Bloodraven (47 page)

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Authors: P. L. Nunn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Gay

BOOK: Bloodraven
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Bloodraven slipped a finger inside him, curled it around inside tight, velvet heat and found the spot that made Yhalen cry out and lift his hips off the bed, seeking more.

“You bastard...bastard...,” he cried, breathless and shaking.

Bloodraven pulled him up to his knees and back to the edge of the bed, where he could stand with an arm around Yhalen’s waist and his cock level with Yhalen’s fine ass. He added a second finger, twisting, stretching, smoothing the way. With his other hand he encircled Yhalen’s twitching cock, smothering it within the confines of his large palm and giving it as tight a sheath as Yhalen would provide him.

“Do it. Do it. Just” Yhalen pressed his face into the mattress, fingers curling and uncurling in the folds.

Bloodraven scissored his fingers, stretching pliable flesh. Yhalen let out a keening moan.

“Please...please, please, please....“

It wasn’t a supplication that could be ignored. Bloodraven withdrew his fingers and used his thumbs to spread the firm flesh of Yhalen’s buttocks, then pressed the weeping head of his cock to the oil-slicked hole. He pressed in, grasping Yhalen’s hips and holding him firm, knowing very well that no gentle pressure would get him where he needed to be. Only sheer force would get the thick head of his cock past that fleshy barrier, and the quicker it was in the sooner that flesh would learn to accommodate him.

He let out a shuddering breath himself as the bulbous head of his cock disappeared behind the stretched mouth of Yhalen’s hole. The skin was sleek and taut around it, all trace of pucker erased as


the mouth distended to its capacity and beyond. Fascinating to see the way it sucked at the sides of his cock as he slid further inside, then pulled out a little to watch the flesh cling to the sides of him as though reluctant to let him go.

Yhalen made little, aborted sounds, his body trembling, tensing up, then relaxing, then trembling again as if it didn’t know how to react to the intrusion. But his cock stayed firm and hard between his legs and Bloodraven reach down to caress it once while he was still half in and half out, causing Yhalen to move against him, impaling himself another few inches on Bloodraven’s erection. Bloodraven took firm hold of his hips again and began to move, pulling out a little, then plunging back, deeper still.

A few more thrusts and he felt his balls brush the back of Yhalen’s thighs. It was heaven he was buried within. Some gift of the gods made flesh that welcomed his body and heated it and compressed it and drove it wild with the tight velvet heat of its grasp. Sensation so intense that it banished reason and left animal instinct, so that all he could act on was reflex and the driving need to follow this escalating sensation to its culmination.

He bent over Yhalen and drove brutally into his body, only his own strength keeping Yhalen on his knees instead of forcing him flat onto the mattress.

After so long without proper release, Bloodraven’s stamina was regrettable. With Yhalen’s impossibly tight, clinging heat surrounding him, the thud of his life beat throbbing around Bloodraven’s cock, the feel of his smooth skin and the small sounds of he made, muffled by the bed sheets—with all this, Bloodraven’s dubious control shattered and he spilled with great spasming shudders, deep into the fleshy vessel that encased him.

With a final bone-jarring surge of release, the tension drained out of his body. He rested for a moment, dropping to his elbows so that his torso lay pressed against Yhalen’s slim back, his now much softer, smaller cock still buried within Yhalen’s body. Even spent, he wasn’t so inconsequential that he might easily slip out without conscious effort. He enjoyed the clasping heat. He enjoyed the feel of Yhalen’s body against his skin. Enjoyed, now that he had the presence of mind to appreciate it fully, the strong tremors of life beneath him. The intake of breath, the thud of a healthy heart, the slight trembling of lean limbs as Yhalen knelt braced beneath him.

He felt between Yhalen’s legs. Found the limp flesh of his cock and felt the sticky substance of release upon his belly. Somewhere along the way he’d found his satisfaction as well, regardless of his protests before the fact.

He pulled out, shutting his eyes and sighing as Yhalen’s body clamped around his limp organ upon its retreat. Yhalen made a soft sound as Bloodraven’s cock left him, a trickling trail of clear semen following in its wake, dribbling down the inside of his smooth thighs and across the loose sack of his balls. A small blurring of red blended with the mix, stemming from a tear at Yhalen’s puckered entrance. Not so terrible a wound, considering Bloodraven’s urgency in the matter.

