Read Blissful Bites Online

Authors: Christy Morgan

Tags: #cook book, #Nutrition

Blissful Bites (50 page)

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I use soy nut butter in this recipe instead of peanut butter, but you are welcome to use whichever you prefer. In fact, you could probably use any nut butter you want for this recipe.

2 packages Mori Nu silken tofu

cup unsweetened creamy soy nut butter

cup coconut palm sugar

cup maple syrup

1 tablespoon arrowroot

2 teaspoons vanilla flavoring

Pinch sea salt

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until well combined. Be sure to scrape the edges of the bowl a few times to incorporate all the ingredients. Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes to stiffen.

heavenly raw chocolate mousse

heavenly raw chocolate mousse

• Makes 2 to 3 servings
Fan Fave

This is a chocolaty dessert that you don't have to feel guilty for eating! Avocados make the base for this mousse instead of heart-clogging butter, cream, and eggs. I use raw cacao, which is chocolate in its natural, unprocessed state.

2 ripe avocados

12 dates, soaked for 2 hours and pitted, or
cup maple syrup

cup raw cacao powder

1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring or
1 fresh vanilla bean

4 strawberries, sliced

Blend dates in a food processor until they become a paste. Add all the rest of the ingredients except the berries and blend until smooth. Be sure to scrape the edges of the bowl a few times to incorporate everything.

Serve in a martini glass with sliced strawberries on top.

blissful definition

comes from a tropical evergreen tree. The seed is ground into a powder that has many antioxidants and minerals. It's great to make a hot chocolate with or put in smoothies.

strawberry-mint limeade

strawberry-mint limeade

• Makes about 6 cups

BOOK: Blissful Bites
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