Blind with Love (6 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Blind with Love
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When Kristen could once again breathe normally, she took a deep breath and released a long sigh. He moved to nibble behind her ear and the words in her head screamed “I could love you”.
She had known this hunk of man for less than half a day. What was she thinking?

Since words of love were definitely not an option, Kristen went with the next best thing. “You’re amazing. Incredible. I’ve never felt so sated.”
And cherished

Chase was breathing even heavier than she. His rock-hard cock nudged at her entrance, now that he’d aligned himself with her.
How the hell can he control himself like that?
Her sex, still wet and hot from two fantastic orgasms, longed to have him fill her. His turn was over.

Before he could ponder further means of torturing her, Kristen flipped him over and straddled him, catching his throbbing cock between her legs. He gasped, but she was undaunted.

“Buddy, I have news for you. It is most assuredly my turn.” It wasn’t a question. It didn’t brook any argument.

“Seems…fair…” he garbled. He was panting.

Kristen leaned over him and lapped at one tight firm nipple while pinching the other simultaneously. He actually
as she continue exploring the texture of his smooth chest with her lips, lower and lower over his abs and then his equally solid thighs, carefully avoiding the main event. Payback was a bitch.

A knowing smile spread across her face as she lifted herself ever so slightly to stare into his face, an expression of utter bliss rising in his features. He was not breathing.

“I’m going to lick my way from your balls,” she placed a finger on his sac, “to the tip of your rock-hard cock.” She slid a fingernail up his shaft.

He choked on an inhale and she chuckled softly. Her face was so close to his erection, her hot breath spreading over him with each exhale. His rod bobbed up and down, straining to reach ecstasy if she just lowered her mouth a teensy bit more.

Chase blew out a lungful of air and inhaled again.

Kristen finally tickled his balls lightly all over with her tongue, before dragging it up the shaft and then swirling it around the mushroom-shaped head. She even dipped the tip of her tongue into the little slit to taste his essence. His musk was heady and powerful, a scent that was his and his alone.

“God, Kristen… Don’t stop.” His breathing was short pants. He threaded his fingers through her hair, nudging her closer. “I can’t wait. Need your mouth on me, now.”

Kristen slowly sucked his entire cock into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat.

Chase moaned, loud.

His grip on her hair tightened as she increased the suction and drew her mouth back to the tip.

Before she could drag his delicious erection back in, Chase released her hair, grabbed her shoulders and flipped her beneath him, stealing her breath.

“Can’t…wait…another…moment,” he muttered, nibbling on her lips and reaching toward the nightstand. “Need to be…inside you.”

After several moments, Chase pulled back a fraction and inhaled. The only sound in the room was their ragged breathing.

He ripped open the foil package, removed the latex from its wrapping and rolled the condom on in one smooth movement. Kristen arched into him, willing him to hurry.

As quickly as he could, Chase leaned over Kristen, ravaging her mouth, long and sensual. Damn if she didn’t feel it straight to her toes. His hardness pulsed against her clit. She reached around to squeeze his butt and draw him into her core.




Chase hovered over Kristen for only an instant, poised at her entrance. He delicately cupped her face with his hands, resting his entire weight on his elbows. A futile attempt to not crush her or hurt her, because without any further preamble, he was unable to hold back another instant and thrust, filling her to the hilt.

Oh God
. She was so tight, he couldn’t hold back his gasp. So hot. So wet. So…his.

Her pussy fluttered around him, begging him to move, to increase the friction, to do something, anything. And move he did. He gradually pulled himself from her so just the very tip of his head remained lodged inside.

Damn. She feels so good. Don’t come yet. Don’t come yet.
Perhaps repeating the mantra in his head would help ease the pressure and buy him a few minutes of time to enjoy her before he could no longer control the urge to explode within her walls.

Seconds were all he got. Her delicate tender hands running all over his back and ass sent chills up his spine, making his dick even harder. He wanted to hold on to the ecstasy a little longer, but as soon as she gripped his butt and raised her hips in eager supplication, he slammed home once again and began a frantic rhythm that was beyond his control. He thought she might have moaned in response, but he couldn’t be sure. His head spun and even his heightened senses were all shutting down. The only thing governing his world was the fiery sensation threatening to burst at any moment.

Grinding his teeth, he plunged in and out of her warm, wet body until he could no longer hold off his impending orgasm. He’d wanted her to come with him. He’d wanted this to be the best she’d ever experienced. With his mind in a fog, he reached between them and pinched her engorged clit.

