Blood Purple (15 page)

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Authors: Ashley Nemer

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: Blood Purple
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ominic pulled up to the house, looking up at the tall wall surrounding the mansion. The red brick cast a shadow over the car, making it unseen from the side of the road, the perfect place to hide. He opened the door and the cool evening breeze hit him hard. The smell of the mountains captivated him. Getting out, he started to walk along the wall, analyzing his options of entry. His leg still throbbed, the warm blood running down it. His mind couldn’t stop thinking about his omm. Had that really been her? He knew he was worthless as an ebn’, and he killed her after all. If he hadn’t been born, she would still be alive, and his abb wouldn’t have such hatred for him.

He heard something off in the distance, pausing to listen closely while inclining his head towards the tree line. He saw two animals a few feet away, a doe and her fawn. Lucky fucking animal to have an omm who tended to him, he thought. No one understood what it was like, killing their own omm. The failure of knowing you were letting everyone down didn’t matter the age, you still fucking failed. He walked for half a mile looking for a weakness in the wall, a place to set up his attack. He saw a foot hold up ahead. It looked like an old ladder was attached to the wall. Dominic ran his hand over the indentations on the wall, gripping his hands in them. Looking back over his shoulder at the deer, he let out a sigh. “Fuck you, Omm. You left me to rot at the hand of my abb. Now it’s time to fucking end this war.”

He started to scale the wall, right hand, left foot, left hand, right foot, over and over. Reaching the top he peered over the rim. He saw the lights shining on the grounds, the dogs walking the grass patrolling for intruders. He pulled himself up, supporting his weight on the wall.

“Dominic, this isn’t you, stop this. This is your abb’s, fight not yours.” Dominic hissed his fangs out toward the voice.

“What do you want now? I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone, like you have my whole fucking life.” He pulled his lower half up onto the wall, looking down at the dogs walking in the grass. “You never cared about me. Why are you trying to stop me?”

Her translucent form grazed his hand then went up to his cheek, cupping it. He could feel the coolness from her form; his body yearned for love, for compassion. How could he take love and tenderness from someone who was the first to betray him?

“Dominic, I love you, never doubt that. My love for you started the moment you were conceived. I had your akh and okht for your abb but you, you were for me, someone I could love and claim as mine. You were all I wanted.”

“LIAR! All you do is lie!”

He felt the tears in his eyes form and then blinked as they started to roll down his cheek. He was such a coward, worthless and weak. Look at him, crying on a wall to his omm. What kind of man does this shit? He looked back to the mother doe, she was cleaning her fawn.
Lucky son of a bitch
. “Why are you just now showing up? Why can’t you just answer me?”

Sarah started to shake her head at him, trying to make him see. “Dominic, I am here to help you save yourself. I don’t want the only child I loved to die not knowing a parent’s love. Let me help you; let me show you what you mean to me.”

Dominic shook his head no with a flurry of anger. “It’s too late for me.”

Sarah drifted in front of her ebn’. Sitting on the ledge of the wall, he was breaking her heart. “Dominic, please listen to me, I love you and together we can fight this. Please get down from here.”

Dominic watched his omm extend her hand to him, wanting so badly to accept her and what she offered. All he ever wanted was someone to love him, someone to claim him and be proud of him. Here she was, offering everything that he’d always wanted from his abb. Could he trust her? Could he give faith to someone he dreamt about his whole life but never saw until now? Resolving that he was out of options with his life, he lifted up his hand trying to take her translucent form into his. Desperately grasping at air as the tears ran down his face, he leaned over to hug her and started to fall.

Dominic fell off the twenty foot tall wall to his slow and painful death, landing on the metal spikes covering the base of the wall around the mansion. He watched his life flash before his eyes; it was just like he heard it would be, white light surrounding his memories. His abb’s whippings, Derrik’s tears from listening to his akh cry over and over from the lashings, watching his okht play the piano receiving the praise from their abb he never received. Wasn’t this perfect, his omm giving him the ultimate betrayal, sending him to his death?

He lay on the spike bleeding from his stomach, his head hung down and his hair brushing in the grass. He thought to himself, reflecting on all he had done for a family who never really loved him, the death he had wielded by his hands, the chaos and mayhem that transpired after he started a job. What was it for, what purpose did it serve? Was he ever valued by anyone? He tried to move his legs and push himself off the spike. Not feeling anything, he looked back and realized his legs were not moving, he tried again and as expected nothing happened. Cranking his head around looking over his shoulder, at the spike sticking out of the middle of his back he realized he was paralyzed. “This was just fucking perfect. YOU SCREWED ME AGAIN!” He screamed.

