Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Ava,” he whispered, his voice caressing her name.

Then he lowered his lips to hers.

Chapter 4

At first, Ava tried to remember what the word for
was, to keep a firm grip on her logic, pragmatism, and defenses. This was a kiss, though, that left her speechless and thoughtless, longing for more and more of the feelings that were stirring in her body. Her blood pounded through her veins as Sean’s tongue darted past her lips and began to sweep and search her mouth. Every inch of her skin came alive, and she could feel the roughness of her jeans against her legs, the softer knit of her shirt against her back and arms, and the plain cotton of her bra against her breasts as her nipples tingled and hardened.

Sean’s hand wandered from her waist, down around her hip, and came to rest, cupping her bottom as he pulled her tighter against him. Her pussy throbbed, jolted to life by his insistent erection that rubbed against her. Moisture seeped from her, soaking her panties and turning them damp and cold against her.

“Ava…” Another voice breathed her name, and she felt another pair of arms wrap around her and pull her into an embrace.

She opened her eyes, confused and drugged by the sudden onslaught of her long-repressed sensuality. Was she seeing things, or was it Declan who was kissing her now? The slight stubble on his face raked against her cheeks, burning slightly but deliciously, causing just enough pain to enhance the pleasure.

Wait, what was she doing? No, this was wrong, she shouldn’t be doing this. She had to get back in control here. This was ridiculous. No. She had to remember she wasn’t good at this sort of thing, and certainly not the kind of woman who went around kissing two…oh God, now three men…

Her lips were swollen and hungry for more kisses, and this time, she saw as Robert slipped into Declan’s place and kissed her deeply, his tongue dueling with hers and short-circuiting all her protests. Somewhere, she heard a door open, and she felt herself lifted around the waist and carried inside where it was cold, but the wind at least couldn’t get at her anymore.

Robert hadn’t stopped kissing her, and now Declan came to stand behind her. Dear God, she felt two men’s cocks pressing into her, one in front and one behind. Declan’s hands were warm as he ran them up and down her sides then brought them up to cup her breasts. She gasped into Robert’s kiss, shocked by both the men’s boldness and her own wanton desire that was taking over any rational thought she had.

All she knew was that this felt so good, so strangely right, she wondered if she would lose her mind or pass out from the pleasure.

“Oh, so beautiful,” Robert murmured against her lips.

“She’s perfect,” Declan agreed, gently beginning to knead her breasts, thumbing her nipples through her shirt and bra.

“Let’s warm it up in here,” Sean said, kneeling by the fireplace as he started a blaze in the hearth. He came back over to where she stood between his brothers and took her hand and brought it to his mouth. He began to kiss each fingertip and lightly suckle them. He dropped a kiss in her palm then ran his tongue over her lines, like an erotic fortuneteller.

Each touch of his tongue to her hand drove shivers through all of her nerves. Her toes curled in her boots, and her sex began to clench reflexively, weakly trying to work itself to a climax.

“We…we shouldn’t do this.” She gasped as Declan and Sean pulled off her coat, and Robert brought his fingers down to the buttons on her jeans.

“Do you want us to stop, sweetheart?” Declan chuckled, slipping his hands under her shirt and running his fingers over her hypersensitized skin, stopping just short of her bra.

. “No,” she moaned, and it took her a moment to realize that she had said the wrong word. How could she be doing this? Three men when she hadn’t been on a date in three years? Or was it five years? Oh hell, how was she supposed to remember anything when three incredibly sexy men were toying with her clothes?

“We want you,” Robert growled, yanking her against him by her waistband as his fingers deftly undid the buttons on the front of her jeans. “We

He kissed the corner of her mouth then nipped at her bottom lip. She swallowed a moan at the sensation of his teeth scraping against her lips. Finished with the buttons, Robert slipped his hands down her jeans, sliding between her panties and her skin to grab her bottom, working the warm flesh in his hands and pulling her tightly against his cock.

Declan and Sean pulled off her shirt and switched places as Sean now pressed himself against her back, his cock throbbing against her ass. Declan knelt down and quickly untied her boots and got them off her feet, peeling off her thick, woolen socks.

The fire was blazing in the hearth now, filling the room with a heat that matched Ava’s own burning need. She felt like she was floating, tortured and tempted by a hundred hands and mouths. What was happening to her? She was being stripped naked by three men who made it clear they wanted her…and she wanted them just as much! Her mind reeled, ricocheting between shock at herself and a fierce lust that wouldn’t let her say no to anything. It was a primal pull that was inexorable and inevitable, a pull that was twining its way around every part of her body and making her heart race.

God, she was getting so wet, and she was aching to be touched, to be filled.

Declan stood up and pulled down the straps of her bra. He brushed her shoulder with his lips while Sean teased her ear, making her jerk and shudder with the spikes and spasms of need that were building in her breasts and her pussy. She needed them! Damn it!

“I have to taste these,” Declan said, gently and with torturous slowness pulling down her bra. He unhooked the front clasp and tossed it aside, leaving her bare from the waist up.

“Perfect little tits,” he breathed, bringing his mouth to one breast. He swirled his tongue around her nipple then bit it gently, sending shock waves of pleasure straight down to her pussy. She bucked against Robert who groaned and leaned in to flick at her other nipple with his tongue. Sean reached around with his hands and held her breasts out, offering them to Declan and Robert who sucked, nipped, nibbled, and flicked at her nipples.

