Blind Trust

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Authors: Jody Klaire

Tags: #Fiction - Thriller

BOOK: Blind Trust
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Jody Klaire



Above & Beyond Series


Book 1:
The Empath

Book 2:
Blind Trust

Book 3:
Untrained Eye

Book 4:

Book 5:
Noble Heart

Book 6:
Black Ridge Falls

7: Full Circle



© 2015 Jody Klaire


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or transmitted in any means,

electronic or mechanical, without permission in

writing from the publisher.


978-1-939562-38-8 paperback

978-1-939562-40-1 ebook


Cover Design



A Mindancer Book



a division of

Bedazzled Ink Publishing, LLC

Fairfield, California


After six grueling months in CIG's boot
camp, Aeron  Lorelei is looking forward to spending some vacation time with her
friend Commander Renee Black in Colorado. When mother nature puts an avalanche
in their path, they're stranded in a small mountain town.

While walking downtown, Renee shoots a
man for no apparent reason, and Aeron has until the roads are cleared to prove
that Renee had justification for the shooting. During her investigation, Aeron
is forced to use the burdens she loathes and hopes they're strong enough to
vindicate Renee before the authorities arrive.


my furry and furless friends near and in my heart who remind me what joy each
day is.



and Em who go above and beyond.



anyone who is that little bit different.




Where to start! There’re so many people that have inspired me,
supported me and cheered, consoled, and made my life brighter. If there’re any
names I’ve missed off, it’s not because I think any less of you. It’s puppy
brain. (That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.)

First of all, I’d like to thank you for picking up the book and
visiting Aeron. It’s been wonderful to see Aeron make friends and I hope that
you enjoy her new adventure.

To my fellow writers, unpublished or published, I hope that you
feel half as much enjoyment and love for writing as I do. There’s nothing like
exploring a story.

To the many folks on FB, Twitter, and other social media that I’ve
had the pleasure of getting to know. Jaynes Pehney, Kim Carlson-Johnson, and
the Clubhouse ladies, the odd socks are for you. Thank you to M.C Henrichon.

To my fellow Cloudies: Katherine Hetzel (and a Binky!), John
Taylor, and co. (there are so many of you that I could be here a while so I
hope that you don’t mind the general shout out. Seeing you in York makes my
year!) The Writers’ Workshop team, Laura, Nikki, and co. Who are happy to chat
and help with a smile. 

To the ladies in the GCLS, the mentoring program and the writing
academy, the faculty and my fellow students in the academy! An extra smile for
Liz McMullen too. It’s always such a pleasure to hear you, (and we’ll always
have howdy, right?)

To D Jordan Redhawk, thank you very much for all your help and for
working with me on painting in the café and scenes. It was great to have your
expertise and gentle guidance when I started out writing
Blind Trust
. It
means a lot that I could learn from you and it was a thoroughly enjoyable
experience. Thank you for taking the time out for me.

Georgia Beers, Gerri Hill, thank you for your kind words of
support and inspiration. Karelia Stetz-Waters thank you for the sound advice
and the reminder that it can be a massive amount of fun. (Oh and with wall
charts and cards, and maps, I am so glad you love it all as much as me!)

To my fellow Binkies: Jeanne Barrett Magill,
Baxter Clare Trautman, Bev Prescott, Salem West (High five paw to Lucy!), and
Ann McMan. Candice Cain and all the others in the BInk fold. It’s a pleasure to
be a part of the family.
I am inspired by you, I am buoyed by your support and love and you
are all incredible ladies! (PS I didn’t forget you SFH!) TOTS!

To Ian and Pat Griffiths. You really do brighten up my week and
keep things moving, improving and your laughter and joy are a blessing.

To my Betas: Sarah Rickman, Moira, and Ian Spence. Thank you for
taking the time to read my work and giving me your thoughts on Aeron.
Sometimes, it’s hard to see how a book will impact a reader which makes your
contribution and support so vital. Thank you!

