Blood Kisses (Nightwalkers Book 1) (17 page)

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think I gave you too much to drink." He laughed as he pulled away from her.
A very naughty chuckle escaped Ashleigh’s lips as she eyed him like a hungry
dog. A very sexy, hungry dog. "I forgot you’re new at this."

can’t help it." There was a husky whine to her voice, her lips parted as
she breathed heavily. "I feel sooo…" She fondled his now exposed manhood,
her ring digging into his skin as she slid her hand up and down its growing
length. "Good."

He had never seen her look so sexy, the tone in her voice reflecting the
buttery smoothness of an Elder vampire. But it was more than that. She was
different than any other vampire he had met.

She could be dangerous this way and for the first time since he decided
to make her a vampire, he was a little scared of her. He had never seen a
vampire as sexy or controlling of him as she was.

hand was quickly replaced by her lips as she latched onto him. He let out a high-pitched
hiss as he closed his eyes. "Aaaaww….you do feel good."

fingers got lost in her hair, his breath deepening as he thrust inside her
mouth. He enjoyed what she was offering, his mouth unable to keep closed as her
tongue licked the bottom of his hardness, her teeth sinking in ever so slightly,
enough to make it rough but not pierce the skin.

a few minutes she got Caleb off, Caleb more out of breath than she was as she
pulled away. She smiled at him when she saw his reaction, quickly jumping to
her feet. "I had so much fun at the concert, Caleb." She wrapped her
arms around him, hugging him tightly. "You looked so sexy up there."

I was singing just for you, babe."

She let out a playfully giggle. "Just for me?"

for you." He leaned forward and gave her a kiss. "Let’s make this a
ritual after every concert." They both laughed as he pulled up his boxers.
"I’m gonna take a quick shower. I’ll be back out in a few minutes."

Ashleigh sat down at the dressing room table and began checking her messages.

she heard the door to the bathroom open, she quickly switched her attention to
Caleb. She watched him get dressed, Caleb’s hair perfectly styled again. As he
pulled on his pants, there was a knock on the door before someone walked in. He
fumbled with his zipper.

The woman smiled at Caleb, briefly glancing at Ashleigh. She was wearing a nice
suit set, her body lean as if she worked out a lot. She had blonde hair,
obviously dyed because it was different color than her very well-manicured
eyebrows. She held her arms out to him. "Hey, baby."

was naked in here, mom." He was giving her a dirty look as he buckled his
pants angrily. "You knock, then wait till you get the okay to come in."

baby, I’ve seen you naked many times. It doesn’t bother me." She hugged
him. "Look at you." She checked him over as he forced a very fake
smile for her. "You got a new tattoo." Clicking her tongue, she studied
a jagged flame design that wrapped around one of his forearms. "Caleb. You’re
not a kid. You’re too old to draw all over yourself with these ridiculous
looking tattoos."

you meet Ashleigh?" He turned around and grabbed his shirt.

hi, sweetie." She walked over to Ashleigh, giving her a giant hug. "It’s
so great to finally meet you. You’re all Caleb talks about. I’m Caleb’s mother,

nice to meet you, too." Ashleigh smiled at her, the friendliness in her
voice genuine.

you set a date yet?" Catherine leaned up against the dressing table, her
arms folding over her chest. She seemed like a nice woman, a lot nicer than
Caleb’s dad. She looked to Ashleigh for an answer, but Caleb spoke first.

was thinking sometime this fall. My tour ends in…" He pulled his clean
shirt over his head. "August."

like that idea." Catherine nodded her head happily. "We could have it
at the manor. It’s got great security and all those paparazzi that like to
stalk you won’t be able to get in. It’ll be great." She playfully tapped
Ashleigh’s shoulder. "I can’t wait to help you start planning." Speaking
in a high-pitched, excited voice, Catherine held her hands together tightly as
if praying. "Finally, my little Caleb is getting married. I’ve waited
forever for this."

just want me to knock Ashleigh up so you get a grandkid." Caleb laughed as
he walked over to them. He was putting his leather bracelets back on, his eyes
distracted by them. "Joe isn’t able to do that."

