Read Black Widow Online

Authors: Lauren Runow

Tags: #Romance

Black Widow (12 page)

BOOK: Black Widow
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I smirk at her and tilt my head back in Baubo’s direction and she must be able to read my mind more than I realize because without hesitation she turns to Baubo and kisses her again.

I’m lost, staring at these two delicious women kissing with open mouth. I watch their tongues twirl as they both take a breath and turn to deepen their kiss.

Pulling them in closer to me, I make sure to show Eurydice how hard I am and how much I love what’s happening in front of me. By the looks of it though, I’m thinking she wants this with Baubo just as much as I do.

I whisper to both of them, “Come, let’s go play.”

Eurydice stops her kiss with Baubo and looks to me before looking back to her. I wish she didn’t have that mask on and I could read her expression more. It’s dark in here so her eyes are almost completely hidden. I wonder what’s going through her head? Fear, hesitation, anxiety…?

Then she surprises the hell out of me saying, “Can Baubo join us, too?”

Fuck me.
I guess I won’t have to do any convincing for my plan to happen. She just flat out asked to have a threesome and I’m more than happy to oblige her command.

“I’d love for her to join us. Do you want more people to join or just the three of us?”

She shakes her head, “No, just the three of us. I told you, one new thing at a time.”

“Sweet Eurydice, I love your inhibition and willingness to try new things. Come,” I say, grabbing her hand along with Baubo’s.

I catch a glimpse of Baubo as I do and the smile on her face makes me laugh slightly as I walk toward the more private room in the back. People can still watch, and there is an area for them to do so, but it’s a smaller place and not much room so it’s really only made for three people max. Before I enter the room I notice a woman walk in and sit on the couch in front of us and, since I’m one for people watching me, the thought of her being there turns me on that much more.

I can feel Eurydice’s hands start to tremble lightly so I hold her hand tighter, giving her a small smile before pulling them both together, standing facing each other with me in between but off to the side. I’m in awe as I take both my hands, rubbing them through their hair as I stare at the beautiful women in front of me.

“Baubo, why don’t you get this started by giving our sweet Eurydice a kiss,” I say, as calmly as I can, trying to set the mood for a slow, methodically fucking session.

I watch as Baubo smiles slightly and Eurydice returns her smile. Both haven’t even looked my way and seeing the calmness in Eurydice is making my dick hard. I can tell she wants this and, fuck, it makes me want her that much more.

Baubo leans in, lifting her hands to Eurydice’s face as she slowly leans in, placing her lips softly to hers, holding her position. I watch as Eurydice’s body calms, her shoulders relax and her arms come up, wrapping through Baubo’s hair as she turns her head to deepen the kiss between them.

I watch in complete lust as they pull each other closer, pulling away just to breathe and move their heads to the other side. As they do I see their tongues entangling with one another and I feel a tinge of jealousy boiling low in my chest.

I can’t help it, I place my hand under Eurydice’s chin, breaking their kiss apart and pulling her mouth up to mine. I’m thankful they both go along with the new plan and Eurydice is instantly turned toward me, pressing her body against mine as Baubo wraps around her back, cupping her breasts with both hands.

I feel her squeezing them between us then her hands move lower as she grabs the bottom of her black, lace tanktop, pulling it up and over her head. I break our kiss just long enough for the thin shirt to pull over her head before I’m grabbing the back of her head, pulling her into me again. I can’t get enough of her taste right now and I’m not ready to move on yet.

The feeling of her tongue is so soft, the way she swipes it around mine, pulling in and out, teasing me before she lightly nips my bottom lip. It’s so fucking good and all we’re doing is kissing.

I move my hands down her black leather skirt that’s so short I’m sure anywhere else it would be considered more like lingerie but walking in here it works perfectly. Her ass cheeks are just below the rim of the skirt and I run my fingers lightly around the curve of each side.

Her ass is so fit, lifted and perfect for my hands to grab.

Baubo watches as I do this and runs her hands along the top of the skirt, unzipping the zipper and slowly moving the leather down her smooth legs, revealing the thinnest g-string I’ve ever seen.

I can feel Eurydice’s breathing pick up but can tell by the intensity of her kiss that it’s more from excitement than fear. I love the fact that she’s almost naked and Baubo and I are still fully clothed. This night is for her. It’s all about her and we’re going to treat her like the goddess she’s named after.

Baubo must be reading my mind because without any guidance from me she wraps her fingers around the thin straps of her panties and pulls them down. Eurydice doesn’t hesitate a second or break her lips from mine as she steps out of them.

Baubo drops to the floor and I part just my lower body, allowing her to move in between us, sitting with her face right at Eurydice’s pussy. Eurydice moves slightly, opening her legs and I feel her body almost give in as I’m sure Baubo just licked a sweet, slow lick across her pussy.