His voice alerted the dogs to someone on their property. He could hear the hounds start running. Looking up, he could see four German Sheppard’s snarling at him. His blood dripped down his body as he silently prayed one last prayer that someone took him quickly. Within moments, one of the dogs latched onto his neck and tugged hard, ending his suffering.

She watched him fall from across the street. What was he doing on that wall? It looked like he was talking to someone reaching for something. Maybe this was what her abb was talking about, his unexplainable behavior. She made her way across the street, heading toward the spot Dominic climbed up. She followed in his path up the wall. peeking over the lip of the brick, she saw nothing but could hear the dogs. Pulling herself up, she looked down and gasped in shock. Her akh lay there, in pieces, torn apart. She backed down and leaned against the wall in shock. He might have been a fuck up, but she still loved him, kind of. She pulled out her phone and called their abb. She became irritated when she heard his voicemail. What could be more important than her phone call? “He’s dead. Zayn’s dogs tore him apart.” Closing her phone and putting it back in her pocket; she walked back to her car and left the mansion before anyone caught a glimpse of her.














ikole and Zayn sat on her bed and stared at each other in silence, the moments passing by ever so slowly. Neither knew where to start or what to say. . She opened her mouth to speak, and then paused, thinking twice. Placing her hands down both side of her body and pushing up on the bed, she turned her body sideways, letting her legs fall off the side. 

“How could you do it Zayn? She is my best friend.” She looked back at him, sensing his conflict.

“I didn’t mean to, Nikole. You have to believe me… I didn’t.”

“I could have been dead. I was being tortured, and you’re off sleeping with Adara. Did you even care I was gone? Did you even look?” She shook her head, standing up to brace against the nightstand. She moved to the bookshelf in the corner looking back at him. 

Zayn was feeling the pain of her words and taking offense to what she was implying. He stood up quickly and stormed over to her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to him, making her look into his eyes. “Don’t you dare say I didn’t care or didn’t look! I was losing myself without you here. I didn’t know what I was going to do; I was losing my mind. I kept picturing our parents and their death. Adara, she...”

Nikole pulled herself out of his grip, and then slapped him across the face, her body shaking from the anger and pain. “Spare me your bullshit. If you gave a damn you would not be with my best fucking friend! You can have anyone you want, and you pick her. What is wrong with you?” Nikole started to walk in a steady pace back and forth from the bed to the bookshelf. She couldn’t decide what she wanted to say. All she saw was them together. Zayn moved to take her arm when she started to lean one way. It was clear she was having issues maintaining her balance.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” she said, pushing him off of her. She didn’t need his help to live; she didn’t need his help now. “Why don’t you just go fuck my best friend? That’s what you would rather be doing, isn’t it? ISN’T IT!?” she yelled at him.

“NO! Nikole, stop it. I’ve been so worried, and Gods, I’m just happy you are alive. Can’t you believe me? I had everyone looking for you around the clock. Adara and I, we just happened. I didn’t mean for it, and I don’t know if I even want it, but it happened.”

Nikole braced the night stand, staring at a statue Zayn had bought her for one birthday. She palmed it and ran her fingers over the smooth texture. She heard him in the background, speaking, but she started to tune him out.

“Nikole, you’re my flesh and blood. I love you. Me and Adara”

She couldn’t take anymore. Turning around, she hurled the statue at the wall and watched it shatter. “LEAVE, JUST LEAVE!” She couldn’t understand why he didn’t get it. “Anyone, anyone but her.”

Zayn turned around, trying to hide his hurt. Why couldn’t she understand he didn’t mean anything by this? Sending her a mental note, he told her, “I love you, Nikole. You’re my only family, and I would die to protect you.” He opened her door and left the room. Nikole fell on the bed and started to cry into her pillow. 

“I love you too.”

Outside her door, Zayn couldn’t help but wonder how all this happened. All he did was seek comfort from a friend during a time of need. How could she be so upset with him? Hearing a noise, he looked to his right to see Adara opening her door and stepping into the hallway. She heard it all… every last word. She could even feel his emotions, his hurt, and his anger. She had caused this, caused her best friend to hate the man she….the man she what? Had sex with? Cared for? Could there even be more there? Walking down the hall, she decided tonight wasn’t the night to figure out what happened and what it all meant. All she knew was her lover was in pain. 

Zayn wrapped his arms around Adara’s waist and buried his head in her neck. Slowly, she stroked the back of his head as she felt warm moisture on her skin. Tears, the man was crying because of his okht, again. She held him tight, their embrace lasting what felt like hours. 

All he could think about was how this woman who so freely and wonderfully gave herself to him had caused his okht such grief. What was he going to do? It wasn’t like he could pick between the two women.  Tomorrow, tomorrow he could decide what to do.

