Black Rose (13 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele

BOOK: Black Rose
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Chapter Fifteen


The next morning, I walk up to Aunt Josephine’s and Tommy immediately jumps into her arms. It thrills me to know he has a better life now.

She chuckles as she makes her way over after I’m seated on the couch. She tosses a newspaper article in my direction. “Look who’s on the front page of the social section.”

I haven’t seen the article and, to be honest, I am shocked. “Well, that reporter didn’t waste any time.”

“Don’t you know that you are dating one of the top ten most eligible bachelors in the city?” She laughs as she continues, “I couldn’t be any happier knowing he is off the market. Now those women who just want to use him will be kept at bay.”

“I really don’t care about his status, Aunt Josephine.”

“That’s probably why he likes you. I’m sure he has had more than his fair share of society social climbers with hidden agendas trying to date him.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true. It’s kind of sad that people see money and social standing as an answer to all of their problems, but really it just opens the door to a whole new set of them.”

“So, what is on the calendar for today, Melanie?”

“We are spending the day with you. Now, where are those cookies you and Tommy made yesterday?”

We all make our way to the kitchen and I start coffee. “You can put him in his high chair,” I tell her. Charles had bought it and had it brought to her, along with anything else he thought she might need for Tommy. He always thinks of every detail and it’s like we never have to worry about anything. He has even made sure Aunt Josephine has all she needs at her house for him. The amount of effort this man puts forth to see that our every comfort is seen to astounds me.

The only thing he requires is me being on call and not going anywhere without his knowledge. He truly is a control freak but it really doesn’t bother me. It is a small price to pay for the security he gives us. I feel in my back pocket to make sure I have my phone. After yesterday’s discipline, Charles more than made his point. I won’t be missing any of his texts anymore.

The rest of the day will be spent here with Aunt Josephine. I’m glad we can ward off the one emotion that can be the most damaging of all negative emotions—loneliness. I don’t want her to ever feel lonely.

Dr. Ozment

Selena eyes me from across the desk, “We need to talk; it’s serious. You have to promise me you will not breathe a word of this to anyone.”

I gently take her hand as I look her in the eye. “Selena, I would hope by now you realize you can trust me, especially after all we have been through.”

“Well, this is one time you can’t try to rescue me. I just need advice.”

“Okay, you have my word.”

“One of the doctors in the hospital is threatening to

I can feel not only my anger level rising, but also my curiosity and my jealousy.

“Who is it, Selena?”

“Dr. Bill Anderson.”

“What did he say?”

“Something along the lines of you dropping me like a hot potato if you find out that I was an escort.” Embarrassed, she quickly adds, “I haven’t led anyone to believe that we are an item.”

I stroke her hand with my thumb as I speak, “As far I am concerned, we are an item. I care very deeply for you. Ignore him. I always took him as being a kinky bastard anyway.”

“Eric, he likes for women to play dead; it’s beyond kinky, it’s creepy.”

“Okay, Selena, I get it. I don’t want to think about another man touching you. I don’t think you are in danger. For now, let’s just put this on the back burner.”

I’m sure she can tell by my curt answer that she needs to drop the subject. I will be dealing with this issue. I’m pissed that he basically threatened my woman and I will be dealing with it… on my terms.

Though I have let her past go, and I in no way hold it against her, it sends an eruption of anger and jealousy through me to even think about another man touching her. Those days are over for her and I will spend the rest of my life making certain she is never subjected to assholes like that again. She loathed what she was forced to do, and I loathe Diego for forcing her to do it. He had better hope I never get my hands on him. I’m liable to kill him with my bare hands.



Black Rose

I’m sitting at my desk, running my thumb over my bottom lip. It’s a habit I have and I do it when I’m deep in thought.

My life has never been what one would consider
. Money and the hushed rumors of me not being my Father’s son have seen to that. There has always been an unbreachable distance between me and my father. Not that my father had been cruel or abusive to me, just indifferent.