She screamed.

His entire body stiffened. He thrust forward for the last time, pushing as deep as he could reach inside her. Suddenly light burst in his darkened world. Wave after wave of pure bliss exploded from him. The orgasm was so intense and long it took him a moment to realize she was pulsing around him, too. She clutched him so tightly there would be marks on his back from her fingers. Her vaginal walls continued to milk him even after he regained his senses. It was the sexiest moment ever. One he would never forget as long as he lived. And he hoped it would be a life that stretched for an eternity, with her beneath him as often as possible.

Chase didn’t want to pull from Kristen. He didn’t want this moment to end. But his arms were beginning to quiver with the effort of holding himself above her. Slowly, he lowered himself down beside her and drew her into his embrace. She was panting heavily, a sweet sound of fulfillment, and still grasping at him, unwilling to let go. It was endearing and intimate.

“Mmm.” What else could he say?

“Am I still alive? Is this heaven? Did I die?” He could hear the subtle jesting in her voice.

“Yes. This is heaven. And yes, you are still alive. Don’t move…”

Chase hauled himself off the bed and padded over to the bathroom where he turned on the water to warm it up, disposed of the condom in the trashcan, and then grabbed a washcloth to soak it in the soothing liquid. When he returned and reached for her, she had not moved an inch. He gently spread her legs and swiped the washcloth all over her before carefully cleaning himself. After setting the cloth on the bedside table, Chase eased back the comforter still beneath Kristen and dragged her limp body carefully onto the sheets. He climbed in beside her as she rolled to the side, and spooned his body against her back, pulling the comforter over them, encompassing them in a warm cocoon.

Kristen sighed again, sunk deeper into his embrace.

“Stay.” It was just a word. A small one. Not really spoken as a question, but Chase held his breath waiting for her answer.

“I couldn’t move even if I wanted to…” She spoke so softly he could barely hear her. She yawned and snuggled even closer.

Had she fallen asleep? Would he wake with her by his side?

Chase inhaled a sated breath and thanked his lucky stars.





Chapter Three



A shrill noise yanked Chase from the deepest sleep he could ever remember. He bolted upright, confusion clouding his world. Slowly, the memories of last night resurfaced, or had it been early morning? And then he felt the movement of the deliciously warm body rubbing against him.

“Chase? Is that the phone?”

Oh, that’s what the noise is
. Chase scrambled for the receiver on the bedside table and pushed the “talk” button.

“Y-yes.” He had to cough to clear his throat and begin again. “Hello.” His voice seemed distant, hoarse to his ears.

“Chase? Is this Chase Edwards?” The voice on the other line was vaguely familiar, but Chase’s mind wasn’t clear enough to identify the person.

Again he cleared his voice. “Yes, this is he. May I ask who’s speaking?” Wide awake now, Chase sat up and struggled to pay attention. What time was it anyway?

“Mr. Edwards, this is Dr. Russell at the medical center, downtown Dallas. I’m calling to inform you we have donor corneas available. We found a match about thirty minutes ago. Can you come in right away?”

Oh my God
. It was happening. Truly happening. Had Dr. Russell said “now”?
Come in
and we’ll give you your sight back

“I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?” Chase had to be sure his ears weren’t playing tricks on him.

Kristen slowly sat up and reached for him. “Chase? Is everything okay?” Concern etched her voice. He smoothed his free hand over her shoulder and hugged her tight.

“Mr. Edwards? Do you have a ride or should we send someone to get you? We need to act fast. The window of opportunity, as you know, is very short.”

Chase scrambled to a standing position next to the bed and ran his free hand through his hair.

“Um, no…I mean, yes. Yes, I do have a ride. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” As he spoke, his face turned in Kristen’s direction where he’d last yanked himself from her hold on the bed. “Kristen?”

“Of course. What’s going on? I’ll get my clothes. Is someone hurt? Margo?”

Without uttering another word, Chase hung up the phone and pulled Kristen immediately out of the bed and into his arms. When she grunted a rather unladylike sound he knew he’d squeezed her a little too tight, but he was excited and dammit, scared. He kissed her hard and swift on the forehead. “A donor. They have a donor for me.” He released her and scrambled toward the bathroom. “I have to get to the hospital fast. Can you drive?”

. That’s fantastic, Chase.” He heard her footsteps behind him. “Absolutely. Let’s go. I’ll grab my clothes. Do you need any help? Should I call Margo?”

