Blood Bonds (32 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Wilder

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Blood Bonds
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“You should be. Trust me. He’s dangerous. He hates us.” Farley took her wrist and pressed his thumb against her pulse. “Please...”

“I’m not going to leave my job because of some species extremist.”

“I think he knows you went into the Dens. I know you didn’t have permission.”

She looked away. Yeah, there was that.

“We really need to go.” He gave her hand a tug.

“I should talk to Garrett.”

“I already did.”


Farley let out his breath slow. “He said he’ll take care of it.”

Haley frowned at him. “Garrett will do what he says.”

“I think he will do what he thinks he can.”

She shook her head. “If Dobson knows, that’s all the more reason I have to stay.” Farley paled, and his hand tightened on her wrist. “If I go, then Garrett will have to take the blame. Forget the fact that he would lose his job. He’d wind up in jail. And I’m not talking about the local pokey either. Federal prison. Hard time for a long time. I have faith in Garrett. He’ll get this taken care of. He’s a good man, a trustworthy person and he’ll make this okay.” Haley picked up the papers Farley had given her and shuffled them. “I am not a coward.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No. But if I ran, I would have no chance at a defense. Besides, what about Deshi? I can’t leave him.”

“He already made his choice.” Farley’s voice was cold.

“Trust me, the worst we can do is run.” Haley picked up the phone and dialed.

“Who are you calling?”

She waved the papers at him. “I’m calling Justice. I need to find out what he knows about Niles.” And if Dobson was going to pull an I.N.I. on her, there was no time like the present.

“Hello, this is Gregory.” The voice was Human and very ordinary.

“Yes, sir. My name is Haley Night. I’m an Agent with the CFKR. I’d like to speak to Justice, if he’s available.” The man on the end of the line went quiet. Only the sound of his breathing told Haley that the phone hadn’t gone dead. “Hello?”

The breathing deepened and the rhythm changed. When the man spoke again it was still the same generic Human sound, but the inflection and annunciation had altered.

“This is Justice.”

It wasn’t the first time Haley had heard the words of Kin come through the mouth of a Human Link. But it was still weird

Haley cleared her throat. “Justice, I need to speak with you about a Kin named Niles Fury.”

“I see.”

“I did a records search on the pay phone outside his apartment and it appears he’s been calling you for the past--” She glanced at the papers. “Well, for at least five years.”

Haley prepared for an argument, evasion, even an excuse. But after a moment of quiet, Justice said, “I will meet with you. We will talk.”

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she asked, “Where?”

“In my home.” No hesitation, calm, gentle ... matter-of-fact.

“I’m not sure that would be appropriate, considering the questions I’m going to have to ask you.”

A soft chuckle sounded over the line. “All will be well. Do you know the address?”

Of course she did. Who on earth could miss the place? It was Donald Trump meets Fort Knox. You’d have to be blind not to notice the building, let alone those giant walls.

“I can find it.”

“Good. Then we will meet. Will an hour give you enough time?”

“I’ll be there in half.”

That laugh again. Smooth and thick, like warm fur. “Very well, Haley Night, very well.” The line went dead, and she stared at the phone for a few seconds before hanging up.

“Well?” Farley asked.

Damn, she’d forgotten he was even there. “He said he’ll meet with me.”

“Just like that? Are you going alone?”

“Are you asking to come with me?”

He smiled a little. It loosened the tightness in his eyes. “Yeah, I’d like to use the time in the cab to try and talk some sense into you.”

Chapter 26

It took them twenty minutes, plus a five minute argument with the cabbie who didn’t want Farley riding in his cab. Haley threatened to have Immigration investigate his status. He shut up after that.

An iron gate met them at the entrance, guarded by two men with earpieces, Oakleys, and matching suits.

“Jesus, I wonder if he’s going to require we call him Mr. President.”

Haley drove her elbow in Farley’s rib.

She said, “We’re here to see Justice.”

One of them said something into his wrist. A second later the iron gates shuddered open. The men stepped out of the way.

