Black Ink (12 page)

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Authors: N.M. Catalano

BOOK: Black Ink
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“God Gemma…!!!”

I can feel his hot spurts inside me.  I love it.

“God woman,” he says roughly, lowering back to me, nibbling, kissing, and licking along my face, my shoulders, my breasts, leaving a trail across my flesh.  “I’ll get a towel, stay here.”

A soft moan of protest slips past my lips when he pulls out, still hard.

“I know, I could stay there all day, Gemma.”

He enters the private bath in his office and returns with two towels, one clasped in his hand, the other wiping his shaft.

“Here, Gemma, let me clean you,” he says positioning himself between my legs.

“I can do it,” I protest shyly.

“Sssshhh, I want to, let me adore this pussy a little longer,” he smirks wickedly at me.

I blush profusely.

He smiles.  “You do that a lot.”


“Blush.  It’s adorable.”

My blush deepens.  “You have consistently shocked me since I started here.”

“Oh, baby, you haven’t seen anything yet,” he winks mischievously at me.

I roll my eyes.  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

He laughs loud and freely, the first time I’ve heard him so carefree.  He pulls my panties from his pocket and feeds them up my legs. 

It hits a melancholic chord inside me.  I don’t know why, but I’m sure Alexander Black’s life hasn’t allowed him many moments to be carefree.

“I was going to keep these but I think you’re going to need them today.”  Another wicked wink.

“You, Alexander Black, are a very wicked man,” I say, taking his hands to stand.

“The wickedest,” his smile is naughty and boyish.  And absolutely charming.

He walks to the couch to retrieve my dress as I put on my bra.  Feeding it up my arms and arranging it, he ties the sash.  Then he pulls his shirt back over his head and closes his pants, putting himself in order.

He pulls me tightly to him and peers deeply into my eyes.


“You are going to stop fucking him, Gemma.”

“I’m not…”

“Don’t start lying to me now,” he says simply.

I clamp my mouth shut.

Three hours later the delivery man arrives with a bundle of orchids and a card.

I’m coming…xoxo

Butterflies take flight in my stomach.  I’m elated The Faceless Man didn’t forget about me but I’m torn. 

I want Black.  I can’t deny that I’ve wanted him since the first day I stepped foot in Black Inc.  I can still smell our sex on me and feel him seeping from me slowly with each step, and it sends a jolt of heat through me.

I worry my lip as I steal a glance toward his office.  The glass is clear and I feel like I’m taking a walk of shame.

Stop it!  You didn’t do anything wrong.

He’s staring right at me, glaring, I can feel it like daggers piercing me.

When I get back to my desk, there’s already an IM.

If you fuck him this weekend, I’ll know. 
Alexander Black

I’m insulted.

I’m offended you’d think me so cheap, Alex. 
Gemma Trudeau

I saw your face the past two Mondays Gemma.  You were so fuck hung-over, you could barely function. 
Alexander Black

I cringe at some of the truth to his words, but that wasn’t the only reason.  I was in shock and an emotional mess the first time.  The second time, well he’s pretty much right about that.

I’m not a whore, Ale
– yes I am, but for only one man

Gemma Trudeau

Yes, you are, but you’re mine.  You’re going to be my whore when I touch you and do dirty things to you, make you scream my name, MY NAME, every time you come.  Mine to pleasure and worship.  And you’ll beg for it. 
Alexander Black

Heat explodes across my chest and face with both arousal and embarrassment.

What the hell do I say to that? 

Know, Gemma, that is one of the things I adore about you. 
Alexander Black

I’m a quivering wanton mess of need.



When I silently step into her bedroom I hesitate.  She’s waiting for me.

“What happened?” I ask, although I already know.

I’m such a shit.  The flowers today, and coming back tonight is almost a test.  I wanted to see her sense of loyalty, test her ability for faithfulness.  I hadn’t given her any words of promises or affection.  On the contrary, I was my typical prick self.  And I actually felt bad about it.

She inhales deeply and the rise and fall of those succulent breasts makes my mouth water.

“I want to see you.”  Her voice is tight.

