Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) (2 page)

BOOK: Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8)
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Chapter 2


Kallen leads me down the hall to a room I’ve only briefly glanced in before.  The ballroom.  I had no idea houses really had these, but this one obviously does.  It’s filled with gorgeous Fairies, both young and old.  I don’t miss the fact that all female eyes in the room are drawn to Kallen when we enter, both young and old.  There seem to be quite a few guys checking me out, too.  I should be flattered, but I’m not.  I hate being on display like this, and I’m seriously doubting my sanity for wearing this dress now because most of the guys aren’t looking at my face.


From a small stage at the back of the room where the Fairy orchestra is playing, Isla gives them a nod to stop the music.  Over the murmuring that has begun again, she says, “The guests of honor have arrived.  Joined in right hand-fasting, they have vowed eternal love.  Despite the many obstacles in their path, they found the road to happiness that they were always meant to share.  Please raise your glasses to my grandson, Kallen, and his beautiful wife, Xandra.”  Glasses are held high and those without a glass clap.  I know my face is turning red from this added attention, but Kallen has a grin from ear to ear when he looks down at me.  I can’t help but grin myself when our eyes meet.  He’s mine.  Forever.  I am so happy I could burst.


Isla isn’t finished speaking.  “They will dance the first dance together.  Afterward, they will continue with hand-fasting tradition and spend the first part of the evening dancing with well-wishers.”


What?  I never agreed to that.  I look up at Kallen and his lips have formed a thin line.  “What does that mean?” I ask.


“It means that I should have made you a different dress.”


“Yes,” Kegan says in a stage whisper over my shoulder.  “Because you are about to have the hands of sweaty old Fairies on your back as they dance you away from my cousin.”


As subtly as possible, I lift my leg not displayed with the slit and use the heel of my sandal to kick him in the shin.  He curses a couple of times under his breath and Alita giggles.  Other people may have noticed, but I didn’t use my magic at least.


Kallen takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor where the crowd has formed a circle.  He pulls me close with his hand on the small of my back and we start to dance.  Clumsily on my part, because I have no idea how to do whatever dance he’s doing.  He does his best to keep me from falling down.


“I apologize.  I did not know that we were to follow this arcane ritual.”


I smile up at him.  “You know what, I’m so happy that I’m married to you that I don’t care what rituals we have to follow.”


His face relaxes and he returns my smile.  “Then I should warn you about a couple of the Fairies who are sure to ask for a dance.  Alston you have met before; he is an Elder of the Sheehogue line.  He tends to let his hands wander when he dances, so you will want to be prepared.  Raphello is the Pooka over to our left who cannot keep his eyes off from you.  Be careful his drool does not stain your dress.  Tross is one of Dagda’s high administrators.  Do not trust a word he says and be careful what you speak of when you dance with him.  Everything you say will be repeated to everyone who cares to listen.”  He continues with his warnings and I am trying hard not to laugh.  We’re supposed to look happy, but laughing at our guests would surely be frowned upon.


The music comes to an end way too soon.  Reluctantly, Kallen and I step away from each other, but not before he kisses me in a way that leaves no room for doubt how he feels about me.  I eagerly return the kiss.  A clearing throat forces us to remember where we are and we step back, slightly embarrassed. 


“It is customary for the father of the bride to have the next dance.  Will I do?” Dagda asks.  Since Dad isn’t likely to dance with me considering his current state of disembodiment, he will have to do.  He offers me his hand and I take it.  “Typically, your mother would dance with the groom.  For obvious reasons, we will have to forego that tradition.”


I picture Kallen and my mom’s ghostly form twirling around on the dance floor and try not to laugh.  I haven’t seen much of my parents today.  Mom was privy to Kegan’s little plan and helped him with the party, so she’s staying clear of me for the time being.  So, instead of dancing with her, Kallen must choose one of the thirty women who have sudden gathered around him.  I might be jealous if he didn’t have an ‘oh my god please help me’ look of desperation on his face when he looks over at me.  I smile and shake my head slightly and allow Dagda to lead me away for our dance. 


“Tell me about what misdeed you believe me guilty,” he says when he begins to twirl me around as effortlessly as Kallen did.


“It’s nothing.  I believe it wasn’t you.”


He chuckles.  “Then perhaps our relationship has seen progress.  I assume this is in regards to the diet of the Dragons?”


I sigh.  “Yes.  Tabitha said she was forbidden to talk to me about it.  It must have been Isla who had given her that order.”


“Ah,” Dagda says with a slight nod.  “Go easy on her, Xandra.  Even the heart of a Fairy Isla’s age is a delicate thing.”


So he thinks the same thing I do about why she didn’t want Tabitha to tell me.  “Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I ask.


He chuckles again.  “Xandra, there is a list long enough to paper this house of all the wrong doing amongst the various realms.  You have already taken on so many; it is difficult to know what information to pass along next.  You cannot hope to solve all of the problems at once.  As time goes on, you will become more aware of the universe and its mysteries.”


