Read Black Widow Online

Authors: Lauren Runow

Tags: #Romance

Black Widow (30 page)

BOOK: Black Widow
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amii has plans and she won’t tell me what. It has to be with a man. Could she really be going out on a date? Why is this silently killing me inside? Never mind, I know exactly why and this proves that it will never happen and I need to get my mind off of her.

It’s Thursday so the club is open and I’m not sure what’s worse, heading to the club alone, knowing both Kamii and Becca won’t be there, or sitting here by myself while my thoughts gnaw on my brain along with my heart.

Trying to heal my heart wins so I grab my keys and head down to the garage.

Now, I know my brain has been somewhere else lately but when I walk to my assigned parking spot I can’t help but stop and stare at the empty space that I’ve always parked my car in and then at the occupied spot next to it. Each apartment building gets two spots and I’ve always parked in the spot on the right but yet my car is parked in the one on the left.

You would think something like this is muscle memory since I’ve parked in this same spot for the past seven years, so I’m completely baffled that I pulled my car into the wrong spot.

Shaking my head, feeling like I’ve officially lost my mind, I know a good release with a complete stranger is exactly what I need to rid my mind of both this case and, more importantly, Kamii.

I drive straight to the club, grabbing my mask from the center consul, anxious to have something in my life back to normal with this one act.

Thankfully, the place is busy and people are already starting to scene. The normal twitch I feel in my cock when I watch people fucking doesn’t happen so I turn away and walk to the bar, asking for a shot of Jack Daniels and taking it back before slamming it down on the bar a little harder than I should.

Two arms wrap around my waist, leaning in, whispering, “You look like you’re in need of a release tonight.”

Her voice is familiar and for a brief second I think it’s too good to be true and Kamii is behind me, here in the club, ready for me. Needing me like I need her.

As I wrap my hands around hers, ready to greet her, I turn around only to see a woman who’s tall with long brown hair who definitely is not Kamii.

I’d like to say it’s just disappoint I feel but it’s not. Utter, soul-shattering sadness is what comes over me in that second that I realize it’s not her and I’m done for. Without a word, I let go of her hand, turn away from her and walk out of the club, heading straight to Kamii’s place.


y home isn’t far from the restaurant so Nicholas walks me home, talking like old friends along the way.

At my apartment complex door he grabs my hand, pulling it up to his mouth, kissing it gently. “I can see why Becca liked you so much. I’d love to see you again,” he says sweetly as he kisses my hand one more time before dropping it down but not letting go.

He’s so charming and polite, I almost have to laugh. I have gotten so used to guys being more forward, knowing they only want one thing and, if I’m honest with myself, me, too.

I really like this guy, and I’d love to see him again as a friend but that’s all this will ever be. I’m not sure how to let him down so I just smile saying, “That would be nice.” Because it will be, just not in the way he thinks.

“Great. Have a good night. Thank you again for accompanying me to dinner.”

“Thank you,” I turn around, walking into my building and waving goodbye as I close the door.

“You have got to me kidding me?” A man’s voice appears to my left, startling me before I see Preston come out of the shadows.

I slap his arm, “Don’t do that. You scared me!”

“You went on a date with that guy? Becca’s brother? What are you thinking?”

I try to blow him off, walking down the hall to my door, trying to act like I’m not affected by his presence. “He’s a nice guy. Why are you here anyway?”

“Nice guy?” He puts one arm on my door, pushing his body against mine while leaning down to whisper in my ear. “You don’t do nice guys. You can’t fuck

“What are you, jealous?”

“What if I am? I told you, Kamii. I need you. But you need me, too. Do you really think he can make you happy like I can? I saw you with him. Your body language said it all. You were completely closed off. Not welcoming him toward you. Not like you are with me.”

I turn to face him, our mouths only inches apart, I whisper, “Really, how am I with you?”

He puts his hands on my hips, pulling me even closer to him. “Your eyes darken when you’re around me. Your lips part, dying for me to kiss them. Your breathing quickens and your body opens up to me, allowing me to do whatever I want. Like your body is mine.”

And just like he explained, I stand there helpless. Waiting for him to kiss me, take me as his own and do as he wishes with my body.

A sexy smirk fills his face as he leans down to whisper again, “Why don’t you unlock the door so I can take you inside before I fuck you on your doorstep?”

I turn to unlock my door, opening it up only to be picked up, swung around so he’s holding me up high as his lips crash into mine.