“You can’t.”

“Tell me your name.”  There’s a tinge of anguish.


“I need more.”  It’s almost strangled.

“I’ve given you everything you need.  I know your pussy is clenching hungry for my cock, your nerves are tingling beneath that beautiful white skin waiting to come alive.  Tell me what happened.”

She takes another deep breath as her fists clench and her thighs squeeze trying to relieve her need.

“Black…” it’s a pained whisper.

My dick twitches.



“And you liked it.”  She can’t see the satisfied smile spreading across my face.

She doesn’t answer, she doesn’t have to.  I felt how her body reacted in my arms, the same way it’s reacting now.

“Do you want him?”

“I don’t know who you are…”  I hear pain in her words and it makes my heart constrict.

“Do you want him, Gemma?  Don’t lie to me, I’ll know.”

“…yes…,” the declaration comes out choked.

The euphoria I feel is almost impossible for me to contain.  I want to go to her and kiss her until she’s breathless and drunk.  I want to tell her how much I ache for her as she screams coming over and over again.

“Then I’ve done what you needed.  Remember, make sure he deserves the gift that you are.  Goodbye, Gemma.”

As I head down the stairs her pain wrenched sobs breaks my heart.  












“Yeah,” I snatch my cell phone and bark at Jesús’ call.

“Mira, Ramon just called.  Se parece que ese hijo de gran puta is waiting for Trudeau at her house, Tony Salvatore.

Fucking Latins and their Spanglish.  

“Explain.”  My tone is dangerously low.

“Ramon said he pulled up a little while ago and tried the door.  She’s not home yet, it must have been locked, so it looks he’s waiting in his car in front of her house.  Ramon said he looks real comfortable.”

My blood is boiling. 

The little pussy didn’t seem to take no for answer.  I’m going to make sure he does.

“Tell Ramon to not take his eyes off him.  Have somebody look for her and if they find her, follow her home.  I want eyes on her constantly.  That WAP slime ball is a fucking lunatic and he is NOT to get his hands on her.  I’m on my way.  Have the Hummer out front.”

Shoving the phone in my pocket, I’m already on the third floor, taking the steps two at a time. 

Twenty minutes later I’m screeching to halt in front of Gemma’s house.  Salvatore’s car is there in front of a black sedan.  It’s empty.  I already know she’s been home five minutes as Ramon approaches me, I’ve had the monitor on and had been watching the entire ride.

“Wait here,” I growl, bounding up the steps and throwing open the front door.

What I see unleashes the savage in me.



“Tony, what are you doing?” I’m panicking, the words raspy and I can barely breathe with the agonizing pain.

“Who the fuck do you think you are telling to get out?  We’re taking care of you now, you belong to us.  You know what that means, it comes with a price.  I can collect any time.”

He’s choking me, his hand pressing so hard on my throat I’m sure he’s going to crush it.  I’m clawing at his arms trying to break free.  My vision is going black as my head feels like it’s going to pop. 

“Not such a bitch now, are you Gemma?” he sneers.

I still have some coherent thought as my mind races and he pushes me further up the wall.

Survival instinct brings my knee up to connect with his groin.


CRACK!  His hand smashes the side of my face but his grip loosens around my throat and sweet air fills my lungs.  Then he’s gone.


“What the fuck!”  Tony shouts.

Black has Tony by the throat smashing his head against the floor. 

Tony pulls a gun from somewhere inside his jacket.

“Alex, he’s got a gun!” I scream, horrified.

The pounding Tony’s taking prevents him from levelling the pistol at Black.  Alex rips it from his hand and proceeds to pound his skull with the butt of it.

“STOP, you’re going to kill him!” I shriek, rushing to them, grabbing Alex’s arm to stop the brutal assault.

“Fuck!” Black growls with such violence, it makes my blood run cold.

He throws Tony’s body to the side like a ragdoll.

“Consider this even Salvatore.  You don’t want a war, but know, you touch her one more time, so much as look at her, I
kill you.  I don’t give a shit about a fucking war.”  Alex turns to the man I hadn’t noticed standing in the foyer.  “Get him the fuck out of here.  Call his father, tell him to get the piece of shit to the hospital before he dies.  Tell him I’ll call him later.” 