“I know what else I want to taste,” Sean panted, pulling her away from the others and bringing her to the thick bearskin rug before the fireplace. Ava moaned as her wet nipples hardened even more when exposed to the cold air. She wanted their mouths on her again. She was getting so close to a climax. She didn’t think she could bear it any longer.

Sean laid her down gently on the rug while Robert took off his coat and made a pillow for her head out of it. Declan stretched out alongside her and began to tease and taste her nipples. She reached up to touch Declan, only to find Robert grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head as he laid down on the other side of her and attacked her other nipple.

Somehow, being so helpless and exposed was exciting instead of terrifying. Ava felt so good, so
with these three men. She wasn’t anybody or anything in that moment except the object of their desire, and it was an amazing sensation that she never wanted to end.

Sean tugged off her jeans, leaving just her panties on.

“Oh man,” he said. “I don’t know if I can do this slow.”

“Tease her,” Declan said around her nipple. “You know you want her to be crazy for your mouth.”

“I wanna use more than my mouth.”

“We all do,” Robert said, and Ava could feel his grin against her breast. “We’re all going to fill that sweet pussy. Now show it to us!”

Sean looked at her, and she saw both lust and something more in his eyes. Something she would have called reverence if she could have believed it herself. All she could really think of, though, was the tiny triangle of fabric that kept her last secret hidden from them.

Slowly, Sean began to pull her panties down, and she felt his fingers and the scrape of elastic against her skin. Then, he yanked them all the way down, and it was done. She was completely naked in front of three fully dressed men, and she loved it.

“Jesus, she’s wet,” Sean panted as he knelt down and lowered his lips to her pussy. His tongue immediately went for her sensitive nub, flicking at it, and then he sucked on it, slowly, rhythmically, driving her to the point where she felt everything would explode.

“Ah, don’t stop!” she cried out when he raised his head. He grinned at her and instead slipped two fingers into her slit. She was so unused to anything trying to get in down there that it was almost painful to be stretched like that.

“Fucking hell, she’s tight, too!” Sean exclaimed. “She’s milking my fingers.”

“Please, please,” Ava moaned, unable to think of the rest of the words to beg for release. Her whole body was tingling and sensitive, and every flick of tongue on her nipples made her clit throb but didn’t bring her to the edge where she could just jump off into bliss.

“God, I gotta get in her,” Sean said, freeing his cock. It was huge and rigid, bigger than anything Ava had ever seen. She licked her lips, unable to resist it. “Hang on, baby,” he said to her. “You’re so tight, this might hurt a little, but it’s gonna feel good. Okay, baby? I’m gonna make it so good for you.”

Ava nodded, no longer able to speak. She felt Sean spreading her pussy lips, and then the head of his cock against her slit. Slowly, he pushed in. He was right. It did hurt, but it also felt so good. It made her feel full and satisfied in a way that touching herself never had. She squeezed her eyes shut to feel more of the sensation and opened her mouth to cry out in want as he pulled almost all the way out before plunging into her again.

Another cock touched her lips as she opened her mouth, and she saw Robert holding his cock out for her, as big and swollen as Sean’s. Without another thought, Ava put her lips around his cock and began to suck, swirling her tongue around the crown and pulling as much of it as she could into her mouth. She needed this, to feel filled from all ends.

Declan still played with her nipples, only now, he freed one of her hands so that it could wrap around his cock. It was almost too big for her to get her hand around, but she stroked it and rubbed it teasingly, reverently. She was now without thought, simply reveling in her wantonness and the pleasure that was consuming her, nerve by nerve.

“Fuck!” Robert exclaimed, his voice tight and strained. “You had better hurry up, Sean. Her mouth is so damn good, I’m going come in it if she keeps it up.”

The thought of swallowing his seed or having it squirted over her face should have been gross, but instead, in this moment, it was intensely exciting and arousing. Instantly, she wanted Robert and Declan to come on her, all over her, her breasts, her face, her pussy, and she throbbed helplessly and without relief at the thought.

Sean pounded into her with his cock, each stroke pushing her higher and tighter against the edge. He came, almost growling and snapping like a wild animal. He pulled out and sat back gasping, and Declan took his place, easily sliding into her now and digging into her pussy with his long, thick cock.

His movements were smoother and longer than Sean’s, setting a different pace for Ava’s pleasure throbs. She was almost in pain from not being able to come yet, being kept on the brink of ecstasy, unable to release.

“Please.” She gasped as she teased Robert’s shaft with kisses. “I need to…please…”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Declan groaned. “You will. Trust me, you will. Oh damn, you are still so tight and hot. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

Declan gripped her hips, raising them off the floor and grinding himself into her in a way that almost brushed her clit. Sean came over and began to suckle her breasts again, teasing them with calloused fingers that were rough and caught on her soft skin, driving her crazy with the sensations.

Robert fisted his hand in her hair, and he held her head still as he moved his cock in and out of her mouth, going a little deeper than she had taken him and making her feel amazingly erotic and desirable.

Her body jerked as Declan climaxed and shook her as he emptied himself into her. Like a dream, she felt him slip out of her and move to her other side to take up licking and biting her nipple as Robert slammed his cock into her.

BOOK: Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
13.97Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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