Bipolar Expeditions (60 page)

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Authors: Emily Martin

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Reddy, William



Rewriting the Soul

Rickles, Don



Robbins, Joel

Roosevelt, Teddy

Rose, Nikolas

rounds, clinical.
Wellington Hospital, and the Affective Disorders Clinical Rounds

rounds, grand

Rove, Karl

Rush, Benjamin

Ruskin, John

Ryle, Gilbert


Safire, William

Samuelson, Robert J.

Sarpi, Paolo

Sass, Louis on creativity; on “meta-awareness,” on style

Satcher, David

schizophrenia and the absence of emotio and asociability; bifurcation between schizophrenia and manic depressio and the complexity of emotions feelings of paranoia and; and “poor insight”

Schneider, David

Scios Corporation.
“Dancing on the Edge: An Intimate Look at a Bipolar Life” display

Searle, John

second voice; as “double-voicing”



Serres, Michel

Sexton, Anne

Shackleton, Ernest

“Signature Event Context” (Derrida)

Silverstein, Michael

Simon, Lizzy

Simulated Psychiatric Profiles

Smith, Adam

Smith, Robert Pearson

social concealment

social practices

social repression

Solomon, Andrew

Solvay Pharmaceuticals

Sopranos, The

Southard, E. E.

Speaking ofSadness

Spencer, Herbert

Spitzer, Robert

Stahl, Lesley

Stearns, Peter

Stevens, Mitchell

Stevens-Johnson (SJ) syndrome

Stewart, Martha

Stoler, Anne

Strathern, Marilyn

“structures of feeling”

style and aesthetic patterning and art criticism; dual nature of; individual and social style; of language and dress; and political campaigns “schizoid” style ubiquitous nature of

rationality: and subjection


Sullivan, Harry Stack

support groups; as enclosed social spaces.
See also
support groups, tasks of

support groups, tasks of; creating new social connections; insisting on action when life or health is at risk; sharing individual experience with other people; tolerating descriptions of extreme behavior; tolerating unusual behavior by group members; using relevant information to solve practical problems

survival of the fittest

Sussman, Warren


Taylor, Jeff



Texas Medical Algorithm Project (TMAP)

“text-atom.” See
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders
(4th ed.

[DSM-IV]): DSM categories as “text-atoms”

Thalbitzer, Sophus

Tobias, Andrew


Touched with Fire



Turner, Ted

Tuskegee study


United States; loss ofmanufacturing jobs i and the market economy; neoliberal free-market policies of

Unquiet Mind, An

Urban, Greg


van Gogh, Vincent


Vickers, Angela

“Virtual Hallucinations” display (Janssen Pharmaceutica)


Wakefield, Jerome

Warren, Robert Penn

Weber, Max on capitalism; and the concept of a guardian “daemon,” on “elective affinity”

“Weird Rules of Creativity, The” (Sutton)


welfare assistance

Wellington Hospital, and the Affective Disorders Clinical Rounds Case 1 (Ms. Peterson); Case 2 (Ms. Vincent); Case 3 (Ms. Simmons); Case 4 (Mr. Czermanski); Case 5 (Mr. Lawrence); Case 6 (Ms. Miller); Case 7 (Mr. Anderson); Case 8 (Keith Burton) and the patient interview process; and “presenting the case”

“West Indian Psychosis”

Whitman, Walt

Whybrow, Peter; on genius and derangement

Wilenski, R. H.

will, the

Williams, Raymond

Williams, Robin

Winters, Jonathan

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Wolfe, Tom

Wolff, Christian von

Woolf, Leonard

Woolf, Virginia

Words to Say It, The

World Health Organization (WHO)


ek, Slavoj


Ziirn, Unica


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