Caleb, be nice." Catherine shook her head. "Your brother’s wife is trying.
It’s just hard for our kind to conceive."

girl’s fertile, I bet." Caleb wrapped his arms around Ashleigh’s waist,
making her turn to the side slightly. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "We’re
already trying and should have one before him."

I hope you are successful. So, are you going to be in town tomorrow? Your
father and I would like to officially meet this girl of yours. We’ll make a
dinner date, since I know you’d sleep through lunch."

"Dad's already met her. Don't you remember?
can have lunch, but Dad can't come."

"Now Caleb…" His mother was preparing to argue.

Caleb pushed Ashleigh's behind, shoving her toward the door. "We’ve
got to go. I'll talk to you later mom."

Chapter Twelve

in the back of the band’s tour bus, Ashleigh was typing away at her computer, a
set of headphones over her ears. Caleb was passed out in her lap, his hand
under her shirt. He was overtired and that always made him snore. His mouth was
half open, his teeth perfectly straight from the mouth piece he was wearing.

a week prior, they had been staying at a casino where Armageddon had played a
concert. Afterwards, Caleb had gotten her very happy drunk on blood, and they
went out into the casino to party with fans and played some cards, something
Caleb loved to do.

few days later, some very unflattering pictures surfaced of the pair in a
popular magazine, Ashleigh embarrassed to have her life invaded by the paparazzi.
It had finally begun, and she couldn’t say she didn’t know it was coming, she
just wasn’t ready for it when it did.

popular gossip magazine ran a story about Caleb’s new girl, making the front
cover. It was on every store shelf and read by millions of people, people that
knew her.

article was a whole three pages long, which was monstrous in Ashleigh’s eyes. They
made up some story about the pair intentionally keeping their relationship
secret. There was even one of those pictures where they circled the ring on her
hand with a red pen.

a month, the band’s touring season ended for a while, and Caleb was excited
about being able to relax.

had been able to artfully dodge seeing Aiden and hadn’t seen him since the
dinner with her publishing company. Caleb was right—Aiden didn’t invest, giving
a simple reason and not making Ashleigh take any of the blame.

did call Caleb a lot and had begun texting her whenever Caleb lost his phone,
which he did a lot. Aiden would engage her in normal conversation and didn’t
seem like he was still interested in her sexually. He now seemed more like a
friend and she had a better relationship with him. After all, he was one of
Caleb’s good friends, so getting along with him was important.

took out her phone when she felt it vibrate in pocket. She looked down at a
message from Natalie.


Sooo….how u doin today?


I miss u guys.




All this magazine stuffs got me sick.


Take a nap…or fuck Caleb. That’ll make u feel btr.


He’s not in the mood


Rape him then.




groaned as he woke up, rubbing his eyes in annoyance as he opened them. He was
in a foul mood and had been short with everyone all morning. She knew he was
hungry because she was too. Kris was acting the same way, but he wasn’t an Elder
like Caleb, so the withdrawal of not ingesting blood didn’t hit him as hard.

me feel good, babe." Caleb’s voice was whiney like a child, his hands on
her grabby as he gazed at her with sleepy eyes.

slammed down the lid of her laptop, pushing it off her lap and almost knocking
it on the floor. Luckily, she caught it and put it back in the bag near her
feet. He groaned again as he sat up, his annoyed eyes looking toward Kris, who
was asleep further up in the bus. Kris was passed out at the table, an empty
soda bottle near him.

Ashleigh looked over at him, her mood still damp.

of something." Caleb let out a small chuckle, his hand reaching over her
and grabbing the blanket near her. He laid down on her lap again, tossing it
over his face to block out the light.

what?" She gazed at his covered head, a small giggle coming from her lips.

little quickie." He lifted up her shirt and kissed her stomach, his hands
unbuttoning her jeans. "Everyone’s sleeping, so if we’re quiet..." The
sound of her zipper being pulled down made her bottom tingle. Caleb’s kisses
tickled her tummy as his hand ventured down her panties. He pulled them down in
front, his kisses wandering down to where his hand had been.

let out a small gasp when she felt his tongue enter her, his hands going to
pull down her pants so he could get closer to her.

be in Kingston in ten minutes, kids!" The driver’s loud voice woke Kris,
who jumped up from the table and looked around quickly. The bottle near him was
sent flying across the aisle. Charlotte slept through the commotion, but it
woke Sam, who looked over at Caleb as he shoved the blanket off his head.