I know better than anyone, however, that indifference can be just as intolerable as abuse. My father wasn’t bonded to anyone or anything except his job. Money and social status is a double edged sword and many people are ignorant of their repercussions. Unless you had lived with the realities of it, you really can’t understand. It’s kind of like unless you have walked in another’s shoes, you can’t relate.

There really have not been any people in my life who liked me for me. In my world, there has always been a hidden agenda. Social status and money are the reasons women pursue me… until now.

I determined long ago not to get attached to anyone. I fuck women and move on. Melanie changed all that. There has never been a time in my life that I didn’t want to play the field, but now the only things that matter to me are Melanie and Tommy. I would kill for them. Then again, I am a serial killer.

I have no intention of letting them go and if it means kidnapping her ass and holding her hostage in my basement, then so be it. I know it won’t come to that though. I know she needs me as much as I need her; I just haven’t figured out why yet.

I glance up to see the temp eying me. It’s the same temp I fucked before I moved Melanie in. I want that bitch out of here so she doesn’t cause problems in my relationship. Thoughts of slitting her throat and allowing the blood to run through my fingers invade my thoughts.  I rise from my chair and make my way over to have a little chat with her.

I can tell the poor little thing is nervous as I place my hands on the back of her chair and lean down to whisper in her ear. “Listen to me very closely because I don’t like to repeat myself. I don’t need or want you here anymore.

Now, being the gentleman I am, I have arranged for you to be hired on by a colleague of mine. It’s a permanent job that pays quite well. Do. Not. Mistake. My. Kindness. For. Weakness! If you ever breathe a word about our little escapade, I will take you down! Now, get the fuck out of my building!”

The girl scrambles, gathering items and the business card I’ve thrown down on her desk. I’m certain she hears my voice as she makes her way out the door, “They are expecting you there tomorrow at 9:00am.”

Just like any other gold-digger, I’m sure she is reveling in her good luck. Fucking me secured her permanent employment. Who needs love anyway?




Chapter Sixteen

Dr. Ozment

I stand in the stairwell and wait for Dr. Anderson. The nerd always takes the steps for the exercise. It will be the perfect place for what I have in mind. The door opens and two girls bound down the stairs, giggling as I play with my cell phone until they are out of sight.

Once again, the door opens and I waste no time grabbing Dr. Anderson by the throat and literally picking his feet up off the ground.

“You sick son of a bitch, if you ever threaten my girlfriend again, I’ll beat your ass and then ruin your career!”

I let go and Bill slides down the wall resembling an egg that has been tossed against it in a cruel childhood prank.

I exit the stairwell and placed a smile on my face as if nothing had even happened. I learned a long time ago how to deal with issues and leave my professional mask intact. It goes with the job. Always give the appearance that everything is okay, whether it is or not.

The little shit is lucky that I didn’t step on his glasses and break them. If he wants to act like he is in high school, then I can treat him as such.

Even I am surprised by what Selena is bringing out in me—this primal need to protect. I will do anything to keep the woman I have fallen in love with safe… and I do mean anything.





I sit on the hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to take my blood. Eric had insisted that I be checked for any STD’s. I smile inwardly at how he had brought the subject up.

I have this need to be buried deep within you. You’re driving me crazy, girl. I need to fuck you and after that we will talk about wine, roses, and love making...

He had winked at me and then left me sitting at his desk with instructions on where to go to be discretely tested in the hospital.

The nurse who takes my blood sample never gives away that she knows we’re an item but I assume that she does because gossip runs rampant here in the hospital. I’m certain many hearts will be broken now that Dr. Eric Ozment is off
the available Doctor list
, but such is life… I don’t feel bad for any of them, just lucky that I’m the woman he is smitten with.

My life is overflowing with a kind of joy and satisfaction I have never before been privy to. I’m so grateful to be out of the lifestyle and away from Diego. I’ll never, ever go back.

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