BLAKE: Captive to the Dark (11 page)

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Authors: Alaska Angelini

BOOK: BLAKE: Captive to the Dark
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“Sir.” Kaitlyn’s throat was scratchy as she called to me. My tongue licked over her lips while I pushed
in as far as I could.

“Not yet, kitten. I want you coming around my cock when I explode into that pussy. Same moment, for our first time.”

A sob came with a snap of her teeth right toward my forearm. My hand was back over her nose and mouth before she could try again. Just seeing her spirit had the thickness of my cock swelling even more. I pulled her face to the side and lowered, sinking my teeth at the fleshy part where her shoulder and neck joined. Suction against my palm from her intake of breath combined with the taste of her essence, did me in. My hand let go and I pulled her leg over my shoulder, slightly turning her on her side. Wide, that’s how I wanted her spread while I beat the shit out of her pussy.

“Sir!” Kaitlyn’s screams echoed throughout the room. “Please, I beg you! Sir!” Tears streamed down her face and everything hit me at once.

“Come, baby. Do it, now.” My finger pushed deep into her mouth as my release exploded from my cock. Her pussy tightened while she came and it had me seeing black dots. It was fucking perfection. The most powerful orgasm I could ever remember having hit me, wave after wave. Even then, I continued to slam myself into her until I was sure I didn’t have anything left. I didn’t want this to end. Didn’t ever want to stop being inside of her.

I pulled my belt off her throat and rolled her on top of me, content to stay
buried in her pussy until I was ready to go again. And I would be. There’d be no rushing it the next time. I’d strap her into the stocks and start all over again. Yes. My eyes closed and I couldn’t stop the smile that came to my face. Kaitlyn had done it. She’d pulled through without breaking to pieces. There was no going back now.



Chapter 8



The scratches and bite mark on Blake were like looking at my own personal trophy. As I watched the slow rise and fall of his chest, I couldn’t stop the happiness that bubbled within. Had the last few hours really happened?

According to
the ache covering me from head to toe, yes. Mind blowing, hardcore, raw fucking had indeed transpired. And from it, something altogether indescribable. Shit, I couldn’t believe how amazing it’d been. And not just the first time. The two times after, too. Blake’s recovery time was jaw dropping. It was as though he couldn’t get enough of me. In my state of mind, it was exactly what I needed. The ugliness I saw when I looked in the mirror haunted me. Even if temporarily, Blake had made me feel beautiful again. The way his stare devoured my body as he brought me pain…I had needed to see the intensity. Needed for him to pull out all the despair I held inside with the physical stimulation to the outside. With all the marks he left, he made sure to cuddle and kiss me tenderly afterward. The difference was shocking and I soaked it in with everything I had. Our experience had been beautiful to me. Flawless.

“How long are you planning to stare?” Blake’s eyes opened and he rolled toward me. The smile that came to his face had me looking down, embarrassed. How did he know? I didn’t have time to think about it before his voice broke th
rough again. “Kaitlyn?” His finger pushed under my chin, bringing my eyes up to his. Heat crept up my neck and into my face.

“I planned on looking for a while, actually.”

For seconds, he studied my face. There was some new emotion there that I couldn’t figure out, but I thought I liked it.

“You can get your fill in the shower. I want to go into the city and buy you some clothes.
We were invited to have dinner with the Sinclairs’, and I think it would be good for Marie to see you. He says she appears okay, but she’s very quiet. The therapist can’t get anything out of her. Maybe if the two of you talked, it would help both of you.”

Shaking took over at the thought of seeing the girl.
On top of the blackmailer contacting me, it was too much. Blake said he would take care of it. I wasn’t sure how, but I trusted he would. Now, Marie? Although I knew it was ridiculous, I didn’t want to go. She was a reminder of the past I wanted to forget. Sure, we shared some moments of bonding, but that was then. This was now.