Caleb’s hair was a mess when he emerged from under the blanket, leaving it
there to cover Ashleigh’s lap.

quickly buttoned her pants, her eyes nervously scanning the others, but they
weren’t looking at her. Ashleigh glanced at her phone when it beeped, frowning
when she saw a new text from Spencer.

playfully grabbed her phone as he laughed. "Who you texting, babe?" His
smile melted when he read it.


Tired of Master Mason yet?


kinda shit is this?" He sent her a nasty glare, Ashleigh frowning as she
released a tired sigh.

nothing." She tried to grab for her phone, but he pulled it away from her.

read another text out loud. "‘All I can do lately is think about fucking
you…touching you…tasting you’." His voice showed his anger, his brow

always sending stupid stuff like that. I don’t respond to them." Her heart
beat faster in her chest as she tried to get the phone back, but Caleb had
stood up from his seat and wouldn’t let her have it. She was terrified of what
he was going to do, afraid he might leave her. "I promise you, I’m not encouraging

Caleb wasn’t looking at her, he was scrolling through the long text
conversation she had with Spencer. He could see she wasn’t lying and that several
times she had told Spencer to knock it off, but that didn't cool his anger.

slammed her phone to the floor, the others on the bus all turning to them. The
phone smashed into a few pieces, Caleb sending a nasty glare toward Ashleigh, "You
slept with Spencer! What the fuck, Ashleigh! Why didn’t you tell me that! I
made him your guardian. I…I trusted that asshole to watch you!"

didn't sleep with him! I—" Ashleigh opened her mouth to speak, but nothing
would come out, her hands digging into the headrest on the seat because she
could hardly support her own weight.

this shit!" Wrinkling his nose angrily, Caleb stormed off the bus.

slowly scanned the faces staring back at her, all of them frowning and making
her feel terrible. She had hoped her night with Spencer would never come back
to haunt her, but now it was blowing up in her face. She quickly gathered her
things, letting the others pass her and walked off the tour bus.

Charlotte stopped by Ashleigh’s seat, a frown filling out her normally upbeat

messed around with Spencer once." Ashleigh shoved her laptop angrily in
her bag, about to cry, "But that was way before I even met Caleb." She
buckled the bag then slung it over her shoulder as she turned to Charlotte. "I’m
not cheating on him. I’d never do that."

know you’re not." She sighed as she readjusted the duffle bag on her
shoulder. "Spencer’s a hottie, though, so I don’t blame you. I’ve been
with him a few times. He’s totally awesome in bed." She said the words casually
as she shrugged. "But he’s never stalked me like he’s doing you."

not stalking me."

is too." Charlotte’s small smile faded as she looked out the window, but
the boys weren’t there. "He follows you everywhere and don't repeat this,
because Caleb doesn’t want you to know, but…"

voice lowered as she leaned in closer. "He told Caleb’s dad that you were
sleeping with Aiden and using Caleb's crush on Victoria to make a fool out of
him. Spencer said that you were a whore and would disgrace the Masons, so
Master Mason senior should try and stop you and Caleb from getting married."

Looking flabbergasted, Ashleigh’s jaw dropped. "That is such a lie.
Spencer wouldn’t—"

did. He's the one who called Caleb's dad that night he cornered you at the
club. He's the one who said all those lies about you, trying to break you and
Caleb up. Spencer's not your friend. He's a snake Ashleigh. And Caleb’s super pissed
about it. I think if he sees Spencer again, he’ll probably kill him, and now
that he found out Spencer’s sending you crap like that…"

should I do?" Ashleigh made a sour face as she glared out the window.

let it blow over. Caleb’s hungry, so you can’t blame him if he’s a little
growly. He’ll settle down after he eats." She motioned for Ashleigh to
follow her. "So just stay away from him for a while. We could go shopping."
Ashleigh laughed at Charlotte’s words, following her off the bus.



