Blood Flows Deep in the Empire (9 page)

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Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Blood Flows Deep in the Empire
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“Human women with spunk. Such a rare thing.”

The statues jumped off the pedestals they’d been standing on, becoming two nearly identical women. Obviously twins, there was only one noticeable difference between them—one had black hair and the other blonde. Even their footsteps were in sync as they walked toward Ismini and Evesse.

Wearing tight leather pants and metallic corset-like tops, the goddesses seemed ready for battle. Their eyes were gray, but not in the same way as a human’s. Like small orbs of electricity, the irises sparked with small bursts of energy that became more and more intriguing as the goddesses approached.

Their voices merged beautifully as one as they greeted Ismini. “We’re known as the
Exivisi Genelhi;
The Duality Twins. It’s very nice to meet you. We are the essence of the word
—you fuck with one, you get the boot of the other. All the way up the ass.” And they smiled brightly as they said it.

The blonde stepped forward. “I’m Lizzisi, Goddess of Light. And this is my sister, Sillizi, Goddess of Darkness.” She motioned to the dark-haired one.

At least five foot eight, they were tall compared to Ismini, and as Sillizi came closer, Ismini kind of wanted to step back but she stopped herself at the last second.

Sillizi smiled at Ismini then unexpectedly cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes. Ismini knew damn well what Sillizi was doing and almost pulled away, but Sillizi gave her a look that stopped her.

“Stupid asshole,” she grumbled, throwing a glare at Dyletri. She concentrated again on Ismini.

Ismini felt a surge of power shoot from Sillizi’s hand into her skin.

Her voice whispered through Ismini’s mind.
“I won’t tell anyone. I promise

She gasped, feeling and recognizing what Sillizi had done for her. The walls rising around her thoughts were almost visible in her mind’s eye.

“There.” Sillizi smiled and took a step back. “He won’t be able to read your thoughts anymore. None of us will, unless you allow it.”

Ismini had forgotten there were others witnessing their interaction. “Thank you.”

“Wait. Whoa, wait! What do you mean? They can read our minds?”

Ismini turned. Her best friend’s eyes were wide and horrified. “When they stare into our eyes, yeah . . .”

Evesse’s features tightened, and she looked close to having an aneurysm. An inhuman sound vibrated from her clenched lips right before she exploded.

“You motherfucker! That’s what you were doing? I’ll fucking kill you!” Evesse darted forward, headed straight for Zeniel. He stopped near the entrance and glared at Eve over his shoulder.

“Eve, whoa!” Ismini grabbed Eve just in time and held her back.

She fought her like a hellcat while the twins laughed. Zeniel, however, appeared to be about two seconds from either meeting Evesse halfway across the room, or storming off all together.

Instead, he glared at Dyletri. “You had to send me after her, huh? Didn’t you know she was fucking insane before you sent me?”

Eve struggled in Ismini’s grip. “Asshole!”

The golden-eyed Cyake threw his head back and laughed. “Seriously, Zen. I’ve never seen you this bad—”

“Shut up, Cy!”

Lizzisi was still laughing as she walked around Ismini and Evesse. She stopped in front of a sputtering-with-rage Evesse and winked at her. “I promise you, later on during sparring practice, I’ll catch him right where it hurts for you.”

Evesse seemed to calm down a bit after she heard that.

“Fuck you, Liz.” Zeniel growled under his breath before storming off. His long pony tail swung across his back with each furious step.

“Here, allow me,” Lizzisi said. As she worked her “magic” on Evesse, Ismini slowly let her friend go. She expected Evesse to storm off after Zeniel again.

Ismini’s gaze landed on Dyletri. He was silent, standing far away from all of them, his hands in his pockets and every line of his body tense. The fire locked away inside Ismini threatened to consume her.

She wanted to look away but couldn’t. Something about his facial expression and his body language seemed off. He appeared pale as well.

Ismini considered asking what was wrong, but the flames inside her kept her still. If she took one step in his direction, she might end up doing something ridiculously stupid.

Something she might regret.

Something that had to do with licking
him all over and climbing on top of him and . . .

You insane girl, calm down!

Evesse’s voice made Ismini turn in surprise. “So, is it true? You’re being
by that asshole?”

Ismini couldn’t hold in her exasperation at that. “Will everyone stop calling him an asshole?” The room seemed to freeze at that. Feeling at least six pairs of eyes on her, she flushed and wished she’d just kept her damned mouth shut.

Evesse pointed at Ismini. “You’re not being sacrificed for anyone. You got that?”

Ismini sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, I am. It’s something I learned to accept a long time before I met you, Evesse. So, please, just leave it alone.”

Evesse’s stubborn expression told her this was nowhere near over. But it was obvious she was going to drop it for now, and for that, Ismini was grateful.

“Okay. Just tell me there’s a bed around here. I haven’t slept well for days, and we all know why. And someone keep that red-haired asshole far,
away from—”

Zen’s voice boomed through the very walls of the hall. “I can fucking hear you, human!”

“Good! Then you know you’re an asshole!”

Ismini sighed as the others started laughing again. “All right . . . let’s get you to bed. You’re cranky.”

“Goddamn right I’m cranky.” Eve fell in step behind Lizzisi when she motioned for her to follow. “I was stalked for three days by a creepy motherfucker. Who, I might add, hog-tied me and dragged me here only to learn my best friend is being killed by some selfish asshole. A fucking sacrifice? Seriously, you’re all full of shit. And here I’d hoped that if gods
exist, they’d be smarter than human men. Hah! I’ve been lying to myself.”

She continued to ramble as she was led out of the hall.

Evesse followed the blond twin out of the hall even as the dark-haired one turned to Ismini, still laughing. “How about you? Would you like to rest?”