I can see his point.  I don’t want to be presented with that list; it would probably make me insane.  “So, what you’re saying is, don’t go looking for trouble because it keeps finding me all on its own?”  It doesn’t just find me.  It hunts me down like it’s a poacher and I’m an elephant tusk.


He nods.  “Yes, that is what I am saying.”


We dance in a comfortable silence until the song finishes.  Now it’s my turn to be surrounded by strange Fairies.  As Kallen predicted, Aston the Elder pushes his way through the crowd and insists upon the next dance being his.  We aren’t two seconds into the dance before I have to move his hand up my back because my butt is most definitely off limits to him.  His response is to pull me closer so that there is no space between us and he has a clear view of my cleavage.


I look up at him and manage to pry his eyes away from my chest with my narrowed ones.  With a polite smile for those around us, I say quietly enough that only he can hear me, “If you don’t stop staring at my breasts or trying to touch me inappropriately, I will sever your hands from your body and use them to slap your face until you’ve learned not to do it again.”


His look of surprise makes me laugh.  “I have no idea what you are going on about,” he huffs.  He clears his throat, probably trying to swallow his guilt.  “Though, perhaps I have overestimated my stamina.  This dance is wearing me out sooner than I believed it would.”


He abruptly stops twirling me here and there and walks off the dance floor.  Immediately, someone else takes his place.  I spend the next hour dancing with Fairy after Fairy that I don’t know, and I have to answer their many questions.  Mostly, they want to know what it’s like to be so powerful, do I really throw people through walls and why didn’t I shop around more instead of just settling for Kallen.  Some are more tactful about that last part than others.  The ones who are not as discreet are lucky that Kallen is across the dance floor and can’t hear them.  I’m sure he’s getting the same questions about me, though.


The music stops and my current partner bows slightly and another tries to take his place.  A hand on his shoulder stops him.  He looks up at the very tall, light haired man and takes a step back.  Raziel’s appearance isn’t necessarily intimidating, but the Archangel definitely has a ‘Presence’ that cannot be ignored even in his Fallen form.  “I believe it is my turn,” Raziel says in his low, sexy voice.  The Fairy nods and walks away without argument.


Putting his arm around me and taking my hand, he says, “You looked as if you have had enough of dancing with strangers.”


I laugh.  “Yeah, I have.  How long is this supposed to go on?”  Even though he’s not a Fairy, he knows everything.  Literally.


“I believe you have fulfilled the duty of a new bride.  As soon as your husband is able to peel himself away from his current partner, I believe he will be retrieving you.”


“Thanks for rescuing me.”


He inclines his head slightly.  “It is my pleasure.”


“Where’s Adriel?”  I look around over the crowd in search for her blonde head.  The two of them have made themselves scarce today as well, but they’re just getting to know each other.  They need some privacy to do that.


“She is wrestling with her own throng of admirers,” he says with a twinkle in his eye.  There might be a hint of jealousy in there, too.


“I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you.  Are you doing okay?  Are things between you and Adriel going well?” I ask.


Raziel nods.  “As well as to be expected considering I asked her to Fall with me and confessed my love for her in the span of one Fairy hour.  Her mind is still whirling a bit.”


I know what he means.  “She loves you, though.  I can assure you of that.”  I probably didn’t need to say that since he already knows whether it’s going to work out or not, but I want him to know that I’m happy for the two of them.  I only had a brief taste of knowing everything and I didn’t like it at all.  I don’t know how he carries that burden with such strength.


His smile turns into a grin.  “Yes, in time she will forget her qualms regarding our status amongst the Angels and she will be happy.”  That’s good to know.  “I believe your husband has successfully escaped the league of female Fairies who ensnared him earlier.”


I look over his shoulder and an annoyed Kallen is walking my way.  He’s not annoyed with Raziel or me; he’s annoyed that a particularly pesky Fairy woman will not leave him alone.  I bite my lip to keep from laughing.  He is trying so hard to be polite yet firm, but he looks like he wants nothing more than to toss her out of the house.


“Raziel, thank you for saving my wife,” Kallen says.  There is genuine warmth in his voice. 


“Your half-breed wife,” the Fairy who followed him says under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear her over the music.


It wasn’t that long ago that I’d take offense to that, but I realize now that it’s an honor to be what I am.  “Yes, his half-breed wife who so cruelly whisked him from the arms of the full-blooded Fairies.  Oh, wait.  There were no full-blooded Fairies that he wanted to marry.  Huh.”


If looks could kill, I would be slaughtered on the spot.  Caustically, she says, “You are so crass.  You and your Cowan ways and dirty Witch magic; you do not deserve him.”


I am about to respond, but Kallen cuts me off.  He’s done being polite.  “Your father once tried to bribe me into marrying you, but nothing he offered could convince me.  I suggest you return to your group of cronies and leave my wife alone before I step aside and let her handle this situation however she pleases.”  Trying to keep her shocked mouth closed, the Fairy spins on her heels and stomps away.


Wow.  I’ve never heard him be that rude to anyone before.  “So, you guys are close?” I tease.  “Did her father try to bribe you with money or chickens?”  In human years, he’s old enough to remember when bartering was more popular than money.

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