“You’re valiant,” Bloodraven said with a grin, grasping Yhalen’s hips and lifting him to the middle of the large bed, then urging him onto his back. “No cry of pain escaped your lips, even when blood was drawn.”

A baleful green eye stared up at him from beneath tumbled hair.

“Or perhaps you liked it too much to scream.”

“You’re small in comparison to your brethren. Nothing to scream about,” Yhalen retorted with a glint of maliciousness in his eyes.

Bloodraven lifted a brow, surprised at what could be taken as a blatant insult. A warrior might be mortally offended if he were thin-skinned. And if he’d not been so recently sated by the author of the slur.

He grinned, revealing the sharpened points of his canines, and chose to be impressed at Yhalen’s courage rather than insulted over his insolence. He lay down on his side next to Yhalen, casually trailing his fingers through the sticky residue on Yhalen’s flat tummy.

“It seems as if the lack of size meets well with your approval.”

He brought his fingers up and rubbed his semen-covered thumb across Yhalen’s bottom lip, then pressed against Yhalen’s teeth with an index finger equally coated with Yhalen’s leavings. After only a moment’s hesitation, Yhalen relaxed his clenched teeth, allowing Bloodraven’s finger entrance into the soft depths of his mouth. His tongue touched the rough pad of Bloodraven’s finger, testing, licking, before he took a shuddering breath and closed his lips around the tip of Bloodraven’s finger and sucked it clean.


It stole the breath from Bloodraven’s chest, that simple submission. Made a little spark of something indefinable flutter in the pit of his stomach. He muttered an ogrish curse and pulled his finger free, leaning over instead to clasp Yhalen’s face in both hands and plunge his tongue into the sweet depths of his mouth. Yhalen yielded to his assault with a suddenness that was only one more jolt to Bloodraven’s self-possession, tongue curling around his, mouth open and inviting and devouring.

Distantly, Bloodraven felt fingers digging into his arms, blunt nails biting at his skin. He felt his body stirring again, and eagerly. He ran his hands down Yhalen’s sides, then back up again to brush the tiny, hard nubs of his nipples. The feel of his flesh was electric. His cock twitched and he pressed it against Yhalen’s hip, between the heat of their bodies. It demanded attention again, and not politely.

And why not? He’d promised himself that this supple body beneath his would sate whatever needs arose this night. Repeatedly. And yet, he was aware of the fragility of Yhalen’s body. Of the blood he’d drawn and the difference in their sizes. It occurred to him that when he’d murmured the promise of
, it had been more than an idle pledge. He didn’t wish to damage Yhalen.

He reluctantly moved his mouth from Yhalen’s lips, working his way to the side of his jaw and neck instead, fumbling for Yhalen’s hand and drawing it down between them, to his still-hungry cock.

Yhalen’s fingers touched the sensitive head. There was a little shudder of indrawn breath, a flinch of hesitation before his slim fingers encircled the head, gauging its width, judging the shape of it by feel alone.

Bloodraven rolled onto his back, propping himself up on one elbow while he urged Yhalen into the nook between his legs. He gave him a look of silent direction, which Yhalen returned with wary, half-lashed eyes. His lips were pink and swollen from Bloodraven’s kisses, and Bloodraven longed with a desire that was almost painful to have them on his cock. It was either that or he’d have a go at the other end of him again, but one way or another he’d be inside Yhalen again in very short order.

When Bloodraven promised no pain, Yhalen wished it was a lie. Wished the intrusion had caused tearing, agonizing hurt instead of the more than tolerable burn that lanced along every nerve in his body and setting his flesh afire, blinding him to simple things like standing on his principles.

He wasn’t supposed to like this. Goddess, he wasn’t by any means supposed to crave it!

But common sense scattered on the winds like so many dried leaves when those big hands came into intimate contact with his body. When he felt the heat of Bloodraven’s arousal and the overwhelming strength of his flesh. When had he become so weak and womanly that the sensation of being small and powerless under Bloodraven’s hand caused such a flutter of thrill? He’d never particularly craved bedmates in the past that so outsized him. He’d rather preferred the upper hand in his intimate dealings.

