Blocked (19 page)

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Authors: Lisa N. Paul

BOOK: Blocked
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As the foursome left the restaurant and walked toward their cars, Eli stopped mid-stride. “Mommy, can Lee and Mr. Decker have pancakes with us next week?”

“Aww, buddy,” Decker cut in, trying to take the pressure off of April, “that’s mighty nice of you to want to include us—”

“I think it sounds like a wonderful idea, sweetie,” April replied, delight exuding from her features. “But only if they’d like to.”

“We totally want to!” Charlie cheered as complete satisfaction took over Decker’s body.

“Okay, E-man.” Decker leaned down and extended his hand to his new friend. “We’ll join you guys for IHOP nights, but you have to promise not to call me Mr. Decker. I’m too cool for that name.”

Eli placed his tiny hand in Decker’s and shook. “Can I call you D-man?” The little boy giggled at what he thought was hilarity.

“Absolutely.” Decker winked. “It’s a deal.” While Decker would have thought the gleam in Elijah Maddox’s eyes was heartwarming, it was nothing compared to the breathtaking one in his mother’s.

As the children said their good-byes, Decker pulled April in for a quick hug. Her body felt incredible pressed up against his as he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and released her from their embrace. Yes, he wanted April in a fierce way. Although they had been seeing each other, in some ways, for close to two months, their relationship was brand new for the kids. He wouldn’t do anything to make anyone uncomfortable.

“Is it bad that I miss you even though you’re standing right here?” April asked, her hand traveling up the arm of his dusty work shirt.

“Why do you think that is?” Shit, in all of the chaos, he’d forgotten that he’d come directly from work and looked disheveled and dirty. Although judging by the lust in her eyes, his messy appearance didn’t seem to deter her one bit and knowing that made him want her even more.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and whispered, “It may be because you just spent close to two hours teasing me, and now you’re standing here looking ridiculously sexy, and I can’t kiss you or touch you.” Her nipples had hardened beneath her long-sleeves cotton tee shirt—there was no way he could have missed it—and the sight had his blood rushing south.

“I’m trying to be good here, beautiful. The kids would be scarred for life if they had any clue as to what was going on in my mind.” Her lips curled up at his admission. “So let’s wrap this up, and why don’t you call me when Eli is asleep for the night? Maybe I can make you miss me a little less.”

“Mmm.”A low moan rumbled from her chest as April inched up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his scruffy cheek. “Now
sounds like a deal.”

Yes, yes, it did.


Chapter Thirteen


Danny’s on Main



ZZZIP. THE HIGH-HEELED black leather boots that April purchased that afternoon from DSW were the perfect accessory to her outfit. Skirts weren’t something she wore often, but she had a feeling that Decker would appreciate the look, especially paired with the V-neck red sweater. It felt as if it had taken weeks for Thursday to arrive when it had been only a couple of days. She regarded her reflection in the vanity-top mirror, happy with what she saw. Her golden hair lay in perfect soft waves over her shoulders, and the new eyeliner she’d bought enhanced the green tone of her irises.

“Hmm, I just need one last thing…” She’d always enjoyed her flavored lip balms and glosses but never as much as she had over the past couple of months. Decker seemed to savor her taste. He made a game of guessing her flavors, and in turn, she liked to play. “Ah, this one is perfect.” She grinned, applying the fragrant gloss over her lip stain then dropping the tube into her purse. She’d definitely want to reapply later at the bar.

“Wow, Tiny, look at you.” August whistled as April came down the stairs. Even though he was her brother, a compliment from him was worth its words, because, as she’d learned through a lifetime of gentle insults, the man didn’t lie. “Seriously, sis”—her brother hugged her—“you look amazing.”

“Thanks, Aug. I feel really good too,” she admitted.

“I hate to say this,” August whispered, “I mean, I
hate to say this, but I think Mom had the right idea when she got you that gym membership for Christmas. Look what’s happened since you’ve started going there?”

He wasn’t wrong. April had been thinking the exact same thing for weeks, but she hadn’t been ready to admit it yet. “I know. I look and feel better than I have in years, and I met Decker… while things with him are new, he can still turn out to be no better than Ben—”

“That’s not going to happen, April.”