Her voice faded as Chase dashed into the bathroom, striking the corner of the sink for the first time since he’d moved into this apartment. Every nerve in his body was coming alive. He fumbled for the handle. When he found the lever he gave it a twist, immediately splashing water on his face. He had to calm down. Get dressed. He sucked in a shaky breath. “No, I’m fine. Just hurry,” he yelled over his shoulder.



Kristen was in a daze. Stunned. She ran from the room, dressed, and stood at the door in record time. A speed runner couldn’t have pulled off such a feat, and it was a good thing too, because Chase was right on her heels, grabbing his wallet from the table next to the front door and stepping out into the cool outside air.

“What time is it?” he questioned as Kristen led him the few blocks back to where she’d left her car the night before near the restaurant.

She glanced at her watch. “Two thirty. If my adrenaline wasn’t pumping so hard, I’d collapse on the sidewalk here and go back to sleep after the workout you put me through last night.” She smiled, thinking of all they had shared.

Her smile faded just as fast.
What the hell are you doing, Kristen? You can’t have a relationship with this man
. She needed to go home. Pack. Get out of town. She had a plane to catch tomorrow morning. A one-way trip she wasn’t sure she would ever return from.


“We’re almost there,” she stammered, shaken from her thoughts.

It was easy to navigate the few streets and intersections they had to cross at this time of night, and within moments, they were safely buckled into Kristen’s car, careening toward the hospital.

Thank God Chase lived downtown. They were so close to the hospital Kristen wasn’t sure it wouldn’t have been quicker to walk. She pulled up to the front where an orderly was waiting. He helped Chase immediately from the passenger side of the car, and in an instant Chase was inside the hospital, leaving Kristen heaving large breaths for several moments before she could gather her wits and look for a parking space.

She pulled the car safely into a narrow spot and headed for the hospital entrance on autopilot, even thinking to whip out her cell phone and call Margo.

A very groggy voice answered on the fifth ring. “Hello… Who is this?”

“Margo, it’s Kristen. I’m with your brother. He got a donor. We’re at the hospital right now. Can you come?” She spoke so fast she wasn’t sure Margo was even still there. “Margo?”

“Oh my God,” was all Kristen heard before a muffled voice revealed Margo wasn’t alone. Margo spoke anxiously to someone else. Was she still with Ryan? Kristen waited. After some shuffling, “I’m here. I can’t believe it. I’m heading there now.”

And then the telephone went dead.

Kristen entered the hospital and approached the information desk, already questioning the young woman behind it. “Do you know what room they took my friend to? I just left him off out front. Chase Edwards?”

The desk clerk seemed not to have any idea what she was talking about. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Let me see what I can find out for you. I didn’t notice anyone went by. I stepped away for a minute or two.”

The impatience pumping through Kristen’s blood was driving her crazy. She didn’t want to snap at this woman, who seemed to be the sole person conducting Kristen’s life at this moment, with a bit too much lassitude for her personal taste. Kristen stood next to the desk, unable to keep her foot from tapping, rubbing her hands up and down her chilled arms.

After what seemed like an endless stretch of time, an orderly arrived to usher Kristen through several doors and hallways. Finally, they rounded a corner and entered a pre-op room filled with rows of beds intended for those waiting on surgeries, empty now, except for Chase, because it was the middle of the night. Chase was already prepped and lying on a gurney. A young blond orderly in dark blue scrubs stood next to him and paused to give Kristen a moment before wheeling him away.

“Chase?” She cupped his hand in hers, feeling the sting of tears. “I’m so happy for you. Margo’s on her way.” She wouldn’t be here. She had to leave,
. Before Margo showed up and it got even more difficult.

“Kristen.” He reached for her hand, squeezed it. He was sweating. Trembling. Scared. “They said it would only take a few hours…to do the transplant. Can you stay? I have…so many things…I want to say to you…” His voice was trailing away.

The orderly looked up and smiled at her. “Sedative.”

Kristen felt a lump in her throat. Chase’s heavy eyes mercifully closed before she could respond.

The attendant pushed Chase’s bed from the room, leaving Kristen standing in the hall, her hand covering her mouth. A sob threatened to choke its way out of her. Tears ran down her face.

With a long deep breath, Kristen turned and walked down the hall back the way she had come just moments before. She knew she couldn’t face Margo, and her steps quickened at the thought of possibly never seeing Margo or her wonderful brother again.

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