Ismini had already begun walking away. “I know my own way back.”

“But that’s the medical wing . . . never mind.” Sillizi had obviously remembered why it was a good idea that Ismini return there. “If you should need anything . . .”

Her kindness warmed Ismini. Even though she felt Dyletri’s stare on her back, she couldn’t help but stop and smile at Sillizi over her shoulder. “I’ll let you know. Thank you, Sillizi.”

“Call me Sil. Everyone else does.”

“Got it. See you later, Sil.” Ismini was still smiling as she walked out into the hall. Not that it would last long. She’d barely made it a few steps beyond the now unguarded entryway when Dyletri called out for her.


Ah, fuck my life.

She froze, her heart almost bursting. She could almost see the small, throbbing ball of fire inside her chest. At least that’s what it felt like it was. A tiny sun within her, expanding and preparing to go supernova before it imploded inside her heart. Ismini inhaled deeply.

She realized too late what a mistake that was.

It had to be the mating. Suddenly her nose had superpowers, and she was able to pick up Dyletri’s scent unlike ever before. She knew he was getting closer. His scent grew stronger, filling her. Ismini wanted to run away. She wanted to hide, but if she did, he would suspect something.


“Yes?” She didn’t turn around. His presence behind her felt like a caress even though he wasn’t touching her.

“Are . . . are you all right?” he asked.

“I’m fine.”

She answered too quickly, she realized, and her whole body screamed that she was a liar. She needed to breathe but was so afraid to do so. Afraid of the way her lower body throbbed, pulsing all the way to her core.

“Are you sure?” he whispered.

Air rushed along the nerves of her back. His chest moved against her as he spoke. Too fucking close this time. He was way too close. She started to send up a silent prayer, but she realized the being behind her was the kind of being she would have been praying to.
Just freaking great.

She gathered her strength and hoped he’d just drop it. “I’m fine. Just need to go lay down for a bit.”

“Did they tell you what was wrong?”

“No.” She hoped lying didn’t equate a spot in hell.
You’re already there, bright one.
“If you don’t mind—”

Ismini jerked when his hand landed on her shoulder. Moving away from him so fast she even surprised herself, she tried to hide her fear. She was afraid of what he could do to her. The spot where he’d touched her burned like a motherfucker.

She was on whole new level of aggravated, and if she didn’t get away then, the fool behind her just might get slapped.

He had the nerve to grab her waist and spin her around before she could get away. She did manage to stumble back out of his grip but not before meeting his gaze. Dyletri looked angry, his eyes hooded and wild, and it was obvious he knew she was lying.

It didn’t matter. Ismini had no plans of letting him ever know the truth. Why should she? So he could live in guilt because he already loved another woman more worthy than her? Even taking Dimithinia’s past into account, clearly something about her made her better.

Yeah, well . . . you remember what she looked like.

Yup. Damn right Ismini did. As if she would forget the exotic beauty Nylicia had shown her. With that long black hair and those exotic blue eyes, it was no wonder the God of Fertility had fallen for her.

“I really need to go.” Her statement sounded weak even to her ears. She was so tired from holding back her tears, and she hated it.

Damn him. Damn him to fucking hell. Even if she knew that her “problem” wasn’t his fault, it still felt good to imagine it was. She needed to get away from him, but she never got the chance. Gods could move too damned fast, and before she knew it, she found herself pressed against the wall.

And pressed against her? The most delicious, unyielding and hot length
of muscle she’d ever felt.

Honestly, the only one she’d ever felt.

In a rush, her world dissolved into violent throbs.

The pain. It’s gone. So good. I need . . . oh God, I need . . .

She knew what she needed, and it seemed she wasn’t the only one. Dyletri rubbed his nose across her jaw, inhaling and launching Ismini’s soul further into hell. Damn it. Surely it wasn’t possible to survive this level of arousal.

His hard chest vibrated against hers, rubbing against nipples that were already too sensitive. Hot breath moistened her flesh, making all the hairs on her body stand on end. Dyletri was breathing her in violently, a groan echoing in her ear and growing louder.

Oh God. I’m going to come. It’s too much. Oh . . . fuck.

Ismini needed to arch into him. She fought it, trying to control the sensations running through her.

She failed.

“You . . . make me . . . ache.” Dyletri mumbled, his hands pressed into the wall on either side of her head. He inhaled her again, and in a moment of semi-clarity, she knew.

He could smell how wet he was making her.

“Fucking unbelievable . . . the heat. What are you doing to me?” There was something violent in his tone. Something angry and pained.

Ismini trembled. “I . . . I don’t know. What
I doing?” She bit down on her lip hard. The trembling was getting worse. She felt like she was on the verge of a seizure.

Dyletri exhaled, the fingers of one hand tickling along the edge of her jaw. “I brought your things.”

Killing me. Please, Dyletri. You have no idea.

Ismini’s unseeing eyes locked on the wall behind him. “I know.”

“Really?” He fucking
, sniffing her again.

Ismini looked at his arm. A pulse of light shot through his veins, making her gasp. His next words distracted her.

Boy, did they distract

“So you saw that I brought your toy?”

For two seconds, she thought he was talking about her new sock monkey. And she was about to thank him for it somehow, the moment she found her voice. Which wasn’t likely to be anytime soon. Her pussy was pulsating, begging her to fill the emptiness. Fill it with him.

She wanted him so deep inside her, she’d choke on his skin.

“I want you to use it tonight.” Dyletri’s raspy voice echoed. He sounded possessed, his hand now cupping her face as he took hit after hit of her scent. He inhaled her need—need that seemed to be cremating her from the inside out.

And he seemed to love it. He seemed unable to get enough.

What the hell?

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