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Authors: Stephen Budiansky

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U-Boat Offensive
, 151; van der Vat,
Atlantic Campaign
, 531.

Werrell, “Strategic Bombing,” 708.

Visible College
, 273–74.

“Note on the Scale of Wartime Honours and Awards to Government Scientists,” PRO, ADM 219/288.

Black May
, 243; Blackett, “Evan James Williams,” 404–5.

Rosenhead, “Operational Research at the Crossroads,” 9–11.

Roberston, “Conrad Hal Waddington,” 582; Rosenhead, “Operational Research at the Crossroads,” 22.

“Scientists’ Visit to Russia Banned,”
The Times
, June 15, 1945; Brown,
J. D. Bernal
, 266–67; Mott,
Life in Science
, 49.

J. D. Bernal
, 485; Werskey,
Visible College
, 300–301, 318.

“Fundamental Research,” p. 114, Blackett Papers, PB 5/1/4/10/3; Lovell, “Blackett in War and Peace,” 228.

, 89; Blackett,
Fear, War, and the Bomb
, 143–44, 149–50.

Crook, “Case Against Area Bombing,” 186n34; Zuckerman,
Apes to Warlords
, 145.

“An English Scientist Exposes Atomic Diplomacy,”
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
, February 1949, pp. 43, 50; Nye,
, 3; Ash, “Orwell’s List.”

“Cosmic Ray Conference Mexico 1951,” Blackett Papers, PB 1/10A.

Wizard War
, 495–96, 514–16, 524.

Butler, “Recollections of Blackett,” 154; Nye,
, 175; “Oral History Transcript—Dr. P. M. S. Blackett,” American Institute of Physics,

In at the Beginnings
, 291–99; Morse, “Trends in Operational Research,” 159.

Ormerod, “Father of Operational Research,” 191–92.

Crowther and Whiddington,
Science at War
, 199.

OR in World War II
, xv–xvi.


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