“Hey.” His head tilted while he tried to get my attention. For the life of me
, I couldn’t face him. Didn’t want to tell him I was too fucking scared to see the teenager who’d witnessed me at my worst. Who reminded me of the scarred up survivor I now was.

I eased to a sitting position and nearly cried out as my legs rebelled at the movement. With as far as Blake had twisted me all around the last time we’d been together, they felt like dead weight. Downright useless at my command to move to the edge of the bed. Hell, one had almost been behind my head at one point. It’d been too much. Even then, I’d known that, but the pleasure was too good to care.

“I’m talking to you, Kaitlyn.” His hand grabbed my arm and he tried to pull me around. I did yell out at that point. Bolts of agony raced through my legs and back like lightening, branching out in all directions until I was trembling from the sensation. Blake’s hand jerked back as if I’d tried to cut it off. “Jesus Christ. I knew I was going to end up hurting you. Look at you, your body is shaking like crazy.” The covers were thrown back and he stood, beginning to pace.

“I’m just a little sore. That’s all.” I forced myself to the edge of the bed, breathing through the twinges that nearly brought me to tears. I was worse than I could have imagined
.  Although I should have been concerned, I wasn’t. I would get used to it. The last month I’d barely done much at all. That was the only reason my limbs were taking it so hard.

Blake came to my side of the bed, but stayed back. It made me angry. “What are you overreacting for
?” I snapped. “I’m sore. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is. Wait until you get a look at yourself. I’ve fucking bruised your body to shit. I knew this was a mistake. What was I thinking? You’re not safe around me.” His head lowered, only to rise with that look. The one that held what he tried to hide from the world. “Don’t get me wrong, I may not like what I’ve done, but it doesn’t mean I’m fucking letting you go or that the sex won’t happen again. I’m not making promises I can’t keep. As for now, this,” he gestured his hands to the room, “can’t happen again. Not like before.”

“Bullshit,” I exploded. “What do you want me to do, spread my legs and let you fuck me missionary style while I lay there and pretend to like it?”

The laugh that filled the room threw me off.

“Baby, it doesn’t matter how I fuck you. You’ll still be screaming my name like before.”

I rolled my eyes, more trying to goad his temper than anything else. If I wanted any guy to just have sex with me, I could have found that years ago. Blake held what I was missing
. I wasn’t about to let my condition take that away.

“There, you might be wrong. You don’t know me.”
I don’t even know myself.

Blake kept quiet as I slowly made my way through the house, back to the master restroom. Walking was so much harder than I’d thought. As I turned the water on, I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to stand long enough to get clean. Two steps forward, three back. I was now worse off than the day I’d left the hospital.

“Jesus, you can barely stand.” Blake wrapped his arm around my waist and stopped in front of the large mirror lining the wall. “Look what I’ve done. Take it in, baby.” Dark purple circles littered my neck. Teeth imprints were just off to the side of them and some marks were on my chest. My arms showed evidence of his fingerprints from my biceps, down to my wrists. “Don’t you see?” he hissed. “This is why I wanted you to go home to begin with. Maybe you should leave.”

. I went crazy, swinging and thrashing my body against his hold. “You can’t make me go. I won’t.” My nails searched for something to connect with while the sobs wracked my chest. With as much as I was trying to break free, all I wanted to do was turn around and cling to him, beg him with everything I possessed to keep me. To make me safe, and give me what I couldn’t be without. He was the key. I fucking
him. Didn’t he see that? If he wasn’t holding me together with his orders and his pain induced release….what did I have? Myself? I didn’t want
. Couldn’t bear to
. Not yet. No. Blake had to keep me blind to everything but our world.

Kaitlyn. God, what the fuck are we going to do?” Blake turned me around, hugging me to his chest, hard. “You need help, kitten. You’re not good in the head and you know it. I’ve been asking you for days what’s wrong and you refuse to tell me. You have to speak to someone about it.”