There was so much certainty in her brother’s tone, she
let the topic go. “You don’t know that, August. You haven’t even met him.”

“I don’t need to meet him to know that this guy isn’t Ben.” August crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Ben was an ass from the beginning. He was always out for himself, and your happiness was an afterthought. Judging by your perma-smile, this guy is clearly different.”

Deep down, there was a tiny voice telling her that August was correct. However, she wasn’t ready to let down all of her walls just yet. “You can’t know that, Aug.”

“Okay, you’re right, but I can trust my nephew. Kids innately know good people from bad, and my Eli is really fucking smart. The boy can’t stop talking about this guy.” August grinned. “I’d be jealous if I wasn’t so goddamn happy.” He winked.

Shit, Eli had been talking about Decker and Charlie a lot since Tuesday. That was exactly what she’d been trying to avoid. The last thing either of them needed was to get attached only to have two more people leave them when they realized there was something better out there. The last thing in the world April wanted was for her brother to feel less important; because when Decker did leave, it would be August picking up not just her pieces but Elijah’s as well.

“Aug, maybe this is all a mistake—”

The doorbell chimes cut off her sentence.

“No, Tiny, this is all how it’s supposed to be. Enjoy this, enjoy him… err, no details on the second part please. Now go open the door.”

With one hand on the doorknob, April pulled in a deep breath to welcome Decker into her home. However, one look at the incredible man standing in front of her, and she was reduced to hand gestures and head nods.

The man looked like a dream in his olive-green button-down shirt with the cuffs rolled up, showing off his thick, corded forearms. Long muscular legs encased in well-worn, low-slung jeans begged for her attention, but they lost when her eyes roamed back up his body to his sexy face. Her mouth was desert-dry as she silently took in his freshly shaved jaw and perfectly messy hair. It took effort to keep herself from dissolving into a puddle when Decker leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered in her ear as his scent permeated her senses, causing her heart to crash into her ribs at an alarming rate.

“Hey, I’m August, Chatty’s older brother.”

“Decker. Nice to meet you, man.”

The handshake between her brother and her boyfriend snapped her out of what felt like a lust-induced trance.
How embarrassing

“Your sister here thinks the world of you, you know.” Decker looped his arm around her waist before dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

While the gesture was new, other than the surprise meeting with his mom, there hadn’t been other introductions, and the comfort his arms brought felt secure and warm.

“Ah.” August chuckled. “I see all those years of brainwashing finally paid off.”

“Nice, Aug, real nice.” April poked her brother in the ribs. “Decker, would you like to come in?”

Before he could answer the question, Eli bounced off the sofa and ran over to Decker with energy only a four-year-old boy could possess. “Hi, D-man.”

Out of the corner of her eye, April saw August’s face soften, just as hers did, when Decker lowered to his knee and lifted his hand to high five her little boy. “Hey, E-man, how’s it going, buddy?”

“It’s good. You and Mommy are going on a date. It’s okay if I still call you D-man, right?” Elijah asked enthusiastically.

April placed her hand over her mouth, her cheeks were already aching, and the night had just begun.

Being a dad himself, Decker took Elijah’s subject change in stride and handled her son like a pro. “Of course you can call me D-man. You can call me anything you want, buddy.”

“Oh, don’t tell him that,” August interrupted the sweet scene. “That boy has a mouth on him. Next thing you know, he’ll be calling you D-bag.”

“What’s a D-bag, Uncle Aug?”

“August,” April chided, “you’re an asshole.”

“I know what an asshole is,” Eli giggled, covering his mouth.

A wave of laughter broke out in the room until April scooped Eli up in her arms and shot her brother a nasty look.

“Ooo, Uncle Aug, you’re in trouble,” Eli taunted. “Mommy just gave you the mean look.”

Obviously finding humor in her family dynamics, Decker did his best to hide his laughter by pretending to cough. “My mom has a mean look too, E-man. And guess what?” Elijah, still wrapped in April’s arms, waited patiently for Decker to finish his statement. “Even as a grown man, I know that when I see that look, it means I probably did something I shouldn’t have done, and I need to apologize. No matter how old we get, we need to show our mothers respect. Got it?”