It was shameful that the creature indirectly responsible for the deaths of his friends should cause such a reaction within him. Shameful and startling that, other than the fear of losing face and pride by bending to Bloodraven’s will, he held no trepidation about the actual sex. That he trusted Bloodraven
to damage him, even though he knew that he so easily could. When had that happened?

When had the prospect of laying his hands upon that great, fleshy rod between Bloodraven’s legs become a thing that made his heart pound and his loins stir with excitement? He could tell himself over and over that he did what Bloodraven wanted simply because he had no choice in the matter, but that self-imposed delusion didn’t change the fact that he liked the ache of taut stretched skin, the smooth powerful pulse of life beneath the surface, and the slick heat of the flaring head that was the size of a woman’s fist.

And something else as he serviced it...something he noted that he hadn’t truly appreciated before.

Bloodraven’s thrall. The way the whole of that big body shuddered under the most intimate of his ministrations. The way ink-black lashes closed over golden eyes and his wide mouth trembled on catching breath. The way the fingers caught his shoulder, released him, hovered over his hair as if Bloodraven longed to force his mouth down upon a length that wouldn’t easily fit within instead of allowing the teasing caresses. For the first time since he’d entered within this uneasy relationship, Yhalen realized that he held some power. It occurred to him as he grasped Bloodraven’s large balls and squeezed, causing the muscles in Bloodraven’s thick thighs to tremble and his cock to twitch, that he was not without resources of his own.

When Bloodraven came, great, spurting geysers that spattered his stomach and Yhalen’s hands and face, Yhalen looked up and saw his face contorted in chaotic ecstasy. No different than any other man


that had just been thoroughly serviced.

It was a weapon, Yhalen though with sudden clarity—it was only a matter of how it might be used.

After climaxing twice in so short a while, Bloodraven was content to relax. His hands strayed over Yhalen’s body lazily, as if he were some fascinating toy only recently discovered. Having little enough choice in the matter, Yhalen lay back docilely, allowing whatever exploration Bloodraven chose to undertake. His body stirred again, traitorous thing that it was, and Bloodraven chuckled softly and transferred all his attentions to the flesh between Yhalen’s legs. He handled him gently with his large hands and long fingers, lowering his head to flick the tip of his tongue against the slit in the head of Yhalen’s cock. He didn’t fight the sensation, which would only have prolonged the shameful pleasure, but let it wash over him, let it crest and come in waves, none of which touched the skin of his stomach, swallowed up by Bloodraven instead.

He lay blank and overwhelmed for a while, and Bloodraven shifted back up to lay against the pillows at the head of the bed, drawing Yhalen with him. The halfling’s breathing evened out, his body sagging into utter relaxation even as Yhalen’s struggled back to alertness. It wasn’t long before Bloodraven was asleep, well used to finding slumber when and where he could in the field, and taking advantage of it quickly or not at all.

Yhalen wasn’t so fortunate. He lay awake, pressed half against Bloodraven’s side from the simple depression of the mattress, and listening to the sounds of a dying fire and the breathing of a slumbering ogr’ron.

Half man.


Little enough difference, save for the coloring of his skin and the shape of his ears. His size was no drawback certainly, for there were men—
human men
—of his stature to be found here and there.

Yhalen shuddered, unwilling to easily accept the course his thoughts were following. Afraid of that path.

He lay for a while longer, thoughts in a turmoil, until a sound from outside the door of their room distracted him. Nothing so much as a knock or a step, but a presence that he was suddenly and acutely aware of.

He slipped out from Bloodraven’s loose hold and carefully rolled to the side of the bed and onto the floor without disturbing the tempo of Bloodraven’s breathing. He found his trousers and pulled them on, then crept to the door, his loosened hair a cool, weighty cloak across his shoulders and down his naked back. He pulled the latch, grunting softly at the tenacity of the heavy iron bolt, worrying that Bloodraven might hear the rasping of metal against metal. A little oiling wouldn’t go amiss on either bolt or door hinges. A great deal of effort had gone into the decoration of the rooms and the quality of meals and guest clothing, and yet the little things, the simple things like the maintenance of most likely unused guest room doors had gone untended. Not surprising, if the women and the old man that had assumed the role of Lord Elvardo were the only servants within this keep.

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