Haley went in, but when Farley tried to follow, a hand came out. He flicked his eyes up to the Human and growled. “I suggest you move that if you want to keep it attached.”

“He’s with me.” Haley grabbed his hand.

Suit-on-the-right replied, “Justice says only you.” He dipped his head at Farley. “He can wait here.” He made it sound like it was some sort of privilege.

Farley said, “I’m not a fucking dog.”

Some “Arf-arf” sound effects came from Suit-on-the-left

Farley flashed his teeth and growled. Haley caught him by the shoulder with her one hand and held his neck with the other. The two Suits drew guns from somewhere inside their jackets and held them like men who killed on a regular basis. Haley pressed her face into Farley’s neck. “When’s the last time you ate?”

“I should ask the same of you.” He looked at her. Sharp pointed fangs distorted his upper lip.

“We’ll go eat then. I’ll just come back tomorrow.”

He shook his head, blinked, and his eyes darkened to brown. “No, go. I’ll be fine.”
He doesn’t mean it
. “Yes, I do.”

“Stop that.”

“I can’t.” Farley put a hand on her cheek. “Go. I’ll wait here. I’ll behave.” He stepped away, and went to sit on the curb.

Suit One and Suit Two put their weapons back and resumed their post.

Another pair of guards stood at the main entrance and a third one inside the foyer. Haley didn’t have a problem figuring out which way to go. A single hallway led to a single elevator. She stepped into the lift. There were no buttons to push. The door closed and the metal box slid upward through the layers of concrete. No ding marked her arrival. It stopped and the doors opened into a magnificent room worthy of an
Atlanta Living
cover. But it was the Kin standing near the floor to ceiling glass windows who stole Haley’s breath.

Colored like ivory, the afternoon sun shattered across the textured surface of Justice’s scales, making him glow like a million stars condensed into a single shape.

His head turned. It was all curves and planes. No ridges, horns, or armor disrupted the shape. His luminous blue eyes pulsed with light.

Haley struggled to keep her hearts in her chest. It wasn’t fear she felt, but an incredible presence. It rubbed along the inside of her skull, warm and seductive.

Would you like to sit or do you prefer to stand?

The voice breathed through her mind. She put a hand to her temple and stepped back.

Do not fear me, Haley Night. I will not harm you. I could never harm you.

The strange thing was, she believed him. Trusted him. Justice moved one graceful step in front of the other, body sliding across the space like something liquid.

Silent. Even as large as he was, he made absolutely no sound.

“I think I’ll stand.” She hoped her knees would support her.

Up close Justice was overwhelming. Almost as big as Medan. Were the rumors true about him being mute?

A vow of silence, actually.
He dipped his head.

“You invade minds, too?”

Sometimes it is unavoidable.

The scales along his neck and side raised, then settled with a slight flutter.

May I greet you?
God of Man, his voice. It wasn’t a powerful sound that demanded respect or declared power; it was almost tangible. It moved through Haley’s mind, putting her at ease, even as a hundred questions bounced around inside her skull.

There will be plenty of time for answers. Please, allow this old Kin to be touched

His head lowered, his expression humble. Haley held out her hand and his lips parted. His pink tongue slid out between his small, sharp teeth. The forked ends touched her fingers, wrapped around her wrist, and slid up her arm. He thrummed as he tasted her, and she couldn’t stop the heat spreading across her skin.

With her other hand she touched his muzzle, then his jaw, caressed the length, stopped at his cheek, and laid her palm flat. Justice scented her, drawing her taste across his palate.

It has been far too long since I have touched one of my own.

“How long?”

Justice didn’t answer, only walked back to the window, body surging, muscles rippling. Watching him was hypnotic.

You should not make your Marked wait for you too long. He hungers.

The Great White looked out the window and his sky blue eyes held palpable longing. His breathing slowed until he became still and he took on the appearance of something not real.

“Why was Niles calling?”

He blinked. Once.

I owed him a debt. So, we came to an agreement.

“What kind of agreement?”

