Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series)
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Chapter 23

The day replayed over and over in
Nicole's head as she stared at the white wall.  So much had played out on that
field but one fact was keeping her heart drumming in her chest

she wasn't alone
here.  There were warriors within Loch's ranks that are rebels.  And, more
importantly, these warriors didn't want a war.

A knock at her bedroom door didn't pull
her from sorting her thoughts.  It was time for dinner so it would be someone
bringing a tray of food on a silver cart.  "Are you hungry?"

Nicole spun around on the couch,
"Shala, my new servant girl.  Has a nice ring to it," Nicole teased.

"Very funny.  You don't know what I
had to go through to get in here."  She groaned and motioned back toward
the hall.  "I now have a date with your very nice smelling guard."

Nicole snickered at the image of Shala
being forced to walk hand and hand with the man standing outside the door.  She
had been going out of her way not to be near the man with a wild growing beard
who had the scent of dead dog following him around.  Any woman agreeing to a
date with him was desperate.  "Whatever the reason you agreed, you have my
permission to fake being sick." Nicole wrinkled her nose and shook her

Shala smiled weakly glancing around the
room.  She locked eyes with the guard on the balcony.  She smoothed out her
uniform pants before sitting next to Nicole.  "I hate that you're locked
up here alone so I came to visit."  She cut her eyes toward the balcony
then back to Nicole.

Nicole had gotten accustomed to being
watched all the time but she was guessing by Shala's reaction that now was a
time for a private chat.  "I'm actually very content inside my own mind
tonight but if you like we could put a movie on."  The movie would give
them reason to be quiet and not speak and at the same time giving them the
perfect cover to link minds.

"Sounds great.  Here," Shala
went to the shelves of stacked with movies, "I'll pick."

Nicole glanced back at the guard.  He
was still watching them but seemed more interested in the television being
turned on for the first time since Nicole arrived then the actual actions of
the women.  Satisfied that the cover was working Nicole pushed her mind out to
What's happening?

Loch has given the go ahead for the

"Attack?"  Nicole whipped her
head around to study Shala.  Her mouth gaped trying to cover her blurted word.

"I've heard that's a good movie but
how about this one?"  Shala held up a movie with a forced smile.

"Fine with me."  Nicole was a
horrible actress but she leaned back into the couch trying to pretend she cared
about whatever flick was about to play on the screen. 
I thought there would
be an agreed battle, not a secret attack.  Isn't there some rules of engagement
that everyone has to play by

Shala's eyes saddened as she took her
spot next to Nicole,
Normally there would be but we know Loch doesn't play
by the rules.  He wants to burn the town down.  Step one in the purifying

  Nicole fought the rigidness of
her body trying to seem like she was relaxing but rage was winning.

At midnight

Everyone will be asleep! They won't have
a chance of surviving,
Nicole chewed on her lip to keep from screaming. 
are innocent children in that town
.  Shala nodded but didn't say a word. 
Nicole knew she was thinking of the people from her past, maybe her best friend
from childhood that might be killed.  All Nicole could think of was Zeva's
sweet smile when she handed her that beautiful flower.  How could anyone
disregard the life of a child without a thought?

, Shala grabbed
her hand. 
You're going to give us away with your glowing eyes.

Nicole hadn't realized that she had a
death grip on the couch with both fists.  She released her hold and closed her
eyes to hide the fire burning in them,

I'll go before we raise suspicion.  You
need to rest.

Wait.  I need to know something before
you go.  Who all is on our side?

As in our side do you mean the dark
cut her eyes at Shala.  A smirk turned up her lips,
Okay, sorry.  Just
trying to ease the tension before you fry us both.  Strangely enough the team
you led in training today is on your side.

Have you all been teaming up like that a

For a few months.

Don't you think people will notice?  Or
more importantly that Loch will catch on?

Shala thought about the question for a
I don't think anyone has noticed.  Cliques form all the time without
much talk.  It's normal even in the warrior's world.

