Blood Hunt

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Authors: Shannon K. Butcher

BOOK: Blood Hunt
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Sentinel Wars Novels
Running Scared
“Super-romantic urban fantasy. Shannon K. Butcher provides a terrific suspense-filled thriller.”

Midwest Book Review
“Butcher is fast becoming known for her gutsy and complicated heroines. Butcher’s books are dense and action-packed. Make sure there is room on your keeper shelf for all of Butcher’s books!”

Romantic Times
“This was such a dynamic book. I certainly found it hard to put down once I started reading it. Anyone looking for a knockdown, action-filled adventure should put this book on their to-be-read list.”
—Once Upon a Romance Reviews
“The third installment of the Sentinel Wars and a really great one at that! [It] kept me reading and I cannot wait for the next book in this really fun series.”
—Night Owl Romance
“Fast-paced, action-packed . . . the world that [Shannon K. Butcher] has created is refreshing, creative, and completely captivated me with its originality. Her imagery is fantastic, and her characters are rich, dynamic, and deliciously flawed.”
—The Romance Dish
“I, for one, am hooked . . . a great book.”
—DemonLover’s Books & More!

Running Scared
offers titillating mind games.”
—Romance Novel News
Finding the Lost
“Exerts much the same appeal as Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series, what with tortured heroes, the necessity of finding love or facing a fate worse than death, hot lovemaking, and danger-filled adventure.”
“A terrific grim thriller with the romantic subplot playing a strong supporting role. The cast is powerful, as the audience will feel every emotion that Andra feels, from fear for her sister to fear for her falling in love.
Finding the Lost
is a dark tale, as Shannon K. Butcher paints a forbidding, gloomy landscape in which an ancient war between humanity’s guardians and their nasty adversaries heats up in Nebraska.”—Alternative Worlds
“A very entertaining read . . . the ending was a great cliff-hanger and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series. . . . A fast-paced story with great action scenes and lots of hot romance.”—The Book Lush
“Butcher’s paranormal reality is dark and gritty in this second Sentinel Wars installment. What makes this story so gripping [are] the seamlessly delivered hard-hitting action and wrenching emotions. Butcher is a major talent in the making.”
—Romantic Times
“Terrific . . . powerful.”—
Midwest Book Review
Burning Alive
“Starts off with nonstop action. Readers will race through the pages . . . a promising start for a new voice in urban fantasy/paranormal romance. I look forward to the next installment.”

A Romance Review (5 Roses)
“This first book of the Sentinel Wars whets your appetite for the rest of the books in the series. Ms. Butcher is carving her way onto the bestseller lists with this phenomenal, nonstop ride that will have you preordering the second book the minute you put this one down.”
—Affaire de Coeur
(5 stars)
“Absorbing . . . erotic . . . unusual. . . . Fans of Butcher’s romantic suspense novels will enjoy her turn toward the paranormal.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Ms. Butcher offers fresh and delightfully creative elements in this paranormal romance, keeping readers engaged as the story unfolds . . . a well-crafted beginning to this exciting new series, and will have fans of the genre coming back for the next adventure in the Sentinel Wars.”
—Darque Reviews
“An exciting romantic urban fantasy. . . . Shannon K. Butcher adds her trademark suspense with plenty of tension and danger to the mix of a terrific paranormal thriller.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Butcher’s first foray into paranormal romance, and what a doozy it is! Filled with sizzling love scenes, great storytelling, and action galore, fans of paranormal romance will rejoice to have Ms. Butcher finally join the genre!”
—ParaNormal Romance
“A different twist on the paranormal genre. . . . I will definitely be reading the next in the series.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
Living Nightmare
Running Scared
Finding the Lost
Burning Alive
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First Printing, August 2011
Copyright © Shannon K. Butcher, 2011
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ISBN : 978-1-101-51719-2

For Nephele Tempest.
Thanks for believing in my work and
always having my back.
Character List
Drake Asher:
Theronai warrior, bonded to Helen Day
Briant Athar:
Connal Athar:
Logan Athar:
Sanguinar, blood hunter
Athanasian servant
Cain Aylward:
Theronai warrior, Sibyl’s protector
Angus Brinn:
Theronai warrior, bonded to Gilda
Gilda Brinn:
the Gray Lady, Theronai, bonded to Angus
Maura Brinn:
Theronai, Sibyl’s twin sister
Sibyl Brinn:
Theronai, Maura’s twin sister
Synestryn, Zillah’s second-in-command
Meghan Clark:
blooded human
Helen Day:
the Scarlet Lady, Theronai, bonded to Drake Asher
Athanasian prince
Neal Etan:
Theronai warrior
Madoc Gage:
Theronai warrior, bonded to Nika Madison
John Hawthorne:
blooded human
Mabel Hennesy:
blooded human
Lexi Johns:
the Jade Lady, Theronai, bonded to Zach Talon
Nicholas Laith:
Theronai warrior
Liam Lann:
Theronai warrior
Samuel Larsten:
Theronai warrior
Thea Lewis:
human woman living at Dabyr
Tynan Leygh:
Athanasian prince
Andra Madison:
the Sapphire Lady, Theronai, bonded to Paul Sloane, sister to Nika and Tori
Nika Madison:
the White Lady, Theronai, bonded to Madoc Gage, sister to Andra and Tori
Victoria (Tori) Madison:
Theronai, sister to Andra and Nika
Torr Maston:
Theronai warrior
Jake Morrow:
human, member of the Defenders of Humanity
Blake Norman:
human, Grace Norman’s stepbrother
Grace Norman:
blooded human, Gerai
Jackie Patton:
Theronai, daughter of Lucien
Andreas Phelan:
Slayer, leader of the Slayers

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