Blood of Tyrants: George Washington & the Forging of the Presidency (62 page)

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Authors: Logan Beirne

Tags: #American Revolution, #Founding Fathers, #George Washington, #18th Century

BOOK: Blood of Tyrants: George Washington & the Forging of the Presidency
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Seward, Anna
Shanks, Thomas
Shays, Daniel
Shays’ Rebellion
Shewkirk, E. G. (Pastor)
Shippen, Edward
Shippen, Margaret (“Peggy”)
slaves: in army; and citizenship; and state conflict; teeth of; Washington’s
Smith, Joshua Hett; on André’s capture; arrest of; court-martial of
Sons of Liberty
Souter, David
South Carolina
Southern Army: at Camden; Charleston defeat; and Gates; and Greene; at Yorktown
spies; for Americans; congressional resolution on; courts-martial for; military tribunals for
Steuben, Friedrich, Baron von
Stevens, John Paul
Stuart, Gilbert
Sullivan, John
Sutherland, William
Tanacharison, Chief (“Half King”)
tar & feathering
Tea Act
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thomas, Clarence
Three Musketeers, The
treason; in British view; civil courts on; congressional resolution on; courts-martial for;
see also
Arnold, Benedict
Trenton, N.J.
Tryon, William
United States Constitution: Commander in Chief clause; and “dictator” powers; drafting of; originalist interpretation of; Second Amendment; Sixth Amendment; supremacy clause; suspicion of
United States Military Academy at West Point
United States Supreme Court
Valley Forge
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de
Virginia: Fairfax family in; and Jefferson; and Lee; and Mary Washington; and Washington; Yorktown
Virginia General Assembly
Wall Street
Washington, Augustine
Washington, George: admiration for; aloofness of; anger of; and Arnold’s corruption trial; on burning Manhattan; and Cincinnatus; on civil authority ; and Commander in Chief clause; commission as commander; on Constitution; at Constitutional Convention; on cruelty; on deserters; as “Devourer of Villages,” 2, 229, 231; “dictator” powers of; on dueling; empathy with troops; eyeglasses of; false teeth of; Federal Hall statue of; Gates’s rivalry with; as invulnerable; in Jumonville Affair; Lee’s rivalry with; letters to Congress; and local authorities; Loyalist friends of; Loyalist plot against; on Loyalist rights; loyalty oath proposal; and military plot; on monarchy; on national weakness; on Native Americans; on peace negotiations; physical attributes of; on plunder & theft; portrait of; presidential election of; on prisoner treatment; on public debt; on religion & morals; resigning of commission; on retaliation; in retirement; and Seven Years’ War; and slaves; on smallpox inoculation; and Smith interrogation; speech awkwardness of; spending power; supplying of army; on taxes; theatricality of; thrift of; troops’ loyalty to; on troops’ pay; and war council; West Point statue of; at Yorktown
Washington, Martha
Washington, Mary Bell
West, Benjamin
West Point, N.Y.; Arnold at; Great Chain at; reinforcement of; U.S. Military Academy at
Williamson, Hugh
women in battle; “Molly Pitcher,”; Native American
Woodward, Thomas Lewis
© 2013 by Logan Beirne
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Encounter Books, 900 Broadway, Suite 601,
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Beirne, Logan
Blood of tyrants: George Washington and the forging of the presidency/Logan Beirne.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-594-03653-8
1. United States—History—Revolution, 1775–1783—Influence. 2. United States—
History—Revolution, 1775–1783—Campaigns. 3. Washington, George, 1732–1799—
Influence. 4. Washington, George, 1732–1799—Military leadership. 5. Strategic culture—
United States—History. 6. Civil-military relations—United States—History.
7. Presidents—United States—Biography. 8. Generals—United States—Biography.
9. United States—Politics and government—1775–1783. 10. United States—
Politics and government—1783–1809. I. Title.
E209.B37 2013
Title Page
: The Battle of Princeton. Photograph of painting by John Trumbull. Springfield, Mass.: Taber-Prang Art Co., c1900. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-469.
Part I
: Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States. Painting by Howard Chandler Christy, 1940. Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Part II
: The Battle of Bunker Hill. Copy of engraving by James Mitan after John Trumbull, 1808. National Archives, 148-GW-454 (George Washington Bicentennial Commission).
Part III
: Province of New York, 1767. Created by Bernard Ratzer. London: Jefferys & Faden, 1776. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, G3804.N4 1767 .R3.
Part IV
: Last Moments of Major André. Copy of engraving by F. F. Walker after M. A. Wageman. New York: Virtue & Co. Publishers, 1861. Courtesy of the Author.
Part V
: The Victory Ball, 1781. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme Ferris, c1929. Courtesy of Virginia Historical Society.
Part VI
: Triumph of Patriotism, 1783. Copy of engraving by Alexander Hay Ritchie after Felix Octavius Carr Darley, 1853. National Archives, ARC ID 532881.
: The Prayer at Valley Forge. Copy of engraving by John C. McRae after Henry Brueckner. New York: John C. McRae, c1866. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-pga-03965.
Insert, first image
: George Washington, 1796. Gilbert Stuart, American 1755–1828. Oil on Canvas, 121.28 x 93.98 cm (47¾ x 37 in.), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. William Francis Warden Fund, John H. and Ernestine A. Payne Fund, Commonwealth Cultural, and the National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C., 1980.1

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