Nicole rubbed her hand across her
forehead.  Her temples were beginning to pound.  The moment she had been
preparing for was just hours away and it wasn't going to play out on a
battlefield like she thought.  Innocent people could die if she didn't act

"You look exhausted.  I'll go so
you can get some rest."  Shala clicked the remote turning the screen
black.  "Oh, and by the way, great job today.  That was the first time a
team has walked off the field without a single injury."

Nicole smiled weakly.  She managed to
save a team of ten but just barely.  How would she save thousands tonight? 
"You don't have to go.  I won't be sleeping anytime soon.  I think my
adrenalin is still too high from today."

Shala stood and nodded toward the bed,
"I can help you with that.  Go get in bed."

Nicole's brows knitted together,
"What are you going to do?  Knock me out?"

"Kind of," she laughed. 
"I'm one of a hand full of warriors who can control emotions.  I'll have
you asleep in seconds."

Nicole's mind instantly jumped to Luke. 
He had that gift too though it always seemed to unleash her hormonal teenager
side when he used it.  But he never told her that the gift was rare.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah…sorry.  I was just thinking
that I know another warrior who can control emotions."

"Luke?"  Shala smiled as
Nicole nodded.  "Yes, he and I are the only two that I know of.  He always
was better at it than me but I'm sure I can help you sleep."  She turned
back Nicole's covers and motioned for her to get in.

Nicole reluctantly obeyed.  She really
wanted to be left with her thoughts now that she knew what the night would
bring but her body was tired.  She laid her head back on the pillow.  Shala
took her hand and within seconds she felt the darkness of sleep tugging her
under.  But just before she slipped away she thought of the royal blue flower
Zeva had given her.  The creation of a precious child sat wilting away in a
tower high above the fae town while the little girl was being tucked into her bed.


A hard shove to Nicole's shoulder had
her jumping from her bed.  Three men stood in her moon-lit room staring at
her.  They were all dressed in their black uniforms but tonight they wore ski
mask covering their faces. "Get dressed."

Nicole could feel the warriors' unique
prints in her mind so she knew the one speaking to her was Kade.  She nodded
and started for her closet determined to seem like she knew nothing.  "Is
this some kind of special training?"

"We'll get our orders when we are

"What's that supposed to
mean?" she snapped as she pulled her uniform from the closet.

"It means at this point you know as
much as I do.  My orders were to retrieve you."  The sharpness of his
voice didn't cover the unease Nicole could see in his eyes.  He knew what was
going on but the rest of the group wasn't part of the rebels so he had to
remain the perfect solder, always following orders without questioning them.

Nicole closed the bathroom door behind
her and quickly changed.  When she returned to the group Kade held out a small,
black cloth bag with a drawstring closure.  "What's this for?"

"Orders were to blindfold you so
put this on.  You're not allowed to see where we are going until we are

Nicole bit on the inside of her cheek to
keep from calling him an idiot.  Instead she quickly braided her hair then
allowed Kade to place the bag on her head and tie it closed.  She had to take a
few calming breaths to fight off the claustrophobic feeling that was trying to
overtake her.

Soon she was sitting on the back of an
ATV and listening to the shuffle of bodies around her.  There was no chatter as
everyone prepared to leave.  Nicole imagined they were under orders to not
speak around her to keep her in the dark but it didn't matter.  She could feel
everything she needed to tell her what she wanted to know.  The group around
her was the same one she had trained with.  Everyone was there from Shala to
Scarface.  The real surprise was when Nicole stretched her senses farther out. 
The lights that represented warriors in her mind lit up like a night sky full
of stars.  There were hundreds of warriors being kept out of her sight and
hearing range.  A real army had been assembled and was going to war.