down the busy hallway, Ashleigh pushed through the crowd as she walked toward
the hotel room she was sharing with Caleb. She had been out shopping while he
slept off last night’s party. Their little fight a few days earlier had ended
quickly, and to her surprise, he didn’t mention it again, so she figured he had
forgiven her.

was almost noon, so she figured he should be up by now and ready to go grab
some lunch before they had to leave.

opened the door and paused as she shut the door as softly as she could. She
could hear angry voices from the next room. Creeping closer, she butted her
body up against the wall and listened. Spencer was there, he and Caleb tangled
in a heated argument.

such a liar, Master Mason." Spencer was speaking in his normal voice,
though it was slightly raised.

you tell her anything about that…" Caleb was very angry. A body being
slammed into the wall made it vibrate. She jumped, her heart pounding in her
chest. "I’ll fucking kill you!"

didn’t look good, but she wasn’t about to interrupt them, not after what Caleb
said next. "She’s going to be my wife, and you won’t mess this up for me! Stay
the fuck away from her! And stop telling my father shit that isn’t true!"

I won’t. I care about her more than you do." Spencer’s voice was stern but
not raised as he spoke through gritted teeth. Caleb still had him pinned
against the wall, Spencer not attempting to get away. "And I’ll die before
I let you have her, Caleb."

dare you address me that way!" Still holding onto Spencer’s neck, Caleb
slammed Spencer’s head repeatedly into the wall. "I am." His hands
tightened. "Not." Spencer was disorientated, and he couldn’t fight
back, blood dripping down his face from the wounds on the back of his head. "Kidding.
You stupid fucker!"

covered her mouth with both hands, her fingers curling tightly around the sides
of her cheeks as she listened to the sound of Spencer’s body being smashed into
the wall.

Spencer by the front of the shirt, Caleb turned his body in a quick circle. A
normal man would be dead from the direct hit his head took when it bounced
across the dresser, the force of Caleb’s movement knocking it over. Like a
garden fountain, blood spurted from Spencer’s mouth, leaving a trail with his
every movement.

one disobeys me or disrespects my family." Still holding Spencer by his
shirt, Caleb glared into his sleepy eyes. There was a great evil in Caleb’s
normally gentle eyes, the tone of his voice like nothing Ashleigh had ever
heard. "And
my family. I’m
going to make you wish you never laid eyes on my girl, and I’m not even going
to use magic to beat you. I’ll rip your beating heart out of your chest with my
bare hands and make you watch the last beat of it in my hand before I crush it."

anger was so hot it paralyzed her, the liquid evil in his voice numbing her. She
began to cry, giant tears falling down her cheeks as she continued to cover her
mouth and the loud sobs that were trying to escape her lips. He was not her
Caleb. He was the murderous killer she had tried so hard to justify that he

He looked just like the Nicolas she had seen in her dreams. That
anger—that possessiveness—that fiery temper. Seeing him this way brought all
those bad nightmares back, and all she could see was Nicolas' blood soaked
face. The image of him killing her father in the street. Her father.

of his death ran through her head, her head pounding with her tears. Closing
her eyes for a few seconds, she tried to cover her ears and block out the
memory, block out this moment.

you." Spencer was trying to fight back now that he was able to stand on
his own feet, but he couldn’t get a move in.

a quick kick in his stomach, Caleb sent Spencer flying across the room, the
force stripping the carpet and breaking the wall. Now paralyzed on the floor,
Spencer slowly raised his head and looked at Caleb. He could see Ashleigh
standing in the doorway, big tears falling from her eyes as she stared at him. She
was beautiful, her frame lit up and making her glow like an angel. He smiled,
his attention focused entirely on her.

His face was quickly hidden from her view as Caleb sped toward him at phenomenal
speed, his fist resting inside Spencer’s chest. The room then became quiet, and
all Ashleigh could hear was the squishing sound of blood, something that made
her cringe. She slowly backed away, her vision blinded by her tears from the garish
site ahead of her.

she could hear was her father's voice. "Run, my child. Run!"

she saw what happened next, Ashleigh quickly ran from the room and into the
hallway. Walking with great haste, Ashleigh wiped at her tears and tried to
keep her head down.

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