The whole scene is so surreal, I’m fighting to comprehend the reality of it. 

Black turns to me, his piercing blue eyes hard and cold.  “Are you okay, Gemma?”  He’s panting, his body is rigid, ready to attack again.

“Yes,” I croak out.

His gaze rakes my body up and down, searching for blood I guess.  His focus narrows in on my face.  I realize it’s throbbing from the blow I took.  I resist the urge to touch it.

Alex takes a deep steadying breath.  “Get in the car.  Now!”

“What?” I ask still stunned.

“You.  Are.  Coming.  With me.  Right now.  You have thirty seconds.” 

“I’m not going anywhere.” 

I’m getting really tired of all this bullshit in my life.

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.  He won’t bother me again,” I retort defiantly.

“Oh, he won’t?  Why don’t you ask the two women he beats on a regular basis, each of them rotating a hospital bed so often, they’ve probably got one reserved.”

“That’s not true,” I choke out.

“You don’t think so?  What about your almost crushed trachea and that crack on the side of your face?”

The truth of his words hit me hard.  Alex’s eyes soften fractionally as he sees the torrent of emotions storm across my face.

“Let’s go Gemma.” 

I can see he’s calming down as he steps toward me.

My body begins to shake.  I feel I’m on the verge of an emotional meltdown, one that’s been building since my parents died.

Black’s arms envelope me, instantly comforting and soothing me.  I press into him, needing the safety and security I can’t believe I feel there.

“Sssshhhh, let’s get out of here Gemma.”

“Okay.”  I’m holding on to my last strands of sanity.

I see Kitty peek out from the around the doorway, eyes wide, scared to death.

“It’s okkkay Kkkkitty,” I try to comfort her but my teeth have started to chatter.

He tightens his arms around me, holding my trembling body closer, and rubs my back whispering in my ear.

“It’s okay, Gemma, ssshhhh, it’s over.  He’s not going to touch you again…EVER.”

“Thank you for being here,” I choke out. 

Then I realize.

doing here anyway?” I ask, pulling back to look into his face.

“I felt a little bad for what I’d said, I wanted to apologize.”

He refuses to let me go.

An apology coming from the ruthless Alexander Black? 

“You did act like an ass.”

“I know, I said I’m sorry, Gemma.  Let’s get out of here before Salvatore’s people show, I don’t feel like dealing with that with you here.  Get some things together, we can come back for more another time.”

“Alright, neither do I.  One Salvatore is enough for one day.”

Alex turns to look behind him over my head.

“Don’t forget the damn cat,” he mumbles.


Kitty hasn’t stopped meowing, her fear of being in a car matching my own emotions.  When Alex pulls up in front of a gorgeous stately home, I peer out the window, my eyes taking in everything across the front, the black wrought iron gates at the entrance of the driveway, the French design balconies on each level, then all the way up the four stories.

“Which floor do you live on?” I ask nervously.

“All of them,” he answers flatly.

I look at him disbelievingly.  “This is your house?  I mean mansion?”

“Yes.”  Nothing else.

Alex’s eyes are studying me, waiting for me to be ready to exit the car before he opens his door.

I narrow my eyes on him, thinking again that he’d just shown up at my house for no reason.

“Why were you there?”

A flicker of something flashes in his eyes, then it’s gone so fast I’m not even sure I saw it.

“I told you, I acted like a dick.  I wanted to apologize.”

“So you came all the way to Jersey City?  You just
to arrive just when I did?  Even for you that’s a bit much to be coincidental.”

He takes a deep breath.  “I felt bad when you left the office.  I couldn’t leave it like that and I needed to do it in person.  Can we go inside now Gemma?  Please?”

“Fine, Black, but this isn’t over.  Pop the back so I can get my bags.”

“Jesús will get it,” he states, opening his door to the same Latin man who drove us to Cipriani’s.

Alex throws him the keys when he unfolds his tall, muscular body from the car.  He’s in expensive perfectly fitting jeans and a white silk t-shirt.  The man could wear a burlap sack and still look perfectly put-together.

