damned thing. I thought I'd be able to, but…it's meant for a family. My mom's huge pantry. Dad's wine cellar. It just wouldn't feel right to live there by myself.”

“I can understand that.”

“It's not done, anyway. It's livable, but not done. I'm taking my time with it, 'cause when I'm done, who knows? Guess I'll have to sell it.”

“Will you?”

He shook his head. “Not really. My folks had enough life insurance that money's not an issue for me. But I'll become the town nutcase if I finish it and keep living in my camper in the driveway.”

I smiled at the thought. “Forget the Lipton busybodies. Do whatever you want.”

“The camper's all I need. Well, besides a shower. I just shower at the gym every day, though.”

“I'd like to see it sometime. The cabin.”

He glanced at me, his eyes alight. “Yeah? I think you'd like it. I finished the fireplace last winter. It's two stories of natural stone.”

“Sounds beautiful. If you ever need help…well, I have no skills at all that would help you.”

“I can teach you.”

I warmed at the thought of me and Aiden alone at his cabin, working and talking. Or not talking. Just being. He was so easy to be with.

“Deal. I can teach you how to shampoo hair in exchange.” I laughed at my joke. “Or how to wax? You never know when waxing skills will come in handy.”

“Ain't nobody waxing me,” he said adamantly. “Ever.”

“You don't want silky smooth junk?”

He scowled. “Junk isn't meant to be silky smooth. Pussies, on the other hand…hell yeah.”

My cheeks warmed and my heart kicked up speed as he spoke. Anytime Aiden talked about sex, I melted into a puddle. His confidence was such a turn-on.

“I've had Brazilians before, but I'm working a landing strip now,” I said. “Guess you know that.”

He smiled. “Your pussy's perfect. I love the way you taste.”

My face was flaming now. It was one thing to talk about this stuff in bed, but while he was driving down the road, sipping a cup of coffee?

It felt forbidden, which was probably why I could feel myself getting wet from the way he was looking at me.

“You're sexy when you blush,” he said.

“You're sexy…pretty much all the time,” I returned.

He hummed with satisfaction. “So you want me to do my worst tonight, or have you reconsidered?”

I swallowed hard, my heart hammering furiously.

“Your worst sounds…hot, unless it'll leave marks on me.”

He arched his brows and laughed. “Jesus Christ, Drew, hurting women doesn't turn me on. Some red marks on your ass and a sore cunt's about the worst of it with me.”

I let out a nervous laugh. “That's the first time anyone's ever used the word ‘cunt' in a conversation with me.”

“And you liked it.” He spoke with certainty, not even looking at me. “Didn't you?”


Another hum of satisfied amusement. “If I pulled over to the side of the road and told you to suck my cock, would you do it?”

“Yes.” No hesitation.

Aiden made me want things I'd never wanted before. He made me want to be brazen. Admit what
turned me on. He just made me want, want, want.

“I'd do it if I wasn't following Murph. Wouldn't want them to come back to check on us and see you sucking me off.”

I reached for the knob to the air conditioner and cranked it up. Aiden smirked with amusement.

“Hot?” he asked.

“So hot.”

“Me too, baby.”

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