Zayn brought his head up and looked into her eyes. Gods they were perfect. He stared into the pale yellow as he realized something. He didn’t care about tomorrow, because tonight he was claiming her. He wrapped his left arm around her waist, and his right arm reached down and scooped up her legs. Holding her tiny frame in his arms, he leaned over and kissed her softly. They moved down the hall and into his bedroom. Setting her on the bed slowly, letting her fall nicely onto his sheets, the mattress gave into their combined weight. Zayn looked down at her and was captivated at the sight. Her golden hair sprawled across his comforter, her tiny body beneath him. Perfection that is what she was. 

“I’m so sorry, Zayn. This is my fault, Nikole and you, fighting. I should leave.”

Zayn leaned over and kissed her lips, shaking his head no. “No Adara, it is not anyone’s fault. We can’t help what happened. She’s just upset; it will be alright.” He cupped her face in his hands and brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. Her skin was so soft; it was as if the Gods made her perfectly for him. He started to move his hand down her body, teasing her playfully with soft caresses and light tickles. Her laugh filled his heart as he saw her face light up each time he caressed her sides. This was what he wanted to live for, the beauty and affection of a woman like this.

Adara couldn’t stop her heart from racing. All she wanted was him and that was what he was giving her. Could she be so lucky to get to keep this moment forever? There she lay in the King’s arms, and all she could think about was how wonderful he looked. His eyes glowing down on her, she could feel his excitement and his need. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist, trapping him there on top of her. She heard him growl, a feral sound, only something you hear from a warrior. Her body responded with excitement. Gods, she was the luckiest woman alive to be with him. 

Adara leaned forward and captured his lips, his hands running under her shirt and up her back. Slowly, they undressed each other, and with their bodies touching, they began to bond in a whole new way. Adara’s body arched at Zayn’s touch, his soft lips on her warm body driving them both wild. Zayn’s tongue dragged across her stomach as his hands explored every inch of her skin. Her body grew feverish, the heat of her skin needing to be cooled. She reached out and cupped his face. Pulling him in to kiss her, she felt him slowly glide inside of her warm and ready body. Together they made love all night, over and over until they each had no energy left. 

“I don’t want you to go back to your home.” Zayn told her while brushing the hair out of her eyes, playfully nipping at her jaw. He wanted her like this always.

“I told you, I won’t go back home. I’m too scared to. I’ll have to move.” 

Zayn ran his tongue along her jaw his hands dropping back down to her side. Did she not understand what he meant? He couldn’t be without her, not after this. He wasn’t sure how it would work, but somehow he would be hers. “No. Adara, I want you always in my bed when I come to sleep. I don’t want you to leave any time.”

Adara pulled her body back and off to the side so she could see directly into his face. “What? What are you saying? Are you crazy? We just started this; it’s been what, three days? I can’t just stop the life I had.”

Zayn pulled her body back into his, kissing her lips, stopping her from speaking. “Adara, I don’t want you to leave. I need you with me. I’ve never felt like this, and right now I almost lost my okht. I’m not going to let a moment pass without telling you how I feel. Please, give me a chance. If this bothers you so much you can continue to sleep in your room but you will stay, alright?”

Adara’s face flushed with nervousness, should she say yes? Could he just make her stay? She nodded a yes; she didn’t even remember telling her body to do it. Clearly her heart and mind were not on the same page. Zayn smiled at her, his fangs large and desirable. Gods, she wanted to be his, even though logic said no.

 Adara tilted her head, exposing her neck; she felt his cock growing with the anticipation of the bite. Within moments he sank his fangs into her flesh, her life force being drunken in. Her arms wrapped around him, and she held him close to her as he fed. What was she doing? Was she really giving herself to their King?

Nikole could hear Zayn’s thoughts, what he’d just done all night long and to her best friend. She decided she didn’t need to be in her room to get better. Sitting up, she slid her legs out of bed, and with assistance from the furniture in the room, she made it to the door. Opening it into the hallway, she started to head toward the stairwell. She could smell them, their love, desire, and need.
Sickening, absolutely sickening
. Reaching the steps, she looked down the banister, gave a nervous laugh, and decided it was a better idea to teleport down, less chance of injury. Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate on something peaceful. A picture of Alec was pulled to her mind, and she smiled at the thought of him. Feeling her body warm, she vanished from the stairs and landed in the foyer. 

Looking around to see if anyone was up, she felt it safe to try and go walk into the living room. Slowly making her way inside, she saw one of her servants who quickly came to her aid. Getting settled in, she took one of the books off of the table and propped herself up and opened to chapter one. Reading, that would help calm her mind.

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