Just as quick as he picked me up, he sets me down on a stool at my kitchen counter. Wrapping his hands around me from behind, he whispers in my ear, “You’re mine Kamii. I want nothing but you and I’ll do anything to make sure I have you. You take my pain away. Let me do the same for you.”

A chill falls from my shoulders, down my arms and tingles to my toes while a need fills my body that I can’t deny any longer.

His thick hands wrap around my hair, pulling it tightly into a small ponytail and keeping a hold of it while he uses it to move my neck any way he demands. First to the left, then to the right, teasing me and making sure I’m completely submissive to him.

Moving my head to the left, he leans down lightly licking my shoulder and moving up my neck, pulling my hair back to give him better access to the front of my neck.

Calmly, I sit as still and submissive as possible. Letting him have his way with my body and loving every second. My head is moved to the right as he continues his licking, biting and sucking on my neck.

Heat fills my body as a deep craving starts to melt my core. My head is turned to the right more and is met with his lips crashing onto mine. Kissing them passionately, keeping one hand still in my hair and the other wrapping around, gripping by breast firmly.

Too soon he pulls away, making me whimper from his loss. Taking both hands he wraps my hair up again, running his fingers through it first, tugging me, checking on my submissiveness one more time.

I am his. In this moment, I want nothing but to be whatever he wants me to be, as long as I get him in return.

His sexual game starts over with tugging my hair to the left and kissing all over my shoulder, my neck, my lips and my breasts. All while I sit completely still, facing the counter in a sexual induced haze.

Finally, his lips attack mine, forcing his tongue around my own, moaning at our touch and yanking my hair back even harder. My chest is thumping, my pulse running, my panties soaking.

I try to turn more, needing to feel his body against mine but am stopped by him releasing my lips and pulling my hair to the other side where he starts his show all over again.

I can’t take it anymore, I need to feel something before the ache between my legs explodes. I move my hand down, reaching for the sensitive spot just as Preston grabs my hand, stopping my movement.

Breaking our kiss, he whispers, “No. That is mine. All of your pleasure is mine tonight.”

My chest tightens to a sharp point at the thought as I pule from his words.

Thick hands wrap around my body, picking me up and walking me to my bedroom. Gently, he stands me up, stripping me of my clothes. Here I stand, completely naked, offering myself to him, in my bedroom, in a non-kink way, and being totally ok with it.

“Lay down on the bed, my beautiful Eurydice,” he says through his dark eyes. “Face down. I want to see that beautiful ass of yours.”

I do as he asks and look over my shoulder as he climbs on top of me, rubbing my back, down to my ass, gripping it tightly with both hands before pulling it up slightly, giving him better access.

I feel the tip of his cock swirl around my entrance before moving in at a deliciously slow pace. Both of our mouths unconsciously release a deep moan before he starts to move, slowly taking my body and making it his.

The familiar pull fills my core as his hand reaches around, sneaking its way in between my body and the mattress, finding my clit just in time. His fingers work their magic, swirling around the tight nub as I explode, clenching hard around his cock as I feel my body pulse with its release.

I’m mush, floating high above the clouds as he continues his thrusts in and out. Before I know it, his legs are wrapped around me and my body is flipped around so I’m on top of him, my back to his front, in one swift movement.

The new position hits a completely different location bringing me back to reality and preparing my body for the need to release again. His large hands wrap around my tiny waist, holding me still as he pounds his hips up, filling me roughly, making me scream in response.

My legs fall to the side but I’m too weak to hold myself up. Preston doesn’t seem to mind that my entire weight is on his as he easily holds me up while sliding in and out of me.

“I want you to reach down, feel where our bodies connect, keep your hand there and feel how wet my cock is as it slides in and out of you,” Preston whispers in my ear which sends chills down my body.

I do as I’m told and the feeling of him sliding my lips apart, filling me deeply then pulling back out, leaving my hands slippery fuels my need as my body starts to tighten, ready to release at any moment.

“Now rub yourself. Show me what you would do if I weren’t here. How can you make yourself cum?”

My hand reaches up slightly, slowly circling my clit, moving it around in tight circles. Instantly my legs clench, this little movement was all I needed and my body starts to convulse on his as I press my hand firmly down on my clit. Holding it there tightly as I ride the wave of my orgasm.

“God, that was so fucking hot,” Preston says through clenched teeth as his release floods from his body and into mine.

I fall to the side as his body encloses mine; holding on to me tightly as he kisses my shoulder, whispering, “Please let me stay the night.”

I don’t argue, I don’t fight it; I just grab his hand, pulling it closer to my chest as I close my eyes to drift off to sleep.

BOOK: Black Widow
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