Blood Sacraments (44 page)

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Authors: Todd Gregory,Todd Gregory

Tags: #Anthologies, #Vampires

BOOK: Blood Sacraments
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The need and longing built within him as Nik awakened every nerve, every inch of his body. Gripping the edge, Nik pulled Daniel’s shirt over his head, and he ducked, lifting one arm, then the other to allow it. Arousal throbbed through Daniel. His brief experiences with sex had been nothing like this, never this powerful, never this deeply felt.

Nik was breathing hard. The trail of his fingers caused tiny shivers along Daniel’s skin. A shudder ran though him, making his arms tremble as they held his weight above Nik. Hands explored Daniel’s ribs, traced his spine, then tracked to the small of his back where a palm pushed gently down. Their hips met and Daniel felt the strength of Nik’s arousal, the hardness that Nik pushed against him. Heat surged through Daniel, a flame that began in his groin and spread outward, through his legs, up his torso, into his arms that he could not stop from shaking. Daniel’s need was so intense that it scared him. He wanted it so much that it paralyzed him, the fear that the act would come and go and all of this would be lost. Daniel hovered on the brink, wishing that he could stop time and remain on this edge forever, feeling wanted and needed, belonging here in Nik’s arms, with Nik craving him and never letting go.

Moving again, Nik cupped his butt, kneading into the muscle there. Nik’s breath came fast and short, and the sweet perfume of licorice engulfed Daniel as Nik began to move beneath him, rubbing his pelvis up into Daniel. His body answered, grinding down into Nik.

His hand came around between them, and Nik worked open the button of Daniel’s pants, then caught the tab of the zipper and pulled it down. As they moved together, Nik slid his fingers along Daniel’s belly, found the band of his underwear, and slipped under to search his heat.

Daniel gasped as Nik’s cool fingers curled around him, hard and slick with arousal. Panting with every stroke, Nik ran his other hand to Daniel’s shoulder and drew him down, collapsing Daniel’s arms and crushing their chests together.

Their mouths connected, and Nik’s tongue thrust up into Daniel, moaning with the kiss, then sucking Daniel’s tongue deep into him as he nudged their bodies over, throwing his weight to roll on top of Daniel.

Skilled fingers took Daniel higher, to the brink of orgasm as Nik kissed along his cheek and jaw, nipping his ear, then gliding to his neck. Nik lingered there, gently gripping the flesh in his teeth and drawing a suction that Daniel, vaguely in the back of his mind, knew would leave a mark. Shuddering, Nik drifted lower, licking along the line of Daniel’s collarbone, flicking his tongue against Daniel’s nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking.

Delight burst from Daniel’s throat, a wordless sound as pleasure surged within him.

Nik laughed softly. Then his mouth slipped down Daniel’s stomach and abdomen to engulf him, swallowing him up. Succulent lips and a nimble tongue that lapped and curled and swirled around, doing things Daniel had never imagined. It was more than he could stand. Everything coiled within Daniel and he grabbed Nik’s head, tangling his fingers in that thick hair, finding the rhythm they had shared and thrusting up into Nik. Daniel cried out as the orgasm came hard, exploding out of him and into Nik. And Nik sucked deeply, somehow making the climax last and last.

Daniel trembled, mind returning from delirium, and realized that he was completely naked. Nik had removed Daniel’s pants and was softly kissing his pelvic bone.

“You’re so sweet,” Nik murmured. “So rich.”

Then he slid up and kissed Daniel’s mouth.

The exhilarating flavor of Nik mingled with the heady taste of Daniel’s own pleasure. With a rush of desire, Daniel sucked on Nik’s tongue, making Nik moan. Daniel drank him in, wanting something of Nik, swallowing his saliva, his essence, joining their fluids inside him.

Kissing Nik deeply so that the moment would never end. Yet the bliss dwindled and sadness filled Daniel.

“Please,” he whispered, as Nik kissed his neck again. “Please don’t leave me.”

“I must.” Nik had the lobe of Daniel’s ear in his teeth.

“No,” Daniel said. “You can take me. Take me with you.”

“I can’t.”