“I’m not talking to that therapist. I don’t need help. I need
.” My weakness exposed out loud made me feel pathetic, causing me to cry even more. The breakdown I was having was nowhere near finished. The sobs got harder until I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see past the constant tears. The distorted vision blurred away until all I saw was the masked face above me. Staring. Speaking.
Moya zvzda
. The endearment repeated over and over, growing louder each time. “No!” My head shook as the smell of his sour breath washed over me. It was so real. “Stay away from me! I’m not your Star. I’m not.”

Blake was suddenly cradling me, but I barely noticed as I was assaulted with more visions of what I kept trying to lock away.
Get up and walk around me. Show me what I own, Star.
My attack had cost me. It was my first outburst and one that quickly showed me my place. The cuffs around my wrists were tight and I swung my arms, still feeling them locking me in. The blade glimmered in the low light with every turn of his wrist.
I’m going to enjoy this, moya zvzda. Let’s see how beautiful you can really be.
My hand slapped into my cheek and I could swear the tip of the knife was still cutting me. I pulled back, checking for blood, almost sure I’d see some.

Water was suddenly pouring over me and Blake’s voice penetrated from deep in the distance.

Bright flashes had me blinking and turning my face.
You like to take pictures? That’s it, pose for me, Star. Work your magic in front of the camera. This will be your best work ever.
“No,” I gasped, desperate for air. As water filled my mouth and nose, I began choking. Coughing so hard that I gagged.

“Come on, baby. Calm. Just breathe.” Blake pushed the wet strands out of my face and I saw him clearly for the first time in what felt like forever.

“Don’t make me leave,” I sobbed. “I don’t want to leave. I can’t.” My arms flew to his neck as he held me under the shower. Every inch of me was trembling and I had no idea what in the hell had just happened, but I knew it wasn’t good. Not good at all.

Pressure had my head lifting from his neck
, but I fought to keep from having to face him.

“Look at me,” he said, lowly.

Was I still drowning? I sure felt like it. I lifted, unable to hold eye contact for long.

“There you are.” His lips pressed against mine gently. “You can stay, but us.” He shook his head. “Friends, okay

Although I wanted to cry harder, argue, I nodded. Anything to make him not send me away after my meltdown.

“We’re going to get you better. When you do go home, I’ll stay with you until you’re comfortable enough to do it on your own. How does that sound?”

Like crap. I wanted him to want me in every way. Not just as a person he felt the need to take care of out of pity. Yet, I couldn’t deny his request. I hated it. Hated what I’d become. Weak. God, maybe I did need to see a therapist. Or…Marie. Was she going through the same thing? Could she help? A part of me dreaded the thought of facing her, but a new excitement was starting to take over. Maybe if I got better, stronger, became the woman I used to be, I could win Blake over the right way. He could see my independence. My real strength. Me, without the scars.

“I think I’m better now.” I tried to wiggle down, but he didn’t release me. My eyes stole a glance at his face. So solemn. Pained. Blake’s stare straight ahead began to worry me. What was he thinking? Was he mad at me for breaking down? I didn’t mean to. Didn’t ask for it to happen. “I’m sorry.” Tears were renewed as he blinked hard and lowered his gaze.

“No, kitten. No need to be sorry. I’m the one who’s sorry. I knew better.” His hand eased my face back into his neck and we stood there until the water turned cool and my fingers were all wrinkly.

The air conditioning made me shake as I stood tall and Blake dried me off. Such a caring gesture. Silence remained between us, even when he helped me into the bed and covered me up. That sadness behind his eyes twisted my stomach as he leaned over the bed and traced my lips with his finger.

“I’m going to run into town. You’re not well enough to ride. I want you to lie in bed and rest until I get back.” Fear had my mouth opening automatically. Blake pushed his fingertip against my lips. “I
be back. No need to be afraid, Kaitlyn. I’m just going to take care of some stuff. It won’t take me long.”

The moment he was dressed, he was gone. And with him, my strength. But not for long. I would figure out a way to overcome this dependency, if it was the last thing I did.

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