I break our kiss, just long enough to look down, getting a visual of Baubo’s face buried in Eurydice before diving back in and furiously kissing Eurydice.

A moan breaks our kiss before she moves back in to bite my lip. Holding it there like she’s holding on for dear life. My arms wrap around her waist tightly, feeling her body start to shake as Baubo holds her hips, keeping Eurydice prisoner against her mouth and applying a pressure that is sending Eurydice to her knees.

I pull back slightly, knowing I have to watch her completely fall apart. Her eyes are closed, she’s holding on for dear life right before her head falls back and her mouth opens, letting out the best sounding moan as her entire body convulses. Her arms drop from my shoulders to Baubo’s hair as little tiny squeals release from her mouth.

Fuck me.

I’ve been with other girls and have been a part of other girl-on-girl action before but nothing I’ve ever seen even comes close to how sexy it was to watch Eurydice cum, while holding onto Baubo’s hair as she sat in between her legs.

Reality starts to come back to Eurydice and a slow smile grows on her face as Baubo turns around, unzipping my zipper and pulling my hard cock out. Before I can even think of what’s next, Eurydice drops to her knees, right next to Baubo and both of them start to lick up and down either side of me.

I wrap my hands in both of their hair, encouraging their movement, moving my hips slightly back and forth, teasing their mouths with my movement.

Baubo moves down, sucking one of my balls into her mouth as Eurydice takes full advantage and wraps her entire mouth around my cock, taking me in deep, shaking her head slightly as she takes me all the way back in her throat and pulling back out with a
of her mouth.

I look down to see her wet lips, sweeping their way over the tip of my cock and I’m done for. Reaching down, I grab her chin again, pulling her up to me, kissing her softly before moving her over to the bed.

“Take off your bra,” I demand in a low voice. “I want you completely naked.” I look over to Baubo, requesting her to do the same thing.

Grabbing Baubo, I pull her to me once she’s undressed, motioning for her to get on the bed. I lift my hand behind me to the top of my back and pull my shirt off then remove my pants the rest of the way before leaning to the side table where a basket of condoms lay; grabbing one and ripping it open with my teeth.

“I want to watch you lick Baubo my sweet Eurydice while I fuck you. Are you ok with that?”

She looks up, smiles sweetly and lays down on her back, grabbing for Baubo to move over her face, not saying a word as she opens her legs wide for me.

Fuck. Me.

I’m stuck, watching her guide Baubo to where would be easiest for her and slowly opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out and slowly licking from back to front. I look up to watch Baubo arch her back slightly, tilting her head back as she wraps her hands around her own breast.

Reaching down, I rub Eurydice’s clit softly and she wiggles against me, welcoming me more.

Pulling the condom down my length, I grab my cock with one hand and lightly move it around her opening, just barely sticking the tip in and out. It must have a good affect on her because she’s moving her hips around more and more, trying to push down against me, trying to work my cock into her but I’m not allowing it.

She hasn’t pulled away from Baubo and the more I tease her, the faster her tongue moves around, savagely licking like she can’t get enough. Her chest rises and falls with every breath, and the intensity I’m seeing unfold before me is fucking unreal.

I wait until she can’t take it anymore and I know it will only take seconds to make her cum. Finally I give her what she wants, sliding fully inside. She takes a break from her licking only to scream her response to me being inside of her.

I pump in and out, holding her hips tightly in place as she returns to Baubo. I watch her movements of what she’s doing to Baubo and do the same to her. She goes fast, I go fast, she slows down to long, slow, teasing licks and I do the same.

Her body starts to really move along with the movement of her mouth and I follow suit. Pumping hard into her, fast and with no abandon.

Almost instantly, I watch as both Baubo and Eurydice tighten up and explode at the same time, both screaming their release around each other. The sight makes me cum almost instantly.

m sitting at my desk the next Wednesday when Stefanie buzzes me through our intercom system, “Oh Kamii… You have a delivery…” she sings through the line.

I have a what?
“Excuse me? Did you say I have a delivery?”

“Sure did. Why don’t you come out here to see what it is?”

Just by her tone alone I can tell it’s not a normal document or something I need for a case but I have no clue what could be waiting for me. I walk through the hallway to reach the reception area where I’m greeted with a huge bouquet of white roses.

When my eyes meet Stefanie’s, her face lights up as she jumps from her seat, “Get your bootie over here. I’m dying to see who these are from. Give me the dirt sweetie.”

I’m stuck. I don’t know whether to smile, throw up or run back to my room. Who could these be from? Eros? No, he doesn’t know who I am. Does he? That’s the whole point of the anonymous thing.

BOOK: Black Widow
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