“I’m so lonely. So alone. You’re the only one who has ever wanted me.” Daniel realized he was crying; he took Nik’s face in his hands and pulled his mouth back up to kiss his lips. “Please, let me stay with you.” Daniel was begging now. Somehow, his entire life had fallen away and nothing seemed more important than convincing Nik to let him stay. “Please. I’ll do anything.”

“It’s too dangerous,” Nik said.

“I don’t care.”

“You could die.”

“Then let me die like this, in your arms, touching you, loving you.”

He struggled with Nik’s shirt, feeling the passion rise in him again, wanting more, wanting to bind Nik to him somehow. Daniel fought with the buttons, but couldn’t make his hands work, so he gave up and yanked the shirt over Nik’s head.

Daniel reached down to unfasten Nik’s pants, fumbled with the belt buckle, twisted at the button, tugged desperately at the zipper. Nik stopped kissing him to help. Then Daniel felt the sleekness of Nik’s naked body, pressing his weight along Daniel, sliding against him as he licked into his mouth. Daniel ran his hands against the smooth flesh of his butt and squeezed.

Their breathing quickened. Their bodies shared a movement again, matching cadence.

Daniel trailed his fingers down Nik’s side, and Nik raised his hips to encourage Daniel to slide his hand between them. A sharp breath greeted Daniel’s touch and Nik arched his back, pushing against him, stiff and uncut. The silky skin rolled up and down, up and down, growing slippery in Daniel’s grip.

Moving faster, Nik panted into Daniel’s mouth, abandoning the kiss to focus on Daniel’s stroke.

“I love you,” Daniel sighed. He was incredibly turned on yet couldn’t deny the ache that filled him, the need not to lose Nik again. Daniel’s mind could make no sense of the words, but his heart had taken over. “Nik, I love you.”

“You only think you love me,” Nik said. His voice was rough with arousal, but his manner changed. His body slowed and his mouth moved gently all over Daniel, licking his neck, tickling the sensitive skin of his inner elbow, lifting his hand to nibble at the soft flesh between his thumb and index finger, kissing the hollow of his throat.

Curling his arms around Nik’s neck, Daniel tangled his legs with Nik’s, weaving them together, clinging to him.

Nik inhaled deeply, breathing Daniel in as if he were life-giving air, taking long tastes of his flesh as if it were a delicacy, stroking his fingers along Daniel’s skin as if he were a joy to touch. Nik softened and slowed and he kissed Daniel with unexpected tenderness. Their mouths joined and their tongues met and a new luxurious rhythm moved their bodies. A tempo not merely of sex, but of need and seduction and adoration. Nik was about to make love to him.

“Daniel, Daniel,” Nik murmured. Then he nibbled and sucked again at Daniel’s throat.

The thick rapture of the moment and the warm velvet of being loved drove away all rationale from Daniel’s mind. He arched his neck and put his hand on the back of Nik’s head, pulling him harder against him and moaned, “Yes, Nikky, yes. Drink me. Devour me.”

Nik stopped, lips trembling against Daniel’s throat. Nik moved to kiss him and Daniel felt sharp teeth, tasted blood—his own blood on Nik’s tongue, and swallowed it.

Then Nik’s mouth was on his throat again, biting hard, demanding and insistent and consuming. It felt as if a hot needle were being drawn out of Daniel. The sensation flared, but Nik shifted his hips, spreading Daniel’s thighs and shoving them up. The fire in Daniel’s neck was replaced by the push of Nik entering him. Prepared and eager, Daniel opened to receive him as Nik thrust all the way in, then out, then in again. Losing himself to Nik, Daniel felt reality grow distant. Everything melted into a feeling of completion, as though they were a single body climbing toward orgasm.

Dizzy and light-headed, Daniel watched stars swim in the blackness behind his eyes. For a long time, he floated in the euphoria of love, nestled in kisses, swooning in affection, drowning in the depths of Nik’s need for him. Knowing that he had found the one place where he truly, finally, had always belonged, Daniel whispered, “Take me, Nikky. Make me yours.”

Somewhere, from far away, Daniel felt Nik caress his face. Daniel kissed Nik’s palm and found it wet. He licked at it as Nik moved his arm, guiding his wrist to Daniel’s lips where his tongue met the open wound.

