Blood Redemption (Blood Destiny #9) (35 page)

BOOK: Blood Redemption (Blood Destiny #9)
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"You fucked up, short-sighted, pea-brained, tiny-dicked, poor excuse for a worm," I pressed my nose against the opposite side of the bubble. "If I wanted to kill you swiftly, I would have done it already. Who do you think is holding this bubble around you, shit for brains? If I want to know your name, all I have to do is pull it out of your head,
," I snapped. "You think I can't smell Dark Elemaiya from a mile away, you pathetic moron?"

Viregruz's head snapped back when I said his name. It didn't mean anything to Norian, but then the ASD didn't have any information at all on Black Mist's founder.

"Go ahead," Viregruz taunted, turning his back on us. "Lock me up. See how long you can keep me. I promise to kill all of you slowly, very soon."

"Gee, that's too bad," I retorted. "Too bad you'll never get the chance." Viregruz's back was still turned to us. Too bad
didn't see the first fingers of sunlight reaching through The Meadows as a result.

* * *

Karzac was the only one still eating popcorn while watching the vampire who created Black Mist fry on live Alliance television. Viregruz's shrieks could be heard clearly as he screamed and fell, his skin blackening and melting in the early morning light on Mazareal. Gavin, Tony, Rigo, Aryn and Roff all stared in horror as they watched a vampire die in sunlight.

* * *

"Lissa Beth, tell me you didn't know how close the dawn was," Norian hissed as he gripped my arm and hauled me toward a waiting hovercar.

"Norian, there are two things every vampire knows," I said, trotting alongside him and then climbing into the vehicle ahead of him. Norian shut the door and barked for the driver to take us away. "One," I continued, "is that we will always know when night falls." I settled myself against the padded seat, attempting to get comfortable after an extremely long night. "The other thing," I added, "is that unless it is blocked with power somehow, a vampire will always know when dawn approaches." I'd answered Norian's second, unvoiced question with my first answer. He'd wanted to question Viregruz. I wanted him dead. Norian might have thought the ASD could keep the Black Mist creator locked up—I knew better.

Viregruz could mist through walls, just as I could. His mistake had been in never trying. If I hadn't created the bubble out of the power I now held as Kifirin's equal, I wouldn't have been able to hold him, either. Viregruz wanted to stay to watch what we did and identify targets for the new army of Black Mist assassins he intended to build. I'd fooled him temporarily and grabbed him unaware. I'd also blocked his senses with my shield and he hadn't suspected that dawn was so close. His death in the sun was final and irrevocable. The entire Alliance, more than likely, had just watched him die via live news-vids.

* * *

Norian hasn't spoken to me for six months. I feel a tiny hole in my heart as a result. Even if I'd told him what I knew about Viregruz, he wouldn't have listened. It will take time for Norian to come back to me, but he will. Even now, I watch him when he comes to dinner. He watches me when he thinks I don't know.

The other thing that happened after Black Mist and Solar Red died is this—one spring day, when the weather was warm and the comesuli farmers were out planting their early crops, Poradina went into labor. I felt inadequate, somehow; another woman was experiencing pain for me, so I might have a child. Five hours later, Rylend Davan Morphis came into the world, shaking his tiny fists and crying out his displeasure to the world.

Six days later, Evaline's labor commenced and Torevik Rolfe Rath joined my growing family. I often wept when I held my babies, even as Erland and Garde looked on. This is a gift beyond price for me, and they are growing so quickly. Shadow arrived a day after Tory's birth, going to his knees before me while I fed Ry by bottle.

"Lissa, tell me you will do what you said before—that we can have a child together like this." His dark head rested against my knee. I reached out and touched his face.

"Shadow," I brushed black hair away from his forehead, "I will gladly have a child with you. I've asked the Larentii. The Wise Ones have seen our daughter already, my love."

* * *

"I have something for you."

Nefrigar, Chief of the Larentii Archivists, hid his surprise. Only a handful might approach the Larentii homeworld who weren't Larentii. The planet was heavily shielded and protected against invasion by other races. Only a handful of non-Larentii knew its location. Nefrigar, standing at a cubicle table inside the Larentii Archives, had been poring over newly acquired records from a long-dead world. The ancient Larentii Archivist blinked at his unexpected visitor.

"Ah, I should have known," Nefrigar smiled as recognition dawned. "Welcome to the Larentii Archives, Mighty Hand." Nefrigar bowed respectfully.

"I've brought copies of Lissa's diaries," The Mighty Hand offered a box of records to Nefrigar. "I've added to them somewhat—a few paragraphs here and there, just to explain what was going on with others around her and to complete the history."

"We do not mind that here," Nefrigar nodded. "Information is welcome in every form."

"That's why I've brought it to you—she has considered destroying these at one time or another. Much of the story is painful to her."

"I understand that; Connegar and Reemagar have supplied parts of her history already. It is a sad tale, at times."

"Yes, it is certainly that," The Mighty Hand agreed. "I will bring you more in the future, on one who is not yet born." He smiled at Nefrigar and disappeared.




"No, I already have enough warlocks on my payroll, although I appreciate the offer," Arvil San Gerxon held back a grimace as he gazed at Zellar. The left side of the warlock's face was severely burned, leaving one eye closed forever. It was a wound received during Zellar's escape from Mazareal, Arvil realized.

Arvil could have used another warlock, but Zellar was actively hunted by the ASD for his association with Black Mist. Arvil didn't need that target painted on his own back. "I have what I need with these," Arvil jerked his head toward the eight shapeshifters Zellar had offered the gambling magnate and crime kingpin from Campiaa. "But I hear Cloudsong is looking to hire." Farzi and his brothers stood helplessly by as money changed hands.

The End

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Lissa's story, as well as that of Toff and Lissa's children, will continue in

Blood Reunion (Blood Destiny #10)

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About the author:

Connie Suttle lives in Oklahoma with her patient, long-suffering husband and three cats. The cats are not so long-suffering and are far from patient.

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For information on upcoming titles, please visit Connie's website at, her blog at or find her on her Facebook page—Connie Suttle Author. She is also on twitter: @subtledemon.










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