Justice’s chest expanded and life brimmed over, animating him from head to toe. He opened his wings and sat back on his haunches, tucking his slightly smaller front legs near his chest. Then it was gone. Whatever made him real flickered out, and he became still again. Silence.


To watch over you.

As Haley approached, his head dropped, and she had to stop before running into his muzzle.


Because of what you are.

“What am I?”


“What is it you think I am, Justice? What is it Niles thinks I am?”

I cannot answer that question yet.

“Yeah, and why not?” Anger licked her tone.

You are not ready.

Haley glared at him. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to yell. But his voice snuffed it out. She caught herself reaching to touch him and froze. He stared down at her, and all she could think was how nice it would be to drown in his eyes.

You must trust me, Haley Night. I do not wish you harm.

She did trust him. Damn it. And all she wanted to do was be suspicious.

“Justice, are you Niles’ Brother?”

A deep, dark calm filled her head. It was more real than anything her ears could hear. When he spoke, the presence of his voice was a physical relief.

There was only one egg in his clutch.

She frowned. That wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear. For a moment she wondered if she could make him tell her.

He tilted his head, and even though nothing about his expression changed, Haley had the distinct feeling he was amused.

“Please, if you know anything, tell me.”

When I was young, the Humans I lived among thought knowing was the answer. So they brought me gifts, and I would answer their questions. In their greed for knowledge they sacrificed their food and land. When there was nothing left for me to eat, they presented their sons and daughters.

In the end, they destroyed everything they were for what they thought they had to have. And even with all the answers to their questions, they were left barren.

“So you think knowledge is bad or evil?”

Of course not. However, knowing what you are not ready to understand can be a destructive force.

“Can you at least tell me who Niles was protecting me from?”

All the Queens fear what you represent. But it is Nidia who wishes to have your head.

Nidia? The Queen of North Carolina? Unlike most states, North Carolina only had one Queen because she had eaten the others.

Justice rumbled deep in his chest.
She has allies among your Bureau. Men who want absolute power. She manipulates them.


He didn’t reply.

Haley blew out her breath. This was almost as frustrating as trying to get an answer out of a Queen. At least Justice didn’t take pleasure in stirring fear. Could he do such a thing as a Male? He was Ancient, that much she knew, and it seemed like the Ancient Ones didn’t follow the rules.

“Okay.” She flopped her arms in a sloppy shrug. “I guess that’s all the questions I have.” She waited for him to say something. He didn’t. “I’ll see myself out then.” Haley turned and headed back toward the elevator, her high heels cracking the silence. Just as she got to the edge she felt The Great White’s thoughts roll into her head.

When you need me, I will help you.

So far he’d been about as helpful as a paper cut. Haley stepped into the elevator and the doors slid shut.

Chapter 27

Farley glanced over his shoulder at the Suit One and Suit Two, feeling like a third wheel. But then this is the way it always was. Haley was Human enough for the world, he wasn’t.

A growl ticked in his throat and he found himself wondering what Suit One and Suit Two would taste like.

Let’s not go there, buddy. Okay?

A buzz lit up in his pocket and he retrieved his cell phone. The number was from the Center.

He put it to his ear. “Hello?”

Ken sputtered in his ear. “Sorry about that, I’m having to eat and tech.” There was a slurping sound, then he said, “Don’t mean to eat in your ear, but upstairs is on my ass about a hack attempt on one of the outside systems.”

“You get my hard drive worked out?”

“Oh, better!” A crunch, then a muffled reply.

“Ken, I can’t understand you when you’re talking around a mouth full of whatever.” Not to mention it made it hard to concentrate on the conversation. Farley shifted in his skaters.

“Sorry ... I not only got the hard drive cracked, I found out something interesting about that email Haley received.” Movement rustled over the phone. “The hard drive first. There was information on it. Lots of stuff. Mostly JPEGs ... scanned articles out of newspapers and magazines. It looks to me like Haley has a stalker.”

“Yeah, that much I already figured out. Niles’ apartment walls were pretty detailed.”

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