“Jesús, two bags in the back, and we’re going to need cat food, a box and litter.”

“You got it.  Mama’s going to love having the cat around,”
grins broadly, showing off a gold tooth.

“Your mother is here?” I asked surprised when he opens my door.

“The closest thing to one I’ve ever had,” Alex murmurs tightly.  “Come on, I’m sure she’s waiting,” helping me out of the car.

He places his hand on my back and leads me to the very tall, modest for this home, double front doors.  When he opens them, the opulence only hinted at outside explodes in black and white, marble, crystal chandeliers, and a double curved staircase with intricate black wrought iron railings.  There are alcoves to the left and right in the foyer with the most beautiful carved statues, and paintings on the walls that are ten feet tall.  My gawking at the surroundings is interrupted by a short matronly dark skinned woman with an apron wrapped around her round midsection as she shuffles in.

“Alex, hijo, is she okay?”  Her face is etched with worry.

“Yes, Hilda, she’s not hurt…not
badly,” he answers, the simmering rage threatening to flare again.  “But we’re going to the hospital anyway.”

“I’m fine,” I snap.  “I don’t need to go.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I AM NOT.”

“Jesus, Gemma!”

“Dar me, give me the cat, amor, then you’ll come to eat,” she holds her arms out with a tender smile.  “Dios mio, look at what he did to you,” she gently caresses my still throbbing cheek.

I’m flooded with an ache of loneliness and sadness, for a family I don’t have, for having to pay for the crimes my husband did, for trusting people I shouldn’t have. 

No te preocupes,
don’t worry,
Alex will take care of you,” Hilda smiles affectionately at the man I’ve mostly thought of as hard, cold, and maybe dangerous. 

What I feel for him now is affection, gratitude, and a longing to be close to him, for him to want to take care of me.

Some of that danger reared its ugly head tonight as he bashed the handle of the gun into Tony’s head, clearly wanting to kill him.  For me.

“I’m taking Gemma upstairs, Hilda, Jesús went to get cat food and a box with litter for her.  I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Psssssssst, no me diga eso.  Do not keep this woman locked up in your dungeon all night sin comida,” Hilda reprimands Alex gruffly. 
“Alex!  You have blood on your shirt and jacket!”

A look of reproach clouds Alex’s usually stern features.

“It’s nothing Hilda, I’m fine,” he replies curtly.

The infamous Alexander Black
have a heart and this woman definitely has a huge place in it. 

A slither of jealousy ripples through me.  I want a small corner in that well guarded place.

“No one is to answer the door except Carlos, please make sure everyone knows.  Let the service pick up my calls,” he begins to rattle off instructions as he leads me to the elevator.

“Si claro,” she clucks at him, turning back to go where she came from with Kitty in her arms.  I can hear her cooing to him as she strokes her fur. 

Alex is tense beside me, his hand on my back firm.  The elevator makes its slow ascent to the fifth floor with neither of us saying a thing.  The doors part on the top floor to a luxurious penthouse suite paneled in heavy dark woods and filled with rich furnishings.

“This way,” he directs me past closed doors toward the back of the suite. 

We come upon the last door which is a massive mahogany work of art in and of itself.  When he turns the gold handle and pushes it open, we could have walked into another world smack dab in the Middle Ages.  The enormous king size four poster bed is draped in red velvet and sheer linen hanging from the canopy, there’s a full size suit of armor standing guard in the corner, and a life size painting of him swathed in a gilded gold frame.

“Hilda had that made for me.  I find it rather ostentatious but I could never tell her that, and you can’t either,” he mutters in explanation.

“You’re embarrassed,” I smile at him.

“It’s a little much, even for me,” he smiles.

“She loves you…like a son,” I say softly.

“I’m very lucky, she kicks my ass like one too,” his smile is unguarded.

“Who is she to you?” 

The mask instantly shutters over his features again.  “She’s
Jesús and Carlos' mother, along with other members of my staff."  He continues to lead me through the bedroom. "The bathroom is here."

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