Nik was giving himself to Daniel, offering him his blood. When it trickled into his mouth, he almost gagged. It was sticky and so much stronger than the flavor of his own blood he had gotten from Nik’s tongue, heavier and syrupy and metallic. But Daniel sealed his lips over the gash, pushing away his nausea, and drew, swallowing before he could taste it.

Nik groaned in his arms, making a guttural sound of ecstasy that Daniel wanted to hear again. He sucked hard, and Nik groaned and writhed on top of him, grinding his hips against Daniel, digging his fingers into his flesh, gripping him tightly as the movements became quick and strong.

The blood flowed down Daniel’s throat like lava, blazing a path through him. His head cleared and all the sensations blurring around him snapped into sharp focus. His vision returned and the night seemed not so dark. The pain wasn’t pain at all, but rather an intense pleasure. Nik was naked above him, muscles rippling, chest covered in a sheen of sweat, head thrown back as he vigorously pounded into him. One sinewy arm beside them on the ground for support, the other across Daniel’s body, leading up to Daniel’s mouth where Nik’s wrist was securely anchored in his teeth. Their bodies locked together as Nik drove into him and Daniel rocked upward to deepen each rapturous thrust.

A desperate sound reached Daniel’s ears and he realized he was making it, a needy cry of bliss from somewhere low in his throat that found its way out around the blood, as he felt a thin line dribble down his chin.

Then gasping with abandon, Nik bent forward to find Daniel’s neck and sank his teeth into him, biting with a force that would have been agony had Daniel not been already primed with the ecstasy of Nik’s blood.

Clutching Nik’s head hard against him with one hand, Daniel gripped Nik’s wrist with the other and gnawed into it. As deeply as Nik drank, Daniel matched him, feeling oblivion close in then recede, close in then recede, like waves crashing on the shore. He listened to the moist sounds of sucking as they joined and became one blood. Nik moaned with pleasure, and Daniel took satisfaction in having such power over his desire.

Then Daniel felt the climax rise within him. Nik was thrusting faster, sucking hard. And Daniel felt the need build and grow until he could stand it no more.

Daniel’s heartbeat throbbed in his ears, pounded with the strength of two hearts together, hammering in his head, rushing through his veins.

The orgasm exploded out of him. Stars burst into brilliance as Daniel came. Nik cried out against his neck, shaking, and Daniel felt his final plunge deep within him as Daniel’s pleasure rushed on. White-hot, blinding rapture pulled Daniel into a bottomless river of blood.

And his humanity disappeared.

Lost forever in an endless swirl of mind-blowing, memory-obliterating ecstasy.

Five Gay Vampire Shows That Were Never Greenlit
Steve Berman



Tonight, on the finale of
Goth Band Guerillas
the lead singers of the three remaining bands—
Evensong, Ichor Drunk,
must spend the night in a hotel room rumored to be where Sid Vicious slashed his wrists over Nancy. Will Mr. Abaiser (Evensong) continue to diva out over being denied a threesome with Carey Black (Varney) and the androgynous Dram (Ichor Drunk)? And when Carey and Dram decide to “sleepwalk” their way into a blood bank heist to promote their new duet, will the security guards dare watch the high jinks on the closed circuit television? Rated TV-14 for D, L, and S.


MR. ABAISER speaks into the camera.


Posers. Bloody posers, that’s what they are. And pairin’ up? I mean, nobody just has twosomes anymore.


CAREY and DRAM rip open a bag of blood and splash each other’s bare chests.


That better be something rare. Bombay at least.


Trust me. It’s Kidd. Now start licking.


If I find out it’s O neg, you’re gonna be bent over the rail, bitch.

For Wilde! Network

New to the Wilde! Network:
WeHo Bloodlines,
the series that takes a bite out of steamy nightcrawlers of West Hollywood’s hottest clubs. Think barebacking and bumps of Tina are the worst things facing the gym rats and vapid twinks? Think again. When Stoker and his gang of thirsty vampires decide to prowl the alleys and dance floors, no neck is safe. Zach Nefro sizzles as the centuries-old Stoker whose lust (and bloodlust) never are fulfilled. Former porn star Brick Haüs also stars as Timothy van Helsing, the last descendent of a family of vampire hunters. Can Timothy deny his growing ardor for Stoker? Will Stoker drain WeHo dry before moving on to P-town?

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