As Eli’s little head bobbed with understanding, April, at first impressed with Decker’s insight, thought about her own mom. She didn’t have to always like the woman, but Decker was correct. She did deserve respect.

“He hit a little too close to home, sis?” August cocked his head to the side, insight clear as glass in his familiar green eyes.

With a slight nod to her brother, she brought her attention back to the little boy in her arms. “All right, little man, you be good for Uncle Aug, okay?”

“Yes, Mommy,” he confirmed, giving her a tight squeeze.

April then planted two loud kisses on each cheek and two on the top of his head. “Your kissy-bank is officially full. If you need any more, Uncle Aug will help you out.”

Eli kissed her six times as well. “Your kissy-bank is full too, Mommy. If you run out…” She could almost see his little mind trying to problem solve. “Wake me when you get home.”

The massive smile that etched its way on Decker’s face, along with the quick wag of his brows, told her she wouldn’t have any problems with kiss replenishment.

After a final good night, Decker weaved his fingers through hers and led her out of the house. Butterflies fluttered in her tummy as he opened the door to his Range Rover and helped her in. Hell, she couldn’t remember the last time anyone, other than present company, had done that for her. Sure as hell had never been her ex-husband. When they were teenagers, she’d figured he was too young to know better, and when they were older, he dismissed the suggestion, claiming they’d been together too long for him to have to learn new rules.

Yet Decker opened doors and pulled out chairs each time they were together. The man made her feel special. It was a feeling she’d long since forgotten.

April looked around the gleaming SUV. “Hey, not that I’m complaining, but where’s the truck? I was kind of looking forward to taking a ride in that bad boy.”

Decker stared at her, a flash of amusement crossing his face as he started the ignition. “That’s my work car, babe. Even though the truck is safe for Charlie, this is what I drive on the weekends. However…” His gaze traveled from her eyes to her lips and back, feeling like a caress that sparked with electricity. “Now that I know how you feel about the truck, I’ll be sure to get your sweet ass in there as soon as possible.”

They pulled out of her driveway, and just down the street, Decker pulled the car over and parked.

“What are you doing?” April asked, clueless as to why he’d stopped the car.

“I wasn’t sure if there would be little eyes watching out the window, so I figured it would be best to leave the driveway.” While she still wasn’t certain where the conversation was going, the steamy look in his eyes told her she was going to like the end result. “I know you said you enjoyed our
, but I was hoping to take a minute to convince you
were just as good.” Decker wagged his brows, leaned over the center console, and claimed her mouth in a bone-melting kiss. “Mmm.” Decker ran his tongue over her top lip before sucking her bottom one between his teeth. “Is that lime lip gloss?”

“Uh ha,” she admitted with a sheepish grin. “I figured, we’re going to a bar and lime
very versatile… it goes with tequila.”

He interrupted her by pecking her lips. “Corona.” He gave her another kiss.

She smiled and said, “And margaritas.”

Decker consumed her mouth as if it was the cocktails she’d described. Resting his forehead against hers, Decker agreed, his voice husky, “You’re right, beautiful. Lime was the perfect choice.”

With the butterflies still partying in her abdomen, April tried to voice her thought without tripping over her words. “I hate to tell you this, big guy, but
weren’t right.” She had to bite her inner cheek so as not to laugh at the perplexed look on Decker’s usually confident face. “I know, you were wrong about something, can you imagine?” she needled, no longer hiding her amusement.

“Enlighten me, dimples.”

“You said
were just as good as
but that’s not the case.” She loved having his rapt attention as she slowly shook her head. “Nope,
are so much better, because with them, I get to enjoy hours of your kisses and touches, where the other way, I only get the memories of how good you made me feel.”


* * *


“CHRIST.” DECKER EXHALED. Her words felt like silk across his naked skin. “Where the hell did you come from? And what did I do to deserve you?” Unable to form another sentence, he pulled her close and kissed her again. For a woman who’d been without a partner for years—according to her stories, hell, even when she was married she’d been alone—she possessed more passion than any person he’d ever encountered.

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