To Team Truth: Dani Dixon, Gena Ratcliff, and Karen Kormelink. Who
would have thought that a book could reach
the ocean and find me three awesome friends, fellow writ
ers, betas, and
generally amazing women? One of the blessings writing has given me is knowing
you. Your chats, your love, your support, and patience mean so much. Thank you
for the ’Merican lessons, and the gentle way in which you point out when my
first floor is your second floor, my sauce is your ketchup, my cake is your pie
. . . 

To Sandra Moran (SFH). It means so much that I’ve been able to
learn from you and call you friend. That one little Skype call changed so much.
You don’t need neon to shine, it comes from inside.

Claudia (Dazz and GusGus!) Thank you for welcoming me aboard and
for your faith and belief in my writing. To be a part of such an amazing family
is wonderful and I am so very grateful for the faith that you showed and
continue to show in me. I hope that the books bring a smile to your face.

 To Casey (and Meka). Well, here we go again. It’s one of my
favourite things, getting to learn from you. Who knew editing could be so much
fun? Your faith, patience, support, and trust in me and my writing has been a
blessing. Your calmness and wisdom always helps to bring out the best in my
work. Thank you for answering my endless questions, the great Skype sessions,
and long chats. It’s a pleasure to get to work with you. 

To Brie Burkeman. I’ve said it before and I will restate that you
probably need to be canonised for the patience you have had with me. Your
guidance, your wisdom and your belief in my work has stayed with me. You are
what all literary agents should be measured against. I’m very lucky to have
benefited from your guidance. I hope that with each book, you see me grow into
the writer you know is inside.

To Debi Alper, what a lady! I love learning from you and hearing
your thoughts on where I can improve. Your wise words and support have lifted
me when I most needed it and there’s nothing like sitting in a workshop and
soaking up your knowledge. It takes something special to be the wonderful
teacher and mentor that you are.  Thank you.

Fr. Mike Komor, Revd. Jayne Shaw, and all in the CNB parish, your
friendship, support, love, and affection for me is a testament to God at work.
I am so very blessed to share the same spaces to worship in as you. Mr B &
Revd. Sue Beverly, I was so very blessed to meet you and I am lucky to have
been shown just how wonderful the Big Guy is through your lessons, friendship,
welcome, and support. That first meeting with you gave me a path to a far
better place and you stand as a light which shone during a bleak time. Thank
you for opening your arms in welcome and sharing with me the good news. To
Moira Spence, (bionic in more than just spiritual things!) It means so much
that you are with me on my journey. I have learned so much, I hope I have grown
a bit too. Aeron and her series feel very much rooted in the meditations you
have led me through and I pray that light and joy shine from the pages. Thank
you for guiding me, for your patience, and for the smile you greet me with
everytime we meet. 

My family, those here and those in the next room. Your lives and
hearts touch mine. Your stories inspire me and your laughter echoes in my own.

Em, glutton for punishment as you are. Thank you for all you do
every day, thank you for the small things that you don’t think I notice and the
cake too! For the faith you have in me no matter what. And, as always, home
just isn’t home without you.

Mum, I love seeing the smile in your eyes when you love my
stories. I love chatting to you about the characters close to my heart. From
reminding me that you don’t talk with anyone to taking the time to explain the difference
between past and passed, it means so much that I can share my writing with you.
We’ve journeyed through so much together and there’s been a fair amount of
scary moments. Writing Aeron’s story always makes me take stock and be thankful
that you are the picture of what all mums should be. I’m proud to call you my
Mum, you rock.  

Em and Mum, there’s not really much I can say that sums up our
wild and wacky every day. From sitting in fits of laughter, to holding tight
when health throws me another curveball, and then came a Ferball . . .

It certainly isn’t dull and I doubt they’d believe us if I wrote
it down! You both rally behind me in my books and everything else. Your smiles,
your edits, your unfailing support and joy when others see the light in my
work. It feels great to share it with you. I hope you feel the same. 

You both are a blessing that no words could adequately describe.
Thank you.


To THS, may my intentions, actions, and words always be acceptable
in your sight. Thank you for bringing me to writing, thank you for blessing me
with Aeron and her stories, thank you for your unfailing love, and thank you
for the light. Through you, all things are possible and I really do believe. 


Jody Klaire

July, 2015

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