All too soon Nicole could feel the
magical power of the gateway getting stronger as the ATV traveled through the
woods.  Just as she started to feel the power reaching its peak in her skin the
caravan stopped.  A tug came at her arm as she was guided off the machine to
the ground.  Kade removed her hood, "Wait here."  He didn't give her
a chance to answer before he strode away.

Nicole couldn't help but admire the
magical gateway in the dark of night.  The electric blue orbs that were
beautiful and mysterious during the day were even more enchanting as they
danced in the glow of moon light.  She noticed a few eyes kept glancing in her
direction then remembered how her own skin reacted to this ancient place. 
Being the only person with fae blood in a group of warriors had never made much
of a noticeable difference until this moment.  Not only did it make her glow
but it filled her with a burning desire to open the gateway to return home as
if the realm itself was her mother calling her home from a long day of play.

Unaware of her actions she found her
feet taking her toward the spirit tree.  She shook her head and took a step
back grabbing onto the rack of the ATV to ground herself.  The urge to cross
over was so overwhelming.  Unable to resist any longer she started to move
forward again, this time crossing under the heavy, thick limbs of the willow to
where she could see the thick trunk that held the gateway hidden inside.  She
wanted to enter so bad but why?  The pull wasn't like this the first time she
came here.  Why would she want to open the gateway that would allow pain and
destruction to enter the place she loved?  Fighting past the craving to run to
the tree she spun on her heels and strode away.  The desire to run back was
eating at her, making her struggle to keep moving, each step like an addict trying
to walk away from her drug of choice cold turkey, but why?  Then everything
snapped into place.  Warriors could control people, convince them to do things
by playing with their minds and someone was playing with hers.  She scanned the
group of people.  No one seemed to be noticing her as they talked among
themselves.  But then she saw it…the bright red glow of eyes.  Loch's eyes.

Loch was suddenly standing toe to toe
with Nicole. "You are very strong but I should have known that."

"I won't be your puppet."

"Yes you will only you will do it
on your own.  Open the gateway," he demanded.

This was why he brought her here.  Only
a fae could open the gateway and she was the only one with that magic blood
running through her veins.  She was Loch's only hope at getting to his war.
"I will not."

"Have you forgotten our deal, my
dear?"  The sweetness of his voice didn't cover the danger dancing on the

"Our deal was I would lead your
warriors into battle not slaughter innocent people while they slept."

Lochs eyes glowed brightly and a
sickening grin stretched his lips, "You will obey me."  The burning
desire to open the gateway was back only this time her body was on fire with
invisible flames.  If she didn't move toward the gateway she would die.  Her
mind screamed for her to go, to quench the need, to put out the fire that was
torturing her.  Without thought her feet moved forward taking her closer to the
tree.  Within seconds her hand was outstretched, reaching to touch the bark
that would send the fire away.  She needed the relief, she prayed for the
burning to stop.  She placed her hands on the warm bark.  The blue electric
glow that lived inside the willow danced all around her hands and along the
crevices of the bark as the power pooled waiting for her command but instead
she called wind to her and wrapped herself inside of it.  It didn't completely
chase away the craving but it did weaken it enough that she could think. 
"Luke," she whispered.  She had to warn him.  Dropping the shield she
sent a wave of fire out from her causing the warriors who were following her to
jump back outside the limbs.  She didn't hesitate.  Opening the gateway just
slightly she reached with her mind to the fae kingdom and for Luke.  Instantly
she found him.
Luke, Loch's warriors are trying to break through the
gateway.  I don't know how long I can keep them away.
  No response came. 
Confusion and worry seeped in.  She had to close the gateway fast before Loch
sent the warriors back in but she needed to know that Luke had heard her.  He
felt so close so why wasn't he answering? 
Luke, can you hear me?
she tried again but she could hear the warriors breaking past the ring of
fire.  Time was up.  She pulled her hand away from the tree so the small
opening would go away but it stayed.  "No, No, No." she patted around
the tree trying to urge it to close but the hole was still there and getting

BOOK: Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series)
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