Read Blind Attraction Online

Authors: A.C. Warneke

Blind Attraction (19 page)

BOOK: Blind Attraction
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“Oh, God,
Victoria,” he groaned as soon as he was completely buried in her body. It had never felt so incredible before; she was so hot, so tight. He wanted to stay right where he was for the next thousand years. Wrapping his arms around her, he began to move, never expecting to be so overcome. This was where he was meant to be; with Victoria.

tightened her hold on him as they rocked together, never wanting to let go. The primal dance between them, the rhythm they were creating, was so powerful, so amazing. The pulse between her thighs increased and he was inundating her system with pleasure. Her belly tensed, her legs trembled, and as his hold on her tightened, she exploded. Flinging her head back, she cried out, feeling James's body stiffen before he let out a low growl.

For a long while, the two of them lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, their breathing harsh and in unison. James kissed her softly, “I’m crushing you.”

“You’re not,” she protested, relishing in the weight of his body over hers. “Not at all.”

Her body felt wonderful. But as wonderful as she felt, doubts began to creep into her head in all of their insidious ways. Would he have noticed her before he lost his sight? Or would he have gone for someone like Taylor? Which lead to the bigger issue, had he never lost his sight, went for Taylor instead, would this attraction still exist between them? If, by some chance, he chose Taylor but then realized that
Victoria was his, well, soul mate, would she be able to sleep with him, knowing he had been with Taylor first?

Shaking her head before she lost herself in the
What if?
warp-zone, Victoria realized that it wasn’t even worth thinking about. There were too many possibilities and while any one of them could have been true, she was living the one that was. He was with her – with Victoria – and they had just made love. She was the one who made him tremble; she was the one who was in love with him.

“Are you all right?” James’s voice was a tired, sexy growl.

“Mmm-hmm,” she murmured, running her hands up and down his taut back. Smiling, she turned her head and kissed his throat. “I’m better than all right; I’m perfect.”

“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her temple, holding her close.

“For what?” she asked, startled and pleased by his solicitation.

“For giving me your virginity,” he answered huskily. His hard body trembled as he hugged her tighter and his rough voice thickened, "It was my first time, too." At her startled giggle, his continued, "It was the first time I made love to the other half of my soul."

Heat burst into her cheeks
, her heart melted into a puddle of warm goo and she smiled like a loon. Running her fingers through his hair, she loved him with a kiss.

Chapter 10




Victoria was floating, her body totally relaxed as a comforting thump-thump
knocked harmoniously in her ear. James’s warm, masculine scent filled her nostrils, his strong arms held her close. There was something she was supposed to be doing but for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it was. No matter, there was nothing she would rather be doing than this, nowhere she would rather be than here. Still, something was poking at her brain, trying to remind her….

James’s body was warm and naked and as her brain tried to wake up enough to figure out what she was supposed to be doing she leisurely ran her hand along his flat belly, his flank. His breathing was still deep and even but his penis was wide awake, standing at attention and she giggled, experiencing her first morning wood. Men’s bodies were so strange….

Victoria’s eyes shot open and saw the time: nine thirty. She told Marnie she would be there by no later than seven. Pushing up, she heard James’s grunt as he was so rudely woken up from her pushing down on his stomach.

She tried to crawl over his naked body to get off the bed but he captured her mid-crawl and she became very aware of her naked body as his penis nudged her feminine core. With
her knees on either side of his hips, she leaned forward and whispered, “I’m late.”

He stroked his hands along her
thighs, but his eyes remained closed as a lazy smile played against his lips, “What time is it?”

Nine thirty,” she said, trying to climb off him, but his grip only tightened and she could feel his erection between her thighs. As much as she wanted to stay and partake, there wasn’t enough time. Plus there were no more readily-available condoms. But he was hard and she wanted him so much….

Grabbing his hands in hers, she
half-heartedly pleaded with him, “James, I have to go. There’s so much to do before tomorrow.”

“I could send some of my staff over to finish up for you,” he said in a sleep-gravelly voice, his eyes still closed as he fought waking up. Oh, how she was tempted!

Laughing, she managed to wriggle out of his grasp and off his delectable body. Grabbing a robe, she slid her arms into the sleeves and as she headed into the bathroom, she said, “It should only take a few hours.”

“Let me come with you,” he mumbled sleepily, propping himself up on his elbow and looking so damn sexy with his sleep tousled hair and hard, male body. He was brazen in his nudity and that was appealing in so many ways. Running a hand through his messy hair, he yawned and she was able to enjoy the play of his muscles, the beauty of his form.

“Hurry,” she managed, wanting to remain in bed with him and having a ton of work to get done. She was rewarded with a sleepy smile before she disappeared into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Her parents were planning on showing up at some point and she didn’t need to smell like sex to announce to the world that she was no longer a virgin.




A few hours later, with Beethoven playing over the store speakers, louder than it normally would be played, Victoria was pretty sure it was the most perfect day she had ever had. With her parents and Marnie there, everything was going really quickly. Even more importantly, James was there and her parents liked him instantly, even if Victoria had blushed profusely when she introduced them. She hadn’t really expected him to want to go with her when she woke up that morning and was very pleasantly surprised when he was ready to go by the time she finished her shower. Unfortunately, she only had the one pair of shoes to put on and had to wobble out on high heels.

For the most part,
James remained in one of the big, over-stuffed chairs that she had set up around the store for customers to rest or enjoy a cup of coffee or whatever. If he planned on having some solitude, he was sadly mistaken; Victoria saw that someone was always over there talking with him, offering him something to eat; presently, her mother was entertaining him, making him take yet another of her homemade cookies.

“I hope
Victoria hasn’t talked your ear off,” her mother, Ruth, said. She was still very pretty in her mid-forties, with hair that was professionally dyed to hide the few strands of gray in a mixture of blond and paler blond highlights. “She can get quite chatty.”

“I like the sound of her voice
so I don’t mind,” James smiled easily, making Victoria giddy and unable to wipe the absurd smile from her face, no matter how much it hurt to keep smiling so broadly.

“My goodness,” Ruth
teased in feigned disbelief, pressing her hand to her chest. Winking at her daughter, Victoria realized she needed to step in before her mom went too far. “I do believe Vi has found herself her perfect match.”

“Mother, stop pestering him,”
Victoria interrupted with a wry smile. Putting a hand on James’s shoulder, giving the muscles a little squeeze, she continued, “We’ve only known each other for a few weeks; stop… rushing things.”

“It’s not like I’m ordering the wedding cake and sending out the invitations,” Ruth said defensively. Leaning forward, she put her hand on James’s knee, just as tactile as her daughter. “By the way, would you prefer a church wedding or something else?”

Victoria made a strangled sound in the back of her throat but James only laughed, reaching up and curling his hand around hers. With a shrug, he said, “I guess I would want whatever my bride wanted.”

Ruth Davis actually squealed with excitement. But before she could say anything,
Victoria stopped her, “Mom, before you go and start naming your grandchildren, you might want to remember the fact that we… just... met.”

“Well, I knew the moment I saw your father that he was the one for me,” she
stated, her eyes dancing with laughter.

“But that was when dinosaurs walked the earth and there weren’t as many choices,”
Victoria teased. James gave her hand a slight tug and pulled her down onto his lap, making a bubble of laughter escape. Looking up at his beloved face, she sighed as a dreamy grin softened her expression. Cupping his cheek in her palm, she sighed again, “Not that I want anyone else.”

“I should hope not,” Ruth said. “James is so handsome; you’ll have gorgeous babies.”

“Mother!” Victoria gasped as James chuckled behind her, tightening his hold on her.

“Is my wife causing trouble again?” Jeremy asked
as he returned from hauling some boxes in from storage. He was tall, taller than James by three inches, and pure muscle, though he was a little softer around the middle now that he was also in his mid-forties. He could probably kick James’s ass if it came right down to it and Victoria was grateful her boyfriend couldn’t see just how big her dad was. This way James got the chance to get to know her dad as the big, old teddy bear he was instead of the former Marine that terrified most mortal men.

utting his hands on Ruth’s shoulders and lightly massaging them, Jeremy smiled down at Victoria with a father’s love and pride in his chocolate brown eyes.

Victoria answered simply, enjoying the feeling of being in James’s lap and swinging her bare feet in the air. “I think we should tie her up and gag her.”

“Well, I’ve got some rope in the trunk,”
her daddy nodded thoughtfully. “You wanna do the honors or should I?”

“Oh, let me,”
Victoria muttered mischievously.

“The two of you are so cruel,” Ruth
groused as Jeremy and Victoria laughed. “Ganging up on me like you always do.”




James could hear the laughter in Victoria’s voice, the love in all of their voices. He enjoyed the easy camaraderie between them, especially since he knew the truth. It amazed him that the bond between Victoria and her dad was so strong when she was the product of an affair. James thought that he wouldn’t be as forgiving. He hugged Victoria to him; with her, he had the feeling that he wouldn’t have to worry. 

“You’ve grown awfully silent, James,” Jeremy
Davis’s gruff voice intruded upon his thoughts. “Were you hoping to be the one to tie her up?”

The vision of Victoria tied to his bed flooded his mind and he felt heat climb into his cheeks; that was not something he should think about in front of Victoria’s parents, especially after last night. Clearing his throat, he shook his head
, “Uh, no; that’s okay.”

“That came out wrong,” Jeremy said and James was pretty sure he could hear the man’s blush.

“I need to get back to work,” Victoria groaned, sliding off his lap.

Her palm slid down his arm, capturing his hand in hers, the touch simple and powerful,
shooting lust straight to his already swollen cock. James prayed that his erection wasn’t blatantly obvious to her parents. He dare not shift to ease the discomfort; that would give them the wrong impression; er, the right impression.

’s soft lips brushed against his cheeks and then she stepped away and he followed her with his other senses, wishing he could see her. She paused and he irrationally hoped that she decided to return to him. But she didn’t; instead her soft, sweet voice, called out, “Mom? A little help?”

soon as they were alone, James felt the chair next to him shift as Jeremy sat down and bluntly asked, “So, what are your intentions towards my daughter?”

James turned his head to the sound of the older man’s voice. “Pardon me